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Sabaté, Joan

"Biblical and Adventist Views of a Nutritionist's World" (31B/CC: 355-368). PDF 628KB

Sabas, Lucile

"Economic thoughts and worldviews: Contrasting perspectives" (34A/CC: 419-438) PDF 1915KB

Sabes, Jane

"Politics: A biblical perspective" (34B/CC: 265-290). PDF 2069KB

Sáez, Esmeralda Viteri de

"Ecología y conservacionismo en la escuela secundaria adventista" (No. 318-98; 20CC: 241-256). PDF 1,042KB

Salazar Rodríguez, Ana Lucrecia

"La transmisión de valores cristianos en la formación de administradores de recursos humanos" (32CC: 271-292). PDF 1134KB

Sample, Carol

"The salvation theme in Flannery O'Connor" (No. 041-89; 3CC: 121-138). PDF 1,381KB

Sampson, Memory

"Understanding moral and social issues in literature: Examples in four British and American novels" (30CC: 177-196). PDF 1,597KB

Samraj, Edison

"An educational strategy in reaching Muslim students in Southern Asia" (No.150-93; 11CC: 173-192). PDF

"A Christian approach to Hinduism: The role of Adventist schools in Southern Asia" (18CC: 381-402). PDF 1,857KB

Samraj, Franklin

"A Christian view of time: Biblical chronology and historicity" (No. 282-96; 18CC: 181-194). PDF 1,058KB

Santos, Valdir J. dos

"A igreja e a educacãao adventista no Brasil sob a perspectiva da organização contemporânea" (29CC: 287-302). PDF 1,515KB

Santosidad, Shadrach R.

"Lessons from Agriculture: An interactive approach" (No. 433-00; 26A/CC: 313-331). PDF 834KB

Sarder, Alfred

"Conveying Adventist values through education in a Muslim context: A perspective of Bangladesh" (No. 452-00, 27CC: 261-278). PDF 1,304KB

Sauvagnat, Jacques

"Origins options: Implications for Christian biology and geology teachers" (No. 046-89; 3CC: 219-230). PDF 686KB

Saxby, Gayle

"Symbolic models: Stories as life resources for medical students" (No. 208-94; 14CC: 361-375). PDF 803KB

Scarone, Daniel

"Universidad adventista y secularismo: Riesgos y desafíos" (No. 246-94; 16CC: 229-248). PDF 1,536KB

Schafer, Rahel Davidson

"Point de vue Intégrer foi et science: Le point de vue d'une étudiante" (35B/CC: 95-98). PDF 243KB

Schantz, Iris S.

"Leadership and servanthood: Challenges, tensions and possibilities in Christian organizations" (No. 109-92; 7CC: 231-250). PDF 1,082KB

Schimpf de Torreblanca, Silvia

"El concepto de los orígenes en los colegios adventistas: Cómo lograr el cambio conceptual" (39CC: 283-302). PDF 2648KB

"La enseñanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos" (39CC: 303-320). PDF 1212KB

"La enseñanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos: Dos experiencias prácticas...." (39CC: 321-337). PDF 1007KB

Schmidt, Adeny

"Integration of faith and learning through curricular design: Interdisciplinary, team-taught general education" (No. 341-98; 21CC: 293-313). PDF 1,285KB

Schmidt, Lylian E. Weiss

"Sartre's humanism versus biblical humanism" (No. 137-93; 10CC: 351-370). PDF 906KB

Schünemann, Haller Elinar Stach

"Comparação do desenvolvimento moral na perspectiva piagetiana e na perspectiva de Ellen White" (No. 226-94; 15CC: 249-267). PDF 1,876KB

Schwantes, Siegfried J.

"God and history: A biblical perspective" (33CC: 609-612). PDF 380KB

Schwarz, A. G.

"Toward a Seventh-day Adventist model for relating science and Scripture with special reference to origins" (38CC: 309-326). PDF 1242KB

Sciarabba, Davide

"The transmission of Christian values through sports in the curriculum of physical education in high school" (31A/CC: 321-338). PDF 1709KB


Sczekan, Majorie

"Caring for the caregivers: Health promotion for nursing students" (No. 045-89; 3CC: 199-218). PDF

Seco, Mariano Gómez

"La escuela adventista como centro de evangelización: Una experiencia en España" (No. 239-94; 16CC: 103-122). PDF 1,725KB

Segovia, Agripino C.

"Christian leadership initiative: A crucial factor in school administration" (No. 030-88; 2CC: 217-236). PDF 1,068KB

Sepulveda, David Velez

"Literature and Life: Teaching Fictional Literature in Adventist Higher Education" (No. 139-93; 10CC: 407-425). PDF 1,405KB

Shankar, M. Ravindra

"Searching for the Creator through the study of Astrophysics at an Adventist secondary school" (No. 453-00; 27CC: 279-298). PDF 1,439KB

Shea, William H.

"El diluvio: ¿Una catástrofe local?"  (20CC: 679-682). PDF 1,944KB

"Pour comprende la prophétie biblique" (22CC: 325-328). PDF 952KB

"Le déluge : Une simple catastrophe régionale ?" (22CC: 321-324). PDF 1,445KB

"The Flood: Just a local catastrophe?" (33CC: 605-608). PDF 493KB

Shen, Cyrus

"Conveying Christianity to students with traditional folk beliefs at Taiwan Adventist College" (No. 454-00, 27CC: 299-316). PDF 834KB

Shin, Dong-kyun

"Integrating the Bible in the study of English as a second language in a secondary school" (30CC: 197-214). PDF 753KB

Shull, Judy L.

"Take a micro-hike" (11CC: 283-286). PDF 1,772KB

Siapco, Ishmael J.

"Conveying Christianity to grade school children through nonverbal activities and communication" (No. 157-93; 11CC: 193-210). PDF 963KB

Sibanda, Lovemore

"God and history: Interpreting contemporary events from a Christian perspective" (33CC: 265-282). PDF 109 KB

Silva, Ivone Corsi da

"A vida espiritual do estudante de enfermagem e o atendimento das necessidades psicoespirituais do paciente" (No. 228-94; 15CC: 287-304). PDF 793KB

Silva, Marcos

"O professor adventista de história e sua atitude ante a política" (No. 227-94; 15CC: 269-286). PDF 1,495KB

Silva, Nerivan F. da

"A metodologia pedagógica de Jesus" (29CC: 303-320). PDF 976KB

Silva, Wellington S.

"Usando a história da ciência para integrar a fé a o estudo da origem da vida: Uma abordagem interdisciplinar" (29CC: 321-336). PDF 1,066KB

Sirenko, Alexander

"Christian beliefs and values illustrated in the teaching of mathematical sciences" (31A/CC: 339-360). PDF 1136KB

Smith, Albert

"Secular understanding in a Christian worldview" (No. 015-88; 1CC: 265-284). PDF 1,137KB

Smith, Livingston

"Constitutional dynamics in a  developing nation context: A Christian perspective" (No. 267-96; 17CC: 307-326). PDF 1,522KB

Smith, René Rogelio

"El proyecto de una ética mundial como riesgo pedagógico" (No. 318-98; 20CC: 258-271). PDF  1,006KB

Smith, Ruth S.

"BASIS: A model for integrating psychological theories of moral development in children and adolescents" (No. 268-96; 17CC: 327-346). PDF 1,621KB

Smith, Virginia

"Bringing children to Christ in the classroom" (12CC: 385-388). PDF 362KB

"Constructivist classrooms: Do they belong in Adventist schools?" (33CC: 613-618). PDF 487KB

So, Woi Sook

"A Christian approach to nursing management: A personal application" (30CC: 263-284). PDF 1,051KB

"The GRS model: a guide for nursing students to be effective channels in providing spiritual care" (40CC: 419-440). PDF 1068KB

Sohn, Aeree

"Transtheoretical model as applied to Adventist health behavior change among university students" (30CC: 215-232). PDF

Sol, Pieter

"« Je ne suis qu'un étranger ici »: Vincent Van Gogh" (22CC: 329-332). PDF 2,083KB

"'I am but a stranger here': Vincent van Gogh in his centennial" (8CC: 273-276). PDF 2,138KB

"'Aqui sou apenas um peregrino': Vincent van Gogh em seu centenário" (15CC:  465-469). PDF 2277KB

"'Extranjero soy en la tierra': Vincent van Gogh en su centenario" (20CC: 683-686). PDF 1,623KB

Solís Valladares, Víctor Hugo

"Integración de la fe y el uso de las analogías en la enseñanza de la biología celular" (No. 725-16; 39CC: 245-262). PDF

Song, Chang-Ho

"Conveying Adventist beliefs to students through their peers at Korean Sahmyook University and College" (No. 455-00, 27CC: 317-327). PDF 824KB

Soputra, David

"The role of the faculty in nurturing and mentoring students in an Adventist secondary school" (40CC: 441-460). PDF 1357KB

Soreng, Nigel

"The transmission of Christian values in business courses" (No. 456-00, 27CC: 329-343). PDF 928KB

Soto, Víctor

"Biblical eschatology and the idea of progress: Implications for the teaching of history and religion" (No. 031-88; 2CC: 237-258). PDF 1,069KB

South Pacific Division Department of Educaction

"Arts: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990 (Also available in French: "Art", and Spanish: "Arte") PDF

"Commercial Studies: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Etudes commerciales", and Spanish: "Estudios comerciales.") PDF

"Computer Studies: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Informatique", and Spanish: "Computación".) PDF

"English: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Langue", and Spanish: "Lenguaje.") PDF

"Geography: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Géographie", and Spanish: "Geografía.") PDF

"History: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Histoire", and Spanish: "Historia.") PDF

"Industrial Technology: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Technologie Industrielle", and Spanish: "Tecnología industrial.") PDF

"Mathematics: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Mathématiques.", and Spanish: "Matemáticas.") PDF

"Music: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Musique", and Spanish: "Música.") PDF

"Personal Development PE: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Développment Personnel", and Spanish: "Orientación y desarrollo personal.") PDF 

"Science: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Sciences Naturelles", and Spanish: "Ciencias naturales.") PDF

Sousa, Claudio S. de

"O ensino e a prática da fisioterapia como meio de promover os princípios adventistas de saúde" (29CC: 337-350). PDF 807KB

Souza Jr., Nahor N. de

"O universitário adventista e o confronto criacionismo / evolucionismo" (29CC: 133-152). PDF 1,365KB

Spring, Glenn

"In the image of God: The creative act in teaching and learning" (No. 342:98; 21CC: 315-333). PDF 1,124KB

Springett, Ronald M.

"Homosexualidad: Una perspectiva bíblica" (20CC: 687-690). PDF 1,011KB

"Homosexuality: A biblical perspective" (11CC: 287-290). PDF 485KB

"Homosexualité : Une perspective biblique" (22CC: 333-336). PDF 456KB

Stammler, Wolfgang

"Holistic student development in a university residence hall: Adventist philosophy and goals" (30CC: 233-248). PDF 882KB

Standish, Timothy G.

"An Adventist approach to the sciences" (37A/CC: 487-500). PDF 1127KB

"An Adventist scientist looks at origins and catastrophism" (37A/CC: 515-528). PDF 1195KB

"Integrating faith and learning in the biology classroom" (31A/CC: 445-455). PDF 1058KB

"Teaching biological sciences at an Adventist educational institution" (37A/CC: 501-514). PDF 1373KB

Staples, Russell L.

"'I felt my heart strangely warmed': John Wesley and the Seventh-day Adventist heritage" (8CC: 277-280). PDF 1,494KB

Stearman, Kent Clark

"Music in Seventh-day Adventist higher education: A rationale" (No. 110-92; 7CC: 251-268). PDF

Steen, David A.

"Biomimetics as a vehicle for learning good science and building faith" (38CC: 327-344). PDF 3242KB

Stefanovic, Zdravko

"Behind the visions and dream of Daniel: an appreciation of its literary features" (35A/CC: 347-368). PDF 1225KB

Steger, Carlos A.

"Fossils: The story they tell us" (33CC: 619-624). PDF 1489KB

"L'histoire racontée par les fossiles" (35B/CC: 285-288). PDF 1194KB

"Un enfoque adventista de la Cristología" (No. 247-94; 16CC: 249-262). PDF 687KB

Stele, Artur A.

"The hidden curriculum in an Adventist college: The case of Zaokski Seminary" (No. 343-98; 21CC: 335-348). PDF 1,079KB

Stele, Galina A.

"The small-group approach in the teaching process" (No. 344-98; 21CC: 349-364). PDF

Stembridge, Allen

"Teacher motivation: An essential requirement in the integration of faith and learning in Seventh-day Adventist colleges" (No. 059-89; 4CC: 169-188). PDF 1,016KB

Steyn, Delyse E.

"Integration of faith and learning in a Seventh-day Adventist context: A post-modern perspective" (12CC: 389-405). PDF 1,699KB

"Passer l'écran au crible: savoir décrypter les médias, une nécessité pour le chrétien" (35B/CC: 289-292). PDF 291KB

"The Bible and Media Literacy." (31B/CC: 369-410). PDF 3551KB

"Thinking Christianly in a media-dominated society" (No. 111-92; 7CC: 269-288). PDF

Strasdowsky, Ronald

"Church-based religious instruction in Eastern Europe: Suggestions for Romania" (No. 138-93; 10CC: 371-388). PDF 1,191KB

Strayer, Brian E.

"Adventists and movies: A century of change" (11CC: 291-294). PDF 747KB

"Los adventistas y el cine" (20CC: 691-694). PDF 949KB

Strumiello, Luis P.

"A integração da disciplina de religião nos cursos de administração em instituições adventistas" (29CC: 351-368). PDF 1,205KB

Suero M., Alfa Rigel

"Valores cristianos y educación sexual: Un reto para el sistema educativo adventista en Latinoamérica" (No. 248-94: 16CC: 263-282). PDF 1,252KB

Sutcliffe, Carol Maurine

"Respect for learners: A Christian didactic perspective" (No. 481-00; 28CC: 421-440). PDF 1,596KB

Sundaram, S.

"Teaching methods of Jesus Christ" (No. 090-90; 6CC: 83-96). PDF 627KB

Swansi, Kenneth Pradeep

"Marketing the gospel in the Indian bazaar" (No. 283-96; 18CC: 195-211). PDF 1,046KB

Szilvasi, Jozsef

"Introduction to theology: An experimental course at the Hungarian Adventist Seminary" (No. 209-94; 14CC: 379-392). PDF 888KB



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