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Aagaard, Earl

"A believer's approach to the sciences." (30CC: 321-328). PDF

"Can a believer be a scientist?" (34A/CC: 497-512). PDF

"Dealing with Darwinism in a Christian university" (34A/CC: 513-528). PDF

"L'approche des sciences par un croyant" (35B/CC: 5-8). PDF

"Les implications morales du darwinisme" (35B/CC: 9-12). PDF

"Mere scientists and true believers" (34A/CC: 479-495). PDF

"The importance of the intelligence design theory for Adventist science education" (No. 417-00; 26A/CC: 1-16). PDF

"The moral implications of Darwinism" (33CC: 401-403). PDF

Archer, B. Peter

"Origins: Can science and biblical Christianity co-exist?" (No. 250-96; 17CC: 1-20). PDF

Admir, Arrais de

"Developing textbooks in the natural sciences that integrate faith and learning: An experience in Brazil" (No. 118-93; 10CC: 21-39). PDF

Baldwin, John T.

"The Bible and the philosophy of science" (No. 404-00; 26B/CC: 89-137). PDF

Bauer, Stephen

"Darwin's God: How rejecting design impacts biblical theism" (37B/CC: 1-49). PDF

Berg, Kevin C. de

"Integrating science and Scripture: The case of Robert Boyle" (No. 371-99; 24CC: 81-95). PDF

"Order and chance in nature and Scripture: Towards a basis for constructive dialogue" (No. 073-90; 5CC: 111-127). PDF

"Um universo ao acaso? Ordem e acaso na natureza e nas Escrituras" (15CC: 355-358). PDF

"¿Un universo al azar?" (20CC: 547-549). PDF

"Un univers à l'abandon ? " (22CC: 89-92). PDF

Boskovic, Danilo

"The paradigm of the participatory universe" (No. 690-12; 38CC: 17-38). PDF

Brand, Leonard

"A Biblical Perspective on the Philosophy of Science." (31B/CC: 43-80) PDF

"Empreintes dans les sables du passé" (22CC: 41-46). PDF

"Faith and science: Can they coexist?" (33CC: 417-420). PDF

"Foi et science peuvent-elles coexister ?" (35B/CC: 49-52). PDF

"Intelligent design: Friend or foe for Adventists?" (37B/CC: 51-58). PDF

"The Bible and Science" (No. 405-00; 26B/CC:139-162). PDF

Chadwick, Arthur V.

"A modern framework for earth sciences in a Christian context" (40CC: 543-553). PDF

Clausen, Benjamin L.

"A believing scientist approaches the sciences." (28CC: 513-530) PDF

"A biblical approach to the sciences" (26A/CC:409-419). PDF

"A Biblical-Christian approach to the sciences" (20CC: 369-378). PDF

"Can a scientist also be a Christian?" (18CC:301-304). PDF

"Can science explain it all?" (8CC: 83-86). PDF

"Galileo: Revelation, science, and the Church" (37B/CC: 133-148). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of physical sciences" (33CC: 381-393). PDF

"La science peut-elle tout expliquer ? " (22CC: 61-64). PDF

"Pode a ciência explicar tudo?" (15CC: 359-362). PDF

"¿Puede la ciencia explicar todo?" (20CC: 525-527). PDF

"¿Puede un científico también ser cristiano?" (20CC: 529-531). PDF

"Un scientifique peut-il être aussi chrétien ? " (22CC: 65-68). PDF

Coetzee, Arthur O.

"Philosophical shifts in concepts of truth over twenty centuries" (No. 042-89; 3CC: 139-160). PDF

Cowles, David L.

"Dealing with deep phylogenies from a Christian perspective" (No. 670-09; 37A/CC: 105-119). PDF

Cremades, Antonio

"Studying Noah's ark: A teaching strategy for a Science and Religion course" (No. 420-00; 26A/CC: 057-077). PDF

Cremades Fuerte, Antonio

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva cristiana: Una ruta didáctica directa" (No. 235-94; 16CC: 35-54). PDF

"Aportaciones práctica para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva cristiana: Una ruta didáctica indirecta" (No. 236-94; 16CC: 55-73). PDF

Edwards, Hedrick J.

"Science, Faith and intervention in the natural order: An inquiry into the principle of human-earth engagement." (No. 421-00; 26A/CC:79-100). PDF

Delfino, Carlos Enrique

"Hacia un abordaje cristiano del método científico" (No.176-94; 13CC: 83-102). PDF

Ebling, Nair Elias dos Santos

"Uma proposta criacionista para o ensino de ciências nas séries iniciais" (No. 219-94; 15CC: 119-138). PDF

Ford, Dwain L.

"On the frontier of scientific instruction" (8CC: 54-56). PDF

Gibson, L. J.

"A Christian approach to science" (6CC: 229-236). PDF

"¿Hay diseño en la naturaleza?" (20CC: 573-576). PDF

"Science and Christianity in harmony?" (11CC: 265-274). PDF

"Uma abordagem cristã da ciência." (29CC:485-496). PDF

Gibson, Jim

"An Adventist approach to science" (17CC: 383-397). PDF

Groot, Mart de

"Le modèle du Big Bang : Une évaluation" (22CC: 93-96). PDF

"Science and religion: 'Pursuing a common goal?' " (33CC: 489-492). PDF

Hasel, Frank M.

"A revolucão de Thomas Kuhn: Uma nova forma de se entender a ciência" (15CC: 393-396). PDF

"La revolución de Thomas Kuhn" (20CC: 577-579). PDF

"La révolution de Thomas Kuhn" (22CC: 139-142). PDF

"Scientific revolution: An analysis and evaluation of Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigm and paradigm change for theology" (8CC: 115-132). PDF

"Thomas Kuhn's revolution: A new way of looking at science" (8CC: 133-136). PDF

Hayward, James L.

"Enseigner les sciences en chrétien : Foi, évidence, interprétation humilité" (35B/CC: 148-151). PDF

Howe, Vernon

"Chaos: A new mathematical paradigm" (No. 197-94; 14CC: 165-182). PDF

Javor, George T.

"A l'aube de l'âge du gène" (22CC: 159-162). PDF

"Le créationnisme est-il toujours valable en ce nouveau millénaire? " (35B/CC: 158-161). PDF

Johns, Warren H.

"'Rightly dividing the word of truth': Interpreting biblical statements on natural phenomena" (No. 695-12; 38CC: 117-130). PDF

Karlow, Edwin A.

"Parables from science: A synthesis of thought" (No. 010-88; 1CC: 175-192). PDF

Kennedy, M. Elaine

"A la recherche des ancêtres d'Adam" (22 CC: 163-168). PDF

"Comment distinguer entre faits et interprétation" (35B/CC: 168-173). PDF

"Données et interprétation : quelle différence ?" (35B/CC: 174-179). PDF

Kootsey, J. Mailen

"Comprendre le mécanisme de la nature : Dernière pièce du puzzle ? " (22CC: 185-188). PDF

"La naturaleza: ¿Un rompecabezas?" (20CC: 599-601). PDF

"Understanding how nature works" (18CC: 347-350). PDF

Land, Gary

"L'autre livre de Dieu: L'éducation adventiste et les sciences" (35B/CC: 208-213). PDF

Larson, David R.

"L'étique et la science dans l'éducation chrétienne" (35B/CC: 214-217). PDF

Liénard, Jean-Luc

"God in the college science classroom: Challenges and opportunities" (No. 201-94; 14CC: 241-258). PDF

López Chavarrías, María J.

"Discovering design and Christian values through the study of flowers" (No. 697-12; 38CC: 145-163). PDF

Mitchell, Norman L.

"Finding the harmony between faith and science in college classes" (8CC: 189-192). PDF

Mundy, Bill

"Ciência e religião: Duas abordagens a compreensão da realidade" (15CC: 431-435). PDF

"Ciencia y religión: dos aproximaciones a la realidad" (20CC: 623-625). PDF

"Comparison and contrast of scientific and religious paradigms and their use" (No. 035-89; 3CC: 1-20). PDF

"Science et religion : Deuz approches de la compréhension de la réalité" (22CC: 237-240). PDF

Mutch, G. William

"Integrando fé e ensino nas ciencias físicas" (15CC: 435-438). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the physical sciences" (8CC: 197-200). PDF

"L'intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement : Les sciences physiques" (22CC: 241-244). PDF

Paden, Raymond L. and Wolfer, James

"Artificial intelligence: Can machines think?" (18CC: 373-376). PDF

Paden, Raymond L. y Wolfer, James

"Inteligencia artificial: ¿Pueden pensar las máquinas?" (20CC: 635-
638). PDF

Paden, Raymond L. et Wolfer, James

"L'intelligence artificielle : Les machines peuvent-elles penser ? " (22CC: 249-252). PDF

Pilli, Priscilla Vijay

"Teaching spiritual values in physics classroom" (No. 280-96; 18CC: 145-160). PDF

Pitman, Sean

"Pourquoi je crois en la Création" (35B/CC: 246-249). PDF

Platts, Adrian

"Faith and science within a Seventh-day Adventist context: Towards an open internal dialogue" (No. 705-12; 38CC: 293-307). PDF

Ratzsch, Del

"Christianisme et science : Sont-ils compatibles? (22CC: 291-294). PDF

"Cristianismo e ciência: São compatíveis?" (15CC: 459-462). PDF

"Le berceau de la science : examiner le cosmos dans le contexte de la foi" (35B/CC: 262-265). PDF

Rogers, Lynden J.

"Through modern physics towards a structure for causality" (No. 206-94; 14CC: 331-343). PDF

Roth, Ariel A.

"Adventism and the warfare between science and the Bible" (6CC: 337-356). PDF

"Chance or design? The long search for an evolutionary mechanism" (33CC: 593-597). PDF

"Commonly asked questions about science and the Bible" (33CC: 599-603). PDF

"Hasard ou projet ? La longue quête d'un mécanisme de l'évolution" (35B/CC: 266-271). PDF

"Intégrer la foi et la connaissance dans l'éducation scientifique" (36CC: 315-322). PDF

"Issues in Adventism and science" (6CC: 321-336). PDF

"La Genèse et la colonne géologique" (35B/CC: 272-277). PDF

"La science redecouvre Dieu" (35B/CC: 278-281). PDF

"Le catastrophisme reviet en force ! " (22CC : 309-314). PDF

"Une approche biblico-chrétienne de la science" (25CC: 339-346). PDF

"Une approche biblico-chrétienne de la science" (36CC: 323-330). PDF

"Une approche biblico-chrétienne des origins" (36CC: 331-337). PDF

Rumble, Beverly J.

"Expériences sur les êtres humains : Un regard chrétien" (22CC: 315-320). PDF

"The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines" (No. 207-94; 14CC: 341-360). PDF

Schafer, Rahel Davidson

"Intégrer foi et science: le point de vue d'une étudiante" (35B/CC: 95-98). PDF

Schwarz, A. G.

"Toward a Seventh-day Adventist model for relating science and Scripture with special reference to origins" (No. 706-12; 38CC: 309-325). PDF

Silva, Wellington S.

"Usando a história da ciência para integrar a fé ao estudo da origem da vida: Uma abordagem interdisciplinar." (No. 504-02; 29CC: 321-336). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"Science: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Sciences Naturelles", and Spanish: "Ciencias naturales.") PDF

Standish, Timothy G.

"An Adventist approach to sciences" (37A/CC: 487-499). PDF

Steen, David A.

"Biomimetics as a vehicle for learning good science and building faith" (No. 707-12; 38CC: 327-343). PDF

Takotohi, Urias Echterhoff

"À la recherche d'une intelligence extraterrestre"  (35B/CC: 117-120). PDF

"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence" (33CC: 625-627). PDF

Terreros, Marco T.

"Le message adventiste et le défi de l'évolutionnisme" (22CC: 337-340). PDF

"El mensaje adventista ante la evolución" (20CC: 695-698). PDF

Thomas, David A. et Barcenas, Paul F.

"Caos: Cadinho da criação" (15CC: 473-476). PDF

"Le chaos : Creuset de la création" (22CC: 341-344). PDF

"Chaos: Crucible of Creation" (8CC: 287-290). PDF

"El caos: Crisol de la creación" (20CC: 699-702). PDF

Thomas, Susan

"A biblical-Christian approach to teaching Philosophy of Science" (No.435-00; 26A/CC: 353-368). PDF

Thompson, Avery J.

"God in nature: Revelations of the divine mathematician" (No. 269-96; 17CC: 347-366). PDF

Tucker, James

"Le ministère de la nature" (35B/CC: 300-303). PDF

Vallejos Atalaya, María

"El cristiano y la investigación: Motivos, objetivos y valores" (No. 726-16;39CC: 263-281). PDF

Waite, Albert A.

"One God, Creator of one man: Implications for the integration of faith and learning" (No. 115-92; 7CC: 349-368). PDF

Wallenstern, Annette von

"Christian values in the teaching of the physical and biological sciences: A practical approach." (No. 550-03; 31A/CC: 403-422). PDF

Ward, Ewan et Hancock, Marty

"Le dessein intelligent: : un défi biochimique à la théorie darwinienne ? "(35B/CC: 310-315). PDF

Woolford, Orville

"Christianity and science: An approach for physics teachers" (No. 034-88; 2CC: 299-315). PDF

Woudenberg, A. L. Sinikka

"A model for integrating the Christian faith and the scientific mind set" (No. 043-89; 3CC: 161-178). PDF

Zachhuber, Klaus

"Creationism versus evolutionism" (No. 345-98; 21CC: 365-376). PDF

Zuccarelli, Anthony J.

"Life before death: Contemplating life when the Earth was new" (34B/CC: 305-334). PDF

Zuill, Henry

"When science and religion meet, how do we keep faith?" (18CC: 411-416). PDF

Vea también Biología, Química, Geología, Matemáticas, Física.


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