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Aagaard, Earl

"Can a believer be a scientist?" (34A/CC: 497-512). PDF

"Dealing with Darwinism in a Christian university" (34-A/CC: 513-528). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of biology" (30CC: 341-350). PDF

"Mere scientists and true believers" (34A/CC: 479-496). PDF

"The importance of the intelligence design theory for Adventist science education" (No. 417-00; 26A/CC: 1-16). PDF

Amino, Fred

"Maximizing the God-given potential in students: Teaching biology as a case study" (No. 349-98; 23CC: 51-64). PDF

Alinaya, Minerva M.

"Increasing faith through biology instruction" (No. 154-93; 12CC: 1-18). PDF

Angwenyi, Noah

"Conservation of biodiversity: Biblical concepts" (No. 350-98; 23CC: 65-84). PDF

Archer, B. Peter

"Origins: Can science and biblical Christianity co-exist?" (No. 250-96; 17CC: 1-20). PDF

Bailey-Penrod, Juliet

"The fit between Adventist health principles and discoveries in modern biomedical science" (No. 419-00; 26A/CC: 37-56). PDF

Baldwin, John T.

"Dios, el gorrión y la boa esmeralda" (20CC: 501-504). PDF

"Dieu, la passereau et le boa" (22CC: 25-28). PDF

"God, the sparrow, and the emerald boa" (18CC: 257-260). PDF

Bernardes, Silvio de Moura

"Anatomia e fisiologia humanas" (No. 213-94; 15CC: 15-27). PDF

Brand, Leonard

"A critique of current anti-creationist arguments and creationist responses, from a biblical perspective" (34B/CC:1-41). PDF

"The Bible and biology" (No. 406-00; 26B/CC: 163-178). PDF

Carter, Ronald L.

"¿Determinan los genes la moralidad?" (20CC: 521-524). PDF

"Do genes determine morality?" (12CC: 329-332). PDF

"La moralité dépend-elle des gènes?" (22CC: 57-60). PDF

Clausen, Ben

"Christianity and science: An Adventist perspective" (18CC: 305-318). PDF

Cowles, David L.

"Dealing with deep phylogenies from a Christian perspective" (37A/CC: 105-119). PDF

Cremades Fuerte, Antonio

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva cristiana: Una ruta didáctica directa" (No. 235-94; 16CC: 35-54). PDF

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva cristiana: Una ruta didáctica indirecta" (No. 236-94; 16CC: 55-74). PDF

Donkor, Noble

"Teaching biology at an Adventist university: Challenges and opportunities"" (No. 610-06; 34A/CC: 111-131). PDF

"Vertibrate origins and diversification: An alternative hypothesis" (No. 693-12; 38CC: 79-94). PDF

Ekkens, David

"Animals and humans: Are they equal?" (18CC: 323-326). PDF

"Les animaux sont-ils les égaux des humains ?" (22CC: 107-110). PDF

"Los animales y los seres humanos: ¿Son iguales?" (20CC: 551-554). PDF

Era, Abelardo

"Biological energy transformation: Implications for the Christian life" (No. 143-93; 11CC: 41-60). PDF

Flores, Norma D.

"God's fingerprint: The EGFR in the biological membrane and the mechanism of primary signal transduction" (No. 422-00; 26A/CC:101-118). PDF

Galusha, Joseph G.

"Sociobiology and the origins of morality: A Christian perspective" (No. 331-98; 21CC:115-128). PDF

Gibson, L. J.

"A Christian approach to biology" (11CC: 247-254). PDF

"Change in species: Is evolution true?" (6CC: 243-250). PDF

"Créationnistes et évolutionnistes : Un terrain d'entente ?" (22CC: 125-130). PDF

"Current issues in evolution: Mass extinctions" (6CC: 251-256). PDF

"Current issues in evolution: Punctuated equilibrium" (6CC: 261-264). PDF

"Current issues in evolution: Sociobiology" (6CC: 257-260). PDF

"God, nature, and science: An Adventist view" (35A/CC: 389-398). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in teaching biology" (35A/CC: 399-412). PDF

"Issues in biology and creation" (38CC: 421-435). PDF

"Issues in 'intermediate' models of origins" (34B/CC: 129-151). PDF 

Ha, Namjoo

"Teaching spiritual concepts in the microbiology classroom: An illustrative approach" (No.425-00; 26A/CC:159-176). PDF

Javor, George T.

"A l'aube de l'âge du gène" (22CC: 159-162). PDF

"Al inicio de la Era del Gene" (20CC: 585-587). PDF

"Biblical approaches to biology" (26A/CC:481-502). PDF

"Le mystère de la vie " (35B/CC: 162-167). PDF

"Searching for the Creator through the study of a bacterium" (No. 293-97; 19CC: 129-139). PDF

"The Bible and Microbiology." (31B/CC: 183-210). PDF

Lee, Kyu Bong

"God's design veiled in the riddle of migratory birds" (No. 427-00; 26A/CC:191-208). PDF

"L'énigme des oiseaux migrateurs" (35B/CC : 33-36). PDF 

"The riddle of migratory birds: Another evidence of God's design" (33CC: 549-552). PDF

 López Chavarrías, María J.

"Discovering design and Christian values through the study of flowers" (No. 697-12; 38/CC: 145-163). PDF


Mendoza Orgaz, Aurora

"Teaching Christian values and spiritual lessons in the biochemistry classroom" (No. 429-00; 26A/CC: 229-250). PDF

Micabalo Oclarit, Jose

"Insulin and mitochodrial functions: Implications on fasting and reflections on Sabbath keeping" (No. 701-12; 38/CC: 223-238). PDF

Olayinka, Oyewole Isaac

"Parasitic infection and human's health: Environment and diet as implicated factors" (No. 703-12; 38/CC: 259-275). PDF

Oliveira de Paula, Marcia

"Issues of origins in zoology and genetics: A look at the evidence" (No. 431-00; 26A/CC: 271-290). PDF

Roth, Ariel A.

"Intégrer la foi dans l'enseignement de la biologie" (25CC: 355-362). PDF

Sauvagnat, Jacques

"Origins options: Implications for Christian biology and geology teachers" (No. 046-89; 3CC: 219-229). PDF

Solís Valladares, Víctor Hugo

"Integración de la fe y el uso de las analogías en la enseñanza de la biología celular" (No. 725-16; 39CC: 245-262). PDF

Standish, Timothy G.

"Integrating faith and learning in the biology classroom." (31A/CC: 445-454). PDF

Standish, Timothy G.

"Teaching biological sciences at an Adventist educational institution" (37A/CC: 501-514). PDF

Steen, David A.

"Biomimetics as a vehicle for learning good science and building faith" (No. 707-12; 38CC: 327-343). PDF

Tobing, Joshua H. L.

"Issue-based teaching of biology integrating religious concepts and critical thinking skills development" (No. 708-12; 38CC: 361-382). PDF

Ulangca, Ramon A.

"The amazing cell: Evidences of God's creatorship" (No. 153-93; 11CC: 227-241). PDF

Veiga, Marcelo L. da

"Uma abordagem ético-religiosa adventista sobre as técnicas de clonagem humana e suas implicações" (No. 508-02; 29CC: 389-406). PDF

Ward, Ewan

"A problem based learning approach: The biochemical origin of life on earth" (No. 684-09; 37A/CC: 369-388). PDF

Weems, Howard

"The nervous system: An overview in the context of the cosmic conflict" (No. 711-12; 38CC: 403-419). PDF

Winslow, Gerald R.

"Les chrétiens et la bioéthique : La Bible peut-elle apporter une aide ?" (22CC: 369-372). PDF

Wong, Brian Y.

"Lifestyle, diet and cancer prevention" (No. 304-97; 19CC: 319-352). PDF

Zuccarelli, Anthony J.

"Life before death: Contemplating life when the Earth was new" (34B/CC: 305-334). PDF

Zuill, Henry A.

"Christians and the environment: A biblical perspective" (34B/CC: 335-351). PDF


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