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Almocera, Reuel U.

"Rationalistic mind-set, animistic worldview, and the Gospel: Implications for the development of Christian Faith in the Asia-Pacific region" (No. 418-00; 26A/CC: 17-36). PDF

Alomía, Merling

"Algunos aspectos del movimiento de la Nueva Era y dos de sus promotores católico-romanos" (No. 095-90; 6CC: 165-186). PDF

Aranda Fraga, Fernando

"Le postmodernimse et le New Age : Des rapports subtils" (22CC: 17-24). PDF

"Postmodernismo y Nueva Era: Las conexiones sutiles" (20CC: 493-496 ). PDF

Baldwin, John T.

"Dios, el gorrión y la boa esmeralda" (20CC: 501-504 ). PDF

"God, the sparrow, and the emerald boa" (18CC: 257-260). PDF

Blackwell, Lewis

"Implications of cultural pluralism for Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 097-92; 7CC: 1-20). PDF

Brand, Leonard

"A Biblical Perspective on the Philosophy of Science." (31B/CC: 43-80) PDF

Clarke, Will

"The finite, the infinite, and God" (No. 033-88; 1CC: 029-045). PDF

Coetzee, Elainie

"A study of students' philosophies of life with a view to introducing Bible-based Christian philosophy" (No. 731-16; 40CC: 69-87). PDF

Cres, Elna N.

"Cosmovisão e cultura cristã: Responsabilidade dos agentes educacionais." (No. 491-02; 29CC: 95-114). PDF

Delfino, Carlos Enrique

"Hacia un abordaje cristiano del método científico" (No.176-94; 13CC: 83-102). PDF

Donkor, Kwabena

"Postmodernism: An Adventist assessment and a response" (No. 555-04; 31B/CC: 133-157). PDF

Fowler, John

"Building a Christian worldview: A Christian approach to the study of philosophy" (No. 022-88; 2CC: 55-73). PDF

"Faith, reason, and Adventist education" (35A/CC: 381-387). PDF

"Formando uma visão de mundo" (15CC: 377-382). PDF

"Hacia una cosmovisión cristiana" (20CC: 563-568). PDF

"Se faire une conception du monde" (22CC: 115-120). PDF

Gibson, L. James

"When faith and reason are in tension" (35A/CC: 413-423). PDF

Goldstein, Clifford

"Life: A chemical dilemma?" (33CC: 481-484). PDF

Hasel, Frank M.

"La révolution de Thomas Khun" (22CC: 139-141). PDF

Kerbs, Raúl

"Observaciones epistemológicas e históricas preliminares sobre la relación fe-razón desde una perspectiva cristiana adventista" (No. 179-94; 13CC: 141-159). PDF

King, Greg

"La vérité sur la vérité" (35B/CC: 186-189). PDF

Knight, George R.

"Philosophy: The most useful of all subjects" (8CC: 153-155). PDF

"Qual é o conhecimento mais importante? Colégios adventistas em busca de significado" (15CC: 407-410). PDF

Land, Gary

"Implications of the Christian understanding of human nature for the writing and teaching of history" (No. 040-89; 3CC: 101-120). PDF

"El desafío del postmodernismo" (20CC: 603-606). PDF

"Helping the Church think" (33CC: 545-548). PDF

"Le défi du postmodemisme" (22CC: 205-208). PDF

"The challenge of post-modernism" (18CC: 351-354). PDF

Liard, Pierre-Alain

"La parole libératrice : Socrate et Jésus" (No. 394-00; 25CC: 135-152). PDF

Miller, Nicholas P.

"The Bible, Law, and Freedom: Biblical Insights into Natural Law and Human Freedom." (31B/CC: 239-256). PDF

Moncrieffe, Orlando M.

"The book of Ecclesiastes: Paradigm for a Christian worldview" (No. 262-96; 17CC: 213-229). PDF

Mundy, Bill

"Comparison and contrast of scientific and religious paradigms and their use" (No. 035-89; 3CC: 1-20). PDF

Oliver, Anita

"Postmodern thought and Adventist education" (No. 378-99; 24CC: 217-236). PDF

Pearson, Michael

"A room with a view: Worldviews and the Christian worldview" (6CC: 265-282). PDF

"Foi, raison et vulnérabilité" (22CC: 253-256). PDF

"The point of pain: Dealing with cognitive dissonance" (No. 013-88; 1CC: 233-248). PDF

"Word made flesh: How the Christian worldview affects teaching and learning" (6CC: 283-302). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Batalhando em duas frentes: A resposta adventista ao secularismo e neopanteismo" (15CC: 443-448). PDF

"Combatiendo en dos frentes" (20CC: 651-656). PDF

"Faith, Reason and Choice: Loving God with All Our Mind." (31B/CC: 337-354) PDF

"Fighting on two fronts: An Adventist response to secularism and neopantheism" (8CC: 225-230). PDF

"La foi, la raison et le chrétien cultivé" (35B/CC: 256-261). PDF

"La luttle sur deux fronts : Une réponse adventiste au sécularisme et au néo-panthéisme"(22CC: 273-278). PDF

"Vues du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (25CC: 315-327). PDF

"Worldviews, contemporary culture, and Adventist thought" (No. 401-00; 26B/CC: 1-15). PDF

Rice, Richard

"Quand les croyants réfléchissent" (22CC: 301-304). PDF

"Quando os crentes pensam" (15CC: 463-466). PDF

"When believers think" (8CC: 247-250). PDF

Rodriguez, Angel Manuel

"Truth is a Person" (33CC:585-586). PDF

Roth, Ariel A.

"Catastrophism? Yes!" (33CC: 587-591). PDF

Schmidt, Lylian E. Weiss

"Sartre's humanism versus biblical humanism" (No. 137-93; 10CC: 351-370). PDF

Smith, Albert

"Secular understanding in a Christian worldview" (No. 015-88; 1CC: 265-284). PDF

Stencel, Renato

"Voltaire: A critical perspective." (No. 480-00; 28CC: 401-420). PDF

Terreros, Marco T.

"Le message adventiste et le défi de l'évolutionnisme" (22CC: 337-340). PDF

Thomas, Susan

"A biblical-Christian approach to teaching philosophy of science" (No.435-00; 26A/CC: 369-388). PDF

Thomas, David A. et Barcenas, Paul F.

"Le chaos : Creuset de la création" (22CC: 341-344). PDF



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