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Ragui, Paoring L.

"Integration of cultural and Christian values in a changing society: A Filipino perspective" (No. 107-92; 7CC: 189-210). PDF 1,207KB

Ramal, Edelweiss

"An Adventist model for the integration of faith and learning in nursing" (No. 265-96; 17CC: 269-286). PDF 1,489KB

Ramos L., David L.

"La mercadotecnia en el desarrollo de las instituciones educativas adventistas" (No. 244-94; 16CC: 193-210). PDF 1,043KB

Ramos, René M.

"«Je ne peux pas enterrer mon talent » Mozart à l'occasion du bicentenaire de sa mort" (22CC: 265-268). PDF 1,414KB

"'I Cannot Bury My Talent': A Look at Mozart on his bicentennial" (8CC:  221-224). PDF 1,232KB

"'Não posso enterrar meu talento': Mozart em seu bicentenário" (15CC:  439-442). PDF 1291KB

"'No puedo enterrar mi talento': Mozart en su bicentenario" (20CC: 647-650). PDF 1,373KB

Randolph, Tamara

"Heavenly heuristic: Lessons for Christian education from the Hebrew tabernacle" (34A/CC: 399-418). PDF 2227KB

Rao, Gollakoti Nageshwar

"Guidelines for integrating Adventist educational philosophy in the secondary school curriculum in India" (37A/CC: 329-348). PDF 977KB

Rao, N. Mohan

"Imparting ethical values in Adventist higher education to students of other faiths" (35A/CC: 327-346). PDF 1127KB

Rasamoely, Emilienne

"L'enseignement de la littérature" (25CC: 297-310). PDF 918KB

Rasi, Humberto M.

"A fé de Colombo: Uma dimensão pouco conhecida de sua personalidade" (15CC: 449-452). PDF 728KB

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37A/CC: 469-486). PDF 1495KB

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37B/CC: 233-250). PDF 1632KB

"Aimer Dieu de toute notre intelligence" (36CC: 291-302). PDF 1056KB

"Batalhando em duas frentes: A resposta adventista ao secularismo e neopanteismo" (15CC: 443-448). PDF 643KB

"Christians versus culture: Should we love or hate the world?" (18CC: 377-380). PDF

"Combatiendo en dos frentes" (20CC: 651-656). PDF 637KB

"Conception du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (36CC: 303-310). PDF 1161KB

"Cosmovisión cristiana y educación adventista" (32CC: 563-576). PDF 1008KB

"Cosmovisões, cultura contemporânea e educação adventista" (29CC: 541-556). PDF 1,457KB

"Eduquer pour l'éternité" (35B/CC: 249-252). PDF 566KB

"El cristiano ante la cultura: ¿Debemos amar u odiar al mundo?"  (20CC: 657-660). PDF 465KB

"El cristiano ante la fe y la razón" (32CC: 577-584). PDF 766KB

"Faith, Reason and Choice: Loving God with All Our Mind" (31B/CC: 337-354). PDF 1464KB

"Fé, razâo e escolha: Amando a Deus de todo nosso pensamento" (29CC: 557-576).  PDF 1457KB

"Fighting on two fronts: An Adventist response to secularism and neopantheism" (8CC: 225-230). PDF 611KB

"Giving a reason for our hope: Adventists and apologetics" (34B/CC: 243-264). PDF 1343KB

"La fe de Colón" (20CC: 661-663 ). PDF 726KB

"La foi de Christophe Colomb : Une dimension moins connue de sa personnalité" (22CC:  269-272). PDF 1064KB

"La foi, la raison et le chrétien cultivé" (35B/CC: 255-260). PDF 590KB

"La luttle sur deux fronts : Une réponse adventiste au sécularisme et au néo-panthéisme" (22CC: 273-278). PDF 654KB

"Le development de la foi chez les jeunes adventistes" (25CC: 329-338). PDF 597KB

"Les adventistes face à la culture: devons nous aimer ou haïr le monde?" (36CC: 311-314). PDF 310KB

"Les chrétiens face à la culture : Aimer le monde ou le détester ?" (22CC: 279-282). PDF 487KB

"Les concepts qui sont au coeur de la philosphie adventiste de l'éducation" (25CC: 311-313). PDF 117KB

"Os adventistas enfrentam a cultura: Deviamos nós amar ou odiar o mundo?" (29CC: 575-586). PDF 857KB

"Qu'est-ce qui fait qu'une école soit adventiste?" (35B/CC: 253-254). PDF 701KB

"Retour aux vraies sources" (22CC: 283-284). PDF 370KB

"Understanding Columbus and his legacy" (8CC: 231-236). PDF 444KB

"Vues du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (25CC: 315-327). PDF 961KB

"Worldviews, contemporary culture, and Adventist thought" (No. 401-00; 26B/CC: 1-15). PDF 1,010KB

Rasi, Sylvia B.

"¿Por qué no me entiendes?"  (20CC: 665-669). PDF 571KB

"Por que você não me entende?  Observando a comunicação entre os sexos" (15CC: 453-458). PDF 543KB

"Pourquoi en me comprends-tu pas ?" (22CC: 285-290). PDF 586KB

"Why don't you understand me?  A look at cross-gender communication" (8CC: 237-242). PDF 555KB

Rasi Gregorutti, Sylvia

"Christian values for future foreign language teachers in the applied linguistics course" (31A/CC: 169-188). PDF 1393KB

"Linguistics speaks to biblical interpretation, creation, and Babel" 37B/CC: 173-204). PDF 2202KB

Ratzsch, Del

"Christianisme et science : Sont-ils compatibles?" (22CC: 291-294). PDF 409KB

"Cristianismo e ciência: São compatíveis?" (15CC: 459-462). PDF 555KB

"Le berceau de la science: Examiner le cosmos dans le contexte de la foi" (35B/CC: 261-264). PDF 1314KB

Ravelo, Hope

"Erickson's stages of personality development: An analysis from an Adventist perspective" (No. 014-88; 1CC: 249-264). PDF 892KB

Razafiarivony, Davidson

"Ancestor worship in Madagascar: An Adventist perspective" (No. 365-98; 23CC: 327-342). PDF 1,130KB

Razafiarivony, Marie-Anne

"Assessing and nurturing an organizational culture that conveys Christian beliefs and values in an Adventist educational institution" (40CC: 399-418). PDF 1075KB

Regalado, Ferdinand

"Hebrew thought: Its implications for Adventist education" (No. 449-00, 27CC: 205-223). PDF 1,104KB

Reid, George W.

"Building faith in the college religion class" (8CC: 243-246). PDF

Reinecke, Charlene René

"A biblical and psychological comparative study of self-concept" (No. 169-93; 12CC: 261-273). PDF 983KB

Reis, Gedeon A. dos

"Ensaio sobre o impacto da vida do professor sobre o comportamento do aluno" (29CC: 239-256). PDF 894KB

Reyes, Lorna R. de los

"The Bible and Philippine literature: A thematic approach" (No. 108-92; 7CC: 211-230). PDF 1,129KB

Reynaud, Daniel

"How to choose what we watch." (33CC: 581-584). PDF 340KB

"Literary theory and biblical interpretation" (No. 340-98; 21CC: 279-292). PDF

Ribeiro, Alvaro

"Le rôle de la compétition sportive dans le curriculum de l'education physique: Une alternative pour l'ecole primaire" (36CC: 201-220). PDF 1754KB

Rice, Gail Taylor

"De bonnes écoles adventistes : Elles en valent la peine" (22CC: 295-300). PDF 1,109KB

Rice, Richard

"Cuando los creyentes piensan" (20CC: 671-674). PDF 862KB

"Quand les croyants réfléchissent" (22CC: 301-304). PDF 929KB

"Quando os crentes pensam" (15CC: 463-466). PDF 458KB

"When believers think" (8CC: 247-250). PDF 845KB

Richardson, Larry K.

"The value of drama" (8CC: 251-254). PDF 302KB

Rilloma, Nestor C.

"Contextualizing theological education and ministerial training in Asia: An Adventist perspective" (No. 147-93; 11CC: 113-132). PDF 1,091KB

Rincón, Alberto Valderrama

"Principios pedagógicos y educación adventista" (No. 249-94; 16CC: 283-301). PDF 1,109KB

Rivera-Poblete, Norie

"God and Calculus" (No. 450-00; 27CC: 225-239). PDF 712KB

Roberts, Randall L.

"Shattered by death; strengthened by hope: A Christian perspective on grief" (No. 301-97; 19CC: 265-282). PDF

Robertson, Marvin L.

"¿Tiene importancia la música que escoges?"  (20CC: 675-677). PDF 1,083KB

"Are music choices really important?" (12CC: 381-384). PDF 700KB

"Nos choix musicaux sont-ils si importants ?" (22CC: 305-308). PDF 763KB

Rocha, Nidélci L.

"Integração fé-ensino através da arte-educação." (29CC: 269-286). PDF 979KB

Rodriguez, Angel Manuel

"Truth is a Person." (33CC: 585-586). PDF 247KB

Rogers, Lynden J.

"Through modern physics towards a structure for causality" (No. 206-94; 14CC: 329-334). PDF 919KB

Role, Elizabeth M.

"Integrating Christian values and learning in the teaching of mathematics" (No. 148-93; 11CC: 133-152). PDF

Román, César Ojeda

"La psicolingüística, el hombre y Dios" (No. 182-94; 13CC: 195-207). PDF 634KB

Romeo Fivel-Demoret, Sharon

"Semeuse de graines. La culture populaire, vecteur de valeurs et source de richesses linguistiques et pédagogiques: Expériences d'un professeur d'anglais" (36CC: 221-238). PDF 1349KB

Ron, Don C.

"Integrating Faith and learning revisited: A cosmic perspective" (28CC: 613-626). PDF 1,020KB

Rond, Mark de

"Fettucine Alfredo: A core competence for Adventist business education?" (No. 193-94; 14CC: 93-112). PDF 1,817KB

Rosado, Caleb

"What is spirituality? Memetics, quantum mechanics, and the spiral of spirituality" (No. 432-00; 26A/CC: 291-312). PDF 2,816KB

Rosario, Arceli

"A thematic approach to the book of Job: Pedagogical implications" (No. 149-93; 11CC: 153-171). PDF 935KB

"Teaching Literature through worldview analysis: An approach to the Iliad and the Odyssey" (No. 451-00; 27CC: 241-260). PDF

Rose, Hyacinth P.

"Humanistic forces versus the dynamics of faith: A critique of Carl Rogers' self theory" (No. 266-96; 17CC: 287-306). PDF 1,183KB

Ross, Gary M.

"Beyond peripheralism" (17CC: 415-418). PDF 213KB

"What integration is not: The strange case of Saturday believers" (33CC: 395-400). PDF 444KB

Roth, Ariel A.

"Adventism and the warfare between science and the Bible" (6CC: 337-356). PDF 1,466KB

"Catastrophism: Is it scientific?" (8CC: 255-258). PDF

"Catastrophism? Yes!" (33CC: 587-592). PDF 893KB

"Chance or design? The long search for an evolutionary mechanism" (33CC: 593-598). PDF 507KB

"Commonly asked questions about science and the Bible" (33CC: 599-604). PDF 378KB

"Hasard ou projet? La longue quête d'un mécanisme de l'évolution" (35B/CC: 265-270). PDF 442KB

"How to invalidate the Bible, unconsciously: Some thoughts on pluralism about origins" (8CC: 259-272). PDF 1,245KB

"Intégrer la foi dans l'enseignement de la biologie" (25CC: 355-362). PDF 597KB

"Intégrer la foi et la connaissance dans l'éducation scientifique" (36CC: 315-322). PDF 669KB

"Issues in Adventism and science" (6CC: 321-336). PDF 994KB

"La Genèse et la colonne géologique" (35B/CC: 271-276). PDF 1195KB

"La science redécouvre Dieu" (35B/CC: 277-280). PDF 326KB

"Le catastrophisme reviet en force !" (22CC: 309-314). PDF 1,475KB

"Une approache biblico-chrétienne de la science" (25CC: 339-346). PDF 605KB

"Une approache biblico-chrétienne de la science" (Révision 2007) (36CC: 323-330). PDF 739KB

"Une approche biblico-chrétienne des origines" (25CC: 347-354). PDF 618KB

"Une approche biblico-chrétienne des origines" (Révision 2007) (36CC: 331-337). PDF 684KB

Roy, Don C.

"Christ dans la salle de classe : vers la complétude" (25CC: 363-372). PDF 720KB

"Grandir dans la foi: Un nouveau programme d'enseignement de la Bible pour le cours primaire en Australie et en Nouvelle Zélande" (35B/CC: 281-284). PDF 290KB

"Guides du curriculum pour l'education secondaire" (25CC: 373-379). PDF 434KB

"Integrating faith and learning revisited: A cosmic perspective" (28CC: 613-625). PDF 1,020KB

"L'enseignement de la foi selon la perspective constructiviste" (25CC: 381-387). PDF 825KB

Rugengande, Jéred

"L'intégration de la foi par les activites parascolaires: Experiences des écoles secondaires adventistes au Rwanda." pp. 239-254 PDF 732KB

Rumble, Beverly J.

"The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines" (No. 207-94; 14CC: 341-363). PDF 1,529KB

"Expériences sur les êtres humains : Un regard chrétien" (22CC: 315-320). PDF 586KB

Rumsey, Gregory G.

"A Christian educator's critique of television advertising" (No. 036-89; 3CC: 021-039). PDF 1,625KB

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