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Educación – Administración


Adeku, Eden B.

"The role of discipline in student administration: Some implications for Adventist higher education in Ghana" (No. 347-98; 23CC: 13-30). PDF

Alalade, Adekunle A.

"Developing a spiritual master plan" (No. 348-98; 23CC: 31-51). PDF

Amorin, Nilton D.

"Academic freedom in theology teaching" (No. 080-90; 5CC: 237-255). PDF

Azevedo, Paulo Cezar de

"Missão das escolas de igreja" (No. 212-94; 15CC: 1-12). PDF

Andrianjakazafy, Raphaël

"La déperdition scolataire : Etude de cas à Madagascar" (No. 386-00; 25CC: 17-27). PDF

Barros, Jailton V.

"Avaliação educacional numa perspectiva cristã" (No.489-02, 29CC: 59-76). PDF

Beach, B. B.

"Can a university be Christian? A look at academic freedom on the Adventist campus" (8CC: 65-70). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa M.

"Integration of faith and values in graduate and professional education." (40CC: 501-518). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa M.

"Issues and trends in Adventist education worldwide." (40CC: 519-541). PDF

Becerra, Enrique

"Facteurs des activités para-scolaires dans la formation des étudiants." (36CC: 283-290). PDF

Becerra, Enrique

"Factores extra-sala de classes na formação estudiantil." (29CC:453-462). PDF

Bedasso, Leta

"Toward a strategic plan for conveying Christian beliefs and values at Ethiopian Adventist College" (No.607-06, 34A/CC: 57-74). PDF

Bempong, Bernard Franklin

"Correction and discipline in Adventist tertiary educational institutions: A Christian approach" (No.608-06, 34A/CC: 75-94). PDF

Birkenstock, David

"Leadership: The key dimension in Adventist tertiary educational administration" (No. 156-93; 12CC: 037-048). PDF

Biscaro, Ricardo D.

"A spiritual master plan for Northern Luzon Adventist College: Rationale and process" (No.439-00, 27CC: 19-38). PDF

Boughman, Larry W.

"Campus beautification: A factor in integration of faith and learning" (No. 190-94; 14CC: 39-58). PDF

Boyatt, Ed

"Comment être un bon member de comité" (35B/CC: 37-42). PDF

Boyatt, Ed

"L'administration d'une école axée sur l'education par le caractère" (35B/CC: 43-48). PDF

Brantley, Paul

"Administration: The missing link in the integration of faith and learning" (33CC:421-425). PDF

Brantley, Paul

"L'administration :  le chaînon manquant pour intégrer la foi et l'apprentissage ? " (35B/CC: 53-58). PDF

Cafferky, Michael E.

"The individual-community tension in Christian leadership" (No. 667-09; 37A/CC: 41-58). PDF

Cambell, Héctor Palacios

"La escuela secundaria adventista como medio de redención" (No. 183-94; 13CC: 207-227). PDF

Carlson, Rich

"Working smarter, not harder: Administrative leadership styles in Adventist colleges" (18CC: 279-283). PDF

Carvajal Alvarez, Marcelo

"La ética cristiana en las relaciones interpersonales en el contexto de un colegio o universidad adventista" (No. 174-94; 13CC: 41-60). PDF

Clavel, Arturo Chambilla

"Gobierno y misión en la estructura orgánica del sistema educativo adventista" (20CC: 41-53). PDF

Cone, Jesse A.

"Discipline for discipleship" (33CC: 433-436). PDF

Cone, Jesse A.

"Vers une discipline par la confiance" (35B/CC: 81-84). PDF

Coulson, Malcolm

"Teacher professional development: A Christian perspective" (No. 630-07; 35A/CC: 21-36). PDF

Denison, Iris F.

"Implementing the integration of faith and learning on the college campus: A developmental model" (No. 054-89; 4CC: 071-090). PDF

Dent, Joseph F. Jr.

"Student governance: Purpose and practice" (8CC: 97-102). PDF

Dias, Eunice

"A relevância da disciplina no desenvolvimento da fé no adolescente" (No. 218-94; 15CC: 98-116). PDF

Dunbebin, Clarence

"Le dirigeant-serviteur: Un modele de bonne administration" (35B/CC: 111-116). PDF

Dunbebin, Clarence

"Servant-leadership: A new paradigm for successful administration" (33CC: 447-452). PDF

Du Preez, Ron

"Instilling Christian values into the extra-curricular activities of an Adventist educational institution." (28CC: 545-568). PDF

"Integrating faith in the peri-curricular practices of an Adventist institution" (No. 441-00, 27CC: 059-078). PDF

"Integrating faith in the pre-post- and co-curricular practices of an Adventist campus." (28CC; 569-592). PDF


Eager, Hedley J.

"« Aux contrôles » ou « contróle » ? " (22CC: 103-106). PDF

Ebenezer, David

"Adventist education in Sri Lanka: Prospects and Challenges" (No. 442-00, 27CC: 79-98). PDF

Flores, Gladden O.

"Administration of discipline in Adventist secondary schools: A Christian perspective" (No. 632-07, 35A/CC: 57-75). PDF

Furst, Lyndon G.

"Le directeur d'école et le comité directeur : une équipe" (No. 35B/CC: 125-129). PDF

Gaimatakone, Dalta Pierre

"Promotion de l'honnêteté et de l'intégrité pour lutter contre la corruption en milieu scolaire" (No. 655-08, 36CC: 101-118). PDF

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

"A Guidebook for Creating and Implementing a Spiritual Master Plan on Seventh-day Adventist Campuses of Higher Education", (23CC: 363-394). PDF

Gray, Meredith Jones

"Faith and learning at Battle Creek College, 1874-1901" (No. 374-99; 24CC: 137-156). PDF

Green, William H. et Gaikwad, Prema

"Directive pratiques pour la discipline en classe" (22CC: 131-134). PDF

Gweth, Luc Alphonse

"La place de la foi chrétienne dans tout processus de prise de décision" (No. 390-00; 25CC: 77-86). PDF

Heller, Paul

"La discipline : une œuvre belle mais difficile" (35B/CC 152-157). PDF

Hill, Georgina

"Preventing plagiarism" (33CC 497-500). PDF

Hong, Young Pyo

"The schools of the prophets: A model for alternative Adventist education in Korea" (No. 443-00, 27CC 99-112). PDF

Ikonne, C. N.

"Measuring integration of faith and learning at an SDA college: Two assessment instruments" (No. 076-90; 5CC: 167-180). PDF

Injety, Vincent Richard

"Maintaining an Adventist identity in government accredited Adventist colleges and universities" (No. 634-07; 35A/CC: 93-108). PDF

Jesurathnam, Kodali

"The administrator's personal relations in a Christian school as a model for faith and learning" (No. 088-90; 6CC: 43-61). PDF

John, M. C.

"The Adventist secondary boarding school as witness: A strategy for and an outcome of the integrative process" (No. 093-90; 6CC: 133-147). PDF

Jones, Ralph H.

"Pastoral expectations of a Christian academic dean" (No. 051-89; 4CC: 17-28). PDF

Kamwendo, Elden Gerald

"The role of administrative and support units of an Adventist university in fostering integration of faith and learning." (No. 466-00; 28CC: 135-154). PDF

Kim, Hong Ryan

"Launching an integration of faith and learning program through the academic leadership team of a Christian college" (No. 055-89; 4CC: 91-104). PDF

Kibuuka, Hudson E.

"The role of the institution and the teacher in the integration of faith and learning: A two-dimensional approach for Adventist tertiary institutions" (No. 160-93; 12CC: 103-120). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel de

"Faith and learning at institutional level: An integrative approach - The experience of the University of Montemorelos" (35A/CC: 425-442). PDF

Lalnilawma, H.

"A self-study document for the evaluation of Adventist high schools in the Northeast India Union" (No. 086-90; 6CC: 1-20). PDF

Lea, Davenia

"A model assessment plan for the nurturance and measurement of future teacher's spiritual dispositions" (No. 738-16; 40CC: 205-225). PDF

Lebedeva, Tatyana

"Christian education in Russia: Past and present" (No. 200-94; 14CC: 221-238). PDF

Lilienthal, Elfi

"Towards a new model for an Adventist secondary school: The case of Marienhoehe (Germany)" (No. 202-94; 14CC: 259-270). PDF

Lo, Joseph W.

"Goal setting and faith development in an exam-result oriented culture" (No. 676-09; 37A/CC: 221-237). PDF

Lugo Añez, José Luis

"Importancia del proceso de selección y admisión en los seminarios teológicos" (No. 242-94; 16CC: 157-172). PDF

Mafile'o, Tracie

"Fostering research in a Christian university: A paradigm shift for Adventist higher education in the South Pacific Islands" (No. 739-16; 40CC: 227-244). PDF

Magaud, Ben A.

"Managing for quality in higher education: A Biblical perspective" (No. 740-16; 40CC: 245-264). PDF

Makinde, J.A. Kayode

"The social-political environment of Adventist higher education: Babcock University perspective" (No. 469-00; 28CC: 193-212). PDF

Masinda, Joseph I.

"Efficiency: A crucial ingredient in the success of an Adventist college" (No. 356-98; 23CC: 163-180). PDF

Maphosa, Norman

"Critical skills for chief executives in Adventist institutions of higher learning" (No. 162-93; 12CC: 143-160). PDF

Martini, José Paulo

"Internato adventista e o desenvolvimento da autodeterminação do educando: Experiência do Instituto Adventista Paranaense" (No. 225-94; 15CC: 211-223). PDF

Marwa, Janeth J.

"Managing Christian institutions through a focused vision" (No. 677-09; 37A/CC: 239-252). PDF

Mayden, Harry

"Christian administration: Relationships and responsibilities" (No. 278-96; 18CC: 113-123). PDF

Melgosa, Julian et Hsu, Eugene

"Questions d'éthique pour les comités directeurs d'universités" (35B/CC: 236-241). PDF

Mesa, Carlos Alberto

"Lineamientos básicos para un proyecto educativo adventista a un nivel medio: Prioridades y objetivos" (No. 181-94; 13CC: 175-192). PDF

Muller, Heriberto

"Adventist education in the Euro-Asia Division: Present and future." (No. 519-03; 30CC:147-160). PDF

Murdoch, Daryl

"Mission of Adventist schools with a changing clientele: An Australian perspective" (No. 678-09; 37A/CC: 253-272). PDF

Musvosvi, Denford

"Discipline: The acid test of a Christian school" (No. 082-90; 5CC: 271-280). PDF

Mutaki, Mishael Chigula

"Preventing and resolving interpersonal conflicts in Adventist educational institutions" (No. 619-06; 34A/CC: 283-302). PDF

Ncube, Willmore

"Challenges of Seventh-day Adventist primary and secondary education in the Zambesi Union: An action plan" (No. 165-93; 12CC: 195-212). PDF

Nikou, Joseph G.

"Strengthening identity and mission at Cosendai Adventist University" (No. 620-06; 34A/CC: 303-319). PDF

Nwangwa, Kanelechi C. Kennedy

"The integration of selected Adventist beliefs and values in the administration of an Adventist secondary school" (No. 743-16; 40CC: 303-321). PDF

Nzamutuma, Issumael

"The home-school partnership in integrating faith and learning in Adventist secondary schools" (No. 166-93; 12CC: 213-227). PDF

Oduyoye, Oluseyi O.

"Fusing biblical beliefs and Christian values into university/host community relations: The Babcock University experience" (No. 642-07; 35A/CC: 239-254). PDF

Ogunji, Joseph A.

"Fostering the identity and mission of an Adventist university: A proposal" (No. 621-06; 34A/CC: 321-340). PDF

Ondo, Marie Josee

"La discipline de l'adolescent en classe : Mesure preventive" (No. 659-08; 36CC: 159-180). PDF

Peterkin, Vincent M. S.

"Leadership style and learner outcome in Adventist secondary schools" (No. 263-96; 17CC: 231-248). PDF

Phoon, Chek Yat

"Challenges of Adventist education in the Northern-Asia Pacific Division (NSD): An administrator's opportunity for integrating faith and learning" (No. 644-07; 35A/CC: 269-286). PDF

Ramos L., David L.

"La mercadotecnia en el desarrollo de las instituciones educativas adventistas" (No. 244-94; 16CC: 193-210). PDF

Rao, Gollakoti Nageshwar

"Guidelines for integrating Adventist educational philosophy in the secondary school curriculum in India" (No. 682-09; 37A/CC: 329-349). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37A/CC: 469-485). PDF

Razafiarivony, Marie-Anne

"Assessing and nurturing an organizational culture that conveys Christian beliefs and values in an Adventist educational institution" (No. 748-16; 40CC: 399-417). PDF

 Rumble, Beverly J.

"The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines" (No. 207-94; 14CC: 341-360). PDF

Samraj, Edison

"An educational strategy in reaching Muslim students in Southern Asia" (No.150-93; 11CC: 173-192). PDF

Sánchez Aragón, Jorge

"La disciplina como elemento formador en la educación adventista" (No. 245-94; 16CC: 211-228). PDF

Santos, Valdir J. dos

"A igreja e a educação adventista no Brasil sob a perspectiva da organização contemporânea." (No. 502-02; 29CC: 287-302). PDF

Segovia, Agripino C.

"Christian leadership initiative: A crucial factor in school administration" (No. 030-88; 2CC: 217-236). PDF

Soputra, David

"The role of faculty in nurturing and mentoring students in an Adventist secondary school" (No. 750-16; 40CC: 441-460). PDF

Stammler, Wolfgang

"Holistic student development in a university residence hall: Adventist philosophy and goals." (30CC: 233-248). PDF

Stembridge, Allen

"Teacher motivation: An essential requirement in the integration of faith and learning in Seventh-day Adventist colleges" (No. 059-89; 4CC: 169-188). PDf

Taco, René G.

"La normatividad académica como instrumento de transmisión de valores." (No. 507-02; 29CC: 369-388). PDF

Thomas, Jerry D.

"Pour entourer le troupeau : Développer le caractère en permettant de faire des choix" (22CC: 345-348). PDF

"'Riding Herd': Developing character by allowing choices" (8CC: 291-293). PDF

Torreblanca, Jorge

"Instrucción programada semipresencial en contraturno: Un complemento al sistema educacional adventista como opción para la iglesia" (No. 323-98; 20CC: 329-348). PDF

Toussaint, Vanie Bi Gooré

"Ecole Adventiste : Instrument d'évangelisation" (No. 399-00; 25CC: 219-232). PDF

Villegas Pedreros, Alberto

"Descripción de un proceso de integración fe y enseñanza/aprendizaje en un proyecto educativo institucional a través de la acción del equipo de gestión" (No. 324-98; 20CC: 349-367). PDF

Weslake, Ken

"The special character in the total operations of Seventh-day Adventist primary schools: A New Zealand context" (No. 685-09; 37A/CC: 389-408). PDF

Wickramarachachi, Sumana

"Discipline in the Adventist school" (No. 285-96; 18CC: 229-244). PDF

Winzenried, Georgina

"Adventist distinctives: Initiating teachers into Adventist schools in Australia" (No. 686-09; 37A/CC: 409-428). PDF

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