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Educación Religiosa

Alalade, Adekunle A.

"Developing a spiritual master plan" (No. 348-98; 23CC: 31-50). PDF

Almocera, Reuel U.

"Rationalistic mind-set, animistic worldview, and the Gospel: Implications for the development of Christian Faith in the Asia-Pacific region" (No. 418-00; 26A/CC: 17-36). PDF

Amorim, Nilton

"Academic freedom in theology teaching"(No. 080-90; 5CC: 237-256). PDF

Asafo, Dziedzorm

"Nurturing spirituality: The case of Adventist education in Ghana" (N0. 666-09; 37A/CC: 19-39). PDF

Bailey, Cindee M.

"The effects of religion on mental health: Implications for Seventh-day Adventists" (No. 286-97: 19CC: 001-015). PDF

Baldwin, Dalton D.

"Openness for renewal without destructive pluralism: The dilemma of doctrinal dissent" (No. 038-89; 3CC: 061-081). PDF

Balyage, Yona

"The Christian religious education syllabi for secondary schools: An Adventist assessment and proposal" (No. 352-98; 23CC: 103-118). PDF

Becerra, Enrique

"A Bíblia na internalização de valores." (29CC: 443-452). PDF

"Seventh-day Adventist ministerial training: Toward an integrated whole" (No. 121-93; 10CC: 75-88). PDF

Birikunzira, Gérome Ngabo

"Prédicateurs et enseignants rwandais : Intégration de la foi face à la culture" (No. 651-08; 36CC: 25-42). PDF

Blikshavn, Nina

"Follow the boy to school: The role of a Christian teacher today, from a historic perspective" (No. 188-94; 14CC: 1-18). PDF

Bursey, Ernest J.

"Action in higher education: A case study from the gospels" (8CC: 71-76). PDF

Caesar, Lael Othniel

"Examining validity; The Bible as text of history" (No. 233-94: 16CC: 001-019). PDF

"Religious faiths and the problem of evil: A biblical perspective" (37B/CC: 59-100). PDF

Casey, Barry L.

"Are there any questions? Strategies for the journey of faith" (No. 192-94; 14CC: 79-92). PDF

Chimoga, Fordson

"Spiritual development in the biblical hermeneutics class" (No. 586-05; 33CC: 45-59). PDF

Clausen, Benjamin L.

"Galileo: Revelation, science, and the church" (37B/CC: 133-148). PDF

"Un scientifique peut-il être aussi chrétien ? " (22CC: 65-68). PDF

Córdoba, José Emilio

"Introduciendo a los estudiantes no adventistas al estudio de la Biblia en una universidad adventista" (No. 175-94; 13CC: 63-82). PDF

Covrig, Duane

"Learning to love the judge: Building a redemptive Adventist ethic based on the paradoxical grace found in the biblical teaching of divine judgment" (No. 669-09; 37A/CC: 81-103). PDF

Daniel, Aina Ayandiji

"Survey research as a tool for communication and evangelism." (No. 464-00; 28CC: 95-113). PDF

Davidson, Jo Ann

"The inspiration of Scripture: Word made flesh" (34B/CC: 43-65). PDF

Davidson, Richard M.

"A biblical theology of creation" (26A/CC:433-442). PDF

"A biblical theology of the Flood" (26A/CC:443-466). PDF

"The Bible and the Hermeneutics: Interpreting Scripture According to the Scripture." (31B/CC: 81-132) PDF

"The Bible: Revelation and authority" (No. 402-00; 26B/CC: 17-55). PDF

"The role of the church in the interpretation of Scripture" (34B/CC: 67-99). PDF

Dos Santos, Rivan

"Intégration de la foi en la prophétie à l'archéologie : Babylone dans l'Apocalypse" (No. 654-08; 36CC: 81-100). PDF

Du Preez, Gerald

"Teaching homiletics in a multi-cultural context: A South African perspective"
(No. 440-00, 27CC:039-058). PDF

Du Preez, Ron

"Nurturing faith through Bible, religion and theology courses at Adventist institutions”" (28CC: 593-612). PDF

Durán Muñoz, Claudio

"La Biblia como texto literario" (No. 308-98; 20CC: 55-67). PDF

Dybdahl, Jon L.

"Enseigner la grâce" (22CC: 97-102). PDF

"Teaching students about grace" (12CC: 337-342). PDF

Dyman, Victor

"Training Adventist ministers through the seminary extension program: The Euro-Asia Division as a case study" (No. 273-96; 18CC:19-38). PDF

Dysinger, John

"Strategies for integrating Christian theory and practice" (No. 089-90; 6CC: 63-82). PDF

Egbert, Robert

"The psychodynamics of religious education" (No. 005-88; 1CC: 65-85). PDF

Fortin, Denis

"Ellen White on the search for knowledge and the experience of salvation: Why they must go together" (37B/CC: 159-171). PDF

Gayoba, Francisco

"Training Asian theologians to teach for faith." (No. 537-03; 31A/CC: 153-167). PDF

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

"A Guidebook for Creating and Implementing a Spiritual Master Plan on Seventh-day Adventist Campuses of Higher Education", (23CC: 363-394). PDF

"Statements on Theological and Academic Freedom and Accountability: (A) A Statement on Theological Freedom and Accountability: (B) Academic Freedom in Seventh-day Adventist Institutions of Higher Learning" (8CC: 323-331). PDF

Ghulam, Joseph

"Created male and female, equal yet different: Implications for Christian education in Muslim countries" (No. 424-00; 26A/CC: 139-158). PDF

Gómez Seco, Mariano

"La escuela adventista como centro de evangelización: Una experiencia en España" (No. 239-94; 16CC: 103-122). PDF

Gómez, Amiris Sofía Lombert Matos de

"La Biblia como fuente de texto para la lectura integradora y el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento" (No. 238-94; 16CC: 87-102). PDF

Greenwalt, Glen G.

"The eternal horizon: The role of faith in every act of learning" (No. 195-94; 14CC: 129-148). PDF

Gross, Renato

"Eclesiastes: Uma abordagem pedagógica" (No. 221-94; 15CC: 153-172). PDF

Habenicht, Donna J.

"Ont-ils compris ? Comment nos enfants envisagent le salut" (22CC: 135-138). PDF

Hemmings, Olive J.

"Knowledge as a quest for God: Implications for teaching" (No. 257-96; 17CC: 115-134). PDF

Higgens, Deborah

"Allegory in C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A window to the gospel of John" (No. 196-94; 14CC: 147-163). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Comment utiliser les « structures éducatives » afin de susciter la foi des étudiants du secondaire" (22CC: 143-148). PDF

Hongisto, Leif

"Teaching biblical apocalyptic literature" (No. 101-92; 7CC: 75-94). PDF

Hosokawa, Elder

"Utilização da Bíblia e biografias denominacionais em aulas de história nas escolas secundárias adventistas" (No. 222-94; 15CC: 173-191). PDF

Israel, Mohanraj

"Learning by experience: A practical training programme for ministerial students of Spicer Memorial College" (No. 275-96; 18CC: 63-82). PDF

Jemison, Injety Roy

"The great controversy theme in the book of Daniel: A backdrop for a Christian world-view in faith-learning experience" (No. 094-90; 6CC: 149-164). PDF

Johns, Warren H.

"'Rightly dividing the word of truth': Interpreting biblical statements on natural phenomena" (No. 695-12; 38CC: 117-130). PDF

Jorgensen, Henrik K.

" Adult learning theories and religious education" (No. 332-98; 21CC:129-147). PDF

Kerbs, Raúl

"Observaciones epistemológicas e históricas preliminares sobre la relación fe-razón desde una perspectiva cristiana adventista" (No. 179-94; 13CC: 141-159). PDF

Klingbeil, Gerald A.

"The stones still cry out!" (33CC: 532-536). PDF

Knight, George R.

"Enseigner la religion ou enseigner la théologie ? Un équilibre à atteindre" (35B/CC: 190-193). PDF

"Teaching religion versus teaching theology: An unbalanced emphasis?" (33CC: 537-540). PDF

"Teaching theology of the center versus a theology of the edges" (33CC: 541-544). PDF

Koh, Oliver K. S.

"Worship and school life" (No. 334-98; 21CC: 167-183). PDF

Lamarques, Edemar L.

"O ensino religioso no I e II graus: Uma proposta de reestruturação e valorizasão" (No. 231-94; 15CC: 341-348). PDF

Latour, Pascal

"La grammaire du Nouveau Testament au service de l'évangile" (No. 393-00; 25CC: 117-133). PDF

Lebedeva, Tatyana

"Christian education in Russia: Past and present" (No. 200-94; 14CC: 221-240). PDF

Lee, Jairyong

"Adventist education, witnessing and mission" (35A/CC: 471-482). PDF

Longway, Ina

"Teaching student nurses Sabbath keeping" (No. 056-89; 4CC: 105-123). PDF

Lugo Añez, José Luis

"Importancia del proceso de selección y admisión en los seminarios teológicos" (No. 242-94; 16CC:157-172). PDF

Luna, Miguel

"Models of religious instruction: A biblical perspective" (No. 446-00, 27CC: 147-168). PDF

McClarty, Wilma

"Why teach the Bible as literature?" (8CC: 185-188). PDF

"O livro de Ester como literatura" (15CC: 419-422). PDF

Mafu, Hezequiel

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church school and traditional rain-cults in Africa" (No. 336-98; 21CC: 205-224). PDF

Martínez Gutiérrez, Carlos

"De la teoría a la praxis: Una perspectiva psicológica en la formación de docentes para la misión" (No. 063-89; 4CC: 251-270). PDF

Mathema, Zacchaeus A.

"Traditional African religiosity and Christian discipleship: An educational perspective" (No. 357-98; 23CC: 181-200). PDF

Matthews, John V. G.

"An historicist-prophetic framework for the study of church history in tertiary education" (No. 134-93; 10CC: 311-330). PDF

Mazat, Alberta

"Está a castidade fora de moda?" (15CC: 415-418). PDF

"¿Ha pasado de moda la castidad?" (20CC: 615-618). PDF

Moncrieffe, Orlando M.

"The book of Ecclesiastes: Paradigm for a Christian worldview" (No. 262-96; 17CC: 213-229). PDF

Morrison, Patrick B.

"Le cours de religion : Source de vie ou de léthargie ? " (22CC: 233-236). PDF

"The religious classroom: Life-giving or lethargic?" (12CC: 369-372). PDF

Mugerwa, Reuben T.

"'As the father sent me, so send I you': A New Testament rationale for Christ in the classroom" (No. 597-05; 33CC: 247-264). PDF

Newport, Kenneth G. C.

"The seat of authority: Reason and revelation in Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 047-89; 3CC: 231-248). PDF

Nkou, Joseph G.

"Gospel and culture: Some cultural issues faced by Seventh-day Adventist educators and pastors in teaching Bible in Africa" (No. 084-90; 5CC: 293-312). PDF

Oliver, Anita

"The metanarrative of a biblical curriculum" (34B/CC: 217-242). PDF

Opoku, Francis

"Communicating the Adventist message in context: A Ghanaian perspective" (No. 623-06; 34A/CC: 361-381). PDF

Park, Chunsik

"Genesis 6-9: Theological themes and their educational implications" (No. 448-00, 27CC: 187-204). PDF

Peake, Christopher

"Religious studies modules at Stanborough School: Bridging the gap between faith and secular curriculum" (No. 338-98; 21CC:241-260). PDF

Peters, Harold E.

"Training ministerial directors and lay pastors: A curricular proposal" (No. 077-90; 5CC: 181-198). PDF

Priora, Juan Carlos

"Perspectiva bíblica del nuevo orden mundial y del fin de la historia" (No. 184-94; 13CC: 231-250). PDF

Randolph, Tamara

"Heavenly heuristic: Lessons for Christian education from the Hebrew tabernacle" (No. 625-06; 34A/CC: 399-418). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Giving a reason for our hope: Adventists and apologetics" (34B/CC: 243-263). PDF

Rasi Gregorutti, Sylvia

"Linguistics speaks to biblical interpretation, creation, and Babel" (37B/CC: 173-203). PDF

Razafiarivony, Davidson

"Ancestor worship in Madagascar: An Adventist perspective" (No. 365-98; 23CC: 327-342). PDF

Reid, George W.

"Building faith in the college religion class" (8CC: 243-246). PDF

Reynaud, Daniel

"Literary theory and biblical interpretation" (No. 340-98; 21CC: 279-292). PDF

Rice, Richard

"Quand les croyants réfléchissent" (22CC: 301-304). PDF

Rilloma, Nestor C.

"Contextualizing theological education and ministerial training in Asia: An Adventist perspective" (No. 147-93; 11CC: 113-132). PDF

Rosado, Caleb

"What is spirituality? Memetics, quantum mechanics, and the spiral of spirituality" (No. 432-00; 26A/CC: 291-312). PDF

Roy, Don C.

"Grandir dans la foi : Un nouveau programme d'enseignement de la Bible pour le cours primeire en Australie et en Nouvelle Zélande" (35B/CC: 282-285). PDF

Samraj, Edison

"A Christian approach to Hinduism: The role of Adventist schools in Southern Asia" (18CC: 381-402). PDF

Samraj, Franklin

"A Christian view of time: Biblical chronology and historicity" (No. 282-96; 18CC: 181-194). PDF

Saxby, Gayle

"Symbolic models: Stories as life resources for medical students" (No. 208-94; 14CC: 361-375).PDF

Scarone, Daniel

"Universidad adventista y secularismo: Riesgos y desafíos" (No. 246-94; 16CC: 229-248). PDF

Shea, William H.

"Pour comprende la prophétie biblique" (22CC: 325-328). PDF

Shen, Cyrus

"Conveying Christianity to students with traditional folk beliefs at Taiwan Adventist College" (No. 454-00, 27CC: 299-316). PDF

Siapco, Ishmael J.

"Conveying Christianity to grade school children through nonverbal activities and communication" (No. 157-93; 11CC: 193-210). PDF

Soto, Víctor

"Biblical eschatology and the idea of progress: Implications for the teaching of history and religion" (No. 031-88; 2CC: 237-258). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"Bible: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Bible", and Spanish: "Biblia").

Staples, Russell L.

"'I felt my heart strangely warmed': John Wesley and the Seventh-day Adventist heritage" (8CC: 277-280). PDF

Stefanovic. Zdravko

"Behind the visions and dreams of Daniel: An appreciation of its literary features" (No. 648-07; 35A/CC: 347-367). PDF

Steger, Carlos A.

"Un enfoque adventista de la Cristología" (No. 247-94; 16CC: 249-262). PDF

Strasdowsky, Ronald

"Church-based religious instruction in Eastern Europe: Suggestions for Romania" (No. 138-93; 10CC: 371-388). PDF

Swansi, Kenneth Pradeep

"Marketing the gospel in the Indian bazaar" (No. 283-96; 18CC: 195-212). PDF

Szilvasi, Jozsef

"Introduction to theology: An experimental course at the Hungarian Adventist Seminary" (No. 209-94; 14CC: 379-392). PDF

Tan, Felipe, Jr.

"Contextualizing the gospel message in Asia: An Adventist approach" (No. 152-93; 11CC: 211-226). PDF

Tapia, Oscar Félix

"Diseño de una capellanía para instituciones educativas adventistas" (No. 321-98; 20CC: 293-310). PDF

Teel, Charles, Jr.

"Mission stories and the Adventist future: Fernando and Ana Stahl as a case study" (8CC: 281-286). PDF

Testerman, John K.

"Spirituality vs religion: Implications for healthcare" (No. 302-97; 19CC: 283-297). PDF

Thompson, Alden

"Making peace with death: Experiential, rational, scientific arguments for belief" (No. 436-00; 26A/CC: 369-388). PDF

Tokics, Imre

"Preparing for mission in East-Central Europe: A Hungarian perspective" (No. 649-07; 35A/CC: 369-380). PDF

Tumangday, Nick G.

"Bible teaching for values transformation" (No. 113-92; 7CC: 309-328). PDF

Twumasi, Sampson

"Adventist dissident groups in Africa: Integrative skills for religion teachers and ministerial students." (No. 484-00; 28CC: 479-498). PDF

Uremovich, Gary R.

"Epistemology of faith and learning: A systems approach" (No. 437-00; 26A/CC:389-407). PDF

Wakaba, Velile S.

"The accelerated Christian Education Programme: An evaluation" (No. 170-93; 12CC: 275-295). PDF

Watts, Dorothy Eaton

"Motivating teens for global mission" (8CC: 311-314). PDF

Watts, John

"Towards a theology of education: Theology as underlaborer to Christian education" (37A/CC: 529-548). PDF

Weiss, Herold

"O apóstolo Paulo: Um intelectual?" (15CC: 489-492). PDF

Weiss, Violet

"Training up a child in the right way: Stewardship for Adventist students" (8CC: 319-321). PDF

Whidden, Woodrow W.

"The Adventist 'pioneer' theological heritage: Implications for faith, teaching and learning." (No. 551-03; 31A/CC: 423-443). PDF

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