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Educación – Filosofía de la


Acosta, Abraham A.

"Las escuelas de los profetas: Modelo de educación cristiana para todas las épocas." (No.486-02; 29CC: 1-17). PDF

Akers, George H.

"Nourrir la foi à l'école chrétienne (22CC: 1-6). PDF

"Proper education" (8CC: 33-38). PDF

"Sept raisons en faveur d'une education Adventiste" (35B/CC: 13-16). PDF

"The ministry of teaching: Four steps lie beyond the transmission of information" (8CC: 39-40). PDF

"Tous tes fils seront instruits par Yahvé" (22CC: 7-12). PDF

Ambroise, Pokam

"Relation entre enseignant Adventiste/Eglise/Famille/Communauté" (No. 385-00; 25CC: 1-15). PDF

Bairagee, Robert Bikash

"The selection and implementation of co-curricular activities in an Adventist school" (No. 728-16; 40CC: 17-33). PDF

Beach, B. B.

"Can a university be Christian? A look at academic freedom on the Adventist campus" (8CC: 65-70). PDF

Bishop, Edgar Araya

"La misión de una universidad" (No. 064-89; 4CC: 271-282). PDF

Bursey, Ernest J.

"L'apprentissage du service dans les collèges adventistes" (22CC: 47-52). PDF

Casey, Barry L.

"Are there any questions? Strategies for the journey of faith" (No. 192-94; 14CC: 79-92). PDF

Caviness, Linda Bryant

"Mental, physical and spiritual harmony from a neuroscience perspective" (No. 584-05; 33CC: 1-20). PDF

Cezar de Azevedo, Paulo

"Missão das escolas de igreja" (No. 212-94; 15CC: 1-13). PDF

Coon, Roger

"La grande différence: Les arguments de l'éducation chrétienne" (35B/CC: 85-90). PDF

Coupland, Ralph M.

"A proposal for Adventist Christian education: From rhetoric to reality" (No. 369-99; 24CC: 21-40). PDF

Cres, Elna N.

"Cosmovisão e cultura cristã: Responsabilidade dos agentes educacionais." (No. 491-02; 29CC: 95-114). PDF

Fagal, William

"Ellen G. White on the role of scripture in academic discipline" (No. 415-00; 26B/CC: 479-510). PDF

Fowler, John M.

"The Adventist worldview: A ground to stand, A life to live - I" (40CC: 555-560). PDF

"The Adventist worldview: A ground to stand, A life to live - II" (40CC: 560-568). PDF

General Conference, Department of Education

"A Seventh-day Adventist educational philosophy" (34A/CC: 529-536). PDF

"Declaração da filosofia educacional adventista o sétimo dia" (29CC:607-613). PDF

"Déclaration sur la philosophie de l'éducation adventiste" (35B/CC : 1-4). PDF

Geraty, Lawrence T.

"The essential characteristics of SDA higher education" (12CC: 343-348). PDF

"Reclaiming the vision of Adventist education" (8CC: 111-114).

Germanowicz, Elias F.

"Educação adventista no contexto da pós-modernidade" (No.492-02; 29CC:115-134). PDF

Gray, Meredith Jones

"Faith and learning at Battle Creek College, 1874 - 1901" (No. 374-99; 24CC: 137-156). PDF

Greenwalt, Glen G.

"The eternal horizon: The role of faith in every act of learning" (No. 195-94; 14CC: 129-148). PDF

Gutiérrez, Carlos Martínez

"De la teoría a la praxis: Una perspectiva psicológica en la formación de docentes para la misión" (No. 063-89; 4CC: 251-270). PDF

Gutiérrez Lagos, Nelson

"Fundamentos del constructivismo y su aplicación: Oportunidades y riesgos" (No. 310-98; 20CC: 87-106). PDF

Hemmings, Olive J.

"Knowledge as a quest for God: Implications for teaching" (No. 257-96; 17CC: 115-134). PDF

Henry, Michael St. G.

"The role of vocational studies in Adventist secondary education" (No. 259-96; 17CC: 155-170). PDF

Hernández de Cortés, Miriam

"Cómo integrar fe, valores y aprendizaje en el nivel elemental" (No. 234-94; 16CC: 21-33). PDF

Hollingsead, Candice Haas

"Toward a Christ-centered view of scholarship in post-modern academia" (No. 613-06; 34A/CC: 171-190). PDF

Jolliffe, Ronald L.

"Valuing vision and voice: Aesthetics and spirituality" (No. 199-94; 14CC: 201-220). PDF

Kibuuka, Hudson

"Mission and identity of Seventh-day Adventist schools" (33CC: 527-531). PDF

Kilcher, Carole L. et Jones, Loretta B.

"L'intégration du service dans la vie d'une école : L'histoire d'Andrews University" (22CC: 177-180). PDF

Knight, George R.

"L'éducation adventiste, pourquoi?" (35B/CC: 193-196). PDF

"Les objectifs de l'education adventiste: une perspective historique" (35B/CC: 197-202). PDF

"Qu'est-ce qu'il est le plus important de connaître ? " (22CC: 181-184). PDF

"What knowledge is of most worth? Adventist colleges and the search for meaning" (8CC: 157-159). PDF

Land, Gary

"Aider l'Eglise à penser : La tâche intellectuelle de l'enseignement supérieur chrétien" (22CC: 201-204). PDF

Liard, Pierre-Alain

"La parole libératrice : Socrate et Jésus" (No. 394-00; 25CC: 135-152). PDF

Madson, Greg

"Une école centrée en Christ pour la formation du caractère" (35B/CC: 222-225). PDF

Martin, José-Alvaro

"L'éducation Adventiste: former dans une espérance critique" (No. 657-08; 36CC: 133-142). PDF

McClure, Alfred

"Pourquoi notre église se mêle-t-elle d'éducation ? " (35B/CC: 230-235). PDF

Mensah, C. A.

"Vocational implications of Adventist educational philosophy for secondary education in Ghana" (No. 078-90; 5CC: 199-218). PDF

Mesa, Carlos Alberto

"Lineamientos básicos para un proyecto educativo adventista a un nivel medio: Prioridades y objetivos" (No. 181-94; 13CC: 177-194). PDF

Moróz, Ofélia Wichert

"Satisfazendo as necessidades dos estudantes do 1º e 2º graus em uma escola cristã" (No. 225-94; 15CC: 227-247). PDF

Nwosu, Constance C.

"Integration of faith and learning: An implementation model for Adventist educational institutions" (No. 205-94; 14CC: 311-330). PDF

Oliver, Anita

"Postmodern thought and Adventist education" (No. 378-99; 24CC: 217-236). PDF

Ortega, Enoc Iglesias

"Modelo pedagógico adventista: Una propuesta" (No. 241-94; 16CC: 139-156). PDF

Penniecook, Myrtle Sawyers de

"Fundamento teórico de la integración de la fe en la enseñanza y estrategias de ejecución" (No. 243-94; 16CC: 173-192). PDF

Poma Ch., Adhemar

"Corrientes pedagógicas contemporáneas: El rol del docente" (No. 317-98; 20CC: 223-240). PDF

Randolph, Tamara

"Heavenly heuristic: Lessons for Christian education from the Hebrew tabernacle" (No. 625-06; 34A/CC: 399-418). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37A/CC: 469-485). PDF

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37B/CC: 233-250). PDF

"Aimer Dieu de toute notre intelligence" (36CC: 291-302). PDF

"Conception du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (36CC: 303-310). PDF

"Cosmovisões, cultura contemporânea e educação adventista" (29CC: 543-558). PDF

"Eduquer pour l'éternité" (35B/CC: 250-253). PDF

"Les concepts qui sont au coeur de la philosphie adventiste de l'éducation" (25CC: 311-313). PDF

"Qu'est-ce qui fait qu'une école soit advertiste ? " (35B/CC: 254-255). PDF

"Retour aux vraies sources" (22CC: 283-284). PDF

"Vues du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (25CC: 315-327). PDF

"Worldviews, contemporary culture, and Adventist thought" (No. 401-00; 26B/CC: 1-15). PDF

Regalado, Ferdinand

"Hebrew thought: Its implications for Adventist education" (No. 449-00, 27CC: 205-223). PDF

Rice, Richard Taylor

"De bonnes écoles adventistes : Elles en valent la peine" (22CC: 295-300). PDF

Roy, Don C.

"L'enseignement de la foi selon la perspective constructiviste" (25CC: 381-387). PDF

Samraj, Edison

"A Christian approach to Hinduism: The role of Adventist schools in Southern Asia" (18CC: 381-402). PDF

Sánchez Aragón, Jorge

"La disciplina como elemento formador en la educación adventista" (No. 245-94; 16CC: 211-228). PDF

Scarone, Daniel

"Universidad adventista y secularismo: Riesgos y desafíos" (No. 246-94; 16CC: 229-248). PDF

Schimpf de Fonseca, Delia

"Piaget, psicogénesis y libertad: Una crítica cristiana" (No. 178-94; 13CC: 121-140). PDF

Smith, René Rogelio

"El proyecto de una ética mundial como riesgo pedagógico" (No. 318-98; 20CC: 258-271). PDF

Stele, Artur A.

"The hidden curriculum in an Adventist college: The case of Zaokski Seminary" (No. 343-98; 21CC: 335-348). PDF

Tabuenca, Pedro

"The harmony between revelation and science as the foundation of bioethical education" (No. 382-99; 24CC: 297-314). PDF

Taylor V, John Wesley

"Teaching truth: A biblical paradigm" (37B/CC: 253-272). PDF

Tayo, Ademola Stephen

"B. F. Skinner’s theory and education: A Chistian critique." (No. 482-00; 28CC: 441-460). PDF

Thayer, Jerome

"The impact of Adventist schools on students" (37B/CC: 299-317). PDF

Toussaint, Vanie Bi Gooré

"Ecole Adventiste : Instrument d'évangelisation" (No. 399-00; 25CC: 219-232). PDF

Tumangday, Miriam S.

"Glimpses of human nature: Some implications for Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 112-92; 7CC: 289-308). PDF

Rincón, Alberto Valderrama

"Principios pedagógicos y educación adventista" (No. 249:94; 16CC: 283-301). PDF

Vogel, Emilio Enrique

"Antropología bíblica y educación adventista" (No. 187-94; 13CC: 289-305). PDF

Watts, John

"Towards a theology of eucation: Theology as underlaborer to Christian education" (37A/CC: 529-548). PDF

Werkema, Gordon R.

"Sending children to a Christian college" (8CC: 50-53). PDF

Zinke, E. Edward

"Faith: A comparison of humanistic and biblical definitions in relation to Christian education" (No. 403-00; 26B/CC: 57-87). PDF


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