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Fagal, William

"Ellen G. White on the role Scripture in academic discipline" (No. 415-00; 26B/CC: 479-510). PDF

Fandrich, Arlie R.

"The integration of faith in the computer classroom: Some ethical concerns" (No. 100-92; 7CC: 55-74). PDF

Fayard, Carlos

"Christianity and Psychotherapy: Clinical implications from a Seventh-day Adventist biblical anthropology" (34B/CC: 101-128). PDF 2060KB

Fider, Carol Joy

"Moral and ethical issues in The Scarlet Letter" (No. 373-99; 24CC: 117-135). PDF

Finuchi, Juan Omar

"El profesor y su percepción del alumno: Un enfoque cristiano" (No. 309-98; 20CC: 69-86). PDF

Fisher, Barbara

"Promoting biblical literacy in the elementary classroom" (33CC: (33CC: 77-96). PDF 139 KB

Fisher, Howard J.

"A Creation perspective on economics, ecology and environment" (31A/CC: 133-152). PDF

Fitts, William D.

"A escolha de Mark Twain: Por trás do sorriso, of sofrimento" (15CC: 373-376). PDF

"La decisión de Mark Twain" (20CC: 555-557). PDF

"Le choix de Mark Twain: La souffrance derrière le rire" (22CC: 111-114). PDF

"Mark Twain’s choice: The pain behind the laughter" (8CC: 107-110). PDF

Flores, Gladden O.

"Administration of discipline in Adventist secondary schools: A Christian perspective" (35A/CC: 57-76). PDF 1393KB

Flores, Norma D.

"God’s fingerprint: The EGFR in the biological membrane and the mechanism of primary signal transduction" (No. 422-00; 26A/CC: 101-118). PDF

Fly, Nancy A.

"Beyond professional caring: Teaching nursing students the art of Christian caring" (No. 126-93; 10CC: 167-185). PDF

Follett, Lenora D.

"Parables of the body: Integrating spiritual lessons with a nursing curriculum" (No. 423-00; 26A/CC; 119-138). PDF

Fong, Chan Wai

"Principles and strategies of health education: The Taiwan Adventist College experience" (35A/CC: 1-20). PDF 1073KB

Fonseca, Delia Schimpf de

"Piaget, psicogénesis y libertad: Una crítica Cristiana" (No. 178-94; 13CC: 121-140). PDF

Ford, Dwain L.

"Nunca lograrás obtener el doctorado" (20CC: 559-561). PDF

"On the frontier of scientific instruction" (8CC: 54-56). PDF

"You’ll never make it through graduate school" (18CC: 327-329). PDF

Fortin, Denis

"Ellen White on the search for knowledge and the experience of salvation: Why they must go together" (37B/CC: 159-172). PDF 1230KB

Foster, Henry L.

"The integration of values and learning: An application to accounting" (No. 330-98; 21CC:  095-114). PDF

Fouedjeu, Marie-Hélène

"Les maladies sexuellemnet transmissibles et l’adolescent dans une école secondaire adventista" (No. 389-00, 25CC: 61-76). PDF

Fowler, John

"Building a Christian worldview: A Christian approach to the study of philosophy" (No. 022-88; 2CC: 055-073). PDF

"Faith, reason, and Adventist education" (35A/CC: 381-388). PDF 711KB

"Formando uma visão de mundo" (15CC: 377-382). PDF

"Hacia una cosmovisión cristiana" (20CC: 563-568). PDF

"Se faire une conception du monde" (22CC: 115-120). PDF

"The Adventist worldview: a ground to stand, a life to live - I." (40CC: 555-560). PDF 565KB

"The Adventist worldview: a ground to stand, a life to live - II." (40CC: 561-569). PDF 804KB

Fraga, Fernando Aranda

"Le postmodernimse et le New Age: Des rapports subtils" (22CC: 17-24). PDF

"Postmodernismo y Nueva Era: Las conexiones sutiles" (20CC: 493-496). PDF

Francis, Joan A.

"Des mordus de l’histoire" (22CC: 121-124). PDF

Freed, Shirley Ann

"Cooperative learning: An alternative to lecturing in college" (18CC: 331-335).  PDF

Fuerte, Antionio Cremades

"Aportaciones práctica para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva Cristina: Una ruta didáctica indirecta" (No. 236-94; 16CC: 55-73). PDF

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva Cristiana: Una ruta didáctica directa" (No. 235-94; 16CC: 35-54). PDF

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva Cristiana: Una ruta didáctica indirecta" (No. 236-94; 16CC: 55-74). PDF

Furst, Lyndon G.

"Le directeur d'école et le comité directeur: une équipe" (35B/CC: 125-130). PDF 1241KB

Fusth, Deolinda Maria Correia

"Autodeterminação e discernimento crítico responsável" (No. 220-94; 15CC: 137-150). PDF



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