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Aaby, Anthony A.

"Certainty, infinity, and impossibility: Implications for faith and learning" (30CC: 1-18). PDF

Aagaard, Earl

"A believer's approach to the sciences" (30CC: 321-328). PDF

"A biblical approach to origins" (30CC: 329-340). PDF

"Can a believer be a scientist?" (34A/CC: 497-512). PDF 1440KB

"Dealing with Darwinism in a Christian university" (34A/CC: 513-528). PDF 1596KB

"Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of biology" (30CC: 341-350). PDF

"L'approche des sciences par un croyant" (35B/CC: 5-8). PDF 295KB

"Les implications morales du darwinisme" (35B/CC: 9-12). PDF 307KB

"Mere scientists and true believers" (34A/CC: 479-496). PDF 1525KB


"The importance of the intelligence design theory for Adventist science education "(No. 417-00; 26A/CC: 1-16). PDF

"The moral implications of Darwinism" (33CC: 401-404). PDF

Aamodt, Terrie Dopp

"Face values: Liberal education’s imperative" (18CC: 245-250). PDF

Abura, Joan A.

"Verbal communication in the classroom: What Christian classroom educators can do to help their students" (No. 346-98; 23CC: 1-11). PDF

Acosta B., Abraham A.

"Las escuelas de los profetas: Modelo de educación cristiana para todas las épocas" (29CC: 001-016). PDF

Acosta, María Elena

"Learning by experience: Transmitting Seventh-day Adventist nutritional principles through community programs" (No. 117-93; 10CC: 1-20). PDF

Adeku, Eden B.

"The role of discipline in student administration: Some implications for Adventist higher education in Ghana" (No. 347-98; 23CC: 13-30). PDF

Adeoye, Grace O.

"Water supply, environmental hygiene and health" (No. 459-00; 28CC: 001-017). PDF

Adil, Jimmy Jiamah V., Jr.

"Instilling Christian virtues in advising student researchers" (40CC: 1-16). PDF 780KB

Afolabi, Gabriel K.

"Entrepreneurship in the contemporary world: A Biblical approach" (34A/CC: 1-16). PDF 990KB

Agabus, Clairine

"Communiquer les valeurs spirituelles et morales dans l'enseignement de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère: en classse de 4e et 3e" (36CC: 1-24). PDF 1906KB

Aguilar, Rubén

"El trigo y la cizaña: Un paralelismo histórico del adventismo y el evolucionismo del siglo XIX" (No. 065-89; 4CC: 283-302). PDF

Aina, Ayandiji Daniel

"Integrating Christian values in teaching citizenship education in Nigeria" (34A/CC: 17-36). PDF 1314KB

Aja, Godwin Nwadibia

"Biblico-historical foundations of public health:  An Adventist perspective" (No. 460-00; 28CC: 019-037). PDF

Akers, George

"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord" (18CC: 251-256). PDF

"Nurturing faith in the Christian school" (12CC: 311-316). PDF

Akers, George H.

"Nourrir la foi à l’école chrétienne" (22CC: 1-6). PDF

"Proper Education" (8CC: 033-038). PDF

"Sept raisons en faveur d'une éducation adventiste" (35B/CC: 13-16). PDF 692KB

"The ministry of teaching: Four steps lie beyond the transmission of information" (8CC: 39-40). PDF

"Tous tes fils seront instruits par Yahvé" (22CC: 7-12). PDF

Akers, George H. and Robert D. Moon

"Integrating learning, faith, and practice in Christian education - Part 1" (8CC: 1-16). PDF

"Integrating learning, faith, and practice in Christian education - Part II" (8CC: 17- 32). PDF

Alalade, Adekunle A.

"Developing a spiritual master plan" (No. 348-98; 23CC: 31-51). PDF

Alexander, Horace

"A teacher like God’: Integrating faith and teacher education" (8CC:  41-43). PDF

Alférez Salinas, Germán Harvey

"Grupos de investigación tecnológica en universidades adventistas: Educación y misión" (39CC: 1-16). PDF 1867KB

Alinaya, Minerva M.

"Increasing faith through biology instruction" (No. 154-93; 12CC: 1-18). PDF

Almocera, Reuel U.

"Rationalistic mind-set, animistic worldview, and the Gospel: Implications for the development of Christian Faith in the Asia-Pacific region" (No. 418-00; 26A/CC: 17-36). PDF

Alomía, Merling

"Algunos aspectos del movimiento de la Nueva Era y dos de sus promotores católico-romanos" (No. 095-90; 6CC: 165-186). PDF

Altin, Lucio

"Christanisme et psychologie : Un bon mélange ?" (22CC: 13-16). PDF

"Christianity and psychology: A good mix?" (8CC: 45-48). PDF

"Cristianismo y psicología: ¿Son una buena combinación?" (20CC: 489-492). PDF

"O cristianismo e a psicologia: Uma boa mistura?" (15CC: 351-354). PDF

Alvarez, Marcelo Carvajal

"La ética cristiana en las relaciones interpersonales en el contexto de un colegio o universidad adventista" (No. 174-94; 13CC: 41-60). PDF

Ambroise, Pokam

"Relation entre enseignant Adventiste/Eglise/Famille/Communauté" (No. 385-00; 25CC: 1-15). PDF

Amenya, Hulda

"Teaching the novels of Chinua Achebe from a Christian perspective" (37A/CC: 1-18). PDF 818KB

Amertil, Ninon P.

"Nurturing faith in college nursing students" (No. 367-99; 24CC: 1-20). PDF

Amino, Fred

"Maximizing the God-given potential in students: Teaching biology as a case study" (No. 349-98; 23CC: 51-64). PDF

Amorim, Nilton D.

"Academic freedom in theology teaching" (No. 080-90; 5CC: 237-256). PDF

Amponsah, Abraham

"Mathematical functions: Illustrating spiritual concepts" (34A/CC: 37-56). PDF 1367KB

Anderson, Clarence

"The Christian’s pursuit, accumulation, and use of wealth" (31A/CC: 1-20). PDF

Andrade, Dilma A.

"O coordenador pedagógico na Integração da Fe e Aprendizagem" (29CC: 017-040). PDF

Andreasen, Neals-Erick

"The Christian college teacher" (12CC: 317-319). PDF

Andrews, Lydia D.

"Teaching midwifery to nursing students from a biblical-Christian perspective" (38CC: 1-16). PDF 1817KB

Andrews, Vernon

"Considerations for the evaluation of church music" (No. 019-88; 2CC: 1-18). PDF

Andrianjakazafy, Raphaël

"La déperdition scolataire : Etude de cas à Madagascar" (No. 386-00; 25CC: 17-27). PDF

Añez, José Luis Lugo

"Importancia del proceso de selección y admisión en los seminarios teológicos" (No. 242-94; 16CC: 157-172). PDF

Angwenyi, Noah

"Conservation of biodiversity: Biblical concepts" (No. 350-98; 23CC: 65-84). PDF

Antilla, Simo

"An Adventist approach to teaching civics" (No. 061-89; 4CC: 209-224). PDF

Aragón, Jorge Sánchez

"La disciplina como elemento formador en la educación adventista" (No. 245-94; 16CC: 211-228). PDF

Aranda Fraga, Fernando

"Los valores éticos y ciudadanos como contenidos transversales en la educación formal: Un abordaje desde la perspectiva cristiana" (32CC: 1-20). PDF

Araújo, Jael E. de

"Paralelo entre Socialismo y Cristianismo na transformação social" (29CC: 587-604). PDF

Araya, Silvana Salas de

"Formación integral: Desarrollo físico en la educación universitaria adventista" (32CC: 39-60). PDF

Archer, Austin

"Constructivism and Christian Teaching" (No. 351-98, 23CC: 85-101). PDF

Archer, B. Peter

"Origins: Can science and biblical Christianity co-exist?" (No. 250-96; 17CC: 1-20). PDF

Asafo, Dziedzorm R.

"Nurturing spirituality: The case of Adventist Education in Africa" (37A/CC: 19-40). PDF 1185KB

Asaph, Maradufu

"Creation week: God’s love in action." (No. 428-00; 26A/CC: 209-288). PDF

Ashworth, Warren S.

"La perspetive d'un foyer céleste: Pourquoi je suis un éducateur adventiste" (35B/CC: 17-22). PDF 1100KB

Augsburger, Daniel

"The Christ-centered religion classroom" (8CC: 59-61). PDF

Auguste, Monique

"Une perspective chrétienne sur la littérature" (No. 387-00; 25CC: 29-43). PDF

Ayala, Adalberto Ticona

"La motivación: Factor clave del aprendizaje en los colegios adventistas" (No. 322-98; 20CC: 311-328). PDF

Ayala, Fabiola Cushicóndor de

"La lectura integradora como instrumento de aprendizaje de valores" (32CC: 21-38). PDF

Azevedo, Oswalcir A. de

"A guarda do Sábado pelos profissionais de saúde: Conscientizando os enfermeiros" (29CC: 41-56). PDF

Azevedo, Paulo Cezar de

"Missão das escolas de igreja" (No. 212-94; 15CC: 1-13). PDF

Azevedo, Roberto César de

"A strategic plan for implementing an integration of faith and learning program in the South American Division" (No. 119-93; 10CC: 41-61). PDF


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