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Volumen 10


Maria Elena Acosta. "Learning by Experience: Transmitting Seventh-day Adventist Nutritional Principles Through Community Programs." p. 001-020  PDF 839KB
Admir Arraias de Matos. "Developing Textbooks in the Natural Sciences That Integrate Faith and Learning: An Experience in Brazil."  p. 021-040  PDF 1,380KB
Roberto Cesar de Azavedo. "A Strategic Plan for Implementing an Integration of Faith and Learning Program in the South American Division."  p. 041-062  PDF 1,223KB
Gatsinzi Basaninyenzi. "Teaching an Anti-Christian Text From a Christian Perspective: The Case of S. Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot'."  pp. 063-074  PDF 1,087KB
Enrique Becerra. "Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Training: Toward an Integrated Whole."  pp. 075-088  PDF 1,083KB
Cristina Block. "A Thematic Approach to the Teaching of English Literature to Foreign Students: Secular and Christian Values Contrasted."  p. 089-108  PDF 1,236KB
Turibio José de Burgo. "Teaching Christian Values Through School Choir Activities."  pp. 109-126  PDF 1,007KB
Myrna Colon. "A Course Development Plan On the Integration of Faith, Values, and Learning."  pp. 127-146  PDF 755KB
Hedlley J. Eager. "Perception, Process, Product: Integrated Faith and Learning for a Christlike Character."  pp. 147-166  PDF 1,549KB
Nancy A. Fly. "Beyond Professional Caring: Teaching Nursing Students the Art of Christian Caring."  pp. 167-186  PDF 1,016KB
Thomas S. Geraty. "Work Experience Education for Seventh-day Adventist Schools and Colleges in the 21st Century."  pp. 187-204  PDF 1,136KB
Walter S. Hamerslough."Physical Education and Sport From a Christian Perspective."  pp. 205-220  PDF 1,388KB
Linda Mei Lin Koh. "Brain and Mind: A Christian Perspective."  pp. 221-238  PDF 1,009KB
Raquel Bouvet de Korniejczuk. "The Teacher as Agent in Integrating Faith and Learning: The Process of Deliberate Teacher Implementation."  pp. 239-256  PDF 1,201KB
Victor A. Korniejczuk. "Psychological Theories of Religious Development: A Seventh-day Adventist Perspective."  pp. 257-276  PDF 1,552KB
Henry H. Lamberton. "Carl Rogers' View of Personal Wholeness: An Evaluation and Critique from a Christian Perspective."   pp. 277-296  PDF 1,537KB
Barnabas K.Maiyo. "Alienation, Human Values, and Ecology: The Role of a Christian Geographer."   p. 297-310  PDF 958KB
John V.G. Matthews. "A Historicist-Prophetic Framework for the Study of Church History in Tertiary Education."  p. 311-330  PDF 1,822KB
Joel O. Ogot. "The Integration of Faith and Values in the Teaching and Practice of Agriculture."  pp. 331-350  PDF 1,580KB
Lylian E. Weiss Schmidt. "Sarte's Humanism Versus Biblical Humanism."  p. 351-370  PDF 906KB
Ronald Stradowsky. "Church-Based Religious Instruction in Eastern Europe: Suggestions for Romania."  p. 371-388  PDF 1,191KB
Roberto Vacca. "Reading William Blake: A Christian Perspective."  p. 389-406  PDF 1,924KB
David Vélez-Sepúlveda. "Literature and Life: Teaching Fictional Literature in Adventist Higher Education."  pp. 407-426  PDF 1,405KB
Eugene V. Zaitsev. "A Historical Outline of Sabbathkeepers in Russia from the 15th Century to the Present."  p. 427-442  PDF 977KB


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