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Integración de Fe y Aprendizaje


Akers, George H. and Moon, Robert D.

"Integrating learning, faith, and practice in Christian education - Part 1" (8CC: 1-16). PDF

"Integrating learning, faith, and practice in Christian education - Part II" (8CC: 17- 32). PDF

Altin, Lucio

"Christianisme et psychologie : Un bon mélange ? " (22CC: 13-16). PDF

Andrade, Dilma A.

"O coordenador pedagógico na integração da fe e aprendizagem." (No. 487-02; 29CC: 17-40). PDF

Auguste, Monique

"Une perspective chrétienne sur la littérature" (No. 387-00; 25CC: 29-43). PDF

Brito, Patricio Ayala

"Integración de valores en la planifcación estratégica de una facultad" (No. 305-98; 20CC: 1-20). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa M.

"Integration of faith and values in graduate and professional education" (40CC: 501-518). PDF

Becker, Rebecca D.

"Peut-on introduire la foi dans le cours de langue ? " (22CC: 31-34). PDF

Bizzocchi, Lilian Ferrari de

"Integración fe-enseñanza: Una perspectiva institucional para el nivel secundario" (No. 173-94; 13CC: 21-40). PDF

Boughman, Larry W.

"Campus beautification: A factor in integration of faith and learning" (No. 190-94; 14CC: 039-058). PDF

Brantley, Paul S.

"Administration: The missing link in the integration of faith and learning" (33CC: 421-425). PDF

"L'administration : le chaînon manquant pour intégrer la foi et l'apprentissage ? " (35B/CC: 53-58). PDF

"Le partage d'une foi commune: Une étude complète d'un enseignement christocentrique dans les lycées adventistes" (35B/CC: 59-64). PDF

Burrun, Breejan

"An approach for integrating faith and learning at the Phoenix Adventist Secondary School, Mauritius" (No. 079-90; 5CC: 219-236). PDF

Cameron García, Hugo Wilfred

"Transmisión de valores bíblico-cristianos en la educación básica y media" (No. 306-98; 20CC: 21-40). PDF

Castrejón, Jaime

"Major principles forming the concept of integration of faith and learning in the writings of Ellen G. White" (6CC: 201-228). PDF

César de Azevedo, Roberto

"A strategic plan for implementing an integration of faith and learning program in the South American Division" (No. 119-93; 10CC: 41-61). PDF

Chaves, Saint'Clair Pinto

"O professor como elemento integrador na relação fé-ensino: Uma conscientização" (No. 216-94; 15CC: 69-81). PDF

Clausen, Ben

"Christianity and science: An Adventist perspective" (18CC:305-318). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of physical sciences" (33CC: 381-393). PDF

Clifford, Gerald F.

"The priorities of faith: Pervading the secular curriculum with the Christian ethic" (No. 021-88; 2CC: 35-54). PDF

Colón, Myrna

"A course development plan on the integration of faith, values, and learning" (No. 124-93; 10CC: 127-146). PDF

Cremades Fuerte, Antonio

"Aportaciones prácticas para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales desde una perspectiva cristiana: Una ruta didáctica directa" (No. 235-94; 16CC: 35-54). PDF

Chadwick, Arthur V.

"A modern framework for Earth sciences in a Christian context" (40CC: 543-553). PDF

Davis, Delmer

"Faith and learning: The approaches of three influential Adventist English teachers" (No. 370-99; 24CC: 59-80). PDF

Delgado Pérez, Ricardo

"Una propuesta práctica para transmitir valores cristianos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas" (No. 237-94; 16CC: 75-86). PDF

Denison, Iris F.

"Implementing the integration of faith and learning on the college campus: A developmental model" (No. 054-89; 4CC: 71-90). PDF

Dondapati, Job

" 'Singing the Lord's song in a strange land': The challenge of integrating Christian values in schools in a non-Christian environment" (No. 734-16; 40CC: 127-147). PDF

Du Preez, Ron

"Integrating faith in the peri-curricular practices of an Adventist institution" (No. 441-00, 27CC: 59-78). PDF

Eager, Hedley J.

"Perception, process, product: Integrating faith and learning for a Christlike character" (No. 125-93; 10CC: 147-166). PDF

Fagal, William

"Ellen G. White on the role Scripture in academic discipline" (No. 415-00; 26B/CC: 479-510). PDF

Gaikwad, Samuel M.

"The integration of faith and learning in a teacher education program: A pilot program at Spicer Memorial College" (No. 194-94; 14CC: 113-128). PDF

Gregorio, Luis M.

"Profesionalización de maestros bachilleres: Desafío y experiencia en la Universidad Adventista Dominicana" (No. 240-94; 16CC: 123-138). PDF

Gweth, Luc Alphonse

"La place de la foi chrétienne dans tout processus de prise de décision" (No. 390-00; 25CC: 77-86). PDF

Hayward, James L.

"Enseigner les sciences en chrétien : Foi, évidence, interprétation humilité" (35B/CC: 148-151). PDF

Hernández de Cortés, Miriam

"Cómo integrar fe, valores y aprendizaje en el nivel elemental" (No. 234-94; 16CC: 21-34). PDF

Hewitt, Liane

"Integrating Christian faith and beliefs at a distance education site" (No. 292-97; 19CC: 109-128). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Using curriculum frameworks to build faith in secondary students" (8CC: 141-144). PDF

Hill, Barry et Plane, Barry

"L'enseignement des valeurs en technologie industrielle et en informatique" (22CC: 149-154). PDF

Hosokawa, Elder

"Integração da fé nas Ciências Sociais: Considerações sobre sua constituição no Brasil e pressupostos essenciais" (29CC: 497-504). PDF

Ikonne, C. N.

"Measuring integration of faith and learning at an SDA college: Two assessment instruments" (No. 076-90; 5CC: 167-180). PDF

Jaimes Zubieta, Donald

"La integración fe y enseñanza/aprendizaje: Factor esencial para la calidad de la educación cristiana" (No. 311-98; 20CC: 107-126). PDF

John, M. C.

"The Adventist secondary boarding school as witness: A strategy for and an outcome of the integrative process" (No. 093-90; 6CC: 133-148). PDF

Kamwendo, Elden G.

"The role of administrative and support units of an Adventist university in fostering integration of faith and learning" (No. 466-00; 28CC: 135-154). PDF

Kanyarukiga, Ephraïm S. K.

"L'évangile face aux cultures en Afrique : Le rôle de la littérature" (No. 392-00; 25CC: 101-116). PDF

Kibuuka, Hudson E.

"The role of the institution and the teacher in the integration of faith and learning: A two-dimensional approach for Adventist tertiary institutions" (No. 160-93; 12CC: 103-120). PDF

Kim, Hong Ryan

"Launching an integration of faith and learning program through the academic leadership team of a Christian college" (No. 055-89; 4CC: 91-104). PDF

Knittel, Frank

"The college's role in integrating faith and learning" (8CC: 161-164). PDF

Korchuk, Viacheslav

"A strategy for the transmission of Christian beliefs and values to students: The case of the Ukrainian College of Arts and Sciences" (No. 638-07; 35A/CC: 165-183). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel B. de

"Faith and learning at institutional level: An integrative approach - The experience of the University of Montemorelos" (35A/CC: 425-442). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: Fundamental concepts and the mission of Adventist higher education" (35A/CC: 443-458). PDF

"Integração fé-aprendizagem: Teoria e prática - parte I" (29CC: 505-520). PDF

"Integração fé-aprendizagem: Teoria e prática - parte II" (29CC: 521-542). PDF

"Integración fe-aprendizaje: Teoría y práctica - parte I" (20CC: 441-458). PDF

"Integración fe-aprendizaje: Teoría y práctica - parte II" (20CC: 459-486). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: The teacher's role" (35A/CC: 459-470).PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: Theory and practice - part I" (21CC: 377-394). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: Theory and practice - part II" (21CC: 395-416).  PDF

"The teacher as agent in integrating faith and learning: The process of deliberate teacher implementation" (No. 130-93; 10CC: 239-255). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel and Brantley, Paul S.

"From creeds to deeds: Teacher integration of faith and learning in the classroom." (12CC: 353-358). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel de et Brantley, Paul

"De la pensée à l'action : L'intégration de la foi et de l'apprentissage dans la salle de classe par le professeur." (22CC: 189-196). PDF

Kurth-Wright, Charleen

"La foi et l'emploi du temps" (22CC: 197-200). PDF

Libato, Adelino T.

"An approach toward in-servicing of Christian teachers on the integration of faith and learning" (No. 026-88; 2CC: 129-152). PDF

Liénard, Jean-Luc

"God in the college science classroom: Challenges and

opportunities" (No. 201-94; 14CC: 241-258). PDF

López de la Torre, Juan Antonio

"Integrating faith and learning at an Adventist secondary school: A system-wide approach at Colegio Adventista de Sagunto." (No. 541-03; 31A/CC: 225-242) PDF

Luna, Luis Miguel

"The biblical and theological foundations for the concept of the integration of faith and learning" (No. 260-96; 17CC: 171-192). PDF

Maidom-Lampadam, Ritha

"Integrating faith and learning in teaching English as a second language: Possibilities in grammar classes" (No. 447-00, 27CC: 169-186). PDF

McClarty, Wilma

"La Bible et l'art au XXe siècle : L'influence des Ecritures se fait-elle encore sentir?" (22CC: 221-224). PDF

Maquera Sosa, Jorge P.

"Integración fe y enseñanza en matemáticas (caso: Relaciones y funciones)" (No. 313-98; 20CC: 147-164). PDF

Mathema, S. P.

"Integrating faith and learning in SDA schools in the Zambesi Union: A proposal" (No. 083-90; 5CC: 281-292). PDF

Matos, Admir Arrais de

"Developing textbooks in the natural sciences that integrate faith and learning: An experience in Brazil" (No. 118-93; 10CC: 21-40). PDF

Matthews, Lionel

"Dimensions of the integration of faith and learning: A sociological perspective" (No. 376-99; 24CC: 177-196). PDF

Mayboroda, Olena

"Information technology: managerial aspects of the integration of faith and learning" (No. 518-03; 30CC: 129-146). PDF

Mitchell, Norman L.

"Finding the harmony between faith and science in college classes" (8CC: 189-192). PDF

Mundy, Bill

"Science et religion : Deux approaches de la compréhension de la réalité" (22CC: 237-240). PDF

Mutch, G. William

"L'intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement : Les sciences physiques: (22CC: 241-244). PDF

Nwosu, Constance C.

"Integration of faith and learning: An implementation model for Adventist educational institutions" (No. 205-94; 14CC: 311-330). PDF

Nzamutuma, Issumael

"The home-school partnership in integrating faith and learning in Adventist secondary schools" (No. 166-93; 12CC: 213-228). PDF

Pearson, Michael

"Faith, reason and vulnerability" (8CC: 213-216). PDF

Penniecook, Myrtle Sawyers de

"Fundamento teórico de la integración de la fe en la enseñanza y estrategias de ejecución" (No. 243-94; 16CC: 173-192). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Comp. Christ in the Classroom: Adventist Approaches to the Integration of Faith and Learning" Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 40 vols., 1991 ---. PDF

"Fé, razâo e escolha: Amando a Deus de todo nosso pensamento." (29CC: 559-576). PDF

Ratzsch, Del

"Le berceau de la science : examiner le cosmos dans le contexte de la foi" (35B/CC: 262-265). PDF

Rocha, Nidélci L.

"Integração fé-ensino através da arte-educação." (No. 501-02; 29CC: 269-286). PDF

Ross, Gary M.

"Beyond peripheralism" (17CC: 415-418). PDF

"What integration is not: The strange case of Saturday believers" (33CC: 395-400). PDF

Roy, Don

"Christ dans la salle de classe : vers la complétude" (25CC: 363-372). PDF

"Guides du curriculum pour l'éducation secondaire" (25CC: 373-379). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning revisited: A cosmic perspective" (28CC: 613-626). PDF

Schafer, Rahel Davidson

"Intégrer foi et science: le point de vue d'une étudiante" (35B/CC: 95-98). PDF

Schmidt, Adeny

"Integration of faith and learning through curricular design: Interdisciplinary, team-taught general education" (No. 321-98; 21CC: 293-314). PDF

Steyn, Delyse E.

"Integration of faith and learning in a Seventh-day Adventist context: A post-modern perspective" (12CC: 389-405). PDF

Taylor V, John Wesley

"A biblical foundation for the integration of faith and learning" (27CC: 395-407). PDF

"God, nature, and learning: An integrational approach" (No. 032-88; 2CC: 259-278). PDF

"Instructional strategies for the integration of faith and learning" (27CC: 409-425). PDF

"Instructional strategies for integrating faith and learning" (33CC: 629-635). PDF

Taylor, Morris L.

"Presenting Christ in the humanities" (8CC: 62-64). PDF

Tshimanga, Mwebwe P. M.

"Le foyer intégré et la salle de classe intégrée : Cooperants de l'intégration de la foi dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage" (No. 398-00; 25CC: 201-217). PDF

Uremovich, Gary R.

"Epistemology of faith and learning: A systems approach" (No. 437-00; 26A/CC:389-408). PDF

Villegas Pedreros, Alberto

"Descripción de un proceso de integración fe-enseñanza/aprendizaje educativo institucional a través de la acción del equipo de gestión" (No. 324-98; 20CC: 349-367). PDF

Walthall, Bill

"Integrando fé e ensino na sala de aula da faculdade--Part 1" (15CC: 481-484). PDF

"Integrando fé e ensino na sala de aula da faculdade--Part II" (15CC: 485-488). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the college classroom (Part 1): One teacher's discoveries" (8CC: 299-301). PDF

"Integrating faith and learning in the college classroom (Part II): Course design and content" (8CC: 303-305). PDF

"Intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement en faculté : Première partie : Les trésors de nos enseignants" (22CC: 353-356). PDF

"Intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement en faculté : Seconde partie : Le contenu des cours" (22CC: 357-360). PDF

White, E. G.

"Quotations on the integration of faith and learning" (8CC: 333-341). PDF

Woudenberg, A. L. Sinikka

"A model for integrating the Christian faith and the scientific mind set" (No. 043-89; 3CC: 161-178). PDF

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