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Aagaard, Earl

"Les implications morales du darwinisme" (35B/CC: 9-12). PDF

"The moral implications of Darwinism" (33CC: 401-403). PDF

Amorim, Nilton D.

"Academic freedom in theology teaching" (No. 080-90; 5CC: 237-256). PDF

Anderson, Clarence

"The Christian's pursuit, accumulation, and use of wealth." (31A/CC: 1-20). PDF

Avilés Miranda, José

"La responsabilidad social del profesor y el universitario adventista" (No. 172-94; 13CC: 1-19). PDF

Baldwin, Dalton D.

"Openness for renewal without destructive pluralism: The dilemma of doctrinal dissent" (No. 038-89; 3CC: 61-81). PDF

Barayuga, Luz

"An ethical-theological approach to literature: Some suggestions for Adventist teachers" (No. 141-93; 11CC: 1-20). PDF

Bauer, Stephen

"Darwin's God: How rejecting design impacts biblical theism" (37B/CC: 1-49). PDF

Brunt, John C.

"Making the Bible relevant for the moral life" (12CC: 325-328). PDF

Buck, Michael D.

"Has the Financial Accounting Standards Board believed a lie?" (No. 002-88; 1CC: 11-28). PDF

Caesar, Lael

"Religious faiths and the problem of evil: A biblical perspective" (37B/CC: 59-100). PDF

Cafferky, Michael E.

"The individual-community tension in Christian leadership" (No. 667-09; 37A/CC: 41-58). PDF

Carter, Ronald L.

"La moralité dépend-elle des génes ? " (22CC: 57-60). PDF

Carvajal Alvarez, Marcelo

"La ética cristiana en las relaciones interpersonales en el contexto de un colegio o universidad adventista" (No. 174-94; 13CC: 41-61). PDF

Charles, Fresnel

"Conveying Christian values to adolescents in Adventist schools" (No. 252-96; 17CC: 41-60). PDF

Connors, John B.

"Moral education revisited: trends in teaching right from wrong" (No. 328-98; 21CC: 59-78). PDF

Copiz, Pietro E.

"Some reflections on the Christian scholar facing research" (No. 049-89; 3CC: 269-286). PDF

Costa, Noel D. da

"O ensino da ética numa perspectiva cristã: Uma experiéncia observada na Faculdade Adventista Paranaense." (No. 490-02; 29CC: 77-94). PDF

Dada, Samuel O.

"Integrating biblical values in teaching financial management" (No. 732-16; 40CC: 89-105). PDF

Dangana, Daniel M.

"Conveying Christian values through technical and vocational education and training (TVET)" (No. 733-16; 40CC: 107-126). PDF

de Rond, Mark

"Fettucine Alfredo: A core competence for Adventist business education?" (No. 193-94; 14CC: 93-112). PDF

Ekkens, David

"Animals and humans: Are they equal?" (18CC: 323-326). PDF

"Les animaux sont-ils les égaux des humains ? " (22CC: 107-110). PDF

Elder, Harvey A.

"Toward an ethics of medical care that includes care for the spiritual" (No. 291-97: 19CC: 91-108). PDF

Estwick, Anderson

"Christian values: A key component in Adventist technology programs" (No. 255-96; 17CC: 79-94). PDF

Fandrich, Arlie R.

"The integration of faith in the computer classroom: Some ethical concerns" (No. 100-92; 7CC: 55-74). PDF

Galusha, Joseph G.

"Sociobiology and the origins of morality: A Christian perspective" (No. 331-98; 21CC:115-128). PDF

Griffiths, Victor S.

"The SDA college and university professor: Some ethical and professional issues" (No. 007-88: 1CC: 105-128). PDF

Gutiérrez, Hanz

"Human responsibility: Between morality, ethics and religion." (No.539-03; 31A/CC: 189-208). PDF

Higgs, Leon L.

"The teaching of business ethics and social values in the SDA college business curriculum: A conceptual model" (No. 009-88; 1CC: 151-174). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Teaching values in Adventist education" (6CC: 303-320). PDF

Hill, Georgina

"Preventing plagiarism" (33CC:497-500). PDF

Hongisto, Patrizia

"Art, the expression of the inexpressible within ethics" (No. 102-92; 7CC: 95-114). PDF

Hyde, Bradley G.

"Moral choice: Deterministic, random, or free will?" (No. 103-92; 7CC: 115-132). PDF

Kennedy, Anne-Marie

"Teaching values: developing a curricular framework for Adventist schools" (No. 333-98; 21CC: 149-166). PDF

Kerbs, Raul

"L'éthique à l'époque postmoderne" (35B/CC: 180-186). PDF

Kis, Miroslav M.

"Authority, Bible, and Christian ethics" (No. 413-00; 26B/CC: 427-456). PDF

"Teaching ethics: Why is it important? How should it be done?" (8CC: 149-152). PDF

Larson, David R.

"L'étique et la science dans l'éducation chrétienne" (35B/CC: 214-217). PDF

Melgosa, Julian et Hsu, Eugene

"Questions d'éthique pour les comités directeurs d' universités" (35B/CC: 236-241). PDF

Ng, Boon-Chai

"Christian ethics and the Christian engineer: A study of responsibility" (No. 742-16; 40CC: 285-302). PDF

Odunaike, Dorcas A.

"Biblical insights into legal ethics" (No. 744-16; 40CC: 323-341). PDF

Pfeifer, Andrew A.

"Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of need: A Christian perspective" (No. 339-98; 21CC: 261-278). PDF

Preez, Ron du

"Biblical Authority and Biblical Foundations for Ethics." (31B/CC: 285-336) PDF

Provonsha, Jack W.

"Bioética cristiana" (20CC: 643-645). PDF

"Christian bioethics: making rational choices in complex life-death issues" (8CC: 217-220). PDF

"La bioéthique chrétienne : Questions de vie et de mort" (22CC: 261-264). PDF

Rao, N. Mohan

"Imparting ethical values in Adventist higher education to students of other faiths" (No. 647-07; 35A/CC: 327-346). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Faith, Reason and Choice: Loving God with All Our Mind." (31B/CC: 337-354) PDF

Rumble, Beverly J.

"Expériences sur les êtres humains : Un regard chrétien" (22CC: 315-320). PDF

"The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines" (No. 207-94; 14CC: 341-360). PDF

Springett, Ronald M.

"Homosexualité : Une perspective biblique" (22CC: 333-336). PDF

Stele, Artur A.

"The hidden curriculum in an Adventist college: The case of Zaokski Seminray" (No. 343-98; 21CC: 335-348). PDF

Tambalque, Nemuel Mortel

"Addressing bioethical issues in the context of Adventist Philippine education" (No. 434-00; 26A/CC: 333-352). PDF

Veiga, Marcelo L. da

"Uma abordagem ético-religiosa adventista sobre as técnicas de clonagem humana e suas implicações." (29CC: 389-406). PDF

Walters, James W.

"A escolha é sua: Como tomar decisões éticas" (15CC: 477-480). PDF

"Le choix vous appartient : Comment prendre des décisions d'ordre moral" (22CC: 349-353). PDF

"Tú decides: Cómo hacer decisiones éticas" (20CC: 703-706 ). PDF

Winslow, Gerald R.

"Christians and bioethics: Can the Bible help?" (18CC: 405-408). PDF

"El cristiano y la bioética: ¿Puede ayudar la Biblia?" (20CC: 711-714 ). PDF

"Les chrétiens et la bioéthique : La Bible peut-elle apporter une aide ?" (22CC: 369-372). PDF

Zuccarelli, Anthony J. and Winslow, Gerald R.

"In our own image? Ethics and human cloning" (33CC: 645-649). PDF


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