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Educación – Currículo e Instrucción


Alexander, Horace

"A teacher like God': Integrating faith and teacher education" (8CC: 41-43). PDF

Andreasen, Neals-Erick

"The Christian college teacher" (12CC: 317-319). PDF

Archer, Austin

"Constructivism and Christian teaching" (No. 351-98; 23CC: 85-102). PDF

Arrais de Matos, Admir

"Developing textbooks in the natural sciences that integrate faith and learning: An experience in Brazil" (No. 118-93; 10CC: 21-39). PDF

Ashworth, Warren

"La perspective d'un foyer céleste : Pourquoi suis un éducateur advertiste" (35B/CC: 17-22). PDF

Augsburger, Daniel

"The Christ-centered religion classroom" (8CC: 59-61). PDF

Badenas, Roberto D.

"La transmission des valeurs et la programmation par objectifs" (36CC: 275-282). PDF

Badenas, Roberto D.

"Teaching through parables: Following Jesus." (31A/CC: 21-40). PDF

Baldeo, Franklyn N.

"Mastery learning: A Christian approach" (No. 251-96; 17CC: 21-40). PDF

Balmer, Brent

"The teacher's personal touch: The social dimension in Adventist education" (No. 438-00; 27CC:1-18). PDF

Bassett, Phil

"Cooperative learning" (18CC: 261-265). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa

"Fostering creativity and innovation in Adventist education." (30CC: 363-376). PDF

"Theories of intelligence, epistemology, and the challenge for educators." (30CC: 377-396). PDF

Berg, Osa-Karin

"Liberal arts education in a learning-centered Seventh-day Adventist college." (31A/CC: 61-82). PDF

Bizzocchi, Lilian Ferrari de

"Integración fe-enseñanza: Una perspectiva institucional para el nivel secundario" (No. 173-94; 13CC: 21-39). PDF

Blikshavn, Nina

"'Follow the boy to school': The role of a Christian teacher today, from a historic perspective" (No. 188-94; 14CC: 1-18). PDF

Breja, Alexandru

"Teaching through example: A biblical perspective" (No. 326-98; 21CC: 21-38). PDF

Burrun, Breejan

"An approach for integrating faith and learning at the Phoenix Adventist Secondary School, Mauritius" (No. 079-90; 5CC: 219-235). PDF

Bursey, Ernest J.

"L'apprentissage du service dans les collèges adventist" (22CC: 47-52). PDF

Buschenhofen, Paul

"Helping students to attain self-control: The role of the Christian teacher" (No. 609-06; 34A/CC: 95-110). PDF

Caviness, Linda Bryant

"La connexion corp/intellect:quelques découvertes récentes" (35B/CC: 65-70). PDF

Caviness, Linda Bryant

"Mental, physical and spiritual harmony from a neuroscience perpective" (No 584-05; 33CC: 1-20). PDF

Chaleabo, Fanta

"Compassion: A crucial ingredient in learning" (No. 585-05; 33CC: 21-43). PDF

Chaves, Saint'Clair Pinto

"O professor como elemento integrador na relação fé-ensino: Uma conscientização" (No. 216-94; 15CC: 69-80). PDF

Christian, John

"Addressing the new majority: The adult evening program at Columbia Union College" (No. 098-92; 7CC: 21-37). PDF

Clifford, Gerald F.

"The priorities of faith: Pervading the secular curriculum with the Christian ethic" (No. 021-88; 2CC: 35-53). PDF

Clouten, Neville

"A proposed model for an architecture reflective practicum in a Christian university setting" (No. 058-89; 4CC: 149-168). PDF

Colón, Myrna

"A course development plan on the integration of faith, values, and learning" (No. 124-93; 10CC: 127-146). PDF

Colvin, Gerry

"Aprendizado diferente para diferentes aprendizes" (15CC: 367-370). PDF

Copiz, Pietro E.

"Some reflections on the Christian scholar facing research" (No. 049-89; 3CC: 269-289). PDF

Corrales Ruiz, Carlos Daniel

"La integración de la fe y los valores en los trabajos académicos de campo relacionados con la naturaleza" (No. 717-16; 39CC: 97-115). PDF

Cortés, Miriam Hernández de

"Cómo integrar fe, valores y aprendizaje en el nivel elemental" (No. 234-94; 16CC: 21-33). PDF

Coulson, Malcolm

"Teacher professional development: A Christian perspective" (No. 630-07; 35A/CC: 21-36). PDF

Cozens, Merle E.

"Fostering the self-esteem of children with reading difficulties: A Christian approach" (No. 369-99; 24CC: 41-58). PDF

Dalta, M. Pierre Gaimatakone

"La relation enseignant-élève dans une école secondaire adventiste" (No. 388-00, 25CC: 45-60). PDF

Das, Millie

"Teacher modelling in Christian elementary schools" (No. 052-89; 4CC: 29-48). PDF

Dio, Selmon H.

"Conveying Christ in the classroom: Teachers' attitudes and behavior" (No. 272-96; 18CC: 1-18). PDF

Delias, Frantz

"Les intelligences multiples et la Bible : Quelles implications pour l'éducation adventiste ? " (No. 652-08; 36CC: 43-60). PDF

Donesky, Dorothy

"Portfolio: A practical aid to assess the fulfillment of a university mission statement" (No. 329-98; 21CC: 79-94). PDF

Drumi, Yuri

"The teacher's voice: Conveying Christ's presence in the classroom." (No. 535-03; 31A/CC: 117-131). PDF

Dube, Obed

"Interfacing justice and mercy: A biblical model for the Christian campus" (No. 587-05; 33CC: 61-76). PDF

Dudley, Roger L.

"L'éducation chrétienne et la jeunesse dans l'Elise adventiste du septième jour : Resultats de dix ans de recherches." (35B/CC: 99-104). PDF

Dulan, Garland

"Le ministère de l'éducation adventiste : Contributions hors de la salle de classe." (35B/CC: 105-110). PDF

Durán Royo, Noemí

"Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de los orígenes en las iglesias y en las escuelas adventistas." (No. 718-16; 39CC: 117-136). PDF

Durrant, Laurice

"Teaching a research course from a Christian perspective" (No. 044-88; 1CC: 47-64). PDF

Drumi, Yuri

"The teacher's voice: Conveying Christ's presence in the classroom." (No. 535-03; 31A/CC: 117-131). PDF

Egbert, Robert

"The psychodynamics of religious education" (No. 005-88; 1CC: 66-85). PDF

England, Michael

"The brain and how it works: Implications for teaching and learning" (33CC: 453-458). PDF

Finuchi, Juan Omar

"El profesor y su percepción del alumno: Un enfoque cristiano" (No. 306-98; 20CC: 69-86). PDF

Fisher, Barbara

"Promoting biblical literacy in the elementary classroom" (No. 588-05; 33CC: 77-95) PDF

Fowler, John M.

"Faith, reason, and Adventist education" (35A/CC: 381-387). PDF

Freed, Shirley Ann

"Cooperative learning: An alternative to lecturing in college" (18CC: 331-335). PDF

Gaikwad, Prema

"Cooperative learning: Setting the stage for faith and learning in the classroom" (No. 274-96; 18CC: 39-62). PDF

Gaikwad, Samuel M.

"The integration of faith and learning in a teacher education program: A pilot program at Spicer Memorial College" (No. 194-94; 14CC: 113-128). PDF

García-Marenko, Emilio

"Adventist schools and contemporary adolescents and youth" (20CC: 421-439). PDF

"La escuela adventista frente al adolescente y el joven contemporáneos" (20CC: 399-419). PDF

Goad, Christine

"Educating with the brain in mind" (33CC: 475-480). PDF

Green, William H. e Gaikwad, Prema

"Orientacões práticas para disciplina na ala de aula" (15CC: 389-392). PDF

Greenwalt, Glen G.

"The eternal horizon: The role of faith in every act of learning" (No. 195-94; 14CC: 129-148). PDF

Gregorio, Luis M.

"Profesionalización de maestros bachilleres: Desafío y experiencia en la Universidad Adventista Dominicana" (No. 240-94; 16CC: 123-138). PDF

Griffiths, Victor S.

"The SDA college and university professor: Some ethical and professional issues" (No. 007-88; 1CC: 105-128). PDF

Ghulam, Joseph

"Created male and female, equal yet different: Implications for Christian education in Muslim countries" (No. 424-00; 26-A/CC: 139-158). PDF

Gutiérrez Lagos, Nelson

"Fundamentos del constructivismo y su aplicación: Oportunidades y riesgos" (No. 310-98; 20CC: 87-106). PDF

Hawks, Paul N.

"Using the Bible to stimulate critical thinking" (8CC: 137-140). PDF

Hewitt, Liane

"Integrating Christian faith and beliefs at a distance education site" (No. 292-97; 19CC: 109-128). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Comment utiliser les « structures éducatives » afin de susciter la foi des étudiants du secondaire" (22CC: 143-148). PDF

"Developing healthy emotions in the curriculum of Seventh-day Adventist schools and colleges: Some suggestions" (No. 071-90; 5CC: 75-90). PDF

"Estruturas curriculares: Como edificar a fé dos alunos de nível secundário" (15CC: 397-402). PDF

"Using curriculum frameworks to build faith in secondary students" (8CC: 141-144). PDF

Hill, Georgina

"Preventing plagiarism'" (33CC: 497-500). PDF

Hoilette, Newton

"The same gift: 'And . . . to some, pastors and teachers'" (8CC: 145-148). PDF

Iglesias Ortega, Enoc

"Modelo pedagógico adventista: Una propuesta" (No. 241-94; 16CC: 139-156). PDF

Kennedy, Anne-Marie

"Teaching values: Developing a curricular framework for Adventist schools" (No. 333-98; 21CC: 149-166). PDF

Kibuuka, Hudson

"Challenges of integration of faith and learning in the era of massification and globalization of higher education." (28CC: 531-544). PDF

Kilcher, Carole L. et Jones, Loretta B.

"L'integration du service dans le vie d'une école : L'histoire d'Andrews University " (22CC: 177-180). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel Bouvet de

"The teacher as agent in integrating faith and learning: The process of deliberate teacher implementation" (No. 130-93; 10CC: 239-255). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel I. and Brantley, Paul S.

"From creeds to deeds: Teacher integration of faith and learning in the classroom" (12CC: 353-358). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel I. et Brantley, Paul S.

"De la pensée à l'action : L'intégration de la foi et de l'apprentissage dans la salle de classe par le professeur" (22CC: 189-196). PDF

Kumara, C.K.G. Ashoka

"A Christian preschool curriculum in an Asian context" (No. 276-96; 18CC: 83-96). PDF

Kurth-Wright, Charlene

"Making faith a part of your daily schedule" (12CC: 359-362). PDF

Land, Gary

"Getting to the core: Redesigning the general-education curriculum" (8CC: 165-170). PDF

"Helping the Church think-the intellectual task of Christian higher education" (33CC: 545-548). PDF

Laryea, Seth

"Developing instructional effectiveness in Adventist higher education" (No. 445-00, 27CC: 131-146). PDF

Lazareva, Nataliya

"Conveying Christian faith and values through and Adventist school in Ukraine" (No. 540-03; 31A/CC: 209-223). PDF

Letseli, Tankiso

"Values-based service learning in Adventist higher education" (No. 639-07; 35A/CC: 185-200). PDF

Libato, Adelino T.

"An approach toward in-servicing of Christian teachers on the integration of faith and learning" (No. 026-88; 2CC: 129-152). PDF

Lopez, David and Alipoon, Laura

"Experience is the network to mind: Brain-based learning applications in higher education" (33CC: 553-558). PDF

Luna, Miguel

"Models of religious instruction: A biblical perspective" (No. 446-00, 27CC: 147-168). PDF

Luxton, Andrea

"The Bible and Pedagogy." (31B/CC: 211-238) PDF

McDonald, Errol

"Have I got a story for you: The narrative factor in Christian education" (No. 335-98; 21CC: 185-204). PDF

McLymont, Enid F.

"Fostering the learning climate through cognitive coaching discourses: A research-based model" (No. 616-06; 34A/CC: 225-244). PDF

Maguad, Ben A.

"A total quality approach to Adventist education" (No. 375-99; 24CC: 157-176). PDF

Maloon, Richard G.

"Micro-societé. La formacion du caractère par l'expérience" (35B/CC: 226-229). PDF

Manalo, Eppie A.

"Teacher-student interaction: Development of Christian values via critical thinking activities" (No. 145-93; 11CC: 79-96). PDF

Manspeaker, Barbara L.

"Did I do all I could? Personal evangelism for teachers" (8CC: 175-180). PDF

"Fiz eu tudo o que pude? Evangelismo pessoal para professores" (15CC: 427-430). PDF

Martin, Lana

"The impact of human emotions upon learning: A Christian perspective" (No. 295-97; 19CC: 157-172). PDF

Martínez Gutiérrez, Carlos

"De la teoría a la praxis: Una perspectiva psicológica en la formación de docentes para la misión" (No. 063-89; 4CC: 251-270). PDF

Mdakane, Joseph J.

"Enhancing intrinsic motivation in secondary school students: A Christian approach" (No. 164-93; 12CC: 175-194). PDF

Mayer, Burkhard

"The five-fold role of a Christian teacher." (31A/CC: 263-280). PDF

Mithimbo, Paul Kakule

"The power of relationships and modeling in Adventist education: Ellen G. White perspective." (No. 470-00; 28CC: 213-230). PDF

Monasterio, Mamerto Medina

"El arte, el juego y el servicio" (No. 314-98; 20CC: 165-184). PDF

Myung, Ji-won

"Holistic education in teacher-student relationship." (No.520-03; 30CC: 161-176). PDF

Nainggolan, Raja Aman

"Faculty-student bonding: A pivotal factor in Christian education" (No. 053-89; 4CC: 49-70). PDF

Negreli, Valdir and Miguel, José I.

"Verbal and non verbal teacher communication in Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 028-88; 2CC: 173-194). PDF

Nkungula, Tommy H.

"Towards an understanding of brain hemisphericity and holistic learning: Implications for Adventist education" (No. 029-88; 2CC: 195-216). PDF

Núñez, Miguel Angel

"Pensamiento reflexivo: Estrategias para la educación superior adventista" (No. 315-98; 20CC: 185-204). PDF

Oliver, Anita

"Brain-based learning: Fact or fiction?" (33CC:571-576). PDF

"The metanarrative of a biblical curriculum" (34B/CC: 217-242). PDF

Omeonu, Chimezie A.

"The teacher as a symbolic model." (No. 475-00; 28CC: 305-321). PDF

Pantí Madero, Miguel Ángel

"Estrategias activas para la enseñze de creacionismo" (No. 723-16; 39CC: 215-228). PDF

Peake, Christopher

"Religious studies modules at Stanborough School: Bridging the gap between faith and the secular curriculum?" (No. 338-98; 21CC: 241-260). PDF

Pearson, Michael

"Word made flesh: How the Christian world-view affects teaching and learning" (6CC: 283-302). PDF

Penniecook, Myrtle Sawyers de

"Fundamento teórico de la integración de la fe en la enseñanza y estrategias de ejecución" (No. 243-94; 16CC: 173-192). PDF

Perumal, John

"A Christian approach to the environment: What Adventist schools, colleges, and universities can do" (No. 746-16; 40CC: 363-380). PDF

Peterkin, Vincent M. S.

"Leadership style and learner outcome in Adventist secondary schools" (No. 263-96; 17CC: 231-248). PDF

Peters, Harold E.

"Training ministerial directors and lay pastors: A curricular proposal" (No. 077-90; 5CC: 181-198). PDF

Pierre, Phebee

"How can Christian teachers lead students to God" (No. 057-89; 4CC: 125-148). PDF

Píttaro, Miryam Espinosa de

"Fe y valores cristianos en el curriculum de educación básica y secundaria" (No. 316-98; 20CC: 205-222). PDF

Poblete, Danilo P.

"A reflective teaching model: An Adventist assessment" (No. 380-99; 24CC: 257-276). PDF

Poddar, Sushila

"Strategies for developing self-esteem among elementary school going children" (No. 092-90; 6CC: 115-132). PDF

Rao, Gollakoti Nageshwar

"Guidelines for integrating Adventist educational philosophy in the secondary school curriculum in India" (No. 682-09; 37A/CC: 329-347). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Adventist education and the challenge of postmodernism" (37B/CC: 233-250). PDF

Rasi Gregorutti, Sylvia

"Christian values for future foreign language teachers in the applied linguistics course." (31A/CC: 169-188). PDF

Roy, Don

"Christ dans la salle de classe : vers la complétude" (25CC: 363-372). PDF

"Guides du curriculum pour l'éducation secondaire" (25CC: 373-379). PDF

"Viewing the school as a community of faith." (28CC: 627-636). PDF

Rugengande, Jéred

"L'intégration de la foi par les activities parascolaires : Experiences des écoles secondaires adventistes au Rwanda" (No. 663-08; 36CC: 239-254). PDF

Sáez, Esmeralda Viteri de

"Ecología y conservacionismo en la escuela secundaria adventista" (No. 318-98; 20CC: 241-256). PDF

Santos, Célia P. dos

"Os projetos escolares em nível fundamental: Uma perspectiva cristã." (No. 500-02; 29CC: 257-268). PDF

Schimpf deTorreblanca, Silvia

"The concept of origins among students in Adventist secondary schools in Argentina and Mexico: Findings, implications, and recommendations" (No. 710-12; 38CC: 383-402). PDF

Schmidt, Adeny

"Integration of faith and learning through curricular design: Interdisciplinary, team-taught general education" (No. 341-98; 21CC: 293-314). PDF

Siapco, Ishmael J.

"Conveying Christianity to grade school children through nonverbal activities and communication" (No. 157-93; 11CC: 193-210). PDF

Silva, Nerivan F. da

"A metodologia pedagógica de Jesus." (No. 503-02; 29CC: 303-320). PDF

Smith, Virginia L.

"Bringing children to Christ in the classroom" (12CC: 385-388). PDF

"Constructivist classrooms: Do they belong in Adventist schools?" (33CC: 613-618). PDF

Soputra, David

"The role of faculty in nurturing and mentoring students in an Adventist secondary school." (No. 750-16; 40CC: 441-460). PDF

Stele, Galina A.

"The small-group approach in the teaching process" (No. 344-98; 21CC: 349-364). PDF

Suero M., Alfa Rigel

"Valores cristianos y educación sexual: Un reto para el sistema educativo adventista en Latinoamérica" (No. 248-94: 16CC: 263-282). PDF

Sundaram, S.

"Teaching methods of Jesus Christ" (No. 090-90; 6CC: 83-96). PDF

Sutcliffe, Carol Maurine

"Respect for learners: A Christian didactic perspective" (28CC: 421-440). PDF

Szilvasi, Jozsef

"Introduction to theology: An experimental course at the Hungarian Adventist Seminary" (No. 209-94; 14CC: 379-392). PDF

Taga'i, Kuresa

"Instructional materials in Adventist distance education: Opportunity and responsibility" (No. 075-90; 5CC: 151-166). PDF


Tasker, Carol M.

"Teaching with integrity: A model for mentoring first-year teacher trainees" (No. 683-09; 37A/CC: 349-368). PDF

Taylor V, John Wesley

"Adventist education in a postmodern world" (30CC: 397-407). PDF

"God, nature, and learning: An Integrational Approach" (No. 032-88; 2CC: 259-278). PDF

"Instructional strategies for the integration of faith and learning" (27CC: 409-425). PDF

"Teaching truth: A biblical paradigm" (37B/CC: 251-272). PDF

Thayer, O. Jane

"How college impacts student spirituality" (37B/CC: 273-298). PDF

Thayer, Jerome

"The impact of Adventist schools on students" 37B/CC: 299-317). PDF

Ticona Ayala, Adalberto

"La motivación: Factor clave del aprendizaje en los colegios adventistas" (No. 322-98; 20CC: 311-328). PDF

Tobing, Joshua H. L.

"Issue-based teaching of biology integrating religious concepts and critical thinking skills development" (No. 708-12; 38CC: 361-382). PDF

Torres, Saúl

"Redemptive teaching: A framework for the beginning educator and teacher renewal" (No. 033-88; 2CC: 279-298). PDF

Traille, Kay

"Fostering a learning classroom climate: The role of the Christian teacher" (No. 383-99; 24CC: 315-334). PDF

Uyeda, Masaji

"The role of divine agencies in Adventist education: An Ellen G. White perspective." (No.525-03; 30CC:249-262). PDF

Valderrama Rincón, Alberto

"Principios pedagógicos y educación adventista" (No. 249-94; 16CC: 283-301). PDF

Wakaba, Velile S.

"The accelerated Christian education programme: An evaluation" (No. 170-93; 12CC: 275-295). PDF

Walthall, Bill

"Intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement en faculté : Première partie : Les trésors de nos enseignants" (22CC: 353-356). PDF

"Intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement en faculté : Seconde partie : Le contenu des cours" (22CC: 357-360). PDF

Ward, Ewan

"A problem based learning approach: The biochemical origin of life on earth" (No. 684-09; 37A/CC: 369-388). PDF

Ward, Verlie

"Le rôle du mentor sur un campus chrétien" (35B/CC: 316-322). PDF

Zuill, Henry

"Quand science et religion se rencontrent, comment garder la foi ? " (22CC: 373-378). PDF



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