Institute of Christian Teaching
Education Department of Seventh-day Adventists
Fostering the self-esteem of Children
With Reading Difficulties:
A Christian Approach
Merle E. Cozens
Faculty of Education
Avondale College
369-99 Institute for Christian Teaching
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA
Prepared for the 24th International Faith and Learning Seminar
Held at
Andrews University, Berrien Spring, Michigan, USA
June 20-July 2, 1999
Seventh-day Adventist educators believe that the purpose of true
education is to "restore in man the image of his Maker" (White, 1903,
p.15) by promoting "the harmonious development of the physical, the
mental, and the spiritual powers" (White, 1903, p.13). They believe also that those students in
whom this harmonious development of body, mind and soul has been realized will
emerge from our educational institutions as individual who are "strong to
think and to act
who are maters and not slaves to circumstances
(and) who
possess breadth of mind, clearness of thoughts, and the courage of their
conditions" (White, 1903, p.18).
In essence, these individuals experience positive feelings of self-worth
and a healthy self-respect, which translates into loving to God and man (white,
1903, p. 57).
However, church schoolteachers are also acutely aware that the harmonious
development of all powers may be extremely difficult for many children. This appear will focus on the estimated
15-33 % of school-age children (Prior, Sanson, Smart, & Oberklaid, 1995;
Shapiro, 1996) for whom the development of the mental powers, i.e., the ability
and the motivation to think, plan and act for themselves, may be seriously
compromised by failure at the critical task of learning to read. In particular this paper will focus on poor
readers in year 5 and 6, which are the final two years of primary (elementary)
schooling in NSW, Australia.
Research findings indicating that children who experience difficulties in
learning to read are likely to experience a negative cycle of low self-esteem,
reduced motivation and less persistence at academic tasks, leading to further
failure experiences (e.g., Carr, Borkowski, & Maxwell, 1991; Fulk &
Montgomery-Grymes, 1994; Gurney, 1988; Stanovich, 1986), come as no surprise to
most educators. What may be more
problematic for Christian teachers is how best to help these students reverse
the downward academic and motivational cycle, especially in view of the secular
humanistic basis of much current educational practice (Berlach, 1998).
This paper seeks to promote a Christian approach to nurturing the
self-esteem and improving the academic performance of children with reading
difficulties. First, research findings
concerning some of the causes and consequences of reading failure will be
discussed in more detail. The next
section of the paper will briefly discuss some of the implications of the
secular humanist approach to improving student performance through the
enhancement of self-esteem, before outlining principles for nurturing
self-esteem and improving academic performance, which are consistent with a
Christian worldview. This will be
followed by a brief description of a research project, based on Christian
principles, which was designed to improve the reading performance of poor
readers at upper primary level.
Causes and Consequences of Reading Difficulty
Although there may be many reasons why children have difficulty learning
to read (e.g., specific learning disability, below average intelligence,
disadvantaged home backgrounds, undetected sensory disability, different
linguistic backgrounds, etc), research indicates that the vast majority of poor
readers share a common source to their reading problem, that of failure to
develop accurate and efficient (i.e., automatic) word recognition skills
(Stanovich, 1996). Moreover, a large
and growing body of research evidence suggests phonemic awareness deficits,
i.e., lack of awareness of the phonemes of sounds within speech, to be the root
cause of the problem for most poor readers (Munro &Munro, 1993; Stanovich,
1986). Lack of phonemic awareness shows
the initial acquisition of spelling-to-sound correspondence skills necessary
for efficient reading in an alphabetic language (Munro & Munro, 1993;
Spear-Swerling & Sternberg, 1994).
Longitudinal studies suggest that children who fail to develop efficient
word recognition skills in first grade, display ever increasing deficits in
both accuracy and speed of word recognition (e.g., Juel, 19888, Prior et al.,
1995; Snowling, Goulandris, & Defty, 1996). As they advance through the primary grades and into high school,
particular problems with decoding long, polysyllabic words may be exhibited. In
addition they are likely to display an inability to generalize the ruled for
pronouncing long words, and a tendency to rely on only one strategy such as "sound-out"
by letter-sound correspondence or to make guesses based on only a few
letters. Their lack of automatic word
identification skills may also lead to a greater but far less efficient
reliance on context cues than that of good readers (prior et al., 1995;
Stanovich, 1992).
While there may be one common cause of reading difficulty, that of
failure to develop a high degree of word recognition efficiency, there may be
many consequences which will be discussed below.
1. Comprehension
processes may be placed at risk, thus placing overall academic achievement at
risk. It has been suggested that
poor decoding skills can reduce comprehension in a number of ways. First, poor readers devote so much attention
to the decoding task that there are not enough cognitive resources left to
allocate to construction of meaning (Ackerman, Spiker, & Bailey, 1989;
Naslund & Samuels, 1992; Stanovich, 1986).
Second, less skilled readers often find themselves reading grade-level
materials that are too difficult for them, thus degrading the contextual clues,
which might otherwise facilitate comprehension of text (Juel, 1988; Stanovich,
1992). Third, children who fail to
develop good word recognition skills in the early grades begin to dislike
reading and hence avoid reading whenever possible. This lack of practice could delay the development of vocabulary,
syntactic knowledge, and general knowledge that are fostered by good reading. This in turn further inhibits growth in
reading and so perpetuates the failure cycle (Juel, 1988; Stanovich, 1986).
2. The child's motivation to take control
of his/her own learning may be placed at risk.
Affective and motivational problems usually accompany difficulties with
learning to read, as indicated earlier.
Fear, doubt, shame or anger resulting from repeated failure experiences
can lead to attitudes of "learned helplessness" whereby students
attribute their failures to factors beyond their personal control, e.g., lack
of ability, teacher bias or luck. These
students do not see themselves capable of success. Believing that they will
fail regardless of whether or not effort is expanded. Consequently, they give up trying and so perpetuate the failure
cycle (Borkwski, Carr, Relinger, & Pressley, 1990; Gurney, 1988; Paris
& Winograd, 1990; Spear-swerling & Stemberg, 1994).
3. The development of the child's
physical/moral powers may be placed at risk.
Research studies indicate a correlation between low literacy levels and
at-risk behaviors such as substance abuse and criminal activities. The low levels of self-esteem and feelings
of worthlessness engendered by academic failure, may lead students to seek to
fulfill the void in their lives through undesirable behaviors, both in and out
of school (Prior et al., 1995).
4. The child's spiritual development may
be placed at risk. Of particular
concern to Adventist teachers is the possibility that negative attitudes to
reading may cause children to avoid reading the Scriptures and
character-building stories. This may
not only affect their spiritual development but may also deprive them of the
powerful tool for developing breadth of mind and clarity of thought inherent
within Bible study itself (White, 1903, p. 124).
Improving the Performance of Children with Reading
Although the consequences of reading failure at the word recognition,
comprehension, and motivational levels suggest a poor prognosis for future
academic progress, especially after a number of years of failure (Prior et al.,
1995), there is much in current research which suggest positive implications
for educational practice. One such
avenue of research has focused on the relationship between self-esteem
enhancement and improvements in academic performance (eg, Gurney, 1988; Kohn,
1994). While it seems obvious that
programs to improve the academic performance of poor readers should include
attention to self-esteem building, the nature of those programs will depend
largely on whether one holds a secular humanist or a Christian worldview. The
educational implications of these two worldviews will be discussed below.
Enhancing Self-esteem: The Secular Humanist Approach
Typically, self-esteem is defined in terms of how we evaluate ourselves
and our characteristics or, to be more specific, the personal judgement of
worthiness that each of us on our own abilities and behaviors (Berlach, 1998;
Gurney, 1988). Related terms include
self-concept, self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, and self-image. The secular humanist approach to improving
self-esteem is said to be based on three over-arching principles, namely, (I)
existentialism, or the notion of direct experience as the authoritative teacher;
(ii) self-sufficiency, or the idea of people caring and being responsible for
themselves, and (iii) empathy, or the notion of helping others meet their needs
(Berlach, 1998). Application of these
principles in the academic domain has led to the development of a plethora of
self-esteem enhancement schemes based on the notion that if at-risk children
are helped to "feel good about themselves" there will be
corresponding improvements in both their academic performance and their social
behavior (Berlach, 1998, Katz, 1993; Kohn, 1994). Typically, in these programs children's attention is focused
primarily on themselves, with activities based on the notion of "I'm
special", "I'm important", "Here's how I feel about things",
etc (Katz, 1993; Kohn, 1994).
While it is true that the research literature provides clear support for
a persistent and significant relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement
(Chapman & Tunmer, 1995; Gurney, 1988), it has also been found that efforts
to improve self-esteem which are limited solely to the humanistic "feel
good" construct, have little lasting effect on either academic achievement
or social behavior (Katz, 1993; Kohn, 1994).
In fact, secular writers such as Katz (1993) and Kohn (1994) have
contended that a continued preoccupation with self-esteem simply facilitates
aggrandizement and narcissism. Berlach
(1998), a Christian write, goes further in emphasizing that a humanistic focus
on "the self bringing about changes in the self" may not only be
unhelpful, "but may in fact be emotionally injurious to the individuals
they seek to help" (p.70). As Katz
(1993) observed, merely telling children (or asking them to repeat) that they
are worthwhile without providing strategies to address the underlying problems
which lead to low self-esteem in the first place, ma only serve to reinforce
and exacerbate feelings of negativity and incompetence.
Nurturing Self-esteem: A Christmas Approach
Not surprisingly, in view of the humanistic basis of the self-esteem
construct, Ellen White condemns self-esteem, which she equates with pride,
selfishness and self-sufficiency (eg, White, 1903, p. 109; White, 1923, p.467).
However, while Ellen White condemns an emphasis on self-esteem, she does
advocate that individuals should have a "proper self-respect" and a "conscious
dignity of character, in which pride and self-importance have no part"
(White, 1977, p.260). She also
recognizes that many individuals, particularly the poor and disadvantaged, lack
self-respect and need special nurture and training if it is to be regained
(White, 1977, pp.258,9). In this
context, Ellen White outlines a number of principles for increasing
self-respect, several of which are relevant to academically at-risk children,
and will be discussed below. It will be
noted that each of these principles focuses not on the self, but rather on the
internal resources, values and skills necessary for the development of personal
1. Help
children develop abilities and skills so that they can take control of their
own learning (Metacognition). Ellen White
(1977, p.258,259) suggests that the self-respect of the poor and disadvantaged
could be improved if they are provided with the skills and the means to become
self-supporting through useful employment.
In current educational terms this can be equated to a metacognitive
instruction with its emphasis on self-control of one's own learning
processes. A metacognitive
instructional approach to learning aims to help students develop an awareness
of the skills, strategies, and resources needed to perform a task effectively;
along with the ability the use self-regulatory mechanisms, such as planning,
monitoring, evaluating and modifying (Wong, 1991). Metacognitive instruction thus focuses on students' thoughtful
and selective use of cognitive strategies to promote academic learning
(Winograd & Paris, 1988-1989). For
students with reading difficulties a metacognitive approach aims to provide
children with awareness and regulation of appropriate strategies for both
identifying unfamiliar words and for comprehending written text.
2. Help Children Attribute Their Success
and Failure to Factors Within Their Control (Attribution Retraining). Ellen White (1903)
reminds us that "Every youth should be taught the necessity of the power
of application. Upon this, far more
than upon genius or talent, does success depend" (p.232). As indicated earlier, many children who have
experienced years of academic failure, have learned to protect their sense of
self worth by refusing to attempt any task at which they feel they may fail.
Even if taught how, when, where and why to use effective strategies, they may
not activate them because of negative perceptions about self-efficacy, or an
attitude of learned helplessness, As a consequence, metacognitive instruction
could be expanded and refined to include self-appraisal and self-management of
affective as well as cognitive components of learning if students are to become
thoughtful and independent readers (Borkowski et al, 1990; Paris &
Winograd, 1990). In other words, metacognitive techniques should pay attention
to both "skill and will" (Paris & Winograd, 1990) by combining
specific strategy instruction with attributional training aimed at encouraging
students to attribute their learning to factors within their personal control,
such as effort and effective use of strategies (Borkowski et al., 1990; Fulk
& Montgomery-Grymes, 1994).
3. Become personally involved in the learning of the children
(Scaffolded Instruction). Ellen White (1903, p. 84) reminds us that Christ's
teaching methods for developing the "infinite possibilities" within
each human involved "personal association and communion". In modern
educational thought this may be equated with an emphasis on the crucial role of
"shared knowledge" in helping children develop the metacognitive
insights necessary for conscious control of both "skill and will"
(eg, Paris & Winograd, 1990). Shared knowledge is based on Vygotsky's
(1978) theory of socially-mediated learning. This theory suggests that the
emergence and development of self-regulatory activities has its roots in social
interaction with others, and only gradually comes under the conscious control
of the child. Thus the focus of intervention should not only be on task and
performance factors but also on the personal involvement and impact of the
teacher. Central to this socially interactive approach is the notion of "scaffolded
instruction", ie, a process whereby the expert adult provides novices with
enough support and guidance to achieve goals that are beyond their personal
skill level. This support is provided until they can match the performance of
the expert adult (Winn, 1994).
4. Encourage cooperation in
the classroom (Cooperative Learning). The fourth factor which will be
considered is that of encouraging cooperation and community within the
classroom. Ellen White (1903) advocates, "Let the older assist the
younger, the strong the weak; and, so far as possible, let each be called to do
something in which he excels. This will encourage self-respect and a desire to
be useful" (p 286). A great deal of modern educational research supports
the value of cooperative learning techniques for improving both student
achievement and motivation (eg, Nichols, 1996).
A review of the research literature reveals that the principles outlined
above have been incorporated into a considerable number of metacognitive
training programs designed to improve the comprehension skills of children with
reading difficulty (eg Bruce & Chan, 1991; Palincsar, 1987). However, there
has been very little parallel research into metacognitive approaches to
teaching word identification skills to children with reading problems (Spedding
& Chan, 1994), and as indicated above the vast majority of poor readers
have problems in both comprehension and decoding. For this reason, the research
project described in the next section of the paper (Bruce, 1998), aimed to use
metacognitive techniques for improving both the word identification and the
comprehension skills of upper primary poor readers. The project was based on a
cooperative learning program known as reciprocal teaching, which will be
described in more detail below.
What is Reciprocal
Reciprocal teaching refers to an instructional method where an adult
teacher and a group of students take turns in leading a dialogue aimed at
revealing the meaning of text. The dialogue is structured by the use of four strategies,
which represent the kind of text engagement experienced by successful readers:
Predicting finding clues in
the structure and content of the story, which suggest what, might happen next.
Clarifying discerning where
there has been a breakdown in comprehension and taking the necessary action to
restore the meaning (eg, reading ahead, rereading, asking for help).
Question Generating formulating
questions pertaining to the information given in the text.
Summarizing identifying and
paraphrasing the main ideas in the next.
Each of these strategies has been selected as a means of aiding students
in constructing meaning from text as well as a means of monitoring their
reading to ensure that they are in fact understanding what they read. However,
the four strategies do not constitute reciprocal teaching within themselves
(Palincsar, 1987). Rather, reciprocal teaching refers to the collaborative
effort between teachers and students as they talk to one another about the
meaning of text, taking turns leading the dialogue. The dialogue acts as a kind
of scaffold a temporary and adjustable support to instruction, which allows
the teacher to adjust instruction to students' needs and to gradually withdraw
support as the student acquires and refines the strategies being learnt
(Palincsar & Brown, 1989).
In reciprocal teaching the teacher initially models and explains how to
use the four strategies, together with providing information about their
importance and the context in which they are useful. After the initial days of
instruction, students are asked to take turns being teacher by leading the text
dialogue for one segment at a time, while the teacher provides feedback and
coaching as necessary. The dialogue acts as a scaffold a temporary and
adjustable support to instruction, allowing the teacher to adjust instruction
to the students; individual needs and to gradually withdraw support as the
students acquire and refine the strategies being learned (Palincsar, 1987;
Palincsar & Brown, 1989).
Since the original Palincsar and Brown (1984) experimental studies, a
great deal of research evidence has confirmed the effectiveness of reciprocal
teaching techniques for improving reading comprehension scores for a wide range
of age levels and instructional settings (Brown & Chan, 1991, Carter, 1997;
Kligner & Vaughn, 1996; Rosenshine & Meister, 1994). Moreover
reciprocal teaching has proved highly motivating for many low- achieving
students who had previously participated reluctantly, or even actively resisted
participating, in teacher-dominated, worksheet-based forms of remedial
instruction. In particular, it has been observed that these students enjoy the
opportunity to be teacher during the reciprocal teaching dialogue and take
their role seriously (Bruce & Chan, 1991; Coley, DePinto, Craige, &
Gardner, 1993; Palincsar, 1987; Speece, MacDonald, Kilsheimer, & Krist,
1997). This is consistent with Ellen White's comments, noted earlier, that when
children are asked to work cooperatively in helping and supporting each other's
learning, self-respect and a desire to be useful will be encouraged.
However, as noted above, one criticism of the original reciprocal
teaching program is that it is designed for students who are adequate decoders
but poor comprehenders (Palincsar & Brown, 1984), and thus may not be
entirely effective for the many poor readers (describe above) who are deficient
in both word identification and comprehension skills (Rosenshine & Meister,
1994). It was decided therefore to
develop and research the effectiveness of an instructional program which would
use the reciprocal teaching format to teach metacognitive word identification
strategies, prior to instruction in reciprocal teaching of comprehension
skills. When reciprocal teaching of
comprehension procedures was introduced the metacognitive word identification
strategies were included as part of the clarification process. The resulting metacognitive instructional
program was entitled the "Clever Kid's Reading Program". A description of the program and the major
findings of the research will be discussed below. (See Appendix A for a more detailed description of the program).
Clever Kid's Reading Program
The Clever skid's Reading Program trained children in the flexible and
strategic use of three word identification strategies (or Clever Kids' Cues)
commonly used by competent readers: (I) Considering the Context (semantic and
syntactic cues), (ii) Compare with known words or word parts (phonemic and
orthographic cues), and (iii) Carve up the word parts (structural and
morphological cues). To help students
monitor and control their use of those strategies (cues), children were taught
to use the Clever Kids' Motto: (I) Look for the cues, (ii) Be flexible, and
(iii) Ask: Does it make sense?
Instructional materials consisted of a total of 30 short passages
(200-400 words in length) written at the Year 4 to 5 readability level, and
each containing factual material in narrative or descriptive form. Each of the passages was structured to
target a particular word with the 'tion' spelling pattern, so that students had
to make use of the Compare with known word parts strategy. Others contained a number of multisyllabic words,
which required use of the Carve up the word parts strategy. Each of the passages was accompanied by a
short answer comprehension text consisting of eight questions. The questions were designed to probe both
factual and inferential comprehension of text.
Pupil workbooks containing the passages and comprehension questions as
well as a list of the targeted words for each passage, along with a teacher's guidebook,
were developed in conjunction with the third study.
Instruction took place in small groups of 4 to 8 children with three
30-minute sessions per week. In general
three days (ie, three 30 minute sessions) were spent on each passage. During the first two days the students were
engaged in a number of activities designed to incorporate the targeted words
into their automatic sight vocabulary and to build up confidence in their own
ability to identify unfamiliar words.
First, children were asked to read the title and predict what the
passage might be about, thus cueing them into possible vocabulary to look for
in the text. Next, children were
encouraged to take turns to read orally one paragraph at a time. Every time an unfamiliar word was
encountered, the group was encouraged to work collaboratively in using the Clever
Kids' Motto and Cues to identify the word, while the teacher (or teacher's
aide) provided guided feedback and coaching as necessary. After this the children played flashcard
games with the targeted words and then practiced reading the passage either individually
or in pairs, in preparation for a "one-minute-reading test" in which
they endeavored to see how many words they could read fluently in the given
time. On the third day the reciprocal
teaching procedures of question generating and summarizing were used to foster
comprehension of the text, and children were the short answer comprehension
Resulting of both the one-minute reading test, and the comprehension test
were graphed and shared with the children each week, thus providing further
motivation as they were able to see the improvements which resulted from their
efforts and use of the strategies.
Every opportunity was taken to provide attributional training, so as to
encourage students to attribute their success (or lack of it), to factors within
their control, such as effort and efficient (or inefficient) use of
strategies. For example, when students
successfully used a strategy for identifying an unfamiliar word, they were
encouraged to verbalize which strategy they had used, eg, "I carved up the
word parts pro-tect-ed." Also
when students made gains (or maintained their scores) on the weekly tests, they
were encouraged to verbalize the fact that they had succeeded because they
tried hard and used the Clever Kid's reading Strategies. If their scores dropped, the reasons were
examined, eg, lack of effort or inefficient use of strategies.
As the students became more proficient with the word identification
strategies, less time was devoted to the oral reading activities, and more time
to the reciprocal teaching of comprehension skills. After 8-10 weeks of instruction, the majority of the time was
spent on reciprocal teaching of comprehension strategies with the word
identification strategies being incorporated into the clarifying phase of the
reciprocal teaching dialogue.
Major Findings of the Research
An ongoing series of three major studies was conducted, designed to
examine the effectiveness of the proposed program and to examine efficient ways
for implementing the program in the regular classroom. A total of 176 poor readers was involved (32
in Study one, 70 in Study two and 74 in Study three). Study One took place over a 28 week period, while Studies two and
three lasted for 33 weeks each. During
each study experimental subjects received metacognitive instruction in both
word identification and comprehension strategies as described above. Subjects in the control conditions received
either reciprocal teaching of comprehension combined with traditional methods
for identifying unfamiliar words (ie, merely listing difficult words on the
board and discussing their meaning), or normal classroom word study and
comprehension activities (in some cases combines with remedial phonics-based
instruction). In the first study the
experimenter was responsible for all instruction. In the second study the experimenter set up the program and then
gradually ceded responsibility for its implementation to the class teachers,
and in the third study school-based personnel were responsible for conducting the
program from the beginning. Measures of
improvements in word identification and comprehension, attributions of success
and failure and self-perceptions of academic ability (among others) were taken
on several occasions during each study.
A number of conclusions can be drawn from the analyses of these measures.
1. Reciprocal teaching
procedures using only traditional methods of word identification as originally
developed by Palincsar and Brown (1984), can produce significant gains, not
only in comprehension scores but also in word recognition of scores of students
who are poor readers. This was an
interesting finding in view of the fact that there have been questions about
the efficacy of reciprocal teaching of comprehension for students who are inadequate
decoders (Rosenshine I Meister, (1994).
On average the word recognition reading age of control students improved
by about 9 month during each of the studies.
It may be that the indirect methods of word study provided in reciprocal
teaching procedures are sufficient for promoting significant improvements in
word identification skills which in turn enables more cognitive resources to be
devoted to construction of meaning
(Naslund & Samuels, 1992).
2. However, a combination of
metacognitive word identification strategies and reciprocal teaching of
comprehension was clearly more effective than reciprocal teaching of
comprehension with traditional methods of word identification or normal
classroom instruction for improving both word identification and comprehension
scores. The word recognition reading
age of experimental subjects improved by an average of 17 months during each of
the studies. In addition, comprehension
score improved at a significantly greater rate for experimental subjects than
for control subjects. Once again a
cyclic effect may be involve, with significantly greater in improvements in
word identification skills resulting from metacognitive strategy instruction,
allowing increased attention to be directed to comprehension (Naslund & Samuels,
1992; Spear-Swerling & Sternberg, 1994; Stanovich, 1986, 1992).
3. Subjects who received
metacognitive training in both word identification and comprehension strategies
tended to attribute success and failure to factors under their control, such as
effort and efficient use of strategies, and tended to report improvements in
their self-perceptions of academic ability.
Subjects receiving only comprehension training or regular
classroom-based activities were less likely to do either. The greater measures of success experienced
by subjects receiving both word identification and comprehension training may
account for these more positive respect will be increased if individuals are
provided with the skills and resources necessary for the development of
personal competence.
4. A classroom-based model
of implementation appears to be more successful when teachers have
responsibility for its implementation from the beginning (Study Three), rather
than taking over responsibility after the program has been set up by the
experimenter (Study Two). This may have
been because teachers who had entire responsibility felt a greater ownership of
the program, leading to more faithful implementation of each of its components.
5. It was found that the
structured format of the program allowed it to be carried out equally
effectively by the classroom teacher, a teacher's aide, or a parent volunteer.
6. Pupil interest in the
metacognitive word identification strategy instruction appeared to be best
maintained when it was combined with some reciprocal teaching from the
beginning of instruction. This findings grew out of observations in Studies One
and Two that many students lost interest after several weeks of the
metacognitive word identification activities, and it was not until reciprocal
teaching of comprehension was introduced in the second phase of the studies
that their interest was reactivated.
When reciprocal teaching of comprehension skills in a modified form was
introduced in the first teaching phase of study three, along with instruction
in metacognitive word identification strategies, interest appeared to be
sustained throughout the intervention.
This is consistent with reported evidence of the highly motivated nature
of reciprocal teaching procedures, where students cooperate to enhance each
other's learning.
Some Final Considerations
For the church school teacher seeking to improve the performance of
at-risk readers, the application of each of the principles for nurturing
self-esteem describes above (ie, matacognitive instruction, attribution
training, scaffolded instruction and cooperative learning) can have powerful
and positive effects. However, there is
one further principle advocated by Ellen White, which in many ways is
foundational to all the others. This
principle is to:
5. Help children understand that they are
inherently worthwhile and valuable because of Christ's infinite sacrifice for
them (An understanding of the grace of God). As Ellen White (1956, p.15) explains "The
price for our redemption, the infinite sacrifice of our heavenly Father is
giving His son to die for us, should give us exalted conceptions of what we may
become through Christ
. What a value this places in man!" When children
(and older persons) understand that they are equally valuable in God's sight,
it removes the burden of seeking to obtain value and worth by comparing one's
achievement (or lack of it) with that of another, or by seeking to find some
way (whether socially acceptable or not) of proving that one is worthwhile,
which is a legacy of a humanistic view of self-esteem (Berlach, 1998).
The church school teacher has many opportunities not readily available to
her public school counterpart for developing this principle. Worship and Bible lessons which emphasis the
grace of God are an ideal place to begin.
Bulletin boards depicting the love and grace of God can serve as a
constant visual reminder for the children.
An emphasis on the fact that out response to God's great love can take
many different forms depending on our varying talents, can also be of
assistance. While some may be able to
read extremely well others may have artistic talents, which can be used in His
service, or they may have the gift of bringing joy and encouragement to
others. Other excellent ideas may be
found in an article by Rice (1999) entitled 'Teaching God's Grace in Your
Sometimes otherwise humanistic self-esteem enhancement activities can be
adapted to have a Christian emphasis.
One which I have personally found very helpful in primary school
classroom involves asking students who is the most important person in the
world and then getting them to individually look into a small mirror (a
humanistic activity). Next I ask
students to discuss what makes them so important, and then tell them that they
will find the answer when they look at the mirror again. In the meantime I have secretly attached a
cut-out picture of Jesus to the mirror, thus providing a powerful focus for a
discussion of the real source of the value and worth of each student.
In conclusion, the five principles for nurturing self-esteem which have
been describe in this essay can provide a very effective means for integrating
the faith and learning of children with reading difficulties. Not only is there likely to be an
improvement in motivation and performance, but it is also more likely that
there will be a wholistic development of the physical, mental and spiritual
Ackerman, B. P., Spiker,K., & Bailey, K. (1989). The relation between resources limitations
and optional conceptual processing by children and adults. Child Development, 60(5), 1200-1211.
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For more information about the
Clever Kid's Reading Program Contact Dr. Merle Cozens (nee
Bruce) at Avondale College, PO Box 19, Cooranbong, NSW,
2265, Australia Phone: 0249 802185 Fax: 0249 802 190 Email: [email protected] |
Appendix A
Instructions Contained in the Teacher's Guide Book for the
Clever Kid's Reading Program
the Clever Kid's Cues and Motto to Teach Word Identification Strategies
Revise Clever Kid's Motto and Cues with children and make sure they
understand what each part means, and why it is important to use the cues when
working out words.
Draw attention to the heading and illustration for each story and predict
what the story might be about. This can help cue them into words to look for in
the story.
Model the use of the targeted cue/s as you read the story orally. In the
initial days you should read all or most of the story. As pupils become more
confident they can take turns at reading a paragraph each during their turn at
being teacher.
When the pupils read a difficult word correctly, ask them to verbalize
which of the cues they used to work it out. For example, "I noticed that
you paused for a while as you worked out the word 'threaded'. Tell me what you
did to work it out." The answer might be, "I read the rest of the
sentence and then I knew what it was" (context);
or "First I tried it with an 'ee' sound like in dream, but that didn't
make sense, and then I tried it with an 'e' sound like dead, and that did make
sense (compare with known words; be
flexible); or "I carved it up thread/ed" (carve up the word parts).
Call attention to the word building pattern targeted in the story, eg, 'au'
words in Megan's Blindness, and ask children to circle all the words in the passage
with that particular spelling pattern.
Build up a wall chart of other words with that particular spelling
pattern. (This could sometimes be a whole class activity, eg '--tion' words for
Story 2 or 'Wicked Mr. W' words for Story 3).
If a pupil who is reading orally cannot work out a difficult word, ask
the other pupils in the group to suggest which cur they would use, or suggest
one yourself. Discourage pupils form just telling each other the word.
Pupils take turns at reading a paragraph each to a partner. (You may be
able to use selected normally achieving readers as the partner for this
activity. The partner should always encourage the use of the Clever Kid's Motto
and Cues for working out difficult words).
Play flashcard games and/or practice reading the word lists on the back
of the question sheet for each story. (I have found in the past that children
particularly enjoy playing 'stepping stones' with the flashcards. Lay out 6-8
flashcards on the floor and them time children with a stopwatch as they step
over the cards and say the words. Then they have a second go to try and beat
their own time).
Do a 'one-minute reading test'. Pupils read to the teacher or to a
partner for one minute, then count and graph (in the back of their reading
books) the number of words read correctly. (You may be able to use selected
normally-achieving readers as the partner for this activity).
Note: These activities do not necessarily need to be carried
out in the order listed above, and not all the activities need to be used for
each passage. Get to know what suits your class best.
Use reciprocal teaching procedures for questioning and summarizing in
each paragraph. (Initially the teacher models the procedures but later the
children take turns at being the teacher).
Do the comprehension test. Mark and graph the results. Give stickers to
those who get six or more correct.
Note: It doesn't particularly matter if you don't always get to
the comprehension step in the initial stages. In phase two of the intervention,
when the children have become more proficient at word identification, we will
spend a lot more time on comprehension.
Get children to verbalize the reasons for their successes, eg, "I
was able to read that long word correctly because I used the Carve up the word parts cue", or. "I
did well in the comprehension test because I tried hard and I used the
reciprocal teaching strategies".
Remind children to use the Clever Kid's Motto and Cues and the Reciprocal
Teaching of comprehension strategies whenever they are doing silent reading in
school, in the library, at home, etc.
Using Reciprocal Teaching Procedures plus the Clever Kid's
Motto and Cues to Improve Comprehension
Always begin a new passage by having students predict, based upon the title and/or any illustrations,
sub-headings, etc, what they expect the text might be about or what they might
like to learn from the text. Encourage the group to share information they
already know about the topic. Refer to their predictions as you proceed through
the passage, interviewing what they have suggested with what the text offers.
The teacher assigns a segment of text to be read (usually only one
paragraph in the initial stages) and either indicates that it is her/her turn
to be the teacher or assigns a student to be teacher.
Children read the paragraph silently and underline key words, which they
can use later for framing questions and summaries. If desired, the assigned teacher (or other selected pupils) may
also read the paragraph orally, either before or after the silent reading.
In the initial stages you may wish to discuss the key words that were
selected. This should not be so necessary later on, as children get the idea of
what to look for with key words.
The assigned teacher (with your
help if necessary) discusses and clarifies
any difficulties, such as unknown words, metaphoric or idiomatic expressions
(eg, "Look sharp now"), or unclear referents (eg, you, it, he, etc).
For example, students can use the Clever
Kid's Motto and Cues to identify unknown words. They can also try and
discover the meaning of an unknown word by reading the sentences before and
after it. Sometimes "or" signals the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
If a phrase or a sentence is not clear they may try rereading it to see whether
they left out a word or misread a word. If, after rereading something is still
not clear, they should be instructed to ask for assistance. Note that not every
paragraph contains something that needs clarifying, and that clarifying can
take place at any stage during the dialogue. For example, sometimes when a
child attempts to ask a question it becomes obvious that he or she has
misunderstood something and that clarification will need to take place.
Initially many
children do not like to admit that there is something they don't understand,
and you may need to point out that you have observed something that us unclear
or confusing. Also, sometimes students are more responsive if they are asked to
point out something which could be unclear to a younger student.
The assigned teacher asks teacher-like questions concerning
important information in the text. The question should be clear and stand by
itself. Fill-in-the-blanks questions should be discouraged unless that is all
that students can do initially. Tell students to select important information
from the text and use the words "who", "where", "when",
"why", "what", and "how" to make up questions.
assigned teacher then calls on
somebody to answer the question, indicates whether he or she is satisfied with
the answer, and perhaps prompts for more information. There may be further
discussion and dialogue at this stage as other children challenge the answer,
provide a different answer, or want to ask a related question.
the student teacher is having trouble
framing a question, the adult teacher should provide whatever support is
necessary, eg, provide the question word to start the question, identify the
topic that might be appropriate, or perhaps ask them to summarize first.
The assigned teacher summarizes
the gist of the paragraph in his or her own words. You may wish students to
just tell you the "main idea", eg, "This paragraph is mainly
about what dolphins eat", or to add some supporting details as well, eg, "This
paragraph tells us that dolphins eat small sea creatures." Further dialogue can take place at this
stage as the teacher and other
children attempts to refine the summary.
Encourage students to attempt their
summaries without looking in the passage. This is particularly helpful if you
have a student who summarizes by reading sentences from the paragraph or
reiterating every point in the paragraph.
Note: Students usually
find it very difficult to make a good summary and will initially require a lot
of modeling and support from you.
The assigned teacher attempts to predict what is in the text paragraph,
or else someone else to predict. Show
children how they can often use the structure of the text to predict what may
come next, eg, "This paragraph talked about Maria looking for a comet, so
maybe in the next paragraph she will fined one."
Use the prediction strategy in a
flexible and opportunistic manner. If
there is not enough information to generate a prediction then leave this
strategy out.
Assign another teacher for the next paragraph and begin the cycle all
over again.
When the passage has been completed, students answer the written
comprehension questions in their Clever Kid's Reading Books, with out any
further assistance. Mark and graph the
results. (The graph is at the back of
their books).
Draw attention to the motto under the graph, "Strategy use + effort
= success", and discuss with student the reasons why they are doing so
well in the comprehension tests. Get
them to verbalize the fact that they can do well when they try hard and they
use the reciprocal teaching comprehension strategies. The idea is to help the children overcome attitudes of "learned
helplessness" whereby they attribute their success and failures to factors
beyond their control, such as luck or an attitude of "I'm dumb". Instead we are endeavoring to train students
to attribute their success and failures to factors under their control such as
effort and strategy use.
Note: It usually takes 2 days (sometimes even 3) to complete
the reciprocal teaching dialogue and answer the written comprehension
General Points to
1. When first introducing reciprocal
teaching, discuss with the children why it is important to be a strategic
reader, then explain each of the strategies and discuss how and when they can
be used to improve comprehension.
2. In the initial days of teaching, you
take your turn as teacher for the first several segments, modeling how each of
the strategies works.
3. For the initial days of teaching,
review the four activities with the students, recall why they are learning the
strategies, as well as when and how they might be helpful.
4. For the initial student teachers choose students who you feel
will be successful with the activity so that the others have more opportunities
to see the strategies being modeled.
5. When a student is acting as teacher you can take the role of student, answering some of the
questions, contributing to the discussion on word meanings, helpful to form the
summary, etc.
6. Always give the students plenty of
specific feedback that is informative, eg, "That was an excellent summary,
since you included the most important information", or "You worded
that question well, but it concerned a minor detail. Can you ask a question about more important information?"
7. While you will not expect the same
kind and level of participation from all of your students, you should expect
them all to participate at a level appropriate for each.
8. Reciprocal teaching works best in small
groups of 4-8 pupils, although it has been adapted successfully for larger
groups, and even whole class groups.
9. Some teachers prefer mixed ability groups so that poorer readers can see the better readers modeling the use of the strategies.