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Daniel, Aina Ayandiji

"Survey research as a tool for communication and evangelism." (No. 464-00; 28CC: 95-113). PDF

Gómez Seco, Mariano

"La escuela adventista como centro de evangelización: Una experiencia en España" (No. 239-94; 16CC: 103-122). PDF

Hopkins, Gary L.; Babikian, Talin; McBride, Duane; Oliver, Anita

"Media messages: how do they affect your youth" (33CC: 501-506). PDF

Ondari, Hellen Kwamboka

"Teaching verbal communication for moral and intellectual development: A Christian perspective" (No. 622-06; 34A/CC: 341-360). PDF

Pereyra, Mario 

"De l'homo sapiens à l'homo videns" (35B/CC : 242-246). PDF

"From homo sapiens to homo videns" (33CC: 577-580). PDF

Rasi, Sylvia B.

"¿Por qué no me entiendes?" (20CC: 665-669). PDF

"Por que você não me entende?" (15CC: 451-455). PDF

"Pourquoi ne me comprends-tu pas ? " (22CC: 285-290). PDF

"Why don't you understand me?" (8CC: 237-241). PDF

Reynaud, Daniel

"How to choose what we watch" (33CC: 581-583) PDF

Rumsey, Gregory G.

"A Christian educator's critique of television advertising" (No. 036-89; 3CC: 21-39). PDF

Steyn, Delyse E.

"Passer l'écran au crible :savoir décrypter les médias, une nécessité pour le chrétien" (35B/CC: 290-293) PDF

"The Bible and Media Literacy." (31-B/CC: 369-410) PDF

"Thinking Christianly in a media-dominated society" (No. 111-92; 7CC: 269-288). PDF

Swansi, Kenneth Pradeep

"Marketing the gospel in the Indian bazaar". (No. 283-96; 18CC: 195-211).

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