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Paden, Raymond L.

"Artificial intelligence: From the foundations of mathematics to intelligent computers" (No. 106-92; 7CC: 173-187). PDF 1,359KB

Paden, Raymond L. and James Wolfer

"Artificial intelligence: Can machines think?" (18CC: 373-376). PDF 677KB

Paden, Raymond L. et James Wolfer

"L’intelligence artificielle : Les machines peuvent-elles penser ?" (22CC: 249-252). PDF 592KB

Paden, Raymond L. y James Wolfer

"Inteligencia artificial: ¿Pueden pensar las máquinas?"  (20CC: 635-638). PDF 606KB

Padilla, Edgar Efraín Mamani

"El segundo alumbramiento: Un enfoque cristiano a la orientación del adolescente" (No. 312-98; 20CC: 127-145). PDF 1,218KB

Panaino, Robinson

"Integrando fatos bíblicos na história da Matemática" (29CC: 207-222). PDF 1,304KB

Pantí Madero, Miguel Ángel

"Estrategias activas para la enseñanza del creacionismo" (39CC: 215-228). PDF 975KB

Paredes Aguirre, Alfonso

"El examen formal y su contribución en la educación redentora" (32CC: 189-208). PDF 898KB

Park, Chunsik

"Genesis 6-9: Theological themes and their educational  implications" (No. 448-00, 27CC: 187-204). PDF 1,361KB

Paseggi, Marcos

"Towards a biblical understanding of literary creativity" (No. 379-99; 24CC: 237-255). PDF 1,209KB

Paula, Marcia Oliveira de

"Issues of origins in zoology and genetics: A look at the evidence" (No. 431-00; 26A/CC: 271-290). PDF 1,294KB

Peake, Christopher

"Religious studies modules at Stanborough School: Bridging the gap between faith and the secular curriculum?" (No. 338-98; 21CC: 241-260). PDF 1,340KB

Pearson, Michael

"The point of pain: Dealing with cognitive dissonance" (No. 013-88; 1CC: 233-248). PDF 916KB

"A room with a view: World views and the Christian world view" (6CC: 265-282). PDF 879KB

"Faith, reason and vulnerability" (8CC: 213-216). PDF 417KB

"Foi, raison et vulnérabilité" (22CC: 253-256). PDF 377KB

"Word made flesh: How the Christian worldview affects teaching and learning" (6CC: 283-302). PDF 962KB

Pedreros, Alberto Villegas

"Descripción de un proceso de integración fe y enseñanza/aprendizaje en un proyecto educativo institucional a través de la acción del equipo de gestión" (No. 324-98; 20CC: 349-367). PDF 722KB

Peifer, Bruce G.

"Seventh-day Adventist intercollegiate competition: A North American perspective" (No. 300-97; 19CC: 245-263). PDF 1,006KB

Penniecook, Eustacio A.

"Conveying Christian values in teaching management" (34A/CC: 383-398). PDF 943KB

Penniecook, Myrtle Sawyers de

"Fundamento teórico de la integración de la fe en la enseñanza y estrategias de ejecución" (No. 243-94; 16CC: 173-192). PDF 1,774KB

Penniecook Sawyers, Tricia

"Paradigma para la formación de médicos adventistas con sentido de misión" (32CC: 209-230). PDF 1101KB

Pereyra, Mario

"De l'homo sapiens à l'homo videns" (35B/CC: 241-244). PDF 360KB

"Esperanza, religiosidad y salud mental" (20CC: 639-641). PDF 340KB

"Espoir, christianisme et santé mentale" (22CC: 257-260). PDF 329KB

"From homo sapiens to homo videns" (33CC: 577-580). PDF 362KB

"Hope, Christianity and mental health" (12CC: 377-380). PDF 318KB

Pérez, Ricardo Delgado

"Una propuesta práctica para transmitir valores cristianos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas" (No. 237-94; 16CC: 75-86). PDF 781KB

Perumal, John

"A Christian approach to the environment: what Adventist schools, colleges, and universities can do" (40CC: 363-380). PDF 1019KB

Peter-Fiorito, June

"Integrating faith and learning in elementary language arts methods courses in Seventh-day Adventist college classrooms" (37A/CC: 309-328). PDF 1169KB

Peterkin, Vincent M. S.

"Leadership style and learner outcome in Adventist secondary schools" (No. 263-96; 17CC: 231-248). PDF

Peters, Harold E.

"Training ministerial directors and lay pastors: A curricular proposal" (No. 077-90; 5CC: 181-198). PDF 1,322KB

Pfeifer, Andrew A.

"Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: A Christian perspective" (No. 339-98; 21CC: 261-278). PDF

Phetchareun, Khamsay

"A Relational approach to sharing Jesus with Buddhist students: The case of Mission College" (35A/CC: 255-268). PDF 1523KB

Phoon, Chek Yat

"Challenges of Adventist education in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD): An administrator's opportunity for integrating faith and learning" (35A/CC: 269-286). PDF 1286KB

Pierre, Phebee

"How can Christian teachers lead students to God" (No. 057-89; 4CC: 125-148). PDF 1,011KB

Pierre, Saint-Louis

"Education musicale en milieu scolaire haitien: Une approche biblique" (36CC: 181-200). PDF 1475KB

Pilli, Priscilla Vijay

"Teaching spiritual values in physics class room" (No. 280-96; 18CC: 145-160). PDF 504KB

Pilly, Priscilla

"Spiritual lessons from the properties of light: A physicist perspective" (38CC: 277-292). PDF 2138KB

Pinto, Célia B.

"Os projetos escolares em nível fundamental: Uma perspectiva cristã" (29CC: 257-268). PDF 1,051KB

Pirija, Darko

"Faith encountering culture: The church's teaching role in shaping Adventist identity and mission" (35A/CC: 287-308). PDF 1705KB

Píttaro, Miryam Espinosa de

"Fe y valores cristianos en el curriculum de educación básica y secundaria" (No. 316-98; 20CC: 205-222). PDF 1,208KB

Pitman, Sean D.

"Pourquoi je crois en la Création" (35B/CC: 245-248). PDF 310KB

Pittman, Sharon and Drumm, René

"The biblically grounded framework for social work" (37B/CC: 205-232). PDF 1546KB

Plane, Barry and Hill, Barry

"L’enseignement des valeurs en techonologie industrielle et en informatique" (22CC: 149-154). PDF 1,884KB

"Teaching values in industrial technology and computer studies" (12CC: 349-352). PDF 380KB

Plane, Barry Hill et Barry

"L’enseignement des valeurs en techonologie industrielle et en informatique" (22CC:  149-154). PDF 1,884KB

Platts, Adrian

"Faith and science within a Seventh-day Adventist context: Towards an open internal dialogue" (38CC: 293-308). PDF 1404KB

Poblete, Danilo P.

"A reflective teaching model: An Adventist assessment" (No. 380-99; 24CC: 257-276). PDF

Poblete, Judy H.

"Communicating Christian values through teaching English as a second language: The uses of poetry" (No. 381-99; 24CC: 277-296). PDF

Poblete, Norie Rivera

"God and Calculus" (No.450-00; 27CC: 225-239). PDF 712KB

Poddar, Sushila

"Strategies for developing self-esteem among elementary school going children" (No. 092-90; 6CC: 115-132). PDF 893KB

Pollard, Prudence LaBeach

"Essentials of the values-based business curriculum: Core development of the Christian businessperson" (35A/CC: 309-326). PDF 1903KB

Poma Ch., Adhemar

"Corrientes pedagógicas contemporáneas: El rol del docente" (No. 317-98; 20CC: 223-240). PDF 890KB

Ponce, María Emilia Schaller de

"La cosmovisión bíblico-cristiana y su influencia en la formación de los profesionales de las ciencias de la salud." (32CC: 231-250). PDF 1714KB

Pozo Moras, Luis Alberto del

"Hacia una integración epistemológica de la verdad en la educación superior adventista" (32CC: 251-270). PDF 1141KB

Prado, Ivanildo G. do

"Oportunidades do professor de Matemática desenvolver a cultura de pesquisa e investigação" (29CC: 223-238). PDF 1,186KB

Prasad, S. Rajendra

"Compounding elements of faith and learning in the chemistry classroom" (No. 281-96; 18CC: 161-180). PDF 1,243KB

Prayag, Carroll Clifford

"Lois mathématiques et lois divines" (No. 397-00; 25CC: 181-199). PDF 1173KB

Preez, Gerald Du

"Teaching homiletics in a multi-cultural context: A South African perspective" (No. 440-00, 27CC:039-058). PDF

Preez, Ron Du

"Biblical Authority and Biblical Foundations for Ethics" (31B/CC: 285-336). PDF 3608KB

"Integrating faith in the peri-curricular practices of an Adventist institution" (No. 441-00, 27CC: 059-078). PDF

"Integrating faith in the pre- post- and co-curricular practices of an Adventist campus" (28CC: 545-568). PDF

"Instilling Christian values into the extra-curricular activities of an Adventist educational institution" (28CC: 569-592). PDF

Priora, Juan Carlos

"La enseñanza de la historia desde la perspectiva bíblica" (32CC: 511-562). PDF 3338KB

"Perspectiva bíblica del nuevo orden mundial y del fin de la historia" (No. 184-94; 13CC: 231-250). PDF 989KB

Provonsha, Jack W.

"Bioética cristiana" (20CC: 643-645). PDF 365KB

"Christian bioethics: making rational choices in complex life-death issues" (8CC: 217-220). PDF 342KB

"La bioéthique chrétienne : Questions de vie et de mort" (22CC: 261-264). PDF 330KB

Pryce, Eric

"Teaching poetry in Adventist schools" (No. 264-96; 17CC: 249-268). PDF 859KB

Pulleiro Rodríguez, Juan Carlos

"Aplicación de la teoría del Diseño Inteligente en la enseñanza del origen y funcionamiento del universo" (39CC: 229-244). PDF 2241KB

Putten, Juliette M. Van

"Beyond safer sex practices: Christian perspectives on AIDS education for public health professionals" (No. 017-88; 1CC: 307-326). PDF 1,000KB

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