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Bacchiocchi, Samuele

"Un point de vue chrétien sur la sexualité" (22CC: 21-24). PDF

"Una perspectiva Cristiana del sexo" (20CC: 497-499). PDF

Badenas, Roberto D.

"La transmission des valeurs et la programmation par objectifs" (36CC: 275-282). PDF 426KB

"Teaching through parables: Following Jesus" (31A/CC: 21-40). PDF

Bahadur, Petras

"Integrating faith and values in the business courses at Pakistan Adventist Seminary" (No. 325-98; 21CC: 1-20). PDF

Bahimba, Phénias

"Kohlberg's theory of moral development: A Seventh-day Adventist insight" (No. 020-88; 2CC: 19-34). PDF

Bailey, Cindee M.

"The effects of religion on mental health: Implications for Seventh-day Adventists" (No. 286-97; 19CC: 1-15). PDF

Bailey-Penrod, Juliet

"The fit between Adventist health principles and discoveries in modern biomedical science" (No. 419-00; 26A/CC: 037-055). PDF

Bairagee, Robert Bikash

"The selection and implementation of co-curricular activities in an Adventist school" (40CC: 17-34). PDF 1148KB

Balabanova, Nataliya

"Technology and society: A Christian reflection" (31A/CC: 41-60). PDF

Baldeo, Franklyn N.

"Mastery learning: A Christian approach" (No. 251-96; 17CC: 21-40). PDF

Baldwin, Dalton D.

"Openness for renewal without destructive pluralism: The dilemma of doctrinal dissent" (No. 038-89; 3CC: 61-82). PDF

Baldwin, John T.

"Dieu, la passereau et le boa" (22CC: 25-28). PDF

"Dios, el gorrión y la boa esmeralda" (20CC: 501-504). PDF

"God, the sparrow, and the emerald boa" (18CC: 257-260). PDF

"Gardiens du jardin: les chrétiens et l'environnement" (35B/CC: 23-26). PDF 351KB

"Keepers of the garden: Christians and the environment" (33CC: 405-408). PDF

"The Bible and the philosophy of science" (No. 404-00; 26B/CC: 89-137). PDF

Balmer, Brent

"The teacher’s personal touch: The social dimension in Adventist education" (No. 438-00; 27CC: 1-18). PDF

Baloyo, Virginia P.

"The Odyssey and the migrant workers' experience: a fresh look at an ancient saga" (40CC: 35-52). PDF 1294KB

Balyage, Yona

"The Christian religious education syllabi for secondary schools: An Adventist assessment and proposal" (No. 352-98; 23CC: 103-118). PDF

Barayuga, Luz

"An ethical-theological approach to literature: Some suggestions for Adventist teachers" (No. 141-93; 11CC: 1-20). PDF

Barcenas, David A. Thomas e Paul F.

"Caos: Cadinho da criação" (15CC: 473-476). PDF

"Le chaos : Creuset de la création" (22CC: 341-344). PDF

Barcenas, David A. Thomas with Paul F.

"Chaos: Crucible of Creation" (8CC: 287-290). PDF

Barcenas, David A. Thomas y Paul

"El caos: Crisol de la creación" (20CC: 699-702). PDF

Barros, Jailton V. .

"Avaliação educacional numa perspectiva cristã" (29CC: 57-76). PDF

Basaninyenzi, Gatsinzi

"Teaching an anti-Christian text from a Christian perspective: The case of S. Beckett's Waiting por Godot" (No. 120-93; 10CC: 063-073). PDF

Bassett, Phil

"Cooperative Learning" (18CC: 261-265). PDF

Bauer, Stephen

"Darwin's God: How rejecting design impacts biblical theism" (37B/CC: 1-50). PDF 2880KB

Beach, Bert B. 

"Can a university be Christian?  A look at academic freedom on the Adventist campus" (8CC: 65-70). PDF

"El cristiano y la política" (20CC: 505-506). PDF

"L'enseignement de la liberté religieuse: Ouvrir une fenêtre sur le monde" (35B/CC: 27-32). PDF 1267KB

"The Christian and politics" (33CC: 409-410). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa

"A theology of health, healing and wholeness" (30CC: 351-362). PDF

"Fostering creativity and innovation in Adventist education" (30CC: 363-376). PDF

"Integration of faith and values in graduate and professional education" (40CC: 501-518). PDF 1245KB

"Issues and trends in Adventist education worldwide" (40CC: 519-542). PDF 1338KB 

"Spiritual Intelligence and the Bible" (31B/CC: 1-42). PDF

"Theories of intelligence, and epistemology and the challenge for educators" (30CC: 377-396). PDF

Becerra, Enrique

"A Bíblia na internalização de valores" (29CC: 441-450). PDF

"Facteurs des activités para-scolaires dans la formation des étudiants" (36CC: 283-290). PDF 531KB

"Factores co-curriculares en la formación estudiantil" (32CC: 371-380). PDF

"Factores extra-sala de classes na formação estudiantil" (29CC: 451-460). PDF

"Seventh-day Adventist ministerial training: Toward an integrated whole" (No. 121-93; 10CC: 075-088). PDF

Becker, Rebecca D.

"Can there be faith in the language arts classroom?" (12CC: 321-324). PDF

Becker, Rebecca D.

"Peut-on introduire la foi dans le cours de langue?" (22CC: 31-34). PDF

Bedasso, Leta

"Toward a strategic plan for conveying Christian beliefs and values at Ethiopia Adventist College" (34A/CC: 57-74). PDF 1337KB

Belia, Emilia Rut

"La utilización de argumentos de la teoría de la evolución en la enseñanza del modelo de la Creación" (39CC: 17-38). PDF 1810KB

Bell, Robert N.

"Missionaries, African writers and the Christian classroom" (No. 155-93; 12CC: 19-35). PDF

Bempong, Bernard Franklin

"Correction and discipline in Adventist tertiary education: A Christian approach" (34A/CC: 75-94). PDF 1848KB

Berg, Kevin C. de

"¿Un universo al azar?"  (20CC: 547-549). PDF

"Integrating science and Scripture: The case of Robert Boyle" (No. 371-99; 24CC: 081-095). PDF

"Order and chance in nature and Scripture: Towards a basis for constructive dialogue" (No. 073-90; 5CC: 111-128). PDF

"Um universo ao acaso? Ordem e acaso na natureza e nas Escrituras" (15CC: 355-358). PDF

"Un univers à l’abandon ?" (22CC: 89-92). PDF

Berg, Osa-Karin

"Liberal arts education in a learning-centered Seventh-day Adventist college" (31A/CC: 61-82). PDF

Bernardes, Silvio de Moura

"Anatomia e fisiologia humanas" (No. 213-94; 15CC: 15-27). PDF

Bert B. Beach

"Le chrétien et la politique" (22CC: 29-30). PDF

Birikunzira, Gerome Ngabo

"Prédicateurs et enseignants rwandais: Intégration de la foi face à la culture" (36CC: 25-42). PDF 1036KB

Birkenstock, David

"Leadership: The key dimension in Adventist tertiary educational administration" (No. 156-93; 12CC: 37-48). PDF

Biscaro, Ricardo D.

"A spiritual master plan for Northern Luzon Adventist College: Rationale and process" (No.439-00, 27CC: 19-38). PDF

Bishop, Edgar Araya

"La misión de una universidad" (No. 064-89; 4CC: 271-282). PDF

Bizzocchi, Lilian Ferrari de

"Integración fe-enseñanza: Una perspectiva institucional para el nivel secundario" (No. 173-94; 13CC: 21-40). PDF

Blackwell, Genevieve

"Creativity and culture" (No. 116-92; 7CC: 369-383). PDF

Blackwell, Lewis

"Implications of cultural pluralism for Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 097-92; 7CC: 1-20). PDF

Blaich, Roland

"Teacher of the Church: The Adventist historian" (33CC: 411-416). PDF

Ble de Gil, Deysi Jakeline

"Conociendo a Dios a través de la anatomía y la fisiología" (39CC: 39-54). PDF 1596KB

Blikshavn, Nina

"Follow the boy to school: The role of a Christian teacher today, from a historic perspective" (No. 188-94; 14CC: 1-18). PDF

Block, Cristina

"A thematic approach to the teaching of English literature to foreign students: Secular and Christian values contrasted" (No. 122-93; 10CC: 89-108). PDF

Bocaneanu, Adrian

"Falling in love and premarital sexual morality: Some scientific perspectives" (No. 189-94: 14CC: 19-38). PDF

Boskovic, Danilo

"The paradigm of the participatory universe" (38CC: 17-38). PDF 1593KB

Boughman, Larry W.

"Campus beautification: A factor in integration of faith and learning" (No. 190-94; 14CC: 039-058). PDF

"De l’embellissement du campus universitaire" (22CC: 35-40). PDF

Bowen, Heather

"Me, a vegetarian?" (11CC: 243-246). PDF

"¿Yo, vegetariana?"  (20CC: 507-509). PDF

Boyatt, Ed

"Comment être un bon membre de comité" (35B/CC: 37-42). PDF 1139KB

"L'administration d'une école axée sur l'education par le caractere" (35B/CC: 43-48) PDF 1619K

Brand, Leonard

"A Biblical Perspective on the Philosophy of Science" (31B/CC: 43-80). PDF

"A critique of current anti-creationist arguments and creationist responses, from a biblical perspective" (34B/CC: 1-42). PDF 2599KB

"Empreintes dans les sables du passé" (22CC: 41-46). PDF

"Faith and science: Can they coexist?" (33CC: 417-420). PDF

"Foi et science peuvent-elles coexister?" (35B/CC: 49-52). PDF 307KB

"Intelligent design: friend or foe for Adventists?" (37B/CC: 51-58). PDF 504KB

"Pisadas en las arenas del tiempo" (20CC: 511-515). PDF

"The Bible and biology" (No. 406-00; 26B/CC: 163-178). PDF

"The Bible and Science" (No. 405-00; 26B/CC: 139-162). PDF

"Footprints in the sands of time" (18CC: 267-272). PDF

Brantley, Paul S.

"Administration: The missing link in the integration of faith and learning" (33CC: 421-426). PDF

"L'administration: Le chaînon manquant pour intégrer la foi et l'apprentissage?" (35B/CC: 53-58). PDF 749KB

"Le partage d'une foi commune: Une étude complète d'un enseignement christocentrique dans les lycées adventistes" (35B/CC: 59-64). PDF 1393KB

Breja, Alexandru

"Teaching through example: A biblical perspective" (No. 326-98; 21CC: 21-38). PDF

Brito, Patricio Ayala

"Integración de valores en la planifcación estratégica de una facultad" (No. 305-98; 20CC:  1-20). PDF

Brown, Jeffrey O.

"Towards an integrated philosophy of student counseling in Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities" (No. 191-94; 14CC: 059-077). PDF

Brunt, John C.

"Making the Bible relevant for the moral life" (12CC: 325-328). PDF

Buck, Michael D.

"Has the Financial Accounting Standards Board believed a lie?" (No. 002-88; 1CC: 11-28). PDF

Buckles, Beverly J.

"Promoting wholeness programs in health-related graduate education" (No. 297-97; 19CC: 17-32). PDF

Burgo, Turibio José de

"Teaching Christian values through school choir activities" (No. 123-93; 10CC: 109-126). PDF

Burlandy, Ednice Oliveira

"Cristo, o orientador pedagógico modelo" (No. 214-94; 15CC: 28-47). PDF

Burrun, Breejan

"An approach for integrating faith and learning at the Phoenix Adventist Secondary School, Mauritius" (No. 079-90; 5CC: 219-235). PDF

Bursey, Ernest J.

"Action in higher education: A case study from the gospels" (8CC: 71-76). PDF

"L’apprentissage du service dans les collèges adventistes" (22CC: 47-52). PDF

"Service learning in Adventist colleges" (18CC: 273-278). PDF

Buschenhofen, Paul

"Helping students to attain self-control: The role of the Christian teacher" (34A/CC: 95-110). PDF 1327KB


"La educación física como agente educativo en la adquisición de hábitos de salud: Una experiencia práctica" (No. 288-97; 19CC: 33-51). PDF

Butera, Edison

"Teaching entrepreneurship in Christian perspective" (40CC: 53-68). PDF 1274KB

Bwana, Peter

"Creativity and responsibility in environmental transformation"(No. 081-90; 5CC: 257-270). PDF

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