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Volumen 1



Niel-Erik Andreasen. "General Education Religion Courses in the Undergraduate Curriculum." p. 1-10  PDF 836KB
Michael D. Buck. "Has the financial accounting standards board believed a lie?" p. 11-28  PDF 981KB

Wil Clarke. "The Finite, the Infinite, and God."  pp. 29-46  PDF 1,131KB

Laurice Durrant. "Teaching a reseach course from a Christian perspective." p. 47-64   PDF 894KB

Robert Egbert. "The Psychodynamics of Religious Education."  pp. 65-86  PDF 963KB

Ralph Escandón. "Santa Teresa de Jesus: An Adventist Perspective." p. 87-104   PDF 697KB
Victor S. Griffiths. "The SDA College and University Professor: Some Ethical and Professional Issues." p. 105-128  PDF 1,194KB

Minon A. Hamm. "What is Truth? Composition Assignments for Growth Values."  pp. 129-149  PDF 986KB

Leon L. Higgs. "The Teaching of Business Ethics and Politics and Social Values in the S. D. A College Business Curriculum - A Conceptual Model."  pp. 151-173  PDF 1,232KB

Edwin A. Karlow. "Parables -- A Synthesis of Thought."  pp. 175-192  PDF 1,211KB

G. Irving Logan. "Ministering to the Secular Student in a Christian College."  pp. 193-212  PDF 1,120KB

Wilma McClarty. "An Analysis of the Book of Esther as Literature: A Methodology for Using the Book of Esther In Secondary or College English or Bible Classes As an Introduction to the Stylistic and Thematic Concerns of Secular Literature."  pp. 213-232  PDF 1,326KB

Michael Pearson. "The Point of Pain: Dealing with Cognitive Dissonance." p. 233-248  PDF 916KB
Hope Ravelo. "Erikson's Stages of Personality Development: An Analysis from an Adventist Perspective." p. 249  PDF 892KB
Albert Smith. "Secular Understanding in an Christian World View." p. 265  PDF 1,137KB
Morris Taylor. "Choosing Music in an Christian College." p. 285  PDF 1,375KB
Juliette Van Putten. "Beyond Safer Sex Practice: Christian Perspectives on AIDS Education for Public Health Professionals." p. 307-326  PDF 1,000KB

Dick Winn. "The Impact of Developmental Factors in the Formulation of Adventist Doctrine."  pp. 327-348  PDF 1,190KB

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