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Scholarship and Researach


Adil, Jimmy Jiamah V., Jr.

"Instilling Christian virtues in advising student researchers" (No. 727-16; 40CC: 1-15). PDF

Alférez Salinas, Germán Harvey

"Grupos de investigación tecnológica en universidades adventistas: Educación y misión" (No. 712-16; 39CC: 1-16). PDF

Cajachagua Castro, Mayela

"La investigación en salud: Una perspectiva bíblico-cristiana" (No. 715-16; 39CC: 55-75). PDF

Canale, Fernando

"A biblical epistemology for Adventist scholarship" (37B/CC: 101-116). PDF

Davis, Nicceta

"The Bible and research: Reflections for the Christian researcher" (No. 631-07; 35A/CC: 37-55). PDF

Demetillo Guerra-Polancos, Jacqueline

"Biblical implications for nursing theory, research, and practice" (No. 747-16; 40CC: 381-398). PDF

Dorismar, Jose

"Le rôle de la recherche dans l'execution du plan du salut et ses implications pour le professeur adventiste de recherche" (No. 653-08; 36CC: 61-80). PDF

Durrant, Laurice

"Teaching a research course from a Christian perspective" (No. 044-88; 1CC: 47-64). PDF

Galusha, Joe; Luxton, Andrea; McVay, John; et Rasi, Humberto

"Les adventistes du septième jour et l'exploration du savoir" (35B/CC: 130-133). PDF

General Conference, Department of Education

"A statement on Seventh-day Adventists and scholarship" (34A/CC: 537-541). PDF

Hollingsead, Candice Haas

"Toward a Christ-centered view of scholarship in post-modern academia" (No. 613-06; 34A/CC: 171-190). PDF

Mafile'o, Tracie

"Fostering research in a Christian university: A paradigm shift for Adventist higher education in the South Pacific islands" (No. 739-16; 40C: 227-244). PDF

Rumble, Beverly J.

"The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines" (No. 207-94; 14CC: 341-360). PDF


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