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Desarrollo Moral y Religioso


Aamodt, Terrie Dopp

"Face values: Liberal education's imperative" (18CC: 245-250). PDF

Alalade, Adenkunle A.

"Developing a spiritual master plan" (No. 348-98; 23CC: 31-50). PDF

Akers, George

"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord" (18CC: 251-256). PDF

"Nurturing faith in the Christian school" (12CC: 311-316). PDF

Asafo, Dziedzorm R.

"Nurturing spirituality: The case of Adventist education in Africa" (No. 666-09;37A/CC: 19-39). PDF

Badenas, Roberto D.

"Teaching through parables: Following Jesus." (No. 530-03; 31A/CC: 21-40). PDF

Bahimba, Phénias

"Kohlberg's theory of moral development: A Seventh-day Adventist insight" (No. 020-88; 2CC: 19-34). PDF

Bauer, Stephen

"Darwin's God: How rejecting design impacts Biblical theism" (37B/CC: 1-49). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa M.

"Spiritual Intelligence and the Bible." (31B/CC: 1-42) PDF

Becerra, Enrique

"Facteurs des activités para-scolaires dans la formation des étudiants" (36CC: 283-290). PDF

"Factores extra-sala de classes na formação estudiantil." (29CC:453-462). PDF

Bempong, Bernard Franklin

"Faith, your psycological tool for success." (No.463-00; 28CC: 77-93). PDF

Biscaro, Ricardo D.

"A spiritual master plan for Northern Luzon Adventist College: Rationale and process" (No.439-00, 27CC: 019-038). PDF

Breja, Alexandru

"Teaching through example: A biblical perspective" (No. 326-98; 21CC: 21-38). PDF

Brunt, John C.

"Making the Bible relevant for the moral life" (12CC: 325-328). PDF

Bursey, Ernest J.

"Service learning in Adventist colleges" (18CC: 273-278). PDF

Casey, Barry L.

"Are there any questions? Strategies for the journey of faith" (No. 192-94; 14CC: 79-92). PDF

Charles, Fresnel

"Conveying Christian values to adolescents in Adventist schools" (No. 253-96; 17CC: 41-60). PDF

Ciavarella, Pietro

"Seeking wisdom from the past in church history." (No. 533-03; 31A/CC: 83-100). PDF

Colón, Gaspar F.

"Faith behaviors in stages of development" (No. 692-12; 38CC: 59-77). PDF

Cone, Jesse A.

"Vers une discipline par la confiance" (35B/CC: 81-84). PDF

Coralie, Alain

"An integrative framework for conducting public worship on Adventist university campuses" (No. 668-09; 37A/CC: 59-79). PDF

Connors, John B.

"Moral education revisited: Trends in teaching right from wrong" (No. 328:98; 21CC: 59-78). PDF

Coupland, Ralph M.

"L'education du caractère" (35B/CC: 91-94). PDF

Cronjé, Kenneth B.

"Bibliotherapy in Seventh-day Adventist education: Using the information media for character development" (No. 157-93; 12CC: 49-66). PDF

Das, Millie

"Teacher modelling in Christian elementary schools" (No. 052-89; 4CC: 29-48). PDF

Devine, Les

"The Adventist heritage: An enabler of the faith" (No. 067-90; 5CC: 1-16). PDF

Dias, Eunice

"A relevância da disciplina no desenvolvimento da fé no adolescente" (No. 218-94; 15CC: 99-117). PDF

Dudley, Roger L.

"L'éducation chrétienne et la jeunesse dans l'Eglise adventiste du septième jour : Resultats de dix ans de recherches" (35B/CC: 99-104). PDF

"Understanding spiritual development and faith experience of college and university students on Adventist campuses" (33CC: 441-446). PDF

Eager, Hedley J.

"Perception, process, product: Integrating faith and learning for a Christlike character" (No. 125-93; 10CC: 147-166). PDF

Egbert, Robert

"The psychodynamics of religious education" (No. 005-88; 1CC: 66-85). PDF

Fisher, Barbara

"Promoting biblical literacy in the elementary classroom" (No. 588-05; 33CC: 77-95) PDF

Fortin, Denis

"Ellen White on the search for knowledge and the experience of salvation: Why they must go together" (37B/CC: 159-171). PDF

Fusth, Deolinda Maria Correia

"Autodeterminação e discernimento crítico responsável" (No. 220-94; 15CC: 139-152). PDF

Gaimatakone, Dalta Pierre

"Promotion de l'honnêteté et de l'intégrité pour lutter contre la corruption en milieu scolaire" (No. 655-08; 36CC: 101-118). PDF

Galgao, Forsythia C.

"Moral development of students: The role of Adventist higher education" (No. 589-05; 33CC: 97-116). PDF

Garilva, Don Leo

"Campus chaplaincy ministry: An avenue of integrating faith and learning at Mountain View College" (No. 633-07; 35A/CC: 77-92). PDF

Gayoba, Francisco

"Training Asian theologians to teach for faith." (No. 537-03; 31A/CC: 153-167). PDF

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

"A Guidebook for Creating and Implementing a Spiritual Master Plan on Seventh-day Adventist Campuses of Higher Education", (23CC: 363-394). PDF

Gillespie, V. Bailey

"If you can't measure it, it didn't happen: Spiritual assessment in the Adventist school" (33CC: 463-469). PDF

Greenwalt, Glen G.

"The eternal horizon: The role of faith in every act of learning" (No. 195-94; 14CC: 129-148). PDF

Guptill, Stephen

"Fostering and assessing faith development" (No. 353-98; 23CC: 119-128). PDF

Gweth, Luc Alphonse

"La place de la foi chrétienne dans tout processus de prise de décision" (No. 390-00; 25CC: 77-86). PDF

Habenicht, Donna

"Have they gotten the message? How children view salvation" (18CC: 335-340). PDF

Habenicht, Donna et Burton, Larry

"Mettre les enfants en rapport avec Dieu par la prière et l'adoration" (35B/CC: 142-147). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Developing healthy emotions in the curriculum of Seventh-day Adventist schools and colleges: Some suggestions" (No. 071-90; 5CC: 75-90). PDF

"Teaching values in Adventist education" (6CC: 303-320). PDF

Hill, Barry and Barry Plane

"Teaching values in industrial technology and computer studies" (12CC: 349-352). PDF

Hong, Young Pyo

"The schools of the prophets: A model for alternative Adventist education in Korea" (No. 443-00, 27CC 99-112). PDF

Inggs, Neville E.

"Developing Christian values in the Adventist college experience: An example in the teaching of history" (No. 024-88; 2CC: 95-108). PDF

Jacob, Vara P.

"Transmitting Christian values to students at Adventist College, Surat" (No. 444-00, 27CC: 113-129). PDF

Johnson, Dale

"Interrelationship of moral, faith, and spiritual development: Stimulating principles of spiritual development in late adolescents and young adults" (No. 674-09;37A/CC: 179-197). PDF

Jolliffe, Ronald L.

"Valuing vision and voice: Aesthetics and spirituality" (No. 199-94; 14CC: 201-220). PDF

Jones, Rodger F.

"An attempt to understand the mystery of the mechanism of communication with God" (No. 696-12; 38CC: 131-144). PDF

Jordan, Gertrude E.

"Perception of values relating to character development: A study of college students' views on a Seventh-day Adventist campus, another look" (No. 355-98; 23CC: 143-162). PDF

Kennedy, Anne-Marie

"Teaching values: Developing a curricular framework for Adventist schools" (No. 333-98; 21CC: 149-166). PDF

Kijai, Jimmy and Matthews, John

"Religious beliefs and practices of Buddhist students at Adventist colleges in Thailand: Implications for integrating faith with learning" (No. 637-07; 35A/CC: 145-163). PDF

Kim, Un Bae

"Contemporary popular culture and Christian responsibility: A Korean Adventist perspective." (No. 468-00; 28CC: 175-191). PDF

Koh, Oliver K. S.

"Worship and school life" (No. 334-98; 21CC: 167-184). PDF

Korchuk, Viacheslav

"A strategy for the transmission of Christian beliefs and values to students: The case of the Ukrainian College of Arts and Sciences" (No. 638-07; 35A/CC: 165-183). PDF

Korniejczuk, Víctor A.

"Psychological theories of religious development: A Seventh-day Adventist perspective" (No. 131-93; 10CC: 257-276). PDF

Lam-Phoon, Sally

"The Christian student’s search for God’s will: A counseling perspective for Christian educators" (513-03; 30CC: 77-96). PDF

Lee, Jairyong

"Adventist education, witnessing and mission" (35A/CC: 471-482). PDF

Letseli, Tankiso

"Values-based service learning in Adventist higher education" (No. 639-07; 35A/CC: 185-200). PDF

Lindsay, Allan

"The nurture of faith in the teaching of denominational history" (No. 074-90; 5CC: 129-150). PDF

Logan, Irving G.

"Ministering to the secular student in a Christian college" (No. 011-88; 1CC: 193-212). PDF

López Chavarrías, María J.

"Discovering design and Christian values through the study of flowers" (No. 697-12; 38C: 145-163). PDF

Madson, Greg

"Une école centrée en Christ pour la formation du caractère" (35B/CC: 222-225). PDF

Maloon, Richard G.

"Micro-societé. La formacion du caractère par l'expérience" (35B/CC: 226-229). PDF

Marshalleck, Edith G.

"Fostering discernment among Adventist college youth" (No. 261-96; 17CC: 193-212). PDF

Martin, Jean-Michel

"The concept of God among Adventist elementary and secondary students: Findings and implications" (No. 203-94; 14CC: 271-290). PDF

Martini, José Paulo

"Internato adventista e o desenvolvimento da autodeterminação do educando: Experiência do Instituto Adventista Paranaense" (No. 224-94; 15CC: 213-225). PDF

Mbyirukira, James B.

"Fostering the Adventist ethos in a university campus: An African perspective" (No. 279-96; 18CC: 125-144). PDF

Mdakane, Joseph J.

"Enhancing intrinsic motivation in secondary school students: A Christian approach" (No. 164-93; 12CC: 175-194). PDF

Moncrieffe, Orlando M.

"The book of Ecclesiastes: Paradigm for a Christian worldview" (No. 262-96; 17CC: 213-230). PDF

Mückenberger, Everson

"Comprometimento com a igreja: Um estudo exploratório com alunos de uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira." (No. 496-02; 29CC: 193-212). PDF

Mumbo, Duncan O.

"Conveying Christian values through the worship experience" (No. 359-98; 23CC: 219-238). PDF

Nae, Daniel

"Fostering biblical spirituality in the setting of an Adventist college." (No. 545-03; 31A/CC: 301-320). PDF

Nlend, Emile Albert

"Un plan de base spirituel pour une université adventiste : Une perspective francophone" (No. 396-00; 25CC: 165-179). PDF

Norton, Edward M.

"The philosophy and practice of Christian service" (8CC: 207-212). PDF

Nyaundi, Nehemiah M.

"Challenges of sharing faith in an African college or university" (No. 362-98; 23CC: 277-292). PDF

Oduyoye,Oluseyi O.

"Fusing biblical beliefs and Christian values into university/host community relations: The Babcock University experience" (No. 642-07; 35A/CC: 239-254). PDF

Pearson, Michael

"Foi, raison et vulnérabilité" (22CC: 253-256). PDF

Pfeifer, Andrew A.

"Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs: A Christian perspective" (No. 339-98; 21CC: 261-278). PDF

Phetchareun, Khamsay

"A relational approach to sharing Jesus with Buddhist students: The case of Mission College" (No. 643-07; 35A/CC: 255-268). PDF

Pierre, Phebee

"How can Christian teachers lead students to God" (No. 057-89; 4CC: 125-148). PDF

Rao, N. Mohan

"Imparting ethical values in Adventist higher education to students of other faiths" (No. 647-07; 35A/CC: 327-346). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Le development de la foi chez les jeunes adventistes" (25CC: 329-338). PDF

Ravelo, Hope

"Erickson's stages of personality development: An analysis from an Adventist perspective" (No. 014-88; 1CC: 249-264). PDF

Reis, Gedeon A. dos

"Ensaio sobre o impacto da vida do professor sobre o comportamento do aluno." (No.499-02; 29CC: 251-270). PDF

Romeo Fivel'Demoret, Sharon

"Semeuse de graines. La culture populaire, vecteur de valeurs et source de richesses linguistiques et pédagogiques : Expériences d'un professeur d'anglais" (No. 662-08; 36CC: 221-238). PDF

Rosado, Caleb

"What is spirituality? Memetics, quantum mechanics, and the spiral of spirituality" (No. 432-00; 26A/CC: 291-312). PDF

Roy, Don

"L'enseignement de la foi selon la perspective constructiviste" (25CC: 381-387). PDF

Samraj, Edison

"A Christian approach to Hinduism: The role of Adventist schools in Southern Asia" (18CC: 381-402). PDF

Sarder, Alfred

"Conveying Adventist values through education in a Muslim context: A perspective of Bangladesh" (No. 452-00, 27CC: 261-278). PDF

Saxby, Gayle

"Symbolic models: Stories as life resources for medical students" (No. 208-94; 14CC: 363-378). PDF

Schünemann, Haller Elinar Stach

"Comparação do desenvolvimento moral na perspectiva piagetiana e na perspectiva de Ellen White" (No. 226-94; 15CC: 249-267). PDF

Shen, Cyrus

"Conveying Christianity to students with traditional folk beliefs at Taiwan Adventist College" (No. 454-00, 27CC: 299-316). PDF

Song, Chang-Ho

"Conveying Adventist beliefs to students through their peers at Korean Sahmyook University and College" (No. 455-00, 27CC: 317-327). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"Personal Development: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Développment Personnel", and Spanish: "Orientación y desarrollo personal.") PDF

Smith, Ruth S.

"BASIS: A model for integrating psychological theories of moral development in children and adolescents" (No. 268-96; 17CC: 327-346). PDF

Stammler, Wolfgang

"Holistic student development in a university residence hall: Adventist philosophy and goals." (No. 524-03; 30CC: 233-248). PDF

Stele, Artur A.

"The hidden curriculum in an Adventist college: The case of Zaokski Seminary" (No. 343-98; 21CC: 335-348). PDF

Tambalque, Nemuel Mortel

"Bettering teacher-student relationships: Lessons from the Great Controversy themes" (No. 600-05; 33CC: 303-324). PDF

Tapia, Oscar Félix

"Diseño de una capellanía para instituciones educativas adventistas" (No. 321-98; 20CC: 293-310). PDF

Testerman, John K.

"Spirituality vs. religion: Implications for healthcare" (No. 302-97; 19CC: 283-297). PDF

Thayer, O. Jane

"Assessing student spirituality: The Andrews University experience" (33CC:637-643). PDF

"Aux professeurs d'université : Dix suggestions pour nourrir vos étudiants spirituellement" (36CC: 338-347). PDF

"Evaluer la spiritualité des étudiants" (35B/CC: 294-299). PDF

"How college impacts student spirituality" (37B/CC: 273-298). PDF

Thomas, David E.

"The role of philosophical reflection in Adventist higher education" (No. 601-05; 33CC: 325-345). PDF

Thompson, Alden

"Making peace with death: Experiential, rational, scientific arguments for belief" (No. 436-00; 26A/CC: 369-388). PDF

Tobias, Hamil

"Teaching biblical sexual principles through a practical approach" (No. 628-06; 34A/CC: 459-477). PDF

Toussaint, Vanie Bi Gooré

"Ecole Adventiste : Instrument d'évangelisation" (No. 399-00; 25CC: 219-232). PDF

Tumangday, Nick G.

"Bible teaching for values transformation" (No. 113-92; 7CC: 309-328). PDF

Tyner, Stuart

"Par la grace : La seule véritable formation du caractère" (35B/CC: 304-309). PDF

Uyeda, Masaji

"The role of divine agencies in Adventist education: An Ellen G. White perspective." (No.525-03; 30CC:249-262). PDF

Varghese, Mathaikutty

"Back to Genesis: Learning and living according to God's plan" (No. 284-96; 18CC: 213-228). PDF

Vyambwera, Muvunga Isse

"Le role de l'administrateur scolaire dans la fomation totale de l'élève" (No. 400-00; 25CC: 233-250). PDF

Walemba, Nathaniel

"Conveying Christian beliefs and values to students on campus through faith partners" (No. 457-00, 27CC: 345-363). PDF

Walters, James W.

"Le choix vous appartient : Comment prendre des décisions d'odre moral" (22CC: 349-352). PDF

"The choice is yours: How to make ethical decisions" (8CC: 295-298). PDF

"Tú decides: Cómo hacer decisiones éticas" (20CC: 703-706 ). PDF

Watts, Dorothy Eaton

"Involving children in worship" (8CC: 307-310). PDF

Weiss, Herold

"The Apostle Paul: An intellectual?" (8CC: 315-318). PDF

Winn, Dick

"The impact of developmental factors in the formulation of Adventist doctrine" (No. 018-88; 1CC: 327-347). PDF

Worancha, Gebre

"The role of Adventist schools in soul winning: An on-campus practical program for Bugema University" (No. 603-05; 33CC: 363-380). PDF

Jong Tae Yoon,

"Better understanding of the Bible through mathematical illustrations." (No. 528-03; 30CC: 301-320). PDF

Zuill, Henry A.

"Expanding the garden: A Christian's view of nature" (No. 211-94; 14CC: 411-429). PDF


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