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Fayard, Carlos

"Christianity and psychotherapy: Clinical implications from a Seventh-day Adventist Biblical anthropology" (34B/CC: 101-127). PDF

Kennedy, Elaine

"Buscando a los antepasados de Adán" (20CC: 589-593). PDF

"The search for Adam's ancestors" (18CC: 341-345). PDF

Lamberton, Henry H.

"Human nature and the human predicament: A comparison of views of modern psychologies and blblical faith" (34B/CC: 153-166). PDF

Mafu, Hezekiel

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church and the traditional rain-cults in Africa" (No. 336-98; 21CC: 205-224). PDF

Mathema, Zacchaeus A.

"Traditional African religiosity and Christian discipleship: An educational perspective" (No. 357-98; 23CC: 181-200). PDF

Razafiarivony, Davidson

"Ancestor worship in Madagascar: An Adventist perspective" (No. 365-98; 23CC: 327-342). PDF

Tumangday, Miriam S.

"Glimpses of human nature: Some implications for Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 112-92; 7CC: 289-308). PDF

Vogel, Emilio Enrique

"Antropología bíblica y educación adventista" (No. 187-94; 13CC: 287-303). PDF

Wichert, Cezar Luis

"O conceito de pessoa na perspectiva cristã do Dr. Paul Tournier: Necessidade dessa ênfase na educação adventista" (No. 231-94; 15CC: 323-338). PDF


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