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Eager, Hedley J.

"Perception, process, product: Integrating faith and learning for a Christlike character" (No. 125-93; 10CC: 147-166). PDF

"« Aux contrôles » ou « contrólé »?" (22CC: 103-106). PDF

Ebenezer, David

"Adventist education in Sri Lanka: Prospects and Challenges" (No. 442-00, 27CC: 79-98). PDF

Ebling, Nair Elias dos Santos

"Uma proposta criacionista para o ensino de ciências nas séries iniciais" (No. 219-94; 15CC: 119-138). PDF

Edwards, Hedrick J.

"Science, Faith and intervention in the natural order: An inquiry into the principle of human-earth engagement." (No. 421-00; 26A/CC: 79-100). PDF

"Science, religion and healing: A Christian philosophy of wholeness"  (No. 290-97; 19CC: 071-090). PDF

Egbert, Robert

"The psychodynamics of religious education" (No. 005-88; 1CC: 066-085). PDF

Ekkens, David

"Animals and humans: Are they equal?" (18CC: 323-326). PDF

"Les animaux sont-ils les égaux des humains?" (22CC: 107-110). PDF

"Los animales y los seres humanos: ¿Son iguales?"  (20CC: 551-554). PDF

Elder, Harvey A.

"A biblical perspective on disease, health, and healing" (No. 409-00; 26BCC: 267-303). PDF

"Toward an ethics of medical care that includes care for the spiritual"  (No. 291-97: 19CC: 091-108). PDF

Healing, Salvation and Evangelism (24CC: 381-401). PDF

England, Michael

"The brain and how it works: Implications for teaching and learning" (33CC: 453-458). PDF

Era, Abelardo

"Biological energy transformation: Implications for the Christian life" (No. 143-93; 11CC: 41-60). PDF

Escandón, Ralph

"Santa Teresa de Jesús: An Adventist perspective" (No. 006-88; 1CC: 87-104). PDF

Esparcia, Cristina Ferrero de

"La educación física: Una perspectiva adventista" (No. 177-94; 13CC: 103-119). PDF

Esperante, Raúl  

"Temps, foi et baleines fossiles" (35B/CC: 121-124). PDF 838KB

"Time, faith, and fossil whales" (37B/CC: 149-158). PDF 1592KB

Espinosa, José M.

"La obra del Espíritu Santo, indispensable en la capacitación del discípulo cristiano" (32CC: 123-138). PDF

Estwick, Anderson

"Christian values: A key component in Adventist technology programs"  (No. 254-96; 17CC: 079-093). PDF




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