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Volumen 24


Ninon P. Amertil. "Nurturing Faith in College Nursing Students."  pp. 001-020  PDF 1,055KB
Ralph M. Coupland. "A Proposal for Adventist Christian Education: From Rhetoric to Reality."  pp. 021-040  PDF 1,373KB
Merle E. Cozens. "Fostering the Self-esteem of Children with Reading Difficulties: A Christian Approach."  pp. 041-058  PDF 1,584KB
Delmer Davis. "Faith and Learning: The Approaches of Three Influential Adventist English Teachers."  pp. 059-079  PDF 1,989KB
Kevin C. de Berg. "Integrating Science and Scripture the Case of Robert Boyle  pp. 081-095  PDF 1,197KB
C. Garland Dulan. "Teaching Sociology: A Biblical-Christian Approach."  pp. 097-115  PDF 979KB
Carol Joy Fider. "Moral and Ethical Issues in The Scarlet Letter."  pp. 117-135  PDF 917KB
Meredith Jones Gray. "Faith and Learning at Battle Creek College."  p. 137-156  PDF 2,034KB

Ben A. Maguad. "A Total Quality Approach to Adventist Education."  pp. 157-176  PDF 1,786KB

Lionel Matthews. "Dimensions of the Integration of Faith and Learning: A Sociological Perspective."  pp. 177-196  PDF 943KB
Eva Pereira Nascimento. "The Ecological Crisis: Changing the Paradigm."  pp. 197-215  PDF 777KB
Anita Oliver. "Postmodern Thought and Adventist Education."  pp. 217-236  PDF 1,070KB
Marcos Paseggi. "Towards a Biblical Understanding of Literary Creativity."  pp. 237-255  PDF 1,209KB
Danilo P. Poblete. "A Reflective Teaching Model: An Adventist Assessment."  pp. 257-276  PDF 1,957KB
Judy H. Poblete. "Communicating Christian Values Through Teaching English as a Second Language: The Use of Poetry."  pp. 277-296  PDF 1,633KB
Pedro Tabuenca. "The Harmony Between Revelation and Science as the Foundation of Bioethical Education."  p. 297-314  PDF 1,151KB
Kay Traille. "Fostering a Learning Classroom climate: The role of the Christian Teacher."   p. 315-334  PDF 1,091KB
Oleg Zhigankov. "Teaching National History in the Context of the Biblical-Christian Worldview."  pp. 335-354  PDF 1,193KB
Ben Clausen. "An Adventist Approach to Earth Origins."  pp. 355-364  PDF 2,708KB
Harvey A. Elder. "Healing, Salvation and Evangelism."  pp. 381-401  PDF 1,433KB
Adrienne K. Kanondo. "The Language of Mathematics: A Bibical Perspective."  p. 403-415  PDF 1,334KB
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