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Volumen 11


Luz L. Barayuga."An Ethical-Theological Approach To Literature: Some Suggestions for Adventist Teachers."  pp. 1-20  PDF 930KB
Jonathan C. Catolico. "A Rationale and Model of a Work Experience Program for College Students in the Philippines."  pp. 21-40  PDF 1,235KB
Abelardo M. Era. "Biological Energy Transformation: Implications for the Christian Life."   p. 41-60  PDF 1,505KB
Nelson M. Madriaga. "Aesthetic and Ethical Values in Selected Philippine Poems and Short Stories."  p. 61-78  PDF 1,136KB
Eppie A. Manalo. "Teacher-Student Interaction: Development of Christian Values via Critical Thinking Activities."  p. 79-96  PDF 1,294KB
Miriam P. Narbarte. "Teaching Human Resources Management: Its Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Educators."  p. 97-112  PDF 893KB
Nestor C. Rilloma. "Contextualizing Theological Education and Ministerial Training in Asia: An Adventist Perspective."  p. 113-132  PDF 1,091KB
Elizabeth Mendoza Role. "Integrating Christian Values and Learning in the Teaching of Mathematics."  pp. 133-152  PDF 1,429KB
Arceli Rosario. "A Thematic Approach to the Book of Job: Pedagogical Implications."  pp. 153-172  PDF 935KB
Edison Samraj, MA, MPhil (PhD). "An Educational Strategy in Reaching Muslim Students in Southern Asia."  pp. 173-192  PDF 1,077KB
Ishmael J. Siapco. "Conveying Christianity to Grade-School Children Through Non-Verbal Activities and Communication."  p. 193-210  PDF 963KB
Felipe Tan, Jr. "Contextualizing the Gospel Message in Asia: An Adventist Approach."  pp. 211-226  PDF 970KB
Ramon A. Ulangca. "The Amazing Cell: Evidence of God's Creatorship."  p. 227-242  PDF 1,154KB
Heather Bowen. "Me, A Vegetarian?"  p. 243-246  PDF 955KB
L.J. Gibson. "A Christian Approach To Biology."  pp. 247-254  PDF 804KB
L.J. Gibson. "Fossils and the Flood."  p. 255-264  PDF 993KB
L.J. Gibson. "Science and Christianity in Harmony?."  p. 265-274  PDF 1,083KB
M. Elaine Kennedy. "The Intriguing Dinosaur."  p. 275-278  PDF 656KB
Victor Lyakhy. "Dostoyevsky: A Writer Struggles With Faith."  p. 279-282  PDF 1,361KB
Judy L. Shull. "Take a Micro-Hike."  p. 283-286  PDF 1,772KB
Ronald M. Springett. "Homosexuality: A Biblical Perspective."  p. 287-290  PDF 485KB
Brian E. Strayer. "Adventists and Movies: A Century of Change."  p. 291-294  PDF 747KB
Clyde L. Webster, Jr. "Genesis and Time: What Radiometric Dating Tells Us."  p. 295-299  PDF 503KB


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