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Volumen 8


George H. Akers and Robert D. Moon. "Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education: Part I."  pp. 001-016  PDF 7,866KB
George H. Akers and Robert D. Moon. "Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education: Part II."  pp. 017-032  PDF 6,934KB
G.H. Akers. "Proper Education."  pp. 033-038  PDF 769KB
George H. Akers. "The Ministry of Teaching: Four Steps Lie Beyond the Transmission of Information."  pp. 039-040  PDF 267KB
Horace Alexander. "A Teacher Like God: Integrating Faith and Teacher Education."  p. 041-044  PDF 277KB
Lucio Altin. "Christianity and Psychology: A Good Mix?"  p. 045-048  PDF 427KB
Andrews University. "Integrating Faith and Learning."  p. 049-064  PDF 2,002KB
B.B. Beach. "Can a University Be Christian? A Look at Academic Freedom on the Adventist Campus."  p. 065-070  PDF 675KB
Ernest J. Bursey. "Action in Higher Education: A Case Study from the Gospels."  pp. 071-076  PDF 1,547KB
E. Stanley Chace. "Mission Geography."  p. 077-082  PDF 443KB
Benjamin L. Clausen. "Can Science Explain It All?"  p. 083-086  PDF 739KB
Gene Cobb. "A Contemporary Role for the Campus Gallery."  p. 087-090  PDF 319KB
Harold G. Coffin. "The Puzzle of the Petrified Trees."  pp. 091-096  PDF 510KB
Joseph F. Dent, Jr. "Student Governance: Purpose and Practice."  p. 097-102  PDF 434KB
Roger L. Dudley and Edwin I. Herná. "Citizens of Two Worlds: Adventists and Social Responsibility."  p. 103-106  PDF 809KB
William D. Fitts. "Mark Twain's Choice: The Pain Behind the Laughter."  pp. 107-110  PDF 1,095KB
Lawrence T. Geraty. "Reclaiming the Vision of Adventist Education."  p. 111-114  PDF 346KB
Frank M. Hasel. "Scientific Revolution: An Analysis and Evaluation of Thomas Kuhn's Concept of Paradigm and Paradigm Change for Theory."  p. 115-132  PDF 1,642KB
Frank M. Hasel. "Thomas Kuhn's Revolution: A New Way of Looking at Science."  pp. 133-136  PDF 392KB
Paul N. Hawk. "Using the Bible to Stimulate Critical Thinking."  p. 137-140  PDF 294KB
Barry Hill. "Using Curriculum Frameworks to Build Faith in Secondary Students."  p. 141-144  PDF 377KB
Newton Hoilette. "The Same Gift: And...to Some, Pastors and Teachers."  p. 145-148  PDF 404KB
Miroslav M. Kis. "Teaching Ethics: Why Is It Important? How Should It Be Done?"  pp. 149-152  PDF 466KB
George R. Knight. "Philosophy: The Most Useful of All Subjects."  pp. 153-156  PDF 307KB
George R. Knight. "What Knowledge is of Most Worth? Adventist Colleges and the Search for Meaning."   pp. 157-160  PDF 364KB
Frank Knittel. "The College's Role in Integrating Faith and Learning."  p. 161-164  PDF 448KB
Gary Land. "Getting to the Core: Redesigning the General Education Curriculum."  p. 165-170  PDF 862KB
Harwood A. Lockton. "Seeing Green: Adventists and the Environment."  pp. 171-174  PDF 459KB
Barbara L. Manspeaker. "Did I Do All I Could? Personal Evangelism for Teachers."  p. 175-180  PDF 384KB
Wilma McClarty. "The Bible and 20th Century Art."  p. 181-184  PDF 380KB
Wilma McClarty. "Why Teach the Bible as Literature."  p. 185-188  PDF 392KB
Norman L. Mitchell. "Finding the Harmony Between Faith and Science in College Classes."   p. 189-192  PDF 782KB
Scott Moncrieff. "Something to Talk About: Ideas for Teaching Literature and Writing."  p. 193-196  PDF 311KB
G. William Mutch. "Integrating Faith and Learning in the Physical Sciences."  p. 197-200  PDF 343KB
Bryan Ness. "Teaching Elementary and Secondary Students How to Care for the Earth."   p. 201-206  PDF 458KB
Edward M. Norton. "The Philosophy and Practice of Christian Service."  pp. 207-212  PDF 618KB/font>
Michael Pearson. "Faith, Reason and Vulnerability."  p. 213-216  PDF 417KB
Jack W. Provonsha. "Christian Bioethics: Making Rational Choices in Complex Life-Death Issues."   pp. 217-220  PDF 342KB
René M. Ramos. "'I Cannot Bury My Talent': A Look at Mozart on His Bicentennial."  p. 221-224  PDF 1,232KB
Humberto M. Rasi. "Fighting on Two Fronts: An Adventist Response to Secularism and Neopantheism."  p. 225-230  PDF 611KB
Humberto M. Rasi. "Understanding Columbus and His Legacy."  p. 231-236  PDF 444KB
Sylvia B. Rasi. "Why Don't You Understand Me? A Look at Cross-Gender Communication."  p. 237-242  PDF 555KB
George W. Reid. "Building Faith in the College Religion Class."  pp. 243-246  PDF 301KB
Richard Rice. "When Believers Think."  p. 247-250  PDF 845KB
Larry K. Richardson. "The Value of Drama.  p. 251-254  PDF 302KB
Ariel A. Roth. "Catastrophism: Is It Scientific?"  p. 255-258  PDF 382KB
Arial A. Roth. "How to Invalidate the Bible Unconsciously: Some Thoughts on Pluralism About Origins."  p. 259-272  PDF 1,245KB
Peter Sol. "'I Am But a Stranger Here': Vincent van Gogh in His Centennial."  p. 273-276  PDF 2,138KB
Russell L. Staples. "'I Felt My Heart Strangely Warmed': John Wesley and Seventh-day Adventist Heritage."  p. 277-280  PDF 1,494KB
Charles Teel, Jr. "Mission Stories and the Adventist Future: Fernando and Ana Stahl as a case Study."  p. 281-286  PDF 597KB
David A. Thomas with Paul F. Barcenas. "Chaos: Crucible of Creation."  p. 287-290  PDF 1,119KB
Jerry D. Thomas. "'Riding Herd': Developing Character by Allowing Choices."   p. 291-294  PDF 513KB
James W. Walters. "The Choice Is Yours: How to Make Ethical Decisions."  p. 295-298  PDF 1,246KB
Bill Walthall. "Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom - Part I: One Teacher's Discoveries."  pp. 299-301  PDF 296KB
Bill Walthall. "Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom - Part II."  pp. 303-306  PDF 255KB
Dorothy Eaton Watts. "Involving Children in Worship."  p. 307-310  PDF 280KB
Dorothy Eaton Watts. "Motivating Teens for Global Mission."  p. 311-314  PDF 211KB
Herold Weiss. "The Apostle Paul: An Intellectual?"  p. 315-318  PDF 853KB
Violet Weiss. "Training Up a Child in the Right Way: Stewardship for Adventist Students."  p. 319-322  PDF 288KB
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. "Statements on Theology and Academic Freedom and Accountability."  pp. 323-332  PDF 702KB
George H. Akers. "The Integration of Faith and Learning: E.G. White Quotes."  pp. 333-341  PDF 524KB


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