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Volumen 7


Lewis Blackwell. "Implications of Cultural Pluralism for Seventh-day Adventist Education."   p. 1-20  PDF 1,442KB
John Christian. "Addressing the New Majority: The Adult Evening Program at Columbia Union College."  p. 21-38  PDF 1,286KB
Keith Clouten. "The Library of Faith: An Exploration of the Role of the Library in a Seventh-day Adventist College."  pp. 39-54  PDF 1,065KB
Arlie R. Fandich. "The Integration of Faith in the Computer Classroom: Some Ethical Concerns."  pp. 55-74  PDF 1,024KB
Leif Hongisto. "Teaching Biblical Apocalyptic Literature."  p. 75-94  PDF 1,645KB
Patrizia Hongisto. "Art: The Expression of the Inexpressible Within Ethics."  p. 95-114  PDF 1,645KB
Bradley G. Hyde. "Moral Choice: Deterministic, Random, or Free Will?"  pp. 115-132  PDF 849KB
Mishael S. Muze. "Adventist Work-Experience Education: A Case Study of Eastern Africa Division Tertiary Institutions."  p. 133-152  PDF 926KB
Franz Nusime. "Order and Harmony in Creation, Demonstrated in Examples from Music and Science."  pp. 153-172  PDF 905KB
Raymond L. Paden. "Artificial Intelligence from the Foundations of Mathematics To Intelligent Computers."  pp. 173-188  PDF 1,359KB
Paoring L. Ragui. "Integration of Cultural and Christian Values in a Changing Society: A Filipino Perspective."  p. 189-210  PDF 1,207KB
Lorna R. de los Reyes. "The Bible and Philippine Literature: A Thematic Approach."  p. 211-230  PDF 1,129KB
Iris S. Schantz. "Leadership and Servanthood: Challenges, Tensions and Possibilities in Christian Organizations."  p. 231-250  PDF 1,082KB
Kent Clark Stearman. "Music in Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education: A Rationale."  pp. 251-268  PDF 1,299KB
Delyse E. Steyn. "Thinking Christianly in a Media-Dominated Society."  pp. 269-288  PDF 1,492KB
Miriam S. Tumangday. "Glimpses of Human Nature: Some Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Education."  p. 289-308  PDF 916KB
Nick G. Tumangday. "Bible Teaching for Values Transformation."  p. 309-328  PDF 1,504KB
Maritu Wagaw. "Teaching Business Courses for Development in Eastern Africa: A Christian Perspective."  p. 329-348  PDF 816KB
Albert A.C. Waite. "One God, Creator of One Man: Implications for the Integration of Faith and Learning."  p. 349-368  PDF 1,131KB
Genevieve Blackwell. "Creativity and Culture."  p. 369-382  PDF 602KB
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