for Christian Teaching
Department of Seventh-day Adventists
Union College
Heights, Alberta, Canada
for the
Faith and Learning Seminar
at Union College
92 Institute for Christian Teaching
Old Columbia Pike
Spring, MD 20904, USA
The Library's role in the secular
four-year liberal arts college is clearly defined and well understood, as it
has been for decades. Ask just about any college professor or president, and he
will tell you that the library is at the center of the institution, the beating
heart of the academic organism. Ask any college librarian, and she will point
you to an impressive bibliography of books and articles defining the role and
supporting philosophy of the four-year campus library.
the library of any Seventh-day Adventist college in North America and you may
conclude that it fits comfortably into the secular role and philosophy. Apart
from noticing a small "Spirit of Prophecy" collection and directional
signs to a "Heritage Room" where most Adventist publications are
sequestered, you will notice that the library resembles that of a typical
secular liberals arts college, and discover that the library is evaluated by
the same standards that are applied to secular campuses. Adventist institutions
appear fairly comfortable with this situation, perhaps because there has not
been a serious attempt to define a unique framework and philosophy for their
campus libraries.
it make a difference that the campus is Seventh-day Adventist? Does the library
of an Adventist college or university have a unique role? The question does not
appear to have been addressed in the rather sparse literature on Adventist
libraries and librarianship.
is the purpose of this paper to probe this question and explore the role and
particular features which should characterize the library of a four-year Seventh-day
Adventist liberal arts college.
The Adventist
Adventist church had its origin in the Millerite movement during the first half
of the nineteenth century. The movement was concentrated in the northeastern corner
of the United States, the region known as New England, where the legacy of the
pilgrim settlement was still evident in the religious fervor of the population.
comes as no surprise that the combined influences of Puritanism, pietism and
Wesleyan perfectionism among the first generation of Seventh-day Adventists was
strong, shaping behavior, attitudes, and mores.1 That influence is
seen even today in the strictness of Sabbath observance, in staunchly defended
moral standards governing Adventist life in areas such as dress and adornment,
theater attendance, and recreation.
White was a product of this same environment, and the numerous references in
her writings to the selection of reading matter, especially the reading of
novels, reflects the typical attitudes of her time. As a matter of fact, she is
hardly more outspoken on this subject than her seriously minded contemporaries,
such as those who contributed letters and articles to early volumes of The Library Journal.2 However,
the topic of fiction and appropriate reading continues to be a source of debate
and misunderstanding within segments of the Adventist church today.
White's inspired counsels and instructions on education had a major influence
on the establishment and growth of the church's remarkable system of education,
kindergarten through graduate level. Worldwide, education became a major
feature of the work and institutional presence of the church. Within North
America, the church's expansion into new areas was followed by the opening of
church schools, where the lambs of
the flock could receive a Christian education in which Jesus Christ and the
Bible had a pre-eminent place.
the church's education picture in North America reveals a pattern of more than
a thousand elementary schools, mainly very small in size, nearly one hundred
secondary schools, most of them also small by public school standards, and
thirteen liberal arts colleges and universities. The small size and budgets of
most Adventist grade schools and academies means that their libraries-if they
exist at all-tend to be poorly funded and grossly inadequate by modern standards.3
important Valuegenesis study conducted by the S.D.A. Church in the late 1980's
and early '90's reveals both the achievements and problems of its educational
system in North America.4 Among its successes is the remarkable fact
that 66% of graduates from Adventist academies enter a four-year college or
university upon graduation, compared to only 30% of public school graduates. Among
the challenges are problems of teacher turnover, teacher recruitment, and
inadequate provision for handicapped and gifted students.
A 1990 summary of the Valuegenesis study5, as it applied to church schools and colleges identifies dozens of specific problems and challenges facing the church's education program. Surprisingly, though, the school library is not identified as a problem area. In fact, libraries do not receive a single mention in the document. This is more than surprising; it is disturbing in view of the already mentioned lack of even minimal library facilities in many church schools. It is doubly disturbing when one considers the key role of the library in contemporary education, with an emphasis on integration of library resources with classroom instruction.
observation also sits rather uncomfortably alongside another Valuegenesis
conclusion that Adventist parents want the very best academically for their
children and youth.
we have a situation where, on one hand, libraries in today's world are
considered essential ingredients in the education process, and where on the
other hand, most Seventh-day Adventist elementary and secondary schools possess
either inadequate libraries or none at all. An observer might be tempted to
conclude that libraries in Adventist schools are considered at best
nonessential or at worst undesirable.
we see a markedly different picture as we look at Adventist colleges and
universities in North America. Here all institutions have libraries, which, if
they do not actually exceed the established collection standards, are at least
close to meeting them.
observer might be tempted to ask, though, whether the comparatively bright
library picture at the post-secondary level is not entirely due to the requirements
of accreditation. Or, to put the more basic question: Is the Adventist system
of belief and behavior friendly or unfriendly to the development of library
collections? To answer this question, we turn to the writings of the founding
mother of Adventist education, Ellen G. White.
Ellen White, Education
and Libraries
Ellen White scarcely mentions the library in all her writings on education (not
surprising in light of the typical schools of her time), she does elaborate
some principles of Christian education which impact on the question of library
resources in support of the educational program.
the opening chapter of her book Education
Ellen White describes one of the great objectives of Christian education:
human being, created in the image of God, is endowed with a power akin to that
of the Creator-individuality, power to think and to do.... It is the work of
true education to develop this power, to train the youth to be thinkers, and
not mere reflectors of other men's thoughts."6
concept is repeated over and over again in her writings. Youth are to be
trained "to think and act for themselves"; failure to do so will
result in young people who "are trained, like the animals, and not
words resonate well with modem educational theory. In the face of the twentieth
century knowledge explosion, students must be taught to research, think
critically and independently, interpret and evaluate information, synthesize
data. Lecture and textbook methods of instruction receive the frown of
disapproval. But creative learning and research methods are accomplished only
with access to a wide range of learning resources. The library becomes indeed
the heart of the campus. Without question, Ellen White's philosophy supports
these methods of instruction.
important principles impact the use of learning resources. She stresses
education for individuality and creativity.8 She emphasizes
education for life, not terminating with formal schooling.9 She was
critical of educational ideas with "too narrow and too low a range."10
She stressed the total integration of faith and learning when she wrote that,
"by some, education is placed next to religion, but true education is
religion."11 And she herself possessed and used an extensive
personal library of books reflecting a variety of subjects and viewpoints.
There is, then, substantial evidence that the Adventist philosophy of education, based on the writings of Ellen White, is strongly supportive of a library-based education program. Indeed, we believe that Ellen White's concepts were as up-to-date as the 1990's, with its emphasis on individual learning methods and development of critical thinking.
The Role of the
Library in the Adventist College
this background, we will explore some unique characteristics of libraries in
the church's four-year liberal arts colleges.
1. The library should not only contain a
broad and balanced collection of learning resources, but provide access to the
world of information.
libraries facing the 21st century find themselves in a period of change and
transition. The conjunction of the knowledge explosion with new information
technologies has created a situation where traditional expectations for college
libraries have undergone drastic change.
is no longer appropriate to ask whether a library meets the established
quantitative collection standards. One must ask instead whether a library
provides patron access to a large pool of resources through electronic devices
such as CD-ROM, and whether the library has developed resource-sharing
arrangements with other libraries within its geographic region. In truth, no
academic library of today can be an island, pretending to be self-sufficient
for its campus.
De Jong, a Christian college president, believes that excellence at a
church-related college includes the student's "acquisitions of important
knowledge along with the accompanying skills; but as much-or more-it means
learning how to learn, developing the desire to continue to learn, to be
curious, to develop and use one's imagination, and to satisfy a creative
A system of education which emphasizes acquisition of learning and thinking skills requires a comprehensive and balanced library collection, with the most up-to-date resources. There is every reason to expect the Adventist college library to meet these expectations and achieve excellence in its collections and bibliographic services.
2. The library's collection and
organization should reflect a Seventh-day Adventist Christian perspective or
Adventist philosophy of education emphasizes two concepts which go hand in
hand—the concept that education has to do with the whole person (not merely the
intellect), and the total integration of faith and learning. The reality has
not often met the ideal in either of these elements, but that does not lessen
their importance or remove them from educational objectives.
are these concepts unique to Adventist education. An influential Christian
educator, Arthur Holmes, writes:
a Christian college? Its distinctive should be an education that cultivates the
creative and active integration of faith and learning, of faith and culture.
This is its unique task in higher education today."13
is adamant that "the Christian college refuses to compartmentalize
religion. It retains a unifying Christian worldview and brings it to bear in
understanding and participating in the various arts and sciences, as well as in
nonacademic aspects of campus life."14
Adventist libraries which separate their denominational materials into a self-contained collection such as a "Heritage Room" are quite literally compartmentalizing religion. Whatever the reasons for the separation, the practice perpetuates the idea that religious life and study are quite distinct from secular pursuits. This is not to deny that a "Heritage Room" is an appropriate facility for preserving unique and rare materials, but placing most church publications there seems to reinforce the separation of the sacred and the secular.
Walsh and Middleton15 contend that the Christian is inundated with
secular influences in virtually every aspect of life, not least in exposure to
books and magazines. The truth is that the vast proportion of twentieth century
publications convey perspectives which are in conflict with a Christian
perspective. College students come in contact with these secular viewpoints in
the years when they are forming their own worldviews.
church college library cannot and should not prevent the acquisition of secular
worldview materials, but it can and should act positively to redress the
balance by giving prominence to selecting materials with a Christian
perspective. Significant and increasing numbers of scholarly publications in a
wide range of disciplines, compatible with a Christian worldview, are being
published, and it is the librarian's responsibility to identify and acquire
these materials.16
an emphasis in collection building will attract interest beyond the campus
through the library's bibliographic networking and resource-sharing. It will
enable the Christian college library to make a unique and significant
contribution to the total bibliographic resources of its geographic region.
3. The library's collections should represent
a diversity of ideas and viewpoints on topics of study and interest.
academic freedom demands that the college library not restrict itself to
collecting materials, which support only one side of a question. Jesus said,
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."17 Freedom
is an important gift of God, and it includes the freedom to discover truth.
Christian faith does not try to suppress truth. "The word of God puts no
padlock on the mind."18 As someone has said, "The universe
is fireproof, and it is safe to strike a match anywhere."
An official Seventh-day Adventist statement on academic freedom supports this view:
of the Christian university are found in a principle that has long undergirded
the development of all higher education--the belief that the best education is
attained when intellectual growth occurs within an environment in which
Biblically based concepts are central to the aims of education. ... For the
church college or university, academic freedom has an additional significance.
It is more important than it is in the secular institution, not less, for it is
essential to the well-being of the church itself."19
the environment of a Christian college, students must be encouraged to pursue
and investigate truth, testing their discoveries against a scriptural
framework. The campus library must therefore provide a diversity of learning
materials reflecting a variety of viewpoints and interpretations.
4. The
library's materials selection policy should reflect the unique mission of the
the Adventist college library must provide a wide range and diversity of
materials for study and leisure reading, their selection should be in harmony
with the mission and objectives of the institution. What is this mission?
White summarized the purpose of Adventist education this way:
restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in
which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind and soul, that
the divine purpose in his creation might be realized-this was to be the work of
redemption. This is the object of education, the great object of life."20
meanings we assign to "the image of God", it must include the gift of
free choice, the power to think, the ability to decide for God or against Him.
Whatever the Christian college does for its students, it must never deny their
freedom to think and act for themselves. Indeed it is called upon to develop
and restore this power within its young people.
the power of free choice is not all that is comprehended in the "image of
God". The phrase assumes a choice in favor of God, a free decision to love
and serve Him. The Christian college must provide a positive environment
conducive to a choice for God.
The library must share this purpose.
Indeed the choice of the student to serve God or turn from Him may very well be
made within the quiet halls of the library, as he or she contemplates the
message of a book or magazine article.
can the library fulfill its mission responsibly? How does it tread the narrow
path between the demands of free inquiry on one hand and the redemptive purpose
on the other? Edward Heppenstall articulates the problem succinctly:
'The purpose of the Christian college is to instruct
and capture the life of the student for Christ without violating his freedom or
bypassing his right to think for himself."21
freedom on the Adventist campus must not mean that the redemptive mission of
the institution takes second place. One can not be sacrificed for the other.
For the library, a philosophical resolution of the problem may occur in its
collection development policy.22 A thoughtfully worded statement
within the policy should guide librarians and teachers in the choice of library
may raise the specter of literary censorship. The American Library
Association's "Freedom to Read Statemen"23 is designed to
protect the citizen's right to exercise freedom in the choice of reading
material. It is a crucial right, and one, which every Seventh-day Adventist
must be prepared to defend.
how do we reconcile the freedom to read with the Christian librarian's obligation
to reject books which compromise the ideals of the institution? Is this
an unpublished paper, William Hessel argues that applying selection criteria
that are based on the objectives of the Christian college is not practicing
is not license, and the freedom of exploration and expression is not total but
relative. Freedom is not an absolute in practice and to recognize that at the
outset should cause libraries to set forth selection policies that are
creditable and realistic, ones that recognize there is a weighing of values in
book selection and that sometimes it is determined that certain moral, social
or church values take precedence over the value of freedom of exploration and
In a landmark article published in 1953, Lester Asheim defends the librarian's right to practice materials selection based on value criteria:
then, begins with a presumption in favor of liberty of thought, censorship,
with a presumption in favor of thought control. Selection's approach to the
book is positive, seeking its value in the book as a book and in the book as a
whole. Censorship's approach is negative, seeking for vulnerable
characteristics wherever they can be found. ... In other words, selection is
democratic while censorship is authoritarian."25
The Adventist college librarian has the special opportunity of making positive selections of reading material which will challenge the minds of students and assist them in making the most important decisions of their lives.
It goes almost without saying that no Christian college library operates without a carefully and prayerfully prepared collection development policy. Without a policy, the library is like a ship adrift without a chart or compass. Possessing such a written policy for scrutiny by evaluation teams and accrediting bodies will create an awareness and appreciation of the unique nature of the institution and the values for which it stands.
5. The
library should conduct a strong program of bibliographic instruction.
is likely that college freshmen, coming from small Adventist secondary schools
or academies, have minimal library skills. Given the increasingly complex
nature of information retrieval and reference resources, it is highly desirable
for the Adventist college library to have a strong program of bibliographic
instruction. Without such a program, students will generally manage to
"get by" in their studies and graduate, but they may well be deprived
graduates, not the truly educated persons that Holmes describes:
educated person shows independence and creativity of mind to fashion new skills
and techniques, new patterns of thought, She has acquired research ability, the
power to gather, sift, and manipulate new facts and materials, and to handle
altogether novel situations. The educated Christian exercises critical judgment
and manifests the ability to interpret and to evaluate information,
particularly in the light of the Christian revelation. In a word, if she is to
act creatively and to speak with cogency and clarity to the minds of her
fellows,, the educated Christian must be at home in the world of ideas and
carefully designed program of bibliographic instruction should deal not only
with methods of research, but introduce students to a range of reference tools
for accessing Christian literature. The Seventh-day
Adventist Periodical Index will be
an essential tool for finding Adventist perspectives on a given topic.
Assistance might also be given in finding literature offering Christian
viewpoints on a topic.
6. The library should welcome
opportunities to provide meaningful student employment wherever
unique feature of the Adventist philosophy of education is the work/study
ethic, emphasizing integration of work with the study program. This is based on
two concepts in Christian education. The first is the concept of
"wholeness" in education, a concern with the growth and maturity of
the whole person. Character development includes an understanding and respect
for the dignity of labor. The second concept is that of education for
life-preparation for the years beyond formal schooling.
work/study program has historically been a strong feature of Adventist schools,
and continues to be significant on many campuses. Erosion of the program has
been due to a variety of factors, including changes in socio-economic
conditions, complexity of class schedules, and availability of study grants and
campuses where conditions are appropriate, libraries should consider the
benefits of part-time student employment within the library's operation. The
benefits to the student are perhaps obvious-assistance with college expenses,
learning important values and work ethics, time management, and acquisition of
useful skills.
we tend to overlook the real benefits of such a program to the library and its
staff. There may, of course, be economic benefits. But if our educational
philosophy is sound, and training of the hand is as important as training of
the mind, then members of the library staff have unique opportunities to teach
values and skills to the students they employ. Their influence may be as
significant as that of the classroom teacher. And staff members are personally
blessed as they work closely with students, providing friendship and
counseling. Their work may be redemptive activity.
7. The
library may explore creative ways of serving its community.
major function of an academic librarian is mediation between the student and
information resources. This function is of critical importance to the academic
program. Students are taught the research skills essential to a quality
may find creative ways to support the Christian objectives of the institution
as they provide services to both on-campus and off-campus communities. Unique
opportunities exist to promote a Christian worldview.
the design and decor of the library may reflect its Christian philosophy. The
appearance and design of the library building; the choice of art objects,
paintings and exhibits; the use of Christian symbols such as a simple cross or
an open Bible; providing an appropriately furnished room for spiritual
meditation-there is scope for imaginative ideas.
opportunities may also be found in library services and functions. A few ideas
Book review discussion meetings, such as a
Book-of-the-Month Club.
Current awareness services to off-campus groups
such as community leaders and professionals, clergy, and business people.
Seminars, with local or guest speakers, offering
Christian perspectives on topics of current interest.
Centralized library service (acquisitions and
cataloging) for church schools lacking libraries of their own.
Public readings by Christian authors from their
own works.
are limited only by the creative imagination of librarians and the budget of
the library.
attention appears to have been given to the special role of the library within
a Christian college. The literature of Christian educational theory and
practice seems to have ignored the library, despite the well-mouthed phrase
that it is the heart of the campus.
this paper we have taken some small tentative steps to demonstrate that the
library of a Seventh-day Adventist college does have a unique mission and role
in fulfilling the objectives of Christian education, as well as in developing
and supporting a Christian worldview. Hopefully, others will follow with larger
and bolder steps to place the library closer to the forefront of higher
education in the Adventist college.
three thousand years ago, a wise man understood the ultimate dynamics of
you look for wisdom as for silver,
search for it as for hidden treasure,
you will understand the fear of the Lord,
find the knowledge of God."27
Those words are a
fitting inscription for any Christian college library.
1. Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M.
Butler, The Disappointed. (Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1987). See chapter 11, "The Making of a New
Order", pp.189-208. Also Melvin Dieter, The Holiness Revival of the Nineteenth Century. (Metuchen, N.J.:
Scarecrow Press, 1980). See chapter 2.
2. See
Appendix A.
3. An interesting exception to this
situation are schools within the Southern Union of the United States, where a
cooperative library project known as ANGEL operates from the campus of Southern
4. Roger
L. Dudley and V. Bailey Gillespie. Valuegenesis:
Faith in the Balance. (La Sierra
Press, 1992)
5. Risk
and Promise: a Report of the Project Affirmation Taskforces. (North
American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, 1990)
6. Ellen
G. White, Education. p.17
7. Ellen
G. White. Fundamentals of Christian Education.
8. Ellen
G. White. Education. p.17
9. Ibid., p. 13
10. Ibid.
11. Ellen
G. White. Counsels to Teachers. p.108
12. Arthur
DeJong. Reclaiming a Mission. (Eerdmans,
1990) p.148
13. Arthur
Holmes. The Idea of a Christian College. Revised
edition. (Eerdmans, 1987) p.6
14. Ibid., P.9
15. Brian
Walsh and J. R. Middleton. The
Transforming Vision. (Inter Varsity Press, 1984)
16. Useful sources for bibliographies on faith and learning materials are the Institute for Christian Teaching (General Conference Office of Education), and the Institute for Christian Studies at the University of Toronto, Canada.
17. John
8:32 (NIV)
18. Edward Heppenstall. "Academic
Freedom and the Quest for Truth." Spectrum,
1(4):34-40, 1969. p.37
19. Academic Freedom in Seventh-day Adventist
Institutions of Higher Education. (General
of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989?)
20. Ellen
G. White, Education. p.15,16
21. Edward
Heppenstall. Op. cit. p.39
22. See
Appendix B for one library's mission statement and collection development
23. American
Library Association. Freedom to Read
24. William
H. Hessel. Censorship in Church-Related
College Libraries-Is there a Difference?
[Unpublished paper]
25. Lester
Asheim. "Not Censorship But Selection." Wilson Library Bulletin, 28:63-67,
1953. p.67
26. Arthur
Holmes. The Idea of a Christian College. Revised
edition. (Eerdmans, 1987). p.5
27. Proverbs
2:4,5 (NIV)
Following is a
comparison of excerpts from Ellen White with excerpts from items published in The Library Journal during 1876 and
Ellen White
The course that many
parents pursue in allowing their children to be indolent and to gratify their
desire for reading romance is unfitting them for real life. Novel and storybook
reading are the greatest evils in which youth can indulge. Novel and lovestory
readers always fail to make good, practical mothers. They are air-castle
builders, living in an unreal, an imaginary world. They become sentimental and
have sick fancies. Their artificial life spoils them for anything useful."
(Counsels on Health, P.187-188)
"From what the
Lord has shown me, the women of this class [those with an exaggerated concept
of their qualities] have had their imaginations perverted by novel reading,
daydreaming, and castle-building-living in an imaginary world. They do not
bring their own ideas down to the common, useful duties of life." (Mind, Character and Personality, vol.2,
"Young ladies
will read novels, excusing themselves from active labor because they are in
delicate health. ... They eat, and sleep, and read novels, and talk of the
fashions, while their lives are useless." (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p.35-36)
"I am acquainted
with a number of women who have thought their marriage a misfortune. They have
read novels until their imaginations have become diseased, and they live in a world
of their own creating. ... From what the Lord has shown me, the women of this
class have had their imaginations perverted by novel reading, day-dreaming, and
castle-building, living in an imaginary world." (Testimonies for the Church, vol.2, p.462-463.)
"If you want your
children to bless you, teach them to be useful and self-denying. Restrict their
reading. They should not be allowed to pour over the pages of novels or story
books, filled with the tales of lust and knavery, for it will not leave a heavenly
influence on their minds."
on the Case of Elder E.P. Daniels, p.18)
"I appeal to
parents to control the reading of their children. Much reading does them only
harm. Especially do not permit upon your tables the magazines and newspapers
wherein are found love stories." (Testimonies
for the Church, vol.2, P.410)
The Library Journal
"Our Association
[the Young Men's Christian Association of New York] aims to reject not only the
immoral, but the sensational and the trivial-such works as fill the mind with
false, wild ideas of life. I believe the influence of this class of books is
decidedly injurious, and their reading should be discouraged." (Statement
by Mr. Pool in the report of a discussion entitled "Novel Reading", in
The American Library Journal, 1 (1876):
"How we, who have
the dispensing of knowledge to young minds just coming from the guiding hand of
the teacher and thrown upon their
own judgment in the future development of their intellects, are to meet their
wants, is a question the seriousness of which, I fear, is too much overlooked.
Are we to throw open to them all the literature of the day, and let the good
and the bad, the profitable and the pernicious, pass unguarded into their
inexperienced hands?
"Do novels teach
them contentment with their lowly but honest occupations? The factory girl, as
she tends her loom or her spinning-jenny, turns over in her thoughts the
fortunes of the heroine of the last novel she has read, raised by impossible
suppositions incidents from humble life to princely fortune, and she pines for a lover to so lift her
into notoriety. Her mind is filled with false ideas of life, and she is
prepared easily to be beguiled into an improper marriage. ...
'"The boy reads
of equally false deeds of daring-fortunes made by unjust dealings, glossed over
so as to half conceal their iniquity-and his bewildered mind is unfitted for
the hard duties of life, only by patient grappling with which he can reach that
position which will lead him to competence and respectability.
"We hear that
such and such works of fiction are classical and may be safely read by educated
minds as recreation. As the world contains so much that is better, I can
readily dispense with these books." (William Kite, "Fiction in Public
Libraries". The American Library
Journal, 1 (1876): 277-279. Note: Kite represented the Free Library at
Germantown, PA.)
"Novels unfit the
mind for close and attentive reading and study, weaken its energies, and render
it unhealthy. ... If we take the majority of the present day novels, the
sensational fiction, which is so eagerly sought and read at our libraries, it
is a matter of considerable doubt if they ought to find a place in them at all.
To their character and tendency the testimony of public writers, of teachers,
and the thinking portion of the community, is pretty uniform. ... A too liberal
supply of novels tends to foster a taste for them at the expense of books of a
more useful and profitable character." (Peter Cowell, "On the
Admission of Fiction in Free Public Libraries." The Library Journal, II (1877): 152-159.)
'The librarian who
should allow an immoral novel in his library for circulation would be as
culpable as the manager of a picture gallery who should hang an indecent
picture on his walls." (William F. Poole, "Some Popular Objections to
Public Libraries." American Library
Journal, I (1876): 50. Poole was head librarian of Chicago Public Library).
The following is the opening section of the
college's Collection Development Policy.
1. Within the context of a Seventh-day Adventist college of higher education, the mission of Canadian Union College library is to provide bibliographic resources and services which:
1.1 Supports the academic program.
1.2 Encourages students to develop a Christian
worldview and commitment.
1.3 Enhances development of personal
information skills.
2. The
library seeks to provide learning resource materials and services to its campus
clientele, specifically:
2.1 College students and faculty
2.2 Park view Adventist Academy students and faculty
2.3 Students enrolled in graduate programs
offered on the campus.
3. In
fulfilling its mission, the library operates with these assumptions:
3.1 Access to a diversity of viewpoints and perspectives is foundational to Seventh-day Adventist educational philosophy and goals.
3.2 The library is central and integral to the
academic program at CUC.
Students are encouraged and assisted
to discover, evaluate and utilize information resources that are relevant both
to class topics and their general interests.
3.4 Resource self-sufficiency is not a
realistic goal of an academic library. Remote database access, inter-library
loan, and resource sharing with other libraries are necessary components of
library development and services.
3.5 The library serves a primarily
undergraduate campus and does not provide materials exclusively for faculty
The goals for the library's collection
development are:
1. To
provide in-depth resources in support of campus academic programs.
2. To
provide at least minimal resources in most fields of knowledge.
3. To
acquire materials which support or reflect a Christian worldview.
4. To
provide materials which foster personal development and positive moral and
spiritual values.
5. To collect and preserve both published and manuscript materials relating to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.