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Volumen 5


Les Devine. The Adventist Heritage: "An Enabler for the Faith."  p. 1-16  PDF 1,380KB
Brian B. Houliston. "Technology Education - A Vital Part of Faith and Living."  pp. 17-32  PDF 848KB
Wilfred Rieger. "Women in Educational Leadership Positions."  p. 33-52  PDF 1,247KB
Hardwood Lockton. "A Christian World View of the Geographer's World."  pp. 53-74  PDF 1,083KB
Barry Hill. "Developing Healthy Emotions in the Curriculum of Seventh-day Adventist Schools and Colleges: Some Suggestions."  p. 75-90  PDF 929KB
Leonard Tolhurst. "A Christian Approach to Epistemology."  p. 91-110  PDF 1,167KB
Kevin de Berg. "Order and Chance in Nature and Scripture: Towards a Basis for Constructive Dialogue."  pp. 111-128  PDF 953KB
Allan Lindsay. "The Nurture of Faith in the Teaching of Denominational History."  pp. 129-150  PDF 1,032KB
Kuresa Tagái. "Instructional Materials in Adventist Distance Education: Opportunity and Responsibility."  p. 151-166  PDF 1,268KB
B.N. Ikonne. "Measuring Integration of Faith and Learning at an SDA College: Two Assessment Instruments."  p. 167-180  PDF 546KB
Harold Peters. "Training Ministerial Directors and Lay Pastors: A Curricular Proposal."   p. 181-198  PDF 1,322KB
C.A. Mensah. "Vocational Implications of Adventist Educational Philosophy for Secondary Education in Ghana."  p. 199-218  PDF 1,233KB
Breejan Burrun. "An Approach for Integrating Faith and Learning at the Phoenix Adventist Secondary School, Mauritius."  p. 219-236  PDF 1,245KB
Nilton D. Amorim. "Academic Freedom in Theology Teaching."  pp. 237-256 PDF 1,545KB
Peter Bwana. "Creativity and Responsibility in Environmental Transformation."  p. 257-270  PDF 646KB
Denford Musvosvi. "Discipline: The Acid Test of a Christian School."  p. 271-280  PDF 440KB
S.P. Mathema. "Integrating Faith and Learning in SDA Schools in the Zambezi Union: A Proposal."  p. 281-292  PDF 555KB
Joseph Nkou. "Gospel and Culture: Some Cultural Issues Faced by Seventh-day Adventist Educators and Pastors in Teaching Bible in Africa."  p. 293-312  PDF 1,376KB
Emilienne Rasamoely. "The Heavenly Sanctuary and Its Counterpart in the Malagasy Culture: Implications for Adventist Education."  p. 313-331  PDF 1,235KB


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