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Altin, Lucio

"Christianity and psychology: A good mix?" (8CC: 45-48). PDF

"Christanisme et psychologie : Un bon mélange ? " (22CC: 13-16). PDF

"O cristianismo e a psicologia: Uma boa mistura?" (15CC: 351-354). PDF

"Cristianismo y psicología: ¿Son una buena combinación?" (20CC: 489-492). PDF

Archer, Austin

"Constructivism and Christian Teaching" (No. 351-98, 23CC: 85-102). PDF

Bailey, Cindee M.

"The effects of religion on mental health: Implications for Seventh-day Adventists" (No. 286-97; 19CC: 1-15). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa

"Theories of intelligence, epistemology, and the challenge for educators." (30CC: 377-396). PDF

Bempong, Bernard Franklin

"Faith, your psycological tool for success." (No.463-00; 28CC: 77-93). PDF

Caviness, Linda Bryant

"La connexion corps/intellect: quelques découvertes récentes" (35B/CC: 65-70). PDF

Cronjé, Kenneth B.

"Bibliotherapy in Seventh-day Adventist education: Using the information media for character development" (No. 157-93; 12CC: 49-66). PDF

Du Plooy, Daniel R.

"Positive psychology: An Adventist evaluation" (No. 735-16; 40CC: 149-168). PDF

Fayard, Carlos

"Christianity and psychotherapy: Clinical implications from a Seventh-day Adventist biblical anthropology" (34B/CC: 101-127). PDF

Finuchi, Juan Omar

"El profesor y su percepción del alumno: Un enfoque cristiano" (No. 309-98; 20CC: 69-86). PDF

Fonseca, Delia Schimpf de

"Piaget, psicogénesis y libertad: Una crítica cristiana" (No. 178-94; 13CC: 121-140). PDF

Fusth, Deolinda Maria Correia

"Autodeterminação e discernimento crítico responsável" (No. 220-94; 15CC: 139-152). PDF

Habenicht, Donna J.

"The Bible and psychology" (No. 410-00; 26B/CC: 305-359). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Developing healthy emotions in the curriculum of Seventh-day Adventist schools and colleges: Some suggestions" (No. 071-90; 5CC: 75-90). PDF

Hughes, Owen L.

"Creados a imagen de Dios" (20CC: 581-584). PDF

"Created in the image of God: A Christian view of human personality" (No. 023-88; 2CC: 75-94). PDF

"Créé à l'image de Dieu : Une conception chrétienne de la personnalité" (22CC: 155-158). PDF

"Visão cristã da personalidade humana" (15CC: 403-406). PDF

Koh, Linda Mei Lin

"Brain and mind: A Christian perspective" (No. 129-93; 10CC: 221-238). PDF

Korniejczuk, Víctor Andrés

"Psychological theories of religious development: A Seventh-day Adventist perspective" (No. 131-93; 10CC: 257-276). PDF

"Un enfoque crítico de la teoría de Jean Piaget desde una perspectiva adventista" (No. 066-89; 4CC: 303-321). PDF

Kurian, Joy C.

"Ellen White's concepts on mental health compared with psychology and the health sciences" (No. 675-09; 37A/CC: 199-219). PDF

Lamberton, Henry L.

"Carl Rogers' view of personal wholeness: An evaluation and critique from a Christian perspective" (No. 132-93; 10CC: 277-296). PDF

"Human nature and the human predicament: A comparison of views of modern psychologies and biblical faith" (34B/CC: 153-166). PDF

"Thoughts on the integration of psychology and religion" (21CC: 417-434). PDF

Lea, Davenia

"A model assessment plan for the nurturance and measurement of future teacher's spiritual dispositions" (No. 738-16; 40CC: 205-225). PDF

Loveless, Edna Maye

"Creating writing assignments that promote perspective-taking skills" (No. 039-89; 3CC: 083-100). PDF

Mamani Padilla, Edgar Efraín

"El segundo alumbramiento: Un enfoque cristiano a la orientación del adolescente" (No. 312-98; 20CC: 127-145). PDF

Martin, Jean-Michel

"The concept of God among Adventist elementary and secondary students: Findings and implications" (No. 203-94; 14CC: 271-290). PDF

Martin, Lana

"The impact of human emotions upon learning: A Christian perspective" (No. 295-97; 19CC: 157-172). PDF

Mauri, Renato G.

"A integração entre os aspectos sociais da morte e a educação cristã." (No.495-02; 29CC: 175-192). PDF

Moróz, Ofélia Wichert

"Satisfazendo as necessidades dos estudantes do 1º e 2º graus em uma escola cristã" (No. 225-94; 15CC: 227-247). PDF

Nainggolan, Raja Aman

"Faculty-student bonding: A pivotal factor in Christian education" (No. 053-89; 4CC: 49-70). PDF

Neall, Beatrice S.

"Another look at the battle of the sexes: Male and female in biblical perspective" (12CC: 373-376). PDF

Nkungula, Tommy

"Towards an understanding of brain hemisphericity and holistic learning: Implications for Adventist education" (No. 029-88; 2CC: 195-216). PDF

Ouro, Roberto

"Towards and Adventist paradigm in psychology" (No. 299-97; 19CC: 225-243). PDF

Pereyra, Mario

"Esperanza, religiosidad y salud mental" (20CC: 639-641). PDF

"Espoir, christianisme et santé mentale" (22CC: 257-260). PDF

"Hope, Christianity and mental health" (12CC: 377-380). PDF

Poddar, Sushila

"Strategies for developing self-esteem among elementary school going children" (No. 092-90; 6CC: 115-132). PDF

Rasi, Sylvia B.

"¿Por qué no me entiendes?" (20CC: 665-669). PDF

"Por que você não me entende? Observando a comunicação entre os sexos" (15CC: 453-458). PDF

"Pourquoi en me comprends-tu pas ? " (22CC: 285-290). PDF

"Why don't you understand me? A look at cross-gender communication" (8CC: 237-242). PDF

Ravelo, Hope

"Erickson's stages of personality development: An analysis from an Adventist perspective" (No. 014-88; 1CC: 249-264). PDF

Reinecke, Charlene René

"A biblical and psychological comparative study of self-concept" (No. 169-93; 12CC: 261-273). PDF

Roberts, Randall L.

"Shattered by death; strengthened by hope: A Christian perspective on grief" (No. 301-97; 19CC: 265-282). PDF

Román, César Ojeda

"La psicolingüística, el hombre y Dios" (No. 182-94; 13CC: 195-207). PDF

Rose, Hyacinth P.

"Humanistic forces versus the dynamics of faith: A critique of Carl Rogers' self theory" (No. 266-96; 17CC: 287-306). PDF

Schünemann, Haller Elinar Stach

"Comparação do desenvolvimento moral na perspectiva piagetiana e na perspectiva de Ellen White" (No. 226-94; 15CC: 249-267). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"Personal development: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Développment Personnel", and Spanish: "Orientación y desarrollo personal.") PDF

Smith, Ruth S.

"BASIS: A model for integrating psychological theories of moral development in children and adolescents" (No. 268-96; 17CC: 327-346). PDF

Springett, Ronald M.

"Homosexualidad: Una perspectiva bíblica" (20CC: 687-690). PDF

"Homosexuality: A biblical perspective" (11CC: 287-290). PDF

Testerman, John K.

"Spirituality vs religion: Implications for healthcare" (No. 302-97; 19CC 283-297). PDF

Weems, Howard

"The nervous system: An overview in the context of the cosmic conflict" (No. 711-12; 38CC: 403-419). PDF

Wichert, Cezar Luis

"O conceito de pessoa na perspectiva cristã do Dr. Paul Tournier: Necessidade dessa ênfase na educação adventista" (No. 230-94; 15CC: 325-340). PDF

Zygmont, Conrad Stanislaw

"A method for developing psychological theories from a biblical perspective" (No. 688-09; 37A/CC: 447-467). PDF

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