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Amenya, Hulda

"Teaching the novels of Chinua Achebe from a Christian perspective" (No. 665-09; 37A/CC: 1-17). PDF

Auguste, Monique

"Une perspective chrétienne sur la littérature" (No. 387-00; 25CC: 29-43). PDF

Baloyo, Virginia P.

"The Odyssey and the migrant workers' experience: A fresh look at an ancient saga" (No. 729-16; 40CC: 35-52). PDF

Barayuga, Luz L.

"An ethical-theological approach to literature: Some suggestions for Adventist teachers" (No. 151-93; 11CC: 1-20). PDF

Basaninyenzi, Gatsinzi

"Teaching an anti-Christian text from a Christian perspective: The case of S. Beckett's Waiting por Godot" (No. 120-93; 10CC: 63-73). PDF

Bell, Robert N.

"Missionaries, African writers and the Christian classroom" (No. 155-93; 12CC: 19-35). PDF

Block, Cristina

"A thematic approach to the teaching of English literature to foreign students: Secular and Christian values contrasted" (No. 122-93; 10CC: 89-108). PDF

Cardoso, Afonso Ligório

"Os valores na ficção, a educação bíblico-cristã e o professor de literatura" (No. 215-94; 15CC: 49-67). PDF

Costa, Sônia Bessa da

"Literatura infantil, infanto-juvenil e jovem: Critérios de seleção e transmissão de valores" (No. 217-94; 15CC: 83-98). PDF

Cronjé, Kenneth B.

"Bibliotherapy in Seventh-day Adventist education: Using the information media for character development" (No. 157-93; 12CC: 49-66). PDF

Davis, Delmer

"Faith and learning: The approaches of three influential Adventist English teachers" (No. 370-99; 24CC: 59-80). PDF

Draghichi, Iulia

"God in absentia: Teaching John Fowles’ The Collector from a Christian perspective." (No. 534-03; 31A/CC: 101-115). PDF

Drepaul, Carlton

"Responding to poetry in the Seventh-day Adventist college classroom: A pedagogical response based on the integration of faith and learning process" (No. 253-96; 17CC: 61-78). PDF

Durán Muñoz, Claudio

"La Biblia como texto literario" (No. 308-98; 20CC: 55-67). PDF

Escandón, Ralph

"Santa Teresa de Jesús: An Adventist perspective" (No. 006-88; 1CC: 87-104). PDF

Fider, Carol Joy

"Moral and ethical issues in The Scarlet Letter" (No. 373-99; 24CC: 117-136). PDF

Fitts, William D.

"A escolha de Mark Twain: Por trás do sorriso, of sofrimento" (15CC: 373-376). PDF

"La decisión de Mark Twain: El dolor detrás de la risa" (20CC: 555-557 ). PDF

"Le choix de Mark Twain : La souffrance derrière le rire" (22CC: 111-114). PDF

William D. Fitts, "Mark Twain's choice: The pain behind the laughter" (8CC: 107-110). PDF

Gayle, Sandra E.

"Teaching literature in an Adventist secondary school: A West Indian perspective" (No. 255-96; 17CC: 95-114). PDF

Gross, Renato

"Eclesiastes: Uma abordagem pedagógica" (No. 221-94; 15CC: 153-172). PDF

Haluska, Jan

"The Bible and literature" (No. 411-00; 26B/CC: 361-403). PDF

Henry, Iris I.

"Teaching Shakespeare within the context of Christian faith: A case study of Macbeth" (No. 258-96; 17CC: 135-154). PDF

Higgens, Deborah

"Allegory in C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A window to the Gospel of John" (No. 196-94; 14CC: 147-164). PDF

Howe, Winona

"The Growing Good of the World: Personal and corporate redemption in three Victorian novelists" (No. 198-94; 14CC: 183-200). PDF

Kanyarukiga, Ephraïm S. K.

"L'évangile face aux cultures en Afrique : Le rôle de la littérature" (No. 392-00; 25CC: 101-116). PDF

Lima, Neumar de

"Em busca de uma integração da fé e ensino na disciplina de literatura: Uma abordagem bíblico-cristã na perspectiva do grande conflito" (No. 223-94; 15CC: 193-211). PDF

Luxton, Andrea

"A response to diversity and globalisation: Shakespeare in the Christian classroom" (No. 542-03; 31A/CC: 243-262). PDF

Lyakhu, Victor

"Dostoyevsky: A writer struggles with faith" (11CC: 279-282). PDF

"Dostoïevski : Un écrivain aux prises avec la foi" (22CC: 213-216). PDF

"Dostoievski: Un escritor que lucha con su fe" (20CC: 611-614). PDF

"Tolstoy and the Bible: A complex relationship" (33C: 559-562). PDF

"Tolstoï et la Bible : des rapports complexes" (35B/CC: 218-221). PDF


Madriaga, Nelson M.

"Aesthetic and ethical values in selected Philippine poems and short stories" (No. 144-93; 11CC: 61-78). PDF

Mahon, Penny

"The search for integration: A study of the faith journey in the poetry of Gerald Manley Hopkins" (No. 594-05; 33CC: 193-212). PDF

Manuel, Beulah

"Developing Christian values through the teaching of English literature" (No. 091-90; 6CC: 97-115). PDF

Manyonga, Faith

"Feminist literary theory: A Christian approach" (No. 617-06; 34A/CC: 245-264). PDF

McClarty, Wilma

"O livro de Ester como literatura?" (15CC: 419-422). PDF

"A Bíblia e a arte do século XX" (15CC: 423-426). PDF

"An analysis of the book of Esther as literature" (No. 012-88; 1CC: 213-232). PDF

"El libro de Ester: ¿Una obra literaria?" (20CC: 627-630 ). PDF

"La bible et l'art au XXe siècle : L'influence des Ecritures se fait-elle encore sentir ? " (22CC: 221-224). PDF

"La Biblia y las artes en el siglo XX" (20CC: 631-634 ). PDF

"Le livre d'Esther : Une oeuvre litteraire ? " (22CC: 225-228). PDF

"The Bible and 20th-century art" (8CC: 181-184). PDF

"Why teach the Bible as literature?" (8CC: 185-188). PDF

McGarrell, Shirley A.

"Faith and fiction: An inspiring dilemma for Seventh-day Adventist teachers of literature" (No. 204-94; 14CC: 291-310). PDF

"Literature: Bringing pleasure and value to young readers" (18CC: 359-362). PDF

Moncrieff, Scott E.

"Adventists and fiction: Another look" (18CC: 363-366). PDF

"Les adventistes et la fiction en littérature : Un autre regard" (22CC: 229-231). PDF

"Los adventistas y la literatura de ficción: Otra perspectiva" (20CC: 619-622). PDF

"Something to talk about: Ideas for teaching literature and writing" (8CC: 193-196). PDF

Nembhard, Judith P.

"Using the Word: Studying biblical references in poetry" (33CC: 567-569). PDF

Owusu-Antwi, Mabel

"Carpe Diem: Secular and Christian literary approaches." (No. 479-00; 28CC: 383-400). PDF

Paseggi, Marcos

"Towards a biblical understanding of literary creativity" (No. 379-99; 24CC: 237-255). PDF

Poblete, Judy H.

"Communicating Christian values through teaching English as a second language: The uses of poetry" (No. 381-99; 24CC: 277-296). PDF

Pryce, Eric

"Teaching poetry in Adventist schools" (No. 264-96; 17CC: 249-268). PDF

Rasamoely, Emilienne

"Enseignement de la littérature" (25CC: 297-310). PDF

Reyes, Lorna R. de los

"The Bible and Philippine literature: A thematic approach" (No. 108-92; 7CC: 211-230). PDF

Reynaud, Daniel

"Literary theory and biblical interpretation" (No. 340-98; 21CC: 279-292). PDF

Rosario, Arceli

"A thematic approach to the book of Job: Pedagogical implications" (No. 149-93: 11CC: 153-171). PDF

"Teaching Literature through world-view analysis: An approach to the Iliad and the Odyssey" (No. 451-00, 27CC: 241-260). PDF

Sample, Carol

"The salvation theme in Flannery O'Connor" (No. 041-89; 3CC: 121-138). PDF

Sampson, Memory

"Understanding moral and social issues in literature: Examples in four British and American novels." (No. 521-03; 30CC: 177-196). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"English: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Langue", and Spanish: "Lenguaje.") PDF

Stefanovic, Zdravko

"Behind the visions and dreams of Daniel: An appreciation of its literary features" (No. 648-07; 35A/CC: 347-367). PDF

Thiede-Gutknecht, Jutta

"Biblical themes in F. Durrenmatt's tragicomedies." (No. 548-03; 31A/CC: 361-379). PDF

Tudu, Nola

"Understanding worldviews and conveying Biblical beliefs and values in teaching sacred literature of the world" (No. 751-16; 40CC: 461-477). PDF

Vacca, Roberto

"Reading William Blake: A Christian perspective" (No. 136-93; 10CC: 389-406). PDF

Villanueva, Salomón Vásquez

"La palabra, una espada de dos filos" (No. 186-94; 13CC: 269-288). PDF

Vélez-Sepúlveda, David

"Literature and life: Teaching fictional literature in Adventist higher education" (No. 139-93; 10CC: 407-425). PDF

Zo'o Zo'o, Daniel

"Teaching francophone Negro African literature from a Christian perspective." (No. 485-00; 28CC: 499-512). PDF

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