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Aguilar, Rubén

"El trigo y la cizaña: Un paralelismo histórico del adventismo y el evolucionismo del siglo XIX" (No. 065-89; 4CC: 283-302). PDF

Blaich, Roland

"Teacher of the Church: The Adventist historian" (33CC: 411-415). PDF

Caesar, Lael Othniel

"Examining validity: The Bible as text of history" (No. 233-94; 16CC: 1-19). PDF

Ciavarella, Pietro

"Seeking wisdom from the past in church history." (No. 533-03; 31A/CC: 83-100). PDF

Clausen, Benjamin L.

"Galileo: Revelation, science, and the Church" (37B/CC: 133-148). PDF

Devine, Les

"The Adventist heritage: An enabler of the faith" (No. 067-90; 5CC: 1-16). PDF

Francis, Joan A.

"Des mordus de l'histoire" (22CC: 121-124). PDF

Hosokawa, Elder

"Utilização da Bíblia e biografias denominacionais em aulas de história nas escolas secundárias adventistas" (No. 222-94; 15CC: 173-191). PDF

Inggs, Neville E.

"Developing Christian values in the Adventist college experience: An example in the teaching of history" (No. 024-88; 2CC: 95-107). PDF

Kuntaraf, Jonathan

"Teaching history from an Adventist perspective: Some philosophical and methodological concepts" (No. 025-88; 2CC: 109-128). PDF

Land, Gary

"A Biblical-Christian approach to the study of history" (21CC: 455-472). PDF 

"Enseigner l'histoire d'une façon véredique" (35B/CC: 204-207). PDF

"Integrating faith and history" (12CC: 363-368). PDF

"Implications of the Christian understanding of human nature for the writing and teaching of history" (No. 040-89; 3CC: 101-120). PDF

Lindsay, Allan

"The nurture of faith in the teaching of denominational history" (No. 074-90; 5CC: 129-149). PDF

Matthews, John V. G.

"An historicist-prophetic framework for the study of church history in tertiary education" (No. 134-93; 10CC: 311-330). PDF

Priora, Juan Carlos

"Perspectiva bíblica del nuevo orden mundial y del fin de la historia" (No. 184-94; 13CC: 231-250). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"A fé de Colombo: Uma dimensão pouco conhecida de sua personalidade" (15CC: 449-452). PDF

"La fe de Colón" (20CC: 661-663 ). PDF

"La foi de Christophe Colomb : Une dimension moins connue de sa personnalité" (22CC: 269-272). PDF

"Understanding Columbus and his legacy" (8CC: 231-236). PDF

Samraj, Franklin

"A Christian view of time: Biblical chronology and historicity" (No. 282-96; 18CC: 181-194). PDF

Schwantes, Siegfried J.

"God and history: A biblical perspective" (33CC: 609-612). PDF

Sibanda, Lovemore

"God and history: Interpreting contemporary events from a Christian perspective" (No. 598-05; 33CC: 265-282). PDF

Silva, Marcos

"O professor adventista de história e sua atitude ante a política" (No. 227-94; 15CC: 269-286). PDF

Soto, Víctor

"Biblical eschatology and the idea of progress: Implications for the teaching of history and religion" (No. 031-88; 2CC: 237-258). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"History: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990. (Also available in French: "Histoire", and Spanish: "Historia.") PDF

Ulrich, Regine

"The Bible as a source in introductory history lessons: Practical instructions for use in the elementary school." (No. 549-03; 31A/CC: 381-401). PDF

Zaitsev, Eugene V.

"A historical outline of Sabbath-keepers in Russia from the 15th century to the present" (No. 140-93; 10CC: 427-441). PDF

Zhigankov, Oleg

"Teaching national history in the context of the biblical-christian worldview" (No. 384-99; 24CC: 335-354). PDF



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