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Ciencias de la Salud


Acosta, María Elena

"Learning by experience: Transmitting Seventh-day Adventist nutritional principles through community programs" (No. 117-93; 10CC: 1-20). PDF

Adeoye, Grace Olubukunmi

"Water supply, envoronmental hygiene and health" (No. 459-00; 28CC: 1-18). PDF

Aja, Godwin Nwadibia

"Biblico-historical foundations of public health: An Adventist perpective" (No. 460-00; 28CC: 19-38). PDF

Atulomah, Nnodimele Onuigbo

"A conceptual framework for integrating Christian values in teaching reproductive and family health" (No. 462-00; 28CC: 59-78). PDF

Azevedo, Oswalcir A. de

"A guarda do sábado pelos profissionais de saúde: Conscientizando los enfermeiros" (488-02; 29CC: 39-58). PDF

Bacchiocchi, Samuele

"Un point de vue chrétien sur la sexualité" (22CC: 21-24). PDF

"Una perspectiva cristiana del sexo" (20CC: 497-499). PDF

Bailey, Cindee M.

"The effects of religion on mental health: Implications for Seventh-day Adventists" (No. 286-97; 19CC: 1-15). PDF

Bailey-Penrod, Juliet

"The fit between Adventist health principles and discoveries in modern biomedical science" (No. 419-00; 26A/CC: 37-55). PDF

Beardsley, Lisa M.

"A theology of health, healing and wholeness" (30CC: 351-362). PDF

Ble de Gil, Deysi Jakeline

"Conociendo a Dios a través de la anatomía y la fisiología" (No. 714-16: 39CC: 39-53). PDF

Bocaneanu, Adrian

"Falling in love and premarital sexual morality: Some scientific perspectives" (No. 189-94: 14CC: 19-38). PDF

Bowen, Heather

"Me, a vegetarian?" (11CC: 243-246). PDF

"¿Yo, vegetariana?" (20CC: 507-509 ). PDF

Buckles, Beverly J.

"Promoting wholeness programs in health-related graduate education" (No. 297-97; 19CC: 017-032).PDF

Busso, Eduardo

"La educación física como agente educativo en la adquisición de hábitos de salud: Una experiencia práctica" (No. 288-97; 19CC: 33-51). PDF

Cajachagua Castro, Mayela

"La investigación en salud: Una perspectiva bíblico-cristiana" (No. 715-16; 39CC: 55-75). PDF

Castro, Daniel

"Contemporary internal medicine research and Ellen G. White" (No. 289-97; 19CC: 53-69). PDF

Cea Carias, Herbert Roel

"Integración de la fe y los valores en la enseñanza de microbiología, farmacología y fisiopatología" (No. 716-16; 39CC: 77-96). PDF

Chan, Wai Fong

"Principles and strategies of health education: The Taiwan Adventist College experience" (No. 629-07; 35A/CC: 1-20). PDF

Choi, Sung Sook

"The relationship between diet and intestinal microflora: A biblical perspective." (No. 512-03; 30CC: 19-34). PDF

Clarke-Pine, Dora D.

"Preventing adolescent suicide: The role of the school" (33CC: 427-431). PDF

Cushman, Judy

"Suicide: What you should know" (33CC: 437-439). PDF

Donesky, Dorothy

"Portfolio: A practical aid to assess the fulfillment of a university mission statement" (No. 329-98; 21CC: 79-94). PDF

Edwards, Hedrick J.

"Science, faith and intervention in the natural order: An inquiry into the principle of human-earth engagement" (No. 421-00; 26A/CC:79-100). PDF

"Science, religion and healing: A Christian philosophy of wholeness" (No. 290-97; 19CC: 71-90). PDF

Elder, Harvey A.

"A biblical perspective on disease, health, and healing" (No. 409-00; 26B/CC: 267-303). PDF

"Healing, salvation and evangelism" (24CC: 381-401). PDF

"Toward an ethics of medical care that includes care for the spiritual" (No. 291-97; 19CC: 91-108). PDF

Fayard, Carlos

"Christianity and psychotherapy: Clinical implications from a Seventh-day Adventist biblical anthropology" (34B/CC: 101-127). PDF

Fouedjeu, Marie-Hélène

"Les maladies sexuellemnet transmissibles et l'adolescent dans une école secondaire adventista" (No. 389-00, 25CC: 61-76). PDF

Ganu, Daniel

"Teaching HIV/AIDS prevention in Adventist higher educational institutions in Africa" (No. 611-16; 34A/CC: 133-151). PDF

Klein, Trudy Carpenter

"Service and wholism in the teaching and practice of parish nursing" (No. 294-97; 19CC: 141-156). PDF

Koh, Linda Mei Lin

"Brain and mind: A Christian perspective" (No. 129-93; 10CC: 221-238). PDF

Kurian, Joy C.

"Ellen White's concepts on mental health compared with psychology and the health sciences" (No. 675-09; 37A/CC: 199-219). PDF

Lamberton, Henry L.

"Carl Rogers' view of personal wholeness: An evaluation and critique from a Christian perspective" (No. 132-93; 10CC: 277-296). PDF

"Human nature and the human predicament: A comparison of views of modern psychologies and biblical faith" (34B/CC: 153-166). PDF

Makinde, Yetunde O.

"Nutrition, health and faith: Incidents of hypertension among Seventh-day Adventists in four diet groups - Evidence from South-Western Nigeria" (No. 698-12; 38CC: 165-182). PDF

Mauri, Renato G.

"A integração entre os aspectos sociais da morte e a educação cristã" (No.495-02; 29CC: 175-192). PDF

Mihaicuta, Stefan

"Health evangelism in a university campus: A Romanian perspective" (No. 291-97; 19CC: 173-188). PDF

Muchee, Tabita M.

"Sex education and HIV/AIDS: An urgent task for Christian home economics" (No. 596-05; 33CC: 231-246). PDF

Mutinga, Mutuku J.

"Educating for health" (No. 337-98; 21CC: 225-239). PDF

Ndikubwayo, Joseph

"La prevention du sexe premarital dans les écoles adventistes" (No. 395-00; 25CC: 153-164). PDF

Njagi, Elijah E.

"Sexuality education in Adventist schools: A Kenyan perspective" (No. 361-98; 23CC: 259-276). PDF

Oclarit, Jose Micabalo

"Insulin and mitochondrial functions: Implications on fasting and reflections on Sabbath keeping" (No. 701-12; 38CC: 223-238). PDF

Olayinka, Oyewole Isaac

"Parasitic infection and human's health: Environment and diet as implicated factors" (No. 703-12; 38CC: 259-275). PDF

Onyango, Dorothy

"Conveying Christian values through diet: A case for vegetarians" (No. 745-16; 40CC: 343-361). PDF

Oliveira, Elisabete Regina Araujo

"Teaching nurses to conduct the physical examination: becoming mediators of the divine touch" (No. 298-97; 19CC: 205-223). PDF

Pereyra, Mario

"Esperanza, religiosidad y salud mental" (20CC: 639-641). PDF

"Espoir, christianisme et santé mentale" (22CC: 257-260). PDF

"Hope, Christianity and mental health" (12CC: 377-380). PDF

Provonsha, Jack W.

"Bioética cristiana" (20CC: 643-645). PDF

"Christian bioethics: making rational choices in complex life-death issues" (8CC: 217-220). PDF

"La bioéthique chrétienne : Questions de vie et de mort" (22CC: 261-264). PDF

Ramal, Edelweiss

"An Adventist model for the integration of faith and learning in nursing" (No. 265-96; 17CC: 269-286). PDF

Roberts, Randall L.

"Shattered by death; strengthened by hope: a Christian perspective on grief" (No. 301-97; 19CC: 265-282). PDF

Sabaté, Joan

"Biblical and Adventist Views of a Nutritionist's World" (31B/CC: 355-368). PDF

Saxby, Gayle

"Symbolic models: Stories as life resources for medical students" (No. 208-94; 14CC: 361-375). PDF

So, WoiSook

"The GRS Model: A guide for nursing students to be effective in providing spiritual care" (No. 749-16; 40CC: 419-439). PDF

Sohn, Aeree

"Transtheoretical model as applied to Adventist health behavior change among university students" (30CC: 215-232). PDF

Sousa, Claudio S. de

"O ensino e a prática da fisioterapia como meio de promover os princípios adventistas de saúde." (29CC: 337-350). PDF

Springett, Ronald M.

"Homosexualidad: Una perspectiva bíblica" (20CC: 687-690). PDF

"Homosexualité : Une perspective biblique" (22CC: 333-336). PDF

Suero M., Alfa Rigel

"Valores cristianos y educación sexual: Un reto para el sistema educativo adventista en Latinoamérica" (No. 248-94; 16CC: 263-282). PDF

Tabuenca, Pedro

"The harmony between revelation and science as the foundation of bioethical education" (No. 382-99: 24CC: 297-314). PDF

Torreblanca, Silvia Schimpf de

"La enseñanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos" (39CC: 303-320). PDF

"La enseñanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos: Dos experiencias prácticas" (39CC: 321-337). PDF

Van Putten, Juliette M.

"Beyond safer sex practices: Christian perspectives on AIDS education for public health professionals" (No. 017-88; 1CC: 307-326). PDF

Veiga, Marcelo L. da

"Uma abordagem ético-religiosa adventista sobre as técnicas de clonagem humana e suas implicações" (No. 508-02; 29CC: 389-406). PDF

Wilkinson, Gwen M.

"Values in nursing: What can Seventh-day Adventists contribute?" (No. 303-97; 19CC: 299-317). PDF

Winslow, Gerald R.

"El cristiano y la bioética: ¿Puede ayudar la Biblia?" (20CC: 711-714 ). PDF

Wong, Brian Y.

"Lifestyle, diet and cancer prevention" (No. 304-97; 19CC: 319-352). PDF

Wrightman, Caroline M.

"Understanding demon possession and mental illness: A biblical-Christian perspective" (No. 527-03; 30CC: 285-300). PDF

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