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Brand, Leonard R.

"Pisadas en las arenas del tiempo" (20CC: 511-515). PDF

Chadwick, Arthur V.

"Paleocurrents and the geologic record" (37B/CC: 117-131). PDF

"The Bible and paleontology" (No. 407-00; 26B/CC: 179-199). PDF

Coffin, Harold G.

"Coal: How did it originate?" (12CC: 333-336). PDF

"El carbón: ¿Cómo se originó?" (20CC: 533-536). PDF

"El enigma de los árboles petrificados" (20CC: 537-541). PDF

"Le charbon : Comment s'est-il formé ? " (22CC: 75-78). PDF

"L'énigma des arbre pétrifiés" (22CC: 79-84). PDF

"O enigma das árvores petrificadas" (15CC: 363-367). PDF

Esperante, Raul

"Time, faith, and fossil whales" (37B/CC: 149-158). PDF

Gibson, L. J.

"Fossils and the Flood" (11CC: 255-264). PDF

Kennedy, M. Elaine

"A biblical approach to geology" (26A/CC:503-527). PDF

"A la recherche des ancêtres d'Adam" (22CC: 163-168). PDF

"Ces dinosaures si intrigants" (22CC: 169-172). PDF

"El intrigante dinosaurio" (20CC: 595-598 ). PDF

"Quand la croûte terrestre explose" (22CC: 173-176). PDF

"The Bible and geology" (No. 412-00; 26B/CC: 405-426). PDF

Roth, Ariel A.

"Catastrophism: Is it scientific?" (8CC: 255-258). PDF

"Catastrophism? Yes!" (33CC: 587-591). PDF

Sauvagnat, Jacques

"Origins options: Implications for Christian biology and geology teachers" (No. 046-89; 3CC: 219-230). PDF

Shea, William H.

"The flood: Just a local catastrophe" (33CC: 605-608). PDF

Webster, Clyde L. Jr.

"El Génesis y la edad de la Tierra" (20CC: 707-710). PDF

"Genesis and time: What radiometric dating tells us" (11CC: 295-298). PDF

See also Sciences.


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