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Tabuenca, Pedro

"The harmony between revelation and science as the foundation of bioethical education" (No. 382-99; 24CC: 297-314). PDF 1,151KB

Taco, René G.

"La normatividad académica como instrumento de transmisión de valores" (29CC: 369-388). PDF 1,417KB

Taga'i, Kuresa

"Instructional materials in Adventist distance education: Opportunity and responsibility" (No. 075-90; 5CC: 151-166). PDF 1,268KB

Takatohi, Urias Echterhoff

"À la recherche d'une intelligence extraterrestre" (35B/CC: 117-120). PDF 270KB

"Considerações para ensino de assuntos relacionados com origens" (No. 320-98; 20CC: 273-291).  PDF 1,258KB

"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence" (33CC: 625-628). PDF 323KB

Tambalque, Ermelinda Aperocho

"Christian values in teaching office management" (33CC: 283-302). PDF 72 KB

Tambalque, Nemuel Mortel

"Addressing bioethical issues in the context of Adventist Philippine education" (No. 434-00; 26A/CC:333-352). PDF 929KB

"Bettering teacher-student relationships: Lessons from the Great Controversy themes" (33CC: 303-324). PDF 1148KB

Tan, Felipe Jr.

"Contextualizing the gospel message in Asia: An Adventist approach" (No. 152-93; 11CC: 211-226). PDF

Tapia, Oscar Félix

"Diseño de una capellanía para instituciones educativas adventistas" (No. 321-98; 20CC:  293-310). PDF 1,679KB

Tasker, Carol M.

"Teaching with integrity: A model for mentoring first-year teacher trainees" (37A/CC: 349-368). PDF 1756KB

Taylor V, John Wesley

"A biblical foundation for the integration of faith and learning" (27CC: 395-407). PDF 1,172KB

"Adventist education in a postmodern world" (30CC: 397-407). PDF

"God, nature, and learning: An integrational approach" (No. 032-88; 2CC: 259-278). PDF

"Instructional strategies for integrating faith and learning" (33CC: 629-636). PDF 592KB

"Instructional strategies for the integration of faith and learning" (27CC: 409-425). PDF

"La educación adventista en un mundo postmoderno" (32CC: 585-592). PDF 915KB

"Teaching truth: A biblical paradigm" (37B/CC: 251-272). PDF 2203KB

"Un fundamento bíblico para la integración fe y aprendizaje" (32CC: 593-604). PDF 1505KB

Taylor, Morris L.

"Choosing music in a Christian college" (No. 016-88; 1CC: 285-306). PDF 1,375KB

"Presenting Christ in the humanities" (8CC: 62-64). PDF 2,002KB

Tayo, Ademola Stephen

"B. F. Skinner’s theory and education: A Christian critique" (No. 482-00; 28CC: 441-460). PDF

Tayo, Grace Oluwatoyin

"Protecting the environment: Animal waste management through integrated biosystems and recycling" (38CC: 345-360). PDF 1357KB

"Sustainable agriculture: God’s plan, man’s discovery" (No. 483-00; 28CC: 461-477). PDF 743KB

Teel, Charles Jr.

"Mission stories and the Adventist future: Fernando and Ana Stahl as a case study" (8CC: 281-286). PDF 597KB

Terreros, Marco T.

"El mensaje adventista ante la evolución" (20CC: 695-698). PDF 468KB

"Le message adventiste et le défi de l’évolutionnisme" (22CC: 337-340). PDF 456KB

"The Adventist message and the challenge of evolution" (18CC: 403-406). PDF 444KB

Testerman, John K.

"Spirituality vs. religion: Implications for healthcare" (No. 302-97; 19CC: 283-297). PDF 1,296KB

Thayer, Jane

"Assessing student spirituality: The Andrews University experience" (33CC: 637-644). PDF 793KB

"Aux professeurs d'université: Dix suggestions pour nourrir vos étudiants spirituellement" (36CC: 338-347). PDF 817KB

"Evaluer la spiritualité des étudiants" (35B/CC: 293-298). PDF 1178KB

"How college impacts student spirituality" (37B/CC: 273-298). PDF 1848KB

Thayer, Jerome

"The impact of Adventist schools on students" (37B/CC: 299-318). PDF 1640KB

Theuri, James Njine

"Conveying Christian values in an automotive technology program: A practical approach" (34A/CC: 439-458). PDF 1006KB

Thiede-Gutknecht, Jutta

"Biblical themes in F. Durrenmatt’s tragicomedies" (31A/CC: 361-380). PDF 2089KB

Thomas, David E.

"The role of philosophical reflection in Adventist higher education" (33CC: 325-346). PDF 1217KB

Thomas, Jerry D.

"‘Riding Herd’: Developing character by allowing choices" (8CC: 291-293). PDF 513KB

"Pour entourer le troupeau : Développer le caractère en permettant de faire des choix" (22CC: 345-348). PDF 737KB

Thomas, Susan

"A biblical-Christian approach to teaching Philosophy of Science" (No.435-00; 26A/CC: 353-368). PDF 1,388KB

Thompson, Alden

"Making peace with death: Experiential, rational, scientific arguments for belief" (No. 436-00; 26A/CC: 369-388). PDF 1,905KB

Thompson, Avery J.

"God in nature: Revelations of the divine mathematician" (No. 269-96; 17CC: 347-366). PDF

Tieng’o, William D.

"Mentoring in business education: Training business leaders for the 21st. Century" (No. 366-98; 23CC: 343-362). PDF 1,133KB

Tobing, Joshua H. L.

"Issue-based teaching of biology integrating religious concepts and critical thinking skills development" (38CC: 361-382). PDF 2035KB

Tokics, Imre

"Preparing for mission in East-Central Europe: A Hungarian perspective" (35A/CC: 369-380). PDF 1089KB

Tolhurst, Leonard P.

"A Christian approach to epistemology" (No. 072-90; 5CC: 91-110). PDF 1,167KB

Torreblanca, Jorge

"Instrucción programada semipresencial en contraturno: Un complemento al sistema educacional adventista como opción para la iglesia" (No. 323-98; 20CC: 329-348). PDF 1,398KB

Schimpf de Torreblanca, Silvia

"The concept of origins among students in Adventist secondary schools in Argentina and Mexico: Findings, implications, and recommendations" (38CC: 383-402). PDF 2590KB

Tobias, Hamil

"Teaching Biblical sexual principles through a practical approach" (34A/CC: 459-478). PDF 1332KB

Torres, Saúl

"Redemptive teaching: A framework for the beginning educator and teacher renewal" (No. 033-88; 2CC: 279-298). PDF

Toussaint, Vanie Bi Gooré

"Ecole Adventiste : Instrument d’évangelisation" (No. 399-00; 25CC: 219-232). PDF 912KB

Traille, Kay

"Fostering a learning classroom climate: The role of the Christian teacher" (No. 383-99; 24CC: 315-334). PDF 1,091KB

Trisca, Jorge O.

"Los principales planteamientos de la epistemología educativa y su análisis desde la perspectiva del libro Eclesiastés: Una aplicación áulica" (32CC: 293-312). PDF 1432KB

Troy, Carmelita

"Case studies in accounting fraud: What would Jesus do? Integrating ethics and values in accounting courses" (40CC: 479-500). PDF 1968KB

Tshimanga, Mwebwe P. M.

"Le foyer intégré et la salle de classe intégré : Cooperants de l’intégration de la foi dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage" (No. 398-00; 25CC: 201-217). PDF 1122KB

Tucker, James A.

"Le ministère de la nature" (35B/CC: 299-302). PDF 699KB

Tudu, Nola

"Understanding worldviews and conveying biblical beliefs and values in teaching sacred literature of the world" (40CC: 461-478). PDF 1454KB

Tumangday, Miriam S.

"Glimpses of human nature: Some implications for Seventh-day Adventist education" (No. 112-92; 7CC: 289-308). PDF 916KB

Tumangday, Nick G.

"Bible teaching for values transformation" (No. 113-92; 7CC: 309-328). PDF 1,504KB

Tyner, Stuart

"Par la grace: La seule véritable formation du caractère" (35B/CC: 303-308). PDF 1519KB



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