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Madriaga, Nelson M.

"Aesthetic and ethical values in selected Philippine poems and short stories" (No. 144-93; 11CC: 61-78). PDF

Madson, Greg

"Une école centrée en Christ pour la formation du caractère" (35B/CC: 221-224). PDF 1037KB

Mafile'o, Tracie

"Fostering research in a Christian university: a paradigm shift for Adventist higher education in the South Pacific Islands" (40CC: 227-244). PDF 1345KB

Mafu, Hezekiel

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church and the traditional rain-cults in Africa" (No. 336-98; 21CC: 205-224). PDF

Maguad, Ben A.

"A total quality approach to Adventist education" (No. 375-99; 24CC: 157-176). PDF

"Managing for quality in higher education: a biblical perspective" (40CC: 245-264). PDF 1217KB

Mahlungulu, Sarah N.

"The life of Christ and its relevance to modern professional nursing" (No. 171-93; 12CC: 297-308). PDF

Mahon, Penny

"The search for integration: A study of the faith journey in the poetry of Gerald Manley Hopkins" (33CC: 193-212). PDF 165 KB

Maidom-Lampadam, Ritha

"Integrating faith and learning in teaching English as a second language: Possibilities in Grammar classes" (No. 447-00, 27CC: 169-186). PDF

Maiyo, Barnabas K.

"Alienation, human values and ecology: The role of a Christian geographer" (No. 133-93; 10CC: 297-310). PDF

Makinde, Yetunde O.

"Nutrition, health and faith: Incidents of hypertension among Seventh-day Adventists in four diet groups - Evidence from South-Western Nigeria" (38CC: 165-182). PDF 1101KB

Maloon, Richard G.

"Micro-societe: La formation du caractère par l'expérience" (35B/CC: 225-228). PDF 1280KB

Mambo, Marianne Martha

"Morphologie et syntaxe: Vers la demonstration des valeurs chrétiennes dans le cours de linguistique" (36CC: 119-132). PDF 519KB

Manalo, Eppie A.

"Teacher-student interaction: Development of Christian values via critical thinking activities" (No. 145-93; 11CC: 79-96). PDF

Manspeaker, Barbara L.

"Did I do all I could? Personal evangelism for teachers" (8CC: 175-180). PDF

"Fiz eu tudo o que pude? Evangelismo pessoal para professores" (15CC: 427-430). PDF

Manuel, Beulah

"Developing Christian values through the teaching of English literature" (No. 091-90; 6CC: 97-115). PDF

Manyonga, Faith

"Feminist literary theory: A Christian approach" (34A/CC: 245-264). PDF 1107KB

Maphosa, Antonia

"Biblical values on dress in teaching clothing and textiles" (33CC: 213-230). PDF

Maphosa, Norman

"Critical skills for chief executives in Adventist institutions of higher learning" (No. 162-93; 12CC: 143-160). PDF

Maquera Sosa, Jorge P.

"El valor del servicio como principio fundamental de una administración adventista" (32CC: 153-168). PDF

"Integración fe y enseñanza en matemáticas (Caso: relaciones y funciones)" (No. 313-98; 20CC: 147-164). PDF 824KB

Marcó, Julio Alejandro

"Iglesia, estado y educación adventista" (No. 180-94; 13CC: 161-175). PDF

Marshalleck, Edith G.

"Fostering discernment among Adventist college youth" (No. 261-96; 17CC: 193-212). PDF

Martin, Jean-Michel

"The concept of God among Adventist elementary and secondary students: Findings and implications" (No. 203-94; 14CC: 271-290). PDF

Martin, José-Alvaro

"L'éducation Adventiste: former dans une espérance critique"(36CC: 133-142). PDF 730KB

Martin, Lana B.

"Effects of excessive computer use among youth: Implications for social and spiritual development" (35A/CC: 483-502). PDF 985KB

"The impact of human emotions upon learning: A Christian perspective" (No. 295-97; 19CC: 157-172). PDF

Martinez Calleja, Noemi

"Transmettre les valeurs chrétiennes dans la classe d'anglais à l'école primaire" (36CC: 143-158). PDF 1440KB

Martini, José Paulo

"Internato adventista e o desenvolvimento da autodeterminação do educando: Experiência do Instituto Adventista Paranaense" (No. 224-94; 15CC: 213-226). PDF

Marwa, Janeth J.

"Managing Christian institutions through a focused vision" (37A/CC: 239-252). PDF 953KB

Masinda, Joseph I.

"Efficiency: A crucial ingredient in the success of an Adventist college" (No. 356-98; 23CC: 163-180). PDF

Mateo, María Isabel

"La doctrina bíblica de la creación en la enseñanza del inglés" (39CC: 177-198). PDF 1682KB

Mathema, S. P.

"Integrating faith and learning in SDA schools in the Zambesi Union: A proposal" (No. 083-90; 5CC: 281-292). PDF

Mathema, Zacchaeus A.

"Traditional African religiosity and Christian discipleship: An educational perspective" (No. 357-98; 23CC: 181-200). PDF

Matos, Admir Arrais de

"Developing textbooks in the natural sciences that integrate faith and learning: An experience in Brazil" (No. 118-93; 10CC: 21-40). PDF

Matthews, John V. G.

"An historicist-prophetic framework for the study of church history in tertiary education" (No. 134-93; 10CC: 311-330). PDF

Matthews, Lionel

"Dimensions of the integration of faith and learning: A sociological perspective" (No. 376-99; 24CC: 177-196). PDF

"Sociology: A biblical perspective" (34B/CC: 193-216). PDF 1199KB

Mauri, Renato G.

"A integração entre os aspectos sociais da morte e a educação cristã" (29CC: 171-186). PDF

Mayboroda, Olena

"Information technology: Managerial aspects of the integration of faith and learning" (30CC: 129-146). PDF

Mayden, Harry

"Christian administration: Relationships and responsibilities" (No. 278-96; 18CC: 113-123). PDF

Mayer, Burkhard

"The five-fold role of a Christian teacher" (31A/CC: 263-280). PDF

Mazat, Alberta

"Está a castidade fora de moda?" (15CC: 415-418). PDF

"Ha pasado de moda la castidad?" (20CC: 615-618). PDF

Mbyirukira,James B.

"Fostering the Adventist ethos in a university campus: An African perspective" (No. 279-96; 18CC: 125-143). PDF

McBride, Duane C.

"L'imagination sociologique et une vision chrétienne du monde" (22CC: 217-220). PDF

"The sociological imagination and a Christian worldview" (18CC: 355-358). PDF

McBride, Duane and Giem, Jacquelyn

"The Christian church and society: some functions, dysfunctions, conflict, and interactions" (34B/CC: 167-192). PDF 1697KB

McClarty, Wilma

"An analysis of the book of Esther as literature" (No. 012-88; 1CC: 213-232). PDF

"A Bíblia e a arte do século XX" (15CC: 423-426). PDF

"El libro de Ester: ¿Una obra literaria?" (20CC: 627-630). PDF

"La Bible et l'art au XXe siècle : L'influence des Ecritures se fait-elle encore sentir ?" (22CC: 221-224). PDF

"La Biblia y las artes en el siglo XX" (20CC: 631-634). PDF

"Le livre d'Esther : Une oeuvre litteraire ?" (22CC: 225-228). PDF

"O livro de Ester como literatura?" (15CC: 419-422). PDF

"The Bible and 20th-century art" (8CC: 181-184). PDF

"Why teach the Bible as literature?" (8CC: 185-188). PDF

McClure, Alfred

"Pourquoi notre eglise se mêle-t-elle d'éducation?" (35B/CC: 229-234). PDF 1626KB

McDonald, Errol

"Have I got a story for you: The narrative factor in Christian education" (No. 335-98; 21CC: 185-203). PDF

McGarrell, Shirley

"Faith and fiction: An inspiring dilemma for Seventh-day Adventist teachers of literature" (No. 204-94; 14CC: 291-310). PDF

"Literature: Bringing pleasure and value to young readers" (18CC: 359-362). PDF

Mchunu, Zodwa

"The role of a librarian in a Christian college" (No. 163-93; 12CC: 161-173). PDF

McLymont, Enid F.

"Fostering the learning climate through cognitive coaching discourses: A research-based model" (34A/CC: 225-244). PDF 1787KB

Mdakane, Joseph J.

"Enhancing intrinsic motivation in secondary school students: A Christian approach" (No. 164-93; 12CC: 175-194). PDF

Melgosa, Julián M.

"Teaching the culture of Spain with a Christian mind" (No. 027-88; 2CC: 153-172). PDF

Melgosa, Julián et Hsu, Eugene

"Questions d'éthique pour les comités directeurs d'universités" (35B/CC: 235-240). PDF 1099KB

Mendoza, Merlyn R.

"Reflecting Christ in my business: Integrating Christian values in marketing classes" (35A/CC: 201-220). PDF 1173KB

Mensah, C. A.

"Vocational implications of Adventist educational philosophy for secondary education in Ghana" (No. 078-90; 5CC: 199-218). PDF

Mensah, Vida N.

"'Aprons' and 'Garments': implications for Christian dress standards" (34A/CC: 265-282) PDF 1494KB

Merchán, Yolanda Zapata de

"Las competencias comunicativas de un educador adventista" (32CC: 169-188). PDF

Merchant, Marion

"The farther reaches of the social sciences" (8CC: 56-59). PDF

Merga, Getahun

"What would Jesus expect of a chemistry teacher?" (38CC: 183-202). PDF 2192KB

Mesa, Carlos Alberto

"Integración fe-enseñanza: Guía pedagógica" (32CC: 489-510). PDF

"Lineamientos básicos para un proyecto educativo adventista a un nivel medio: Prioridades y objetivos" (No. 181-94; 13CC: 175-192). PDF

Mhlanga, Paul

"Stewardship of the environment: An Adventist imperative" (No. 430-00; 26A/CC: 251-270). PDF

Mihaicuta, Stefan

"Health evangelism in a university campus: A Romanian perspective" (No. 291-97; 19CC: 173-188). PDF

Miller, Nicholas P.

"The Bible, Law, and Freedom: Biblical Insights into Natural Law and Human Freedom" (31B/CC: 239-256) PDF

Miller, P. Wayne

"Team sports in Adventist education: Another look" (No. 297-97; 19CC: 189-203). PDF

Miranda, José Avilés

"La responsabilidad social del profesor y el universitario adventista" (No. 172-94; 13CC: 1-19). PDF 928KB

Mitchell, Norman L.

"Finding the harmony between faith and science in college classes" (8CC: 189-192). PDF 782KB

Monasterio, Mamerto Medina

"El arte, el juego y el servicio" (No. 314-98; 20CC: 165-184). PDF 1,384KB

Moncrieff, Scott

"Adventists and fiction: Another look" (18CC: 363-366). PDF 1,184KB

"Les adventistes et la fiction en littérature : Un autre regard" (22CC: 229-231). PDF 965KB

"Los adventistas y la literatura de ficción: Otra perspectiva" (20CC: 619-622 ). PDF 1,290KB

"Something to talk about: Ideas for teaching literature and writing" (8CC: 193-196). PDF 311KB

Moncrieffe, Orlando M.

"The book of Ecclesiastes: Paradigm for a Christian worldview" (No. 262-96; 17CC: 213-229). PDF 1,507KB

Moore, Robert C.

"Nurturing faith in Math class" (33CC: 563-566). PDF 300KB

Moróz, Ofélia Wichert

"Satisfazendo as necessidades dos estudantes do 1º e 2º graus em uma escola cristã" (No. 226-94; 15CC: 225-245). PDF 1,281KB

"Satisfazendo as necessidades dos estudantes do 1º e 2º graus em uma escola cristã" (No. 225-94; 15CC: 227-247). PDF 1,281KB

Morrison, Patrick B.

"Le cours de religion : Source de vie ou de léthargie ?" (22CC: 233-236). PDF 808KB

"The religious classroom: Life-giving or lethargic?" (12CC: 369-372). PDF 583KB

Mtango, Gladness

"Practical research on poverty: A case study at Bugema University" (No. 358-98; 23CC: 201-218). PDF 649KB

Muchee, Tabitha M.

"Sex education and HIV/AIDS: An urgent task for Christian home economists" (33CC: 231-246). PDF 1488KB

Mückenberger, Everson

"Comprometimento com a igreja: Um estudo exploratório com alunos de uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira" (29CC: 187-206). PDF 1,595KB

Mugerwa, Reuben T.

"'As the Father sent me, so send I you': A New Testament rationale for Christ in the classroom" (33CC: 247-264). PDF 1103KB

Muller, Detlef

"Teaching social work: A Christian perspective" (31A/CC: 281-300). PDF 1374KB

Muller, Heriberto C.

"Adventist education in the Euro-Asia Division: Present and future" (30CC: 147-160). PDF 792KB

Mumbo, Duncan O.

"Conveying Christian values through the worship experience" (No. 359-98; 23CC: 219-238). PDF 1,154KB

Mundy, Bill

"Ciencia y religión: dos aproximaciones a la realidad" (20CC: 623-625). PDF 403KB

"Comparison and contrast of scientific and religious paradigms and their use" (No. 035-89; 3CC: 1-20). PDF 1,044KB

"Ciência e religião: Duas abordagens a compreensão da realidade" (15CC: 431-435). PDF 735KB

"Science et religion : Deux approaches de la compréhension de la réalité" (22CC: 237-240). PDF 378KB

"The Bible and Physics" (31B/CC: 257-284) PDF 1293KB

Muñoz, Claudio Durán

"La Biblia como texto literario" (No. 308-98; 20CC: 55-67). PDF 587KB

Murdoch, Daryl

"Mission of Adventist schools with a changing clientele: An Australian perspective" (37A/CC: 253-272). PDF 1602KB 440KB

Musvosvi, Denford

"Discipline: The acid test of a Christian school" (No. 082-90; 5CC: 271-280). PDF

Mutaki, Mishael Chigula

"Preventing and resolving interpersonal conflicts in Adventist educational institutions" (34A/CC: 283-302). PDF 1634KB

Mutch, G. William

"Integrando fé e ensino nas ciências físicas" (15CC: 435-438). PDF 1119KB

"Integrating faith and learning in the physical sciences" (8CC: 197-200). PDF 343KB

"L'intégration de la foi et de l'enseignement : Les sciences physiques:" (22CC: 241-244). PDF 1,120KB

Mutinga, Mutuku J.

"Educating for health" (No. 337-98; 21CC: 225-239). PDF 1,191KB

Muze, Mishael S.

"Adventist work-experience education: A case study of Eastern Africa Division tertiary institutions" (No. 104-92; 7CC: 133-152). PDF 926KB

Mwesa, John A.

"The choice of African music in Adventist educational institutions" (No. 360-98; 23CC: 239-258). PDF 1,442KB

Myung, Ji-won

"Holistic education in teacher-student relationships" (30CC: 161-176).



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