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Volumen 30


Anthony A. Aaby. "Certainty, infinity, and impossibility: Implications for faith and learning." pp. 1-18  PDF 1,620KB
Sung Sook Choi. "The relationship between diet and intestinal microflora: A biblical perspective." pp. 19-34  PDF 897KB
Laurel Dovich. "Our Creator -The master engineer." pp. 35-54   PDF 1,604KB
Seogsoon Kang. "Composition assignments for secondary level students that foster the integration of faith and learning." pp. 55-76  PDF 1,145KB
Sally Lam-Phoon. "The Christian student's search for God's will: A counseling perspective for Christian educators." pp. 77-96   PDF 1,495KB
Tae Eun Lee. "Architectural design and spiritual life: Illustrations and parallels." pp. 97-110   PDF 2,431KB
Kyung Hee Lee. "Spiritual lessons in the study of mathematics: A secondary school perspective." pp. 111-128  PDF 688KB

Olena Mayboroda. "Information technology: Managerial aspects of the integration of faith and learning." pp. 129-146  PDF 1,464KB

Heriberto C. Muller. "Adventist education in the Euro-Asia Division: Present and future." pp. 147-160  PDF 792KB
Ji-won Myung. "Holistic education in teacher-student relationships." pp. 161-176  PDF 510KB
Memory Sampson, "Understanding moral and social issues in literature: Examples in four British and American novels." pp. 177-196  PDF 1,597KB
Dong-kyun Shin. "Integrating the Bible in the study of English as a second language in a secondary school." pp. 197-214  PDF 753KB
Aeree Sohn. "Transtheoretical model as applied to Adventist health behavior change among university students." pp. 215-232   PDF 991KB
Wolfgang Stammler. "Holistic student development in a university residence hall: Adventist philosophy and goals." pp. 233-248   PDF 882KB
Masaji Uyeda. "The role of divine agencies in Adventist education: An Ellen G. White perspective." pp. 249-262   PDF 943KB

Woi Sook So. "A Christian approach to nursing management: A personal application." pp. 263-284  PDF 1,051KB

Caroline M. Wrightman. "Understanding demon possession and mental illness: A biblical-Christian perspective." pp. 285-300   PDF 766KB
Jong Tae Yoon. "Better understanding of the Bible through mathematical illustrations." pp. 301-320  PDF 994KB
Earl Aagaard. "A believer's approach to the sciences." pp. 321-328  PDF 771KB
Earl Aagaard. "A biblical approach to origins." pp. 329-340   PDF 1,163KB
Earl Aagaard. "Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of biology." pp. 341-350  PDF 908KB
Lisa M. Beardsley. "A theology of health, healing and wholeness." pp. 351-362   PDF 632KB
Lisa M. Beardsley. "Fostering creativity and innovation in Adventist education." pp. 363-376   PDF 642KB
Lisa M. Beardsley. "Theories of intelligence, and epistemology and the challenge for educators." pp. 377-396  PDF 1,027KB
John Wesley Taylor V. "Adventist education in a postmodern world." pp. 397-407   PDF 817KB



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