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Volumen 28


Grace O. Adeoye. "Water Supply, Environmental Hygiene and Health."  pp. 001-017  PDF 327KB
Godwin Nwadibia Aja. "Biblico-Historical Foundations of Public Health: An Adventist Perspective."  pp. 019-037  PDF 219KB
Robert Akpalu. "Mathematical Reasoning: Implications for the Contemporay Christian." pp. 039-058  PDF 836KB
Nnodimele Onuigbo Atulomah. "A conceptual framework for integrating Christian values in teaching reproductive and family health." pp. 059-076  PDF 1561KB
Bernard Franklin Bempong. "Faith, your psychological tool for success." pp. 077-094  PDF 765KB
Aina Ayandiji Daniel. "Survey Research as a Tool for Communication and evangelism." pp. 095-114  PDF 816KB
Sunday A. Idowu. "Fractal Geometry: Mathematical tool for modeling the natural world." pp. 115-134  PDF 751KB

Elden G. Kamwendo. "The role of administrative and support units of an Adventist university in forstering integration of faith and learning." pp. 135-154  PDF 1,110KB

Paul Katamba. "Information Technology and Adventist education: Opportunities and Challenges."  pp. 155-174  PDF 1,621KB
Un Bae Kim. "Contemporary popular culture and christian responsibility: A Korean Adventist perspective."  pp. 175-191  PDF 1,154KB
J.A. Koyode Makinde. "The social-political environment of Adventist higher education: Babcock University perspectives." pp. 193-212  PDF 1,959KB
Paul Kakule Mithimbo. "The power of relationships and modeling in Aventist education: Ellen G. White perspective." pp. 213-230  PDF 1,137KB
Zachary Mngo Y. "The accounting lecturer's role in integrating biblical values with learning." pp. 231-250  PDF 1,287KB
Davison Mwanahiba. "The accounting lecturer's role in integrating biblical values with learning." pp. 251-270  PDF 1,308KB
Issacar Ntakirutimana. "Ecology and human well-being." pp. 271-290  PDF 1,073KB

John O.U. Odiase. "The role of a university library in Africa: A Christian perspective." pp. 291-304  PDF 744KB

Chimezie A. Omeonu. "The teacher as a symbolic model." pp. 305-322  PDF 932KB
Olawale J. Omotosho. "The calendar, the millenium, computer technology and the certainty of Bible prophecies." pp. 323-342  PDF 1,572KB
William O. Ondari. "Poverty and wealth: A Christian perspective."  pp. 343-362  PDF 1,868KB
John Odiambo Otewa. "Restoration of the environment: An Adventist perspective."  pp. 363-380  PDF 1,179KB
Mabel Owusu-Antwi. "Carpe Diem: Secular and Christian literary approaches." pp. 383-400  PDF 864KB
Renato Stencel. "Voltaire: A critical perspective." pp. 401-420  PDF 1,068KB
Carol Maurine Sutcliffe. "Respect for learners: A Christian didactic perspective."  pp. 421-440  PDF 1,596KB
Ademola Stephen Tayo. "B.F. Skinner's theory and education: A Christian critique."  pp. 441-460  PDF 913KB
Grace Oluwatoyin Tayo. "Sustainable agriculture: God's plan, man's discovery."  pp. 461-477  PDF 743KB
Samson K. Twumasi. "Adventist dissident groups in Africa: Integrative skills for religion teachers and ministerial students." pp. 479-498  PDF 929KB
Daniel Zo'o Zo'o. "Teaching francophone Negro African literature from a Christian perspective." pp. 499-512  PDF 734KB
Ben Clausen. "A believing scientist approaches the sciences." pp. 513-529  PDF 1,611KB
Hudson Kibuuka. "Challenges of integration of faith and learning in the era of massification and globalization of higher education." pp. 531-544  PDF 869KB
Ron du Preez. "Integrating faith in the pre-post- and co-curricular practices of an Adventist campus."  pp. 545-568  PDF 1,764KB
Ron du Preez. "Instilling Christian values into the extra-curricular activities of an Adventist educational institution."  pp. 569-592  PDF 1,663KB
Ron du Preez. "Nurturing faith through Bible, religion and theology courses at Adventist institutions."  pp. 593-612  PDF 1,208KB
Don C. Roy. "Integrating faith and learning revisted: A cosmic perspective."  pp. 613-625  PDF 1,020KB
Don C. Roy. "Viewing the school as a community of faith."  pp. 627-636  PDF 852KB
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