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Carstens, Jon A.

"Rembrandt: La jornada espiritual de un artista" (20CC: 517-519). PDF

"Rembrandt : Le parcours spirituel d'un artiste" (22CC: 53-56).  PDF

"Rembrandt: The spiritual journey of an artist" (18CC: 285-287). PDF

Cobb, Gene

" A contemporary role for the campus art gallery" (8CC: 87-89). PDF

Hongisto, Patrizia

" Art: The expression of the inexpresible within ethics" (No. 102-92; 7CC: 95-114). PDF

McClarty, Wilma

" A Bíblia e a arte do século XX" (15CC: 421-424). PDF

" La Biblia y las artes en el siglo XX" (20CC: 631-634). PDF

" La Bible et l'art au XXe siècle : L'influence des Ecritures se fait-elle encore sentir? " (22CC: 221-224). PDF

"The Bible and 20th-century art" (8CC: 181-184). PDF

Rocha, Nidélci L.

"Integração fé-ensino através da arte-educação" (No. 501-02; 29CC: 269-286). PDF

Sol, Pieter

"Aqui sou apenas um peregrino: Vincent van Gogh em seu centenário" (15CC: 465-469). PDF

"Extranjero soy en la tierra: Vincent van Gogh en su centenario" (20CC: 683-686). PDF

"I am but a stranger here: Vincent van Gogh in his centennial" (8CC: 273-276). PDF

"Je ne suis qu'un étranger ici : Vincent Van Gogh" (22CC: 329-332). PDF

South Pacific Division Department of Education

"Arts: SDA Secondary Curriculum." Silver Spring, MD: Institute for Christian Teaching, 1990 (Also available in French: "Art", and Spanish: "Arte") PDF

Spring, Glenn

"In the image of God: The creative act in teaching and learning" (No. 342-98; 21CC: 315-334). PDF

Wendth, Norman L.

"Educando a mente: Belas artes para o estudante universitário de hoje" (15CC: 491-493). PDF

"Eduquer l'imagination : Les beaux-arts et les étudiants d'aujourd'hui" (22CC: 365-368). PDF


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