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Kamwendo, Elden G.

"The role of administrative and support units of an Adventist university in forstering integration of faith and learning" (No. 466-00; 28CC: 135-154). PDF

Kamwendo, Ellah

"Transmitting Christian values in teaching law of contract at Solusi University" (33CC: 173-192). PDF

Kang, Seogsoon

"Composition assignments for secondary level students that foster the integration of faith and learning" (30CC: 55-76). PDF

Kanondo, Adrienne K.

"The language of mathematics: A biblical perspective" (No. 385-99; 24CC: 403-416). PDF

Kanyandekwe, Samuel

"La Bible et les principes de management" (No. 391-00; 25CC: 87-100). PDF

Kanyarukiga, Ephraïm S. K.

"L’évangile face aux cultures en Afrique : Le rôle de la littérature" (No. 392-00; 25CC: 101-116). PDF

Karlow, Edwin A.

"Parables from science: A synthesis of thought" (No. 010-88; 1CC: 175-192). PDF

Katamba, Paul

"Information technology and Adventist education: Opportunities and challenges" (No. 467-00; 28CC: 155-174). PDF

"The Internet as a resource: A Christian perspective" (35A/CC: 125-144). PDF 1306KB

Kayigema, Jacques

"Conveying Biblical beliefs and values through teaching English as a second official language: Use of Proverbs and selected texts" (34A/CC: 207-224). PDF 1172KB

Kennedy, Anne-Marie

"Teaching values: Developing a curricular framework for Adventist schools" (No. 333-98; 21CC: 149-166). PDF

Kennedy, Elaine

"Buscando a los antepasados de Adán" (20CC: 589-593). PDF

"Comment distinguer entre faits et interprétation" (35B/CC: 169-174). PDF 1670KB

"Données et interprétations: quelle différence?" (35B/CC: 175-180). PDF 441KB

"The search for Adam’s ancestors" (18CC: 341-346). PDF

Kennedy, M. Elaine

"A biblical approach to geology" (26A/CC:503-527). PDF

"A la recherche des ancêtres d’Adam" (22CC: 163-168). PDF

"Ces dinosaures si intrigants" (22CC: 169-172). PDF

"Data and interpretation: Knowing the difference" (33CC: 513-518). PDF

"El intrigante dinosaurio" (20CC: 595-598). PDF

"Quand la croûte terrestre explose" (22CC: 173-176). PDF

"Science and religion: Interpreting the data" (13CC: 305-312). PDF

"The Bible and geology" (No. 412-00; 26B/CC: 405-426). PDF

"The intriguing dinosaur" (11CC: 275-278). PDF

"When the Earth’s crust explodes" (33CC: 519-522). PDF

Kerbs, Raúl

"Ethics in postmodernism" (33CC: 523-526). PDF

"L'éthique à l'époque postmoderne" (35B/CC: 181-184). PDF 321KB

"Observaciones epistemológicas e históricas preliminares sobre la relación fe-razón desde una perspectiva cristiana adventista" (No. 179-94; 13CC: 141-159). PDF

Kettle, Waggnoor M.

"O professor de contabilidade e finanças: Uma perspectiva adventista" (29CC: 153-170). PDF

Kibirango, Moses M.

"Customer relationship management: a Christian perspective" (40CC: 187-204). PDF 1357KB

Kibuuka, Hudson E.

"Mission and identity of Seventh-day Adventist schools" (33CC: 527-531). PDF

"The role of the institution and the teacher in the integration of faith and learning: A two-dimensional approach for Adventist tertiary institutions" (No. 160-93; 12CC: 103-120). PDF

"Spiritual values in mathematics: A procedural approach to the integration of faith and mathematics teaching for teacher trainees" (No. 271-90; 17CC: 399-414). PDF

Kijai, Jimmy and Matthews, John

"Religious beliefs and practices of Buddhist students at Adventist colleges in Thailand: Implication for integrating faith with learning" (35A/CC: 145-164). PDF 952KB

Kim, Hong Ryan

"Launching an integration of faith and learning program through the academic leadership team of a Christian college" (No. 055-89; 4CC: 91-104). PDF

Kim, Un Bae

"Contemporary popular culture and Christian responsibility:  A Korean Adventist perspective" (No. 468-00; 28CC: 175-191). PDF

King, Greg A.

"La vérité sur la vérité" (35B/CC: 185-188). PDF 258KB

Kis, Miroslav M.

"Authority, Bible, and Christian ethics" (No. 413-00; 26B/CC: 427-456). PDF

"Teaching ethics: Why is it important?  How should it be done?" (8CC:  149-152). PDF

Kizito, Josiah

"Environmental education: Caring for God's creatures" (No. 161-93; 12CC: 121-141). PDF

Klein, Trudy Carpenter

"Service and wholism in the teaching and practice of parish nursing" (No. 294-97; 19CC: 141-156). PDF

Klingbeil, Gerald A.

"The stones still cry out!" (33CC: 532-536). PDF

Knight, George R.

"Enseigner la religion ou enseigner la théologie? Un équilibre à atteindre" (35B/CC: 189-192). PDF 998KB

"L'éducation adventiste, pourquoi?" (35B/CC: 193-196). PDF 1309KB

"Les objectifs de l'éducation adventiste: Une perspective historique" (35B/CC: 197-202). PDF 1579KB

"Philosophy: The most useful of all subjects" (8CC: 153-155). PDF

"Qu’est-ce qu’il est le plus important de connaître ?" (22CC: 181-184). PDF

"Qual é o conhecimento mais importante?  Colégios adventistas em busca de significado" (15CC: 407-410). PDF

"Teaching religion versus teaching theology: An unbalanced emphasis?" (33CC: 537-540). PDF

"Teaching theology at the center versus a theology of the edges" (33CC: 541-544). PDF

"What knowledge is of most worth?  Adventist colleges and the search for meaning" (8CC: 157-159). PDF

Knittel, Frank

"The college's role in integrating faith and learning" (8CC: 161-164). PDF

Koh, Linda Mei Lin

"Brain and mind: A Christian perspective" (No. 129-93; 10CC: 221-238). PDF

Koh, Oliver K. S.

"Worship and school life" (No. 334-98; 21CC: 167-183). PDF

Kootsey, J. Mailen

"Comprendre le mécanisme de la nature : Dernière pièce du puzzle ?" (22CC: 185-188). PDF

"La naturaleza: ¿Un rompecabezas?"  (20CC: 599-601). PDF

"Understanding how nature works" (18CC: 347-350). PDF

Korchuk, Viacheslav

"A strategy for the transmission of Christian beliefs and values to students: The case of the Ukrainian College of Arts and Sciences" (35A/CC: 165-184). PDF 1061KB

Korniejczuk, Raquel B. de

"Faith and learning at institutional level: An integrative approach-The experience of the University of Montemorelos" (35A/CC: 425-442). PDF 1259KB

"Integración fe-aprendizaje: Teoría y práctica - parte I" (20CC: 441-458). PDF

"Integración fe-aprendizaje: Teoría y práctica - parte II" (20CC: 459-486). PDF

"Integración fe-enseñanza: De los conceptos a la práctica docente en la educación superior" (32CC: 451-464). PDF

"Integração fé-aprendizagem: Teoria e prática (Parte I)" (29CC: 503-518). PDF

"Integração fé-aprendizagem: Teoria e prática (Parte II)" (29CC: 519-540). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: Fundamental concepts and the mission of Adventist higher education" (35A/CC: 443-458). PDF 1098KB

"Integration of faith and learning: Theory and practice - part I" (21CC: 377-394). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: Theory and practice - part II" (21CC: 395-415). PDF

"Integration of faith and learning: The teacher's role" (35A/C: 459-470) PDF 706KB

"The teacher as agent in integrating faith and learning: The process of deliberate teacher implementation" (No. 130-93; 10CC: 239-255). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel I. and Paul S. Brantley

"From creeds to deeds: Teacher integration of faith and learning in the classroom" (12CC: 353-358). PDF

Korniejczuk, Raquel I. et Paul S. Brantley

"De la pensée à l’action : L’intégration de la foi et de l’apprentissage dans la salle de classe par le professeur" (22CC: 189-196). PDF

Korniejczuk, Víctor Andrés

"Desarrollo de la fe durante la vida del estudiante" (32CC: 465-488). PDF

"Psychological theories of religious development: A Seventh-day Adventist perspective" (No. 131-93; 10CC: 257-276). PDF

"Un enfoque crítico de la teoría de Jean Piaget desde una perspectiva adventista" (No. 066-89; 4CC: 303-321). PDF

Kumara, C.K.G. Ashoka

"A Christian preschool curriculum in an Asian context" (No. 276-96; 18CC: 83-96). PDF

Kuntaraf, Jonathan

"Teaching history from an Adventist perspective: Some philosophical and methodological concepts" (No. 025-88; 2CC: 109-128). PDF

Kurian, Joy C.

"Ellen White's concepts on mental health compared with psychology and the health sciences" (37A/CC: 199-220). PDF 1312KB

Kurth-Wright, Charleen

"La foi et l’emploi du temps" (22CC: 197-200). PDF

"Making faith a part of your daily schedule" (12CC: 359-362). PDF

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