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Ha, Namjoo

"Teaching spiritual concepts in the microbiology classroom: An illustrative approach" (No.425-00; 26A/CC:159-176). PDF

Habenicht, Donna

"Have they gotten the message? How children view salvation" (18CC: 335-339). PDF

Habenicht, Donna J.

"Ont-ils compris ? Comment nos enfants envisagent le salut" (22CC: 135-138). PDF

"The Bible and psychology" (No. 410-00; 26B/CC: 305-359). PDF

Habenicht, Donna et Burton, Larry

"Mettre les enfants en rapport avec Dieu par la prière et l'adoration" (35B/CC: 143-148). PDF 1070KB

Haluska, Jan

"The Bible and literature" (No. 411-00; 26B/CC: 361-403). PDF

Hamerslough, Walter S.

"Physical education and sport from a Christian perspective" (No. 128-93; 10CC: 205-219). PDF

Hamm, Minon A.

"What is truth? Composition assignments for growth in values" (No. 008-88; 1CC: 129-150). PDF

Hammond, James M.

"A Christian perspective on the counseling of multicultural populations" (33CC: 137-154). PDF

Harvery, A.

"Healing, salvation and evangelism" (24CC: 381-402). PDF

Harwood, Lockton A.

"Os adventistas e o ambiente" (15CC: 411-414). PDF

Hasel, Frank M.

"A revolucão de Thomas Kuhn: Uma nova forma de se entender a ciência" (15CC: 393-396). PDF

"La revolución de Thomas Kuhn" (20CC: 577-579). PDF

"La révolution de Thomas Kuhn" (22CC: 139-142). PDF

"Scientific revolution: An analysis and evaluation of Thomas Kuhn’s concept of paradigm and paradigm change for theology" (8CC: 115-132). PDF

"Thomas Kuhn’s revolution: A new way of looking at science" (8CC:  133-136). PDF

Hawks, Paul N.

"Using the Bible to stimulate critical thinking" (8CC: 137-140). PDF

Hayward, James L.

"Enseigner les sciences en chrétien: Foi évidence, interprétation, humilité" (35B/CC: 149-152). PDF 1497KB

Heller, Paul

"La discipline: une œuvre belle mais difficile" (35B/CC: 153-158). PDF 1397KB

Hemmings, Olive J.

"Knowledge as a quest for God: Implications for teaching" (No. 257-96; 17CC: 115-134). PDF

Henry, Iris I.

"Teaching Shakespeare within the context of Christian faith: A case study of Macbeth" (No. 258-96; 17CC: 135-154). PDF

Henry, Michael St. G.

"The role of vocational studies in Adventist secondary education" (No. 259-96; 17CC: 155-170). PDF

Hewitt, Liane

"Integrating Christian faith and beliefs at a distance education site" (No. 292-97; 19CC: 109-128). PDF

Higgens, Deborah

"Allegory in C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A window to the gospel of John" (No. 196-94; 14CC: 147-164). PDF

Higgs, Leon L.

"The teaching of business ethics and social values in the SDA college business curriculum: A conceptual model" (No. 009-88; 1CC: 151-173). PDF

Hill, Barry

"Developing healthy emotions in the curriculum of Seventh-day Adventist schools and colleges: Some suggestions" (No. 071-90; 5CC: 75-90). PDF

"Comment utiliser les « structures éducatives » afin de susciter la foi des étudiants du secondaire" (22CC: 143-148). PDF

"Estruturas curriculares: Como edificar a fé dos alunos de nível secundário" (15CC: 397-402). PDF

"Teaching values in Adventist education" (6CC: 303-320). PDF

"Using curriculum frameworks to build faith in secondary students" (8CC:  141-144). PDF

Hill, Georgina

"Preventing plagiarism" (33CC: 497-500). PDF

Hohn, Siegbert L.

"Teaching modern languages from a Christian perspective" (No. 037-89; 3CC: 41-60). PDF

Hoilette, Newton

"The same gift: ‘And . . . to some, pastors and teachers’" (8CC: 145-148). PDF

Hole, Erica

"The affective dimension in adult foreign language learning: A Christian teacher’s perspective" (33CC: 155-172). PDF 65 KB

Hollingsead, Candice C. Haas

"Toward a Christ-centered view of scholarship in post-modern academia" (34A/CC: 171-190) PDF 1977KB

Hong, Young Pyo

"The schools of the prophets: A model for alternative Adventist education in Korea" (No. 443-00, 27CC 99-112). PDF

Hongisto, Leif

"Teaching biblical apocalyptic literature" (No. 101-92; 7CC: 75-94). PDF

Hongisto, Patrizia

"Art: The expression of the inexpresible within ethics" (No. 102-92; 7CC: 95-114). PDF

Hopkins, Gary L., Talin Babikian, Duane McBride, and Anita Oliver

"Media messages: How do they affect our youth?" (33CC: 501-506). PDF

Hosokawa, Elder

"Utilização da Bíblia e biografias denominacionais em aulas de história nas escolas secundárias adventistas" (No. 222-94; 15CC: 173-191). PDF

Houliston, Brian

"Technology education: A vital point of faith and living" (No. 068-90; 5CC: 017-031). PDF

Howe, Vernon

"Chaos: A new mathematical paradigm" (No. 197-94; 14CC: 165-182). PDF

Howe, Winona

"The Growing Good of the World: Personal and corporate redemption in three Victorian novelists" (No. 198-94; 14CC: 183-200). PDF

Hosokawa, Elder

"Integração da fé nas Ciências Sociais: Considerações sobre sua constituiçao no Brasil e pressupostos essenciais" (29CC: 495-502). PDF

Hughes, Owen L.

"Created in the image of God: A Christian view of human personality" (No. 023-88; 2CC: 075-094). PDF

"Creados a imagen de Dios" (20CC: 581-584). PDF

"Créé à l’image de Dieu : Une conception chrétienne de la personnalité" (22CC: 155-158). PDF

"Visão cristã da personalidade humana" (15CC: 403-406). PDF

Hyde Bradley G.

"Moral choice: Deterministic, random, or free will?" (No. 103-92; 7CC: 115-132). PDF

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