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Volumen 38


Lydia D. Andrews. "Teaching midwifery to nursing students from a biblical-Christian perspective." pp. 1-16 PDF 1817KB
Danilo Boskovic. "The paradigm of the participatory universe." pp. 17-38 PDF 1593KB
Dale C. Claveria. "Object lessons from the basic principles of chemistry." pp. 39-58 PDF 1482KB
Gaspar F. Colón. "Faith behaviors in stages of development." pp. 59-78 PDF 2359KB
Noble Donkor. "Vertebrate origins and diversification: An alternative hypothesis." pp. 79-94 PDF 985KB
Matthias Dorn. "To think Creation." pp. 95-116 PDF 2085KB
Warren H. Johns. ""Rightly dividing the word of truth': Interpreting biblical statements on natural phenomena." pp. 117-130 PDF 1260KB
Rodger F. Jones. "An attempt to understand the mystery of the mechanism of communication with God." pp. 131-144 PDF 1135KB

Maria J. López Chavarrias. "Discovering design and Christian values through the study of flowers." pp. 145-164 PDF 1186KB
Yetunde O. Makinde. "Nutrition, health and faith: Incidents of hypertension among Seventh-day Adventists in four diet groups - Evidence from South-Western Nigeria." pp. 165-182 PDF 1101KB
Getahun Merga. "What would Jesus expect of a chemistry teacher?" pp. 183-202 PDF 2192KB
Nehemiah M. Nyaundi. "Exploring the waters of Genesis 1:2 - An old text, a new story." pp. 203-222 PDF 1132KB
Jose Micabalo Oclarit. "Insulin and mitochondrial functions: Implications on fasting and reflections on Sabbath keeping." pp.223-238 PDF 3524KB
K. Olusola Ogunwenmo. "Intelligent design and the dynamics of energy flow and ecological interdependence." pp. 239-258 PDF 1860KB
Oyewole Isaac Olayinka. "Parasitic infection and human's health: Environment and diet as implicated factors." pp. 259-276 PDF 2227KB
Priscilla Pilly. "Spiritual lessons from the properties of light: A physicist perspective." pp. 277-292 PDF 2138KB
Adrian Platts. "Faith and science within a Seventh-day Adventist context: Towards an open internal dialogue." pp. 293-308 PDF 1404KB
A. G. Schwarz. "Toward a Seventh-day Adventist model for relating science and Scripture with special reference to origins." pp. 309-326 PDF 1242KB
David A. Steen. "Biomimetics as a vehicle for learning good science and building faith." pp. 327-344 PDF 3242KB
Grace Oluwatoyin Tayo. "Protecting the environment: Animal waste management through integrated biosystems and recycling." pp. 345-360 PDF 1357KB
Joshua H. L. Tobing. "Issue-based teaching of biology integrating religious concepts and critical thinking skills development." pp. 361-382 PDF 2035KB
Silvia Schmipf de Torreblanca. "The concept of origins among students in Adventist secondary schools in Argentina and Mexico: Findings, implications, and recommendations." pp. 383-402 PDF 2590KB
Howard Weems. "The nervous system: An overview in the context of the Cosmic Conflict." pp. 403-420 PDF 1621KB
James Gibson. "Issues in biology and creation." pp. 421-436 PDF 1392KB
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