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Volumen 35A


Chan Wai Fong. "Principles and strategies of health education: The Taiwan Adventist College experience." pp. 1-20 PDF 1073KB
Malcolm Coulson. "Teacher professional development: A Christian perspective." pp. 21-36 PDF 1320KB
Nicceta Davis. "The Bible and research: Reflections for the Christian researcher." pp. 37-56 PDF 1355KB
Gladden O. Flores. "Administration of discipline in Adventist secondary schools: A Christian perspective." pp. 57-76 PDF 1393KB
Don Leo Garilva. "Campus chaplaincy ministry: An avenue of integrating faith and learning at Mountain View College." pp. 77-92 PDF 1263KB
Vincent Richard Injety. "Maintaining an Adventist identity in government accredited Adventist colleges and universities." pp. 93-108 PDF 843KB
Nelson Joseph. "Biblical principles in teaching business subjects in Adventist secondary schools: A conceptual model." pp. 109-124 PDF 826KB

Paul Katamba. "The Internet as a resource: A Christian perspective." pp. 125-144 PDF 1306KB

Jimmy Kijai and John Matthews. "Religious beliefs and practices of Buddhist students at Adventist colleges in Thailand: Implication for integrating faith with learning." pp. 145-164 PDF 952KB
Viacheslav Korchuk. "A strategy for the transmission of Christian beliefs and values to students: The case of the Ukrainian College of Arts and Sciences." pp. 165-184 PDF 1061KB
Tankiso Letseli. "Values-based service learning in Adventist higher education." pp. 185-200 PDF 1166KB
Merlyn R. Mendoza. "Reflecting Christ in my business: Integrating Christian values in marketing classes." pp. 201-220 PDF 1173KB
Friedbert Ninow. "Faith in situ: Digging God out from the tell." pp. 221-238 PDF 1112KB
Oluseyi O. Oduyoye. "Fusing Biblical beliefs and Christian values into university/host community relations: The Babcock University experience." pp. 239-254 PDF 1272KB
Khamsay Phetchareun. "A Relational approach to sharing Jesus with Buddhist students: The case of Mission College." pp. 255-268 PDF 1523KB
Chek Yat Phoon. "Challenges of Adventist education in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD): An administrator's opportunity for integrating faith and learning." pp. 269-286 PDF 1286KB
Darko Pirija. "Faith encountering culture: The church's teaching role in shaping Adventist identity and mission." pp. 287-308 PDF 1705KB
Prudence LaBeach Pollard. "Essentials of the values-based business curriculum: Core development of the Christian businessperson." pp. 309-326 PDF 1903KB
N. Mohan Rao. "Imparting ethical values in Adventist higher education to students of other faiths." pp. 327-346 PDF 1127KB
Zdravko Stefanovic. "Behind the visions and dream of Daniel: an appreciation of its literary features." pp. 347-368 PDF 1225KB
Imre Tokics. "Preparing for mission in East-Central Europe: A Hungarian perspective." pp. 369-380 PDF 1089KB
John M. Fowler. "Faith, reason, and Adventist education." pp. 381-388 PDF 711KB
L. James Gibson. "God, nature, and science: An Adventist view." pp. 389-398 PDF 864KB
L. James Gibson. "Integrating faith and learning in teaching biology." pp. 399-412 PDF 1468KB
L. James Gibson. "When faith and reason are in tension." pp. 413-424 PDF 997KB
Raquel de Korniejczuk. "Faith and learning at institutional level: An integrative approach-The experience of the University of Montemorelos." pp. 425-442 PDF 1259KB
Raquel de Korniejczuk. "Integration of faith and learning: Fundamental concepts and the mission of Adventist higher education." pp. 443-458 PDF 1098KB
Raquel de Korniejczuk. "Integration of faith and learning: The teacher's role." pp. 459-470 PDF 706KB
Jairyong Lee. "Adventist education, witnessing and mission." pp. 471-482 PDF 679KB
Lana B. Martin. "Effects of excessive computer use among youth: Implications for social and spiritual development." pp. 483-502 PDF 985KB
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