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Volumen 31A


Clarence Anderson. "The Christian's pursuit, accumulation, and use of wealth." pp. 1-20 PDF 1022KB
Roberto D. Badenas. "Teaching through parables: Following Jesus." pp. 21-40 PDF 1131KB
Nataliya Balabanova. "Technology and society: A Christian reflection." pp. 41-60 PDF 1258KB
Osa-Karin Berg. "Liberal arts education in a learning-centered Seventh-day Adventist college." pp. 61-82 PDF 1156KB
Pietro Ciavarella. "Seeking wisdom from the past in church history." pp. 83-100 PDF 1298KB
Iulia Draghici. "God in absentia: Teaching John Fowles' The Collector from a Christian perspective." pp. 101-116 PDF 724KB
Yuri Drumi. "The teacher's voice: Conveying Christ's presence in the classroom." pp. 117-132 PDF 739KB

Howard J. Fisher. "A Creation perspective on economics, ecology and environment." pp. 133-152 PDF 1239KB

Francisco D. Gayoba. "Training Asian theologians to teach for faith." pp. 153-168 PDF 1122KB
Sylvia Rasi Gregorutti. "Christian values for future foreign language teachers in the applied linguistics course." pp. 169-188 PDF 1393KB
Hanz Gutiérrez. "Human responsibility: Between morality, ethics and religion." pp. 189-208 PDF 1948KB
Nataliya Lazareva. "Conveying Christian faith and values through an Adventist school in Ukraine." pp. 209-224 PDF 1312KB
Juan Antonio López de la Torre. "Integrating faith and learning at an Adventist secondary school: A system-wide approach at Colegio Adventista de Sagunto." pp. 225-242 PDF 1390 KB
Andrea Luxton. "A response to diversity and globalization: Shakespeare in the Christian classroom." pp. 243-262 PDF 1152KB
Burkhard Mayer. "The five-fold role of a Christian teacher." pp. 263-280 PDF 896KB

Detlef Muller. "Teaching social work: A Christian perspective." pp. 281-300 PDF 1374KB

Daniel Nae. "Fostering biblical spirituality in the setting of an Adventist college." pp. 301-320 PDF 896KB
Davide Sciarabba. "The transmission of Christian values through sports in the curriculum of physical education in high school." pp. 321-338 PDF 1709KB
Alexander Sirenko. "Christian beliefs and values illustrated in the teaching of mathematical sciences." pp. 339-360 PDF 1136KB
Jutta Thiede-Gutknecht. "Biblical themes in F. Durrenmatt's tragicomedies." pp. 361-380 PDF 2089KB
Regine Ulrich. "The Bible as a source in introductory history lessons: Practical instructions for use in the elementary school." pp. 381-402 PDF 1283KB
Annette von Wallenstern. "Christian values in the teaching of the physical and biological sciences: A practical approach." pp. 403-422 PDF 1322KB
Woodrow W. Whidden. "The Adventist 'pioneer' theological heritage: Implications for faith, teaching and learning." pp. 423-444 PDF 1144KB
Timothy G. Standish. "Integrating faith and learning in the biology classroom." pp. 445-454 PDF 1058KB



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