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Volumen 18


Selmon H. Dio. "Conveying Christ in the Classroom: Teacher's Attitudes and Behavior."   p. 001-018 PDF 1316KB
Victor Dyman. "Training Adventist Ministers Through the Seminary Extension Program: The Euro-Asia Division as a Case Study."  p. 019-038 PDF 1246KB
Prema Gaikwad. "Cooperative Learning: Setting the Stage for Faith and Learning in the Classroom."  pp. 039-062   PDF 217KB
Mohanraj Israel. "Learning by Experience: A Practical Traning Programme for Ministerial Students of Spicer Memorial College."  p. 063-082 PDF 1262KB
C.K.G. Ashoka Kumara. "A Christian Preschool Curriculum in an Asian Context."  p. 083-096 PDF 373KB
Rodger F. Jones."Environmental Science Education in Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities: A Model Program."  pp. 097-112  PDF 224KB
Harry Mayden. "Christian Administration: Relationships and Responsibilities."  p. 113-124  PDF 920KB
James B. Mbyirukira. "Fostering the Adventist Ethos in a University Campus: An African Perspective."  pp. 125-143  PDF 911KB
Priscilla Vijay Pilli. "Teaching Spiritual Values in the Physics Classroom."  p. 145-160  PDF 504KB
S. Rajendra Prasad. "Compounding Elements of Faith and Learning in the Chemistry Classroom."  p. 161-180  PDF 1,243KB
Franklin Samraj. "A Christian View of Time: Biblical Chronology and Historicity."  p. 181-194  PDF 1,058KB
Kenneth Pradeep Swansi. "Marketing the Gospel in the Indian Bazaar."  p. 195-212  PDF 1,046KB

Mathaikutty Varghese. "Back to Genesis: Learning and Living According to God's Plan."   p. 213-228  PDF 1,008KB

Sumana Wickramarachachi. "Discipline in the Adventist School."  p. 229-244  PDF 693KB
Terrie Dopp Aamodt. "Face Values: Liberal Education's Imperative."  p. 245-250  PDF 670KB
G.H. Akers. "All Thy Children Shall Be Taught of the Lord."  p. 251-256  PDF 1,268KB
John T. Baldwin. "God, the Sparrow, and the Emerald Boa."  p. 257-260  PDF 456KB
Phil Basset. "Cooperative Learning."  p. 261-266  PDF 493KB
Leonard R. Brand. "Footprints in the Sands of Time."  p. 267-272  PDF 1,511KB
Ernest J. Bursey. "Service Learning in Adventist Colleges."  p. 273-278  PDF 507KB
Rich Carlson. "Working Smarter, Not Harder: Administrative Leadership Styles in Adventist Colleges."  p. 279-284  PDF 570KB
Jon A. Carstens. "Rembrandt: The Spiritual Journey of an Artist."  p. 285-288  PDF 1,356KB
Ben Clausen. "An Adventist Approach to Earth Origins."  p. 289-300  PDF 1,103KB
Benjamin Clausen. "Can a Scientist Also Be A Christian?"  p. 301-304  PDF 405KB
Ben Clausen. "Christianity and Science: An Adventist Perspective."  p. 305-318  PDF 1,536KB
Richard Davidson. "In the Beginning: How to Interpret Genesis 1."  p. 319-322  PDF 475KB
David Ekkens. "Animals and Humans: Are They Equal?"  p. 323-326  PDF 661KB
Dwain Ford. "You'll Never Make It Through Graduate School."  p. 327-330  PDF 408KB
Shirley Ann Freed. "Cooperative Learning: An Alternative to Lecturing in College."  p. 331-334  PDF 466KB
Donna J. Habenicht. "Have They Gotten the Message? How Children View Salvation."  pp. 335-339  PDF 2,028KB
Elaine Kennedy. "The Search for Adam's Ancestors."  p. 341-346  PDF 1,085KB
J. Mailen Kootsey. "Understanding How Nature Works: Last Piece of the Puzzle?"   p. 347-350  PDF 399KB
Gary Land. "The Challenge of Post-Modernism."  p. 351-354  PDF 974KB
Duane C. McBride."The Sociological Imgagination and a Christian Worldview."  pp. 355-358  PDF 421KB
Shirley A. McGarrell."Literature: Bringing Pleasure and Value to Young Readers."  pp. 359-362  PDF 622KB
Scott Moncrieff. "Adventists and Fiction: Another Look."  p. 363-366  PDF 1,184KB
Melvin Niswander. "Theory and Practice Meet in an Academy Landscaping Program."  p. 367-372  PDF 627KB
Raymond Paden and James Wolfer. "Artificial Intelligence: Can Machines Think?"  p. 373-376  PDF 677KB
Humberto M. Rasi."Christians Versus Culture: Should We Love or Hate the World?"  pp. 377-380  PDF 487KB
Edison Samraj. "A Christian Approach to Hinduism: The Role of Adventist Schools in Southern Asia."  p. 381-400  PDF 1,857KB
Marco Terreros. "The Adventist Message and the Challenge of Evolution"  p. 401-404  PDF 444KB

Gerald R. Winslow."Christians and Bioethics: Can the Bible Help?"  pp. 405-408  PDF 1,045KB

Henry Zuill. "When Science and Religion Meet, How Do We Keep Faith?"  p. 409-414  PDF 563KB
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