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Volumen 6


H. Lalnilawma. "A Self-Study Document for the Evaluation of Adventist High Schools in the Northeast India Union."  p. 1-20  PDF 1,006KB
K.I. Varghese. "The Influence of Christianity on Indian Education: An Adventist Perspective."   p. 21-42  PDF 904KB
K. Jesuratnam. "The Administrator's Personal Relations in a Christian School as a Model for Faith and Learning."  p. 43-62  PDF 712KB
John Dysinger. "Strategies for Integrating Christian Theory and Practice In Adventist Secondary Bible Classes."  pp. 63-82  PDF 912KB
S. Sundaram. "Teaching Methods of Jesus Christ."  p. 83-96  PDF 627KB
Beulah Manuel. "Developing Christian Values Through the Teaching of English Literature."  p. 97-114  PDF 852KB
Sushila Poddar. "Strategies for Developing Self-esteem Among Elementary School Going Children."  p. 115-132  PDF 893KB
M.C. John. "The Adventist Secondary Boarding School as Witness: A Strategy for an Outcome of the Integrative Process."  p. 133-148  PDF 951KB
Injety Roy Jemison. "The Great Controversy Theme in the Book of Daniel: A Backdrop for a Christian Worldview in Faith-Learning Experience."  pp. 149-164  PDF 966KB
Merling Alomía. "Algunos Aspectos del Movimento de la Nueva Era y Dos de sus Promotores Católico-Romanos."  p. 165-186  PDF 1,730KB
Leonore E. Gensolin. "A Christian Approach to the Teaching of the Social Sciences."  p. 187-200  PDF 580KB
Jaime Castrejon. "Major Principles Forming the Concept of Integration of Faith and Learning in the Writing of Ellen G. White."  201-228  PDF 1,192KB
L.J. Gibson. "A Christian Approach to Science."  p. 229-236  PDF 905KB
L.J. Gibson. "Creation and Adventism."  p. 237-242  PDF 701KB
L.J. Gibson. "Change in Species: Is Evolution True?"  p. 243-250  PDF 816KB
L.J. Gibson. "Current Issues in Evolution: Mass Extinctions."  p. 251-256  PDF 589KB
L.J. Gibson. "Current Issues in Evolution: Sociobiology."  p. 257-260  PDF 334KB
L.J. Gibson. "Current Issues in Evolution: Punctuated Equilibrium."  p. 261-264  PDF 433KB
Michael Pearson. "A Room with a View: World Views and the Christian World View."  p. 265-282  PDF 879KB
Michael Pearson. "World Made Flesh: How the Christian Worldview Affects Teaching and Learning."  p. 283-302  PDF 962KB
Barry Hill. "Teaching Values in Adventist Education."  p. 303-320  PDF 1,382KB
Ariel A. Roth. "Issues, Adventism and Science."  p. 321-336  PDF 994KB
Ariel A. Roth. "Adventism and the warfare between Science and the Bible."  p. 337-356  PDF 1,466KB
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