at the First Seminar
for Christian College Teaching
28, 1988
Irving Logan, D.D.S., M.S.Ed.
and Chair, Department of Restorative Dentistry
of Dentistry, Loma Linda University
Linda, CA 92350
- 88 Institute for Christian Teaching
Old Columbia Pike
Spring, MD 20904 USA
the world of Christian academia there are a number of active organizations to
discover and nurture the Christian students attending secular colleges and universities,
e.g. "Campus Crusade for Christ" and "Intervarsity
Fellowship". This paper will suggest a method to identify the secular
student who chooses to attend a Christian college (or university) to discuss
some of the reasons this student chooses to attend a Christian college and to
suggest avenues through which concerned Christian institutions, through
concerted efforts of committed faculty, staff and students, can minister to the
needs of these often neglected students.
Identifying the "secular student"
(Note: It is imperative that one understands the intent of the following categorization. It is not to establish a method of "judgment" for each student of group of students, nor is it intended to suggest that everyone make a list of their students using these categories. Rather, it is to enhance our understanding of all students. Christian educators must realize the varied nature of the student population, to be able to recognize the needs of students with different "worldviews" and to minister to each student accordingly).
an attempt to clarify the use of the word "secular" throughout this
paper (and to avoid any connotations of "Dualism"), reference will be
made to three categories of Christian values,
along with three levels student mindset, and each will be designated as
The first category is the student's religious affiliation. A student professing
to be a Christian of the institution's particular faith, regardless of whether
the commitment is genuine or superficial, is identified by the number
"1". Any other student professing to be Christian is given the number
"2". A student who doesn't profess Christianity at all is designated
by the number "3".
The Second category has to do with the student's personal relationship with God
(which only God can know for certain).
A student who appears to have a "strong and growing"
relationship is assigned the number "1". And the student we can only
assume has a "fair and holding" relationship is given the number
"2'. The student who, from all appearances, has a " weak or
absent" relationship is designated by the number "3".
The third category involves the student's attitude to the institution's
standards of behavior or "mores".
The student who has or would suggest a higher level of standards is
assigned the number "1", while the student who is essentially
comfortable with the standards as they are given the number "2". Any
student who feels the institution's mores" exceed his or her personal
"comfort level", and is either inwardly bothered or openly resists
the imposition of such standards of behavior is identified by the number
The following table
depicts the various categories in an abbreviated form:
S T U D E N T M I N D S E T |
"1" Christian (same denomination as
institution) |
"1" "Appears" to be Strong and
Growing |
"1" Higher than Institution |
"2" Christian (Diff. Denomination than institution) |
"2" "Assumed" to be Fair and
Holding |
"2" Similar to Institution |
"3" Non-Christian |
"3" "Appears" to be Weak or
Absent |
"3" Lower than Institution |
one number from each column to obtain a Composite Profile.
Some observation regarding this table
In general, from the standpoint of the institution, the conservative values are
in LEVEL ONE. Second: In general, a
student with a profile from either
LEVEL ONE or LEVEL TWO or any combination of LEVEL ONE or LEVEL TWO will be
unlikely to pose discipline problems. Third: A student whose profile involves
LEVEL THREE is not necessarily a discipline problem but is often a student who
needs special attention in the area of ministry, Fourth: The Personal Relationship with God (center
column), is the primary concern of this paper. Here is where the
"secular" student is identified, if at all. The student on either
LEVEL ONE or LEVEL THREE Of this column is sometimes identifiable by actions,
but the relationship from LEVEL TWO is often difficult to assess. Too often we
error in assuming the student is "healthy and well", when in reality
he or she is "sick" and is either afraid of the "Doctor",
the "staff" or both. We, as
"Staff", shouldn't let this student out of our "hospital"
in such a condition!
Examples of profiles in conflict
"2:1:2", when transferring from a rather liberal Christian college
where dancing is permitted to a more conservative college, may suddenly find
himself/herself a "2:1:3". Now in conflict with the mores of the new
institution, this student, a sincere, committed Christian, must confront the
resultant feelings of resentment, anger, guilt or discouragement (to name just
a few!). How can we minister to this student?
student, a "3:1:3", is applying for admission to a college which does
not knowingly admit students who drink alcoholic beverages. Should this student
who, as a devout Jew, drinks wine at Passover and a few other occasions, lie
when filling out the application forms (its common knowledge that many
"1:3:3" students pass admission standards this way!) Should the
student tell the truth and hope for the best, or, should the institution
rethink the rationale behind the acceptable standards of behavior?
the institution institute reforms in an attempt to create an environment where
the 1:1:1", "1:1:2","2:1:1" and "2:1:2"
students will feel more at home--"where seldom is heard, a secular
word"? We need better answers to
these and myriad other questions just as difficult.
can begin by recognizing our own values, as individuals and as an
institution, and then making concerted efforts to relate these values to
our own mindsets before attempting to relate perceived student values. Only
then can we be in a position to address these questions and to more effectively
minister to forgotten students (or potential students) whose textbooks don't
have all the answers.
Some thoughts on Christian colleges and
Christian education
have been written on these topics, with considerable variation of opinion as to
what a Christian college is composed of.
First, some conclusions as to what don't comprise a Christian college.
One only has to look at Harvard, Yale, Princeton and the University of Southern
California, all founded as Christian institutions, to recognize the fact that
no matter how pious, saintly or well-intentioned the founding fathers of an
institution are, their intents and purposes can be lost to time. It takes
eternal vigilance and often assertive action of "academic watchdogs"
to protect the Christian interests of an institution.
It is not the name of a college or
whether it offers a full-spectrum of religion courses, including advanced
degrees in theology and biblical languages, or who its teachers, administrators
or chancellors are that determine a college's right to be considered
"Christian". The true indicators of the values of a college are its
graduates--do the graduates reflect Christian values and perspectives?
Any college who's graduates' "worldviews" are little different than
those of graduates from a secular college has lost sight of its vision has
aborted its mission and has lost its very reason for existence!
Christian college is a college, which provides its students with as ideal an
environment as possible in which to obtain a Christian education, which has
very little, if anything, to do with degrees! The education itself is not
obtained by reading a certain number of books on theology, or by taking a
religion major or even by attending chapel for four years without a skip! Even
the student who chooses to engage in off-campus outreach programs for the underprivileged
is not assured of a Christian education.
receive a Christian education an individual must learn to know Jesus
Christ--know Him well enough to explain Him to someone else. One must
understand how to communicate with Him, to worship Him and to glorify Him. One
must understand how much He loves and cares for His people including
himself/herself and to be able to share this love with others. Each individual
must even know how to please Him and how to prepare for His second coming.
must make knowing Jesus Christ the central theme of our college campuses if it
is going to continue to have value for God's Church. The students need to
observe the character of Christ being reflected in the faculty and staff, and
to feel free to mingle and to unashamedly share the own Christian experiences
and convictions with others. They must develop a zeal to share His love--to
fulfill the Gospel Commission.
Christ is not the only part of a Christian education, for we are to develop our
mind and body as well as the soul for the glory of God. Our educational ----,
facilities should provide adequate areas for physical development and time
should be provided within the daily schedules for obtaining physical exercise
so that our students may be as physically fit as possible. Their God-given talents should be developed in order
that they may more perfectly reflect the image of their Creator. In harmony
with the development of body, mind and soul comes career preparation, where the
student can learn to use his whole being in the advancement of the cause of
God. The student should be given liberal examples of how the career of choice
can be best used to bring glory to God and to hasten His Second Coming. Careful
planning is required by concerned individuals to insure that these goals are
met--a concerted effort by faculty and staff is dedicated to witness this
"integration of faith and learning", where faith really "meets
the road".
The secular student's motives for
selecting a Christian college
following are just a few of the reasons why a student might elect to attend a
Christian college for reasons other than "to obtain a Christian
Lack of information: This is the student who selects a college by the yellow
page" technique. The same student probably read little of the information
provided to applying students. The student is usually a "3:3:3" or
possibly "1:3:3" and often doesn't realize conflicts in standards
until personally confronted with them.
2) Proximity: The student who uses this,
as a basis of selection is similar in most respects to number one.
Family or peer pressure: Just about any category of student can be subjected to
outside pressures. If the pressures are applied in the hope of changing a
"3:3:3" or "1:3:3" into a "1:1:1" or other
conservative profile, without a corresponding desire for such reforms on the
part of the individual, serious conflicts are likely to ensue.
Subliminal curiosity: This may be just another way of saying that the Holy
Spirit has been directing a student to attend a certain Christian college.
Obviously there are no categories safe from His suggestion! This student is
searching for answers, which the Christian college can (hopefully) provides.
Admission policies: With the decline of enrollment found among certain
Christian colleges, admission policies have often reflected lowered academic
standards of admission, with the sole purpose of increasing the applicant pool.
This can indeed attract a student who hasn't met the requirement for acceptance
into the public university 04 choice. The student who searches for a college on
this basis isn't likely to have any strong educational desires other than to
develop a career potential.
Academic excellence: There are many Christian schools which are known for their
academic excellence-remember the Christian roots of Harvard and Yale, for
instance. Within Christian colleges of today there is a tendency to develop
this aspect of the institution to the maximum with the intent of attracting
greater numbers of students. This, as purely academic concept, is admirable.
However if, in the process, the institution neglects to integrate faith into
the learning process, it will likely loose its identity as a Christian college.
It may take time but the result is quite predictable.
7) Personal attention: In that many Christian
colleges are relative, small, the applicant may expect to obtain a greater
degree of personal attention as a student than would be possible at a larger
public college. This is a factor, which can attract students from all mindsets.
8) Spiritual atmosphere or religion courses:
Some studies would suggest that this isn't the primary consideration for many Christian
students in electing to attend a Christian college. In fact, the primary
reasons are to be found in the first part of this list. Perhaps a student with
a secular mindset will find little reason to attend a college with a
spiritual atmosphere other than the hope that it will provide retreat from the
cacophony of the secular college campus.
The Christian College's motives for
accepting a secular student
Open admission policy: This is the "mission school" philosophy, where
the college is to convert the world "firsthand". All mindsets are
Liberal admission policy: Any student who appears compliant and is able to pay
cash is accepted. Financial considerations are often the primary motivations
for accepting the secular student such as when the student enrollment has
suffered considerably. The concept is that the tuition that the secular student
pays can be used to keep the school solvent, thus permitting the Christian
student to attend without a major tuition increase. The mission emphasis has
little credibility in light of the institution's self-serving selective
practices. It would appear the students
are needed to help balance the budget.
Redemptive attitude: This college, for example, will accept a known
troublemaker due to the fact that he was once a church member and the parents now
expect the school to induce a "reformation". Fortunately the Lord can bless this motive,
but inherent risks are easily seen.
Outside pressures: Hopefully not too common, although known to exist. Here is
where pressure is placed upon the administration, by individuals in places of
authority, to accept (or reaccept) a student who would not normally qualify for
admission due to discipline problems.
Balanced perspective: This institution has as its primary goal the development
or maintenance of a distinctly Christian atmosphere for integration of faith
and learning, and will only consider the merits of the first three motives in
light of this goal. Financial or outside pressures are not allowed to play a
major role in admission policies, and time and effort is put into planning to
assure the quality of the spiritual life of the institution and, hopefully,
that of the individual student.
is not intended as a comprehensive list as other motives are certainly
possible. However, most admission policies are based upon similar motives,
although couched somewhat differently.
The secular student's exposure to
Christian education
following is an outline of specific avenues through with a secular student can
obtain exposure to, Christian education. Each will be discussed in the text to
or unavoidable contact
1) Religion
2) Chapel
3) Devotionals
during class periods
4) Faith
and learning "integrated" classes
areas of contact
Campus (or other) church involvement
Bible study fellowship groups
Mission experiences
Fellowship at Christian social activities
Group fellowship in Christian homes (faculty, staff and students)
Individual fellowship with Christian faculty or staff members
Individual fellowship with Christian students
Christian "sponsors"
Religion classes
often religion classes are taught as if they were just another history class.
If any area of Christian education needs integration of faith and learning it
is here. The secular students, in particular, must feel a need for religion
before the specifics of religion can assume any real meaning to them. They must
learn to appreciate Christ and what He did does and will do for them before
they can desire to follow Him. All
lower level religion classes should be designed to strengthen the student's
faith. The use of a Christian geologist to present a Christian perspective on
the history of the earth is one way to integrate faith and learning. Why should
only the earth science students have such an exposure?
tendency in an increasing large number of schools is to reduce the requirements
for chapel attendance, usually in response to student protest. Studies have
shown that this has been one of the primary causes as to why some of the now
secular institutions began to loose their identity. Our colleges would do well
to learn from the past in this regard.
Without a policy of required attendance many secular students would never
attend chapel. Granted, in some situations that might not be any major loss.
However, the chapel service can become the unifying event for the whole campus.
If the faculty and staff, along with the students, are given the opportunity to
attend well-planned, relevant chapel services, with all three groups given the
opportunity to participate in the planning of a number of the services, the
secular student will likely come away with increased interest. If, on the other
hand, the programs are poorly planned and are not attended by faculty, maybe
chapel should be scraped. If it isn't important enough for the faculty to
attend the students have a point!
view of the fact that a large percentage of students have never formed a habit
of daily study and prayer, and that many colleges accept non-Christian
students, it seems appropriate that a short devotional thought be shared, along
with a brief prayer, at the first class of the day. The devotionals might have
a unifying theme, e.g. one verse each day from the 23rd Psalm, along with a
brief commentary, or the students can be asked to sign up for a chance to
present a devotional thought of their own. To add variety to the prayer an
occasional conversational style prayer is suggested. Some faculty may feel very
comfortable beginning each class with prayer while others may feel such a
practice is redundant. Beginning a
religion class with prayer can never be out of order whereas a devotional may
or may not be redundant in nature. Some flexibility in this regard would seem
Faith and learning "integrated"
so-called "secular" classes such as biology or history lend
themselves to a method of teaching referred to as "integration of faith
and learning". The teacher uses practical examples with spiritual
significance or draws reference to biblical meaning during lectures dealing
with non-religious subjects. This is similar to the techniques used by Jesus
when he taught His object lessons. Some subjects, e.g. typing or algebra
require considerably more and more creative effort to accomplish this type of
integrated teaching. A teacher should
not feel guilty if he or she is unable to demonstrate the same degree of
"integration" as the teacher in some other class where it is a more
"natural" process to integrate faith and learning. Such teachers
should take courage in what they have accomplished and seek to improve upon
their own ideas while keeping abreast of new concepts as they are introduced.
Campus church involvement
a college is composed of mostly Christian students who are not afraid to get
involved, not having a campus oriented church and instead, asking the students
to become involved in the surrounding churches may have merit. In those
institutions which do have a considerable number of either non-Christians or
those of a secular mindset, a church on or near campus, with an earnest desire
to provide nurture and support for the students, becomes a necessity. Just
being there isn't enough--it must provide attractive "avenues" to its
doorsteps. Many secular students are hungry for the type of fellowship such a
church can provide.
Bible Study Fellowship Groups
discussion groups composed of a combination of faculty and student members can
be one of the most rewarding experiences a student or faculty member can have.
Staff members should also be invited to join such groups. The time and place of
the meetings should be varied to provide a number of "slots" for
participation. The format can vary from a rather formal study of a book of the
Bible to one where each member is invited to lead out in a study or share a
lesson from an outline (many topics are available at Christian
bookstores). After a few weeks you will
get to know your students on a very personal basis, which will make Christian
teaching more meaningful to you and Christian education more exciting for the
students. It is also a place where some very much needed support can be
provided to each of the group's members. Prayer should become an integral part
of any such group. Make the prayers specific! You may be surprised to find that
God still does answer prayers! Be certain that the members are given an
opportunity to share experiences of answered prayer!
Mission experiences
Providing an outreach program for college students doesn't necessarily come easily. The campus may be in an isolated or a rather affluent area, where it may mean organizing a trip across a state line or border or finding ways to provide goods or materials to a distant area that is in need. Most campuses are within a short driving distance to poor neighborhoods where meals are direly needed, to say nothing of a need for help with household repairs or yard work. One college has organized, volunteers crews, which paint the homes of needy families within the community, with the total number of, homes approaching 100! Many elderly people have no one to turn to. Open the eyes of the students to what Christian service is all about.
Group fellowship at Christian social
students to attend the various Christian social functions in the area, taking
them with you when appropriate. Don't miss an opportunity to suggest or plan
such functions with the students in mind. Students are sometimes an independent
"lot" and may not always be excited by what is planned so you may
have a few disappointments. Don't let such an experience get you down! The
students will likely respond more readily your invitation when they have become
acquainted with you by means one of the other methods of exposure.
Group fellowship in Christian homes
of the most pleasant ways to spend an afternoon is to invite a class over for
lunch and fellowship (if the class is too large to accommodate it all at one
time divide the class into groups). You might like to ask them bring a friend
or a spouse. Have them share with the group, in an informal manner, a little
about themselves, and why they chose their "major" what they feel the
college could do to make their time more pleasant as another approach, invite a
group over to play games and eat popcorn and homemade ice cream on a Saturday
night. There are still students out there who appreciate the simple
things in life! Don't feel you have to have an organized Bible Study each time
you're together as a group. Hopefully God can show through you an example of a
Christian home environment that is a message in itself.
Individual fellowship with Christian
faculty or staff members
may be able to come across as being a genuine "saint" to your peers,
and may even have the respect of your students in general, but if you can't
find the time to meet the needs of a student when he needs you, you will have
to do a lot of personal remedial work to regain your credibility with that
student. More importantly, his concept
of what a Christian is may suffer until you do. Be as available to your students as you can, and when he or she
has a question or a problem--try to be available then. You may not have
a better opportunity to minister to the needs of the student!
Individual fellowship with Christian
Some of the most powerful influences upon young people are their peers. Christian students must become aware of their own potential to reach their fellow students with their own personal witness. Often sincere Christian students will avoid the more secular students (especially the non-Christians) for reasons of insecurity or even an inferiority complex (they may not know how to act around members of another faith, due to a very sheltered upbringing). Rest assured, the other students do not interpret their actions that way. This is an area that we, as educators, need to help each other (many of us have grown up with similar feelings) and to encourage our students to reach out in Christian fellowship to these students. Remember how you feel when you are in a strange environment!
Christian "Sponsors"
Christian college community has among the faculty, staff or other family units
an often "untapped" source of student support, not because of lack of
interest, but rather, due to lack of recruitment, organization and delegation. Those involved in recruitment and/or
admissions, in conceal with alumni or auxiliary groups, can organize
"sponsors" for each new or incoming student. The intent is to provide
moral support and encouragement to students when they need it most, such as
when they are arriving in town and don't know where to look for housing, or
where to shop for the best bargains or ethnic foods. Other critical times are
holiday weekends when the student is a long way from home and feeling lonely,
or is discouraged and doesn't want to let his or her guard down around a fellow
student. Just an occasional home-cooked meal or knowing someone cares is all
that's needed to help keep a student's spirits up.
organizing group needs to develop guidelines and provide some type of training
session(s) for first-time sponsors, and to maintain ongoing contact with the
participants so that students are not "lost in the cracks". Most
importantly, the students should not have any reason to doubt that Christians
really are caring individuals.
The Spiritual Life Committee
the highest priority of a Christian college should be to develop and maintain
an atmosphere conducive to a full spiritual life for its students, faculty and
staff. In many institutions it is assumed that this responsibility of the
department of religion; however, the primary emphasis, here, is often in areas
such as theology, biblical languages history or professional ministry, rather
than personal ministry to the students (or faculty and staff) of the institution.
Spiritual Life Committee, composed of a balance of faculty (which may or may
not include faculty from the department of religion), students and staff, can
help set the tone of the school's religious activities, including attitudes
towards chapel attendance, participation at spiritual retreats, social
activities and outreach ministries. Its primary focus is upon the present
spiritual condition of the whole school family--is it strong and growing or is it
in need of special nurture? The committee's responsibility is to provide
positive suggestions for improving and maintaining a high quality spiritual
life on campus and to work with the administration in nurturing such an
A Challenge!
The following is a suggested method whereby a concerned individual or group within a college (or a school within a university) can focus on the spiritual needs of its community and to begin a plan for recovery and growth.
1. Recognize the needs of the institution
(personally or as a group)
a) Make a tentative list (be
b) Prioritize the above needs
Establish the needed support (pray for cooperation)
a) Obtain administrative support
(start at the top)
(If the administrative support is
not what you believe it should be, it may
be necessary to gather support from (b) or (c) before asking for
the support of the administration)
b) Form a committee of concerned
individuals which includes faculty, staff
and students (e. g. a Spiritual Life Committee)
c) Lobby for student support (be
above board!)
Develop meaningful recommendations
a) Consider the needs of all
b) Determine which items should be
c) Ask for student feedback
d) Reevaluate with the students'
concerns in mind
e) Finalize recommendations and
methods of implementation
"Shepherd" the recommendations through the appropriate committees
a) Be present and prepared to defend the
Don't give up if the first attempt fails. Review the recommendations and modify
them if necessary. Strengthen support by way of increased communication among
concerned faculty, staff and students. Resubmit the recommendations as needed.
"Follow through" with the implementation of the recommendations once
they have been passed by committee action. Here is where the "real"
work will begin. Involve the members of your original committee and other new
"disciples". Don't try to do it all yourself!
we as individuals remain content to complain about the decline 'in the
spiritual emphasis of our institutions, or are satisfied when we have voiced
our disapproval in "high places", we can be assured of continued
contentment--we will continue to have reason to complain and disapprove, We
must not be content to merely identify the weaknesses of our system. As individuals (or institutions) we cannot
afford to offer only passive resistance against the lure of secularism. We
must, prayerfully, become assertive and attempt to recover lost ground and to
enhance the spiritual atmosphere of our campuses. To stand still is to loose
to the secular students on our campuses should not be left to an uncertain
process of osmosis. It should not be left to "the other person" or
even the administration. We must, individually and collectively recognize that all of our students are in need of
spiritual guidance and support, and that these needs vary with each student's
background. We must recognize what these varying needs are and provide
opportunities whereby we can minister to the needs of all students, including
the "secular" student.
Suggested Reading
Blamires, H., Recovering
the Christian Mind. Downers Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988
Blamires, H., The
Christian Mind. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Books, 1978
Bloom, A., The
Closing of the American Mind. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1987
Cho, P., Successful
Home Cell Groups. Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1981
Dayton, R., Strategy
for Leadership. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1979
Hendricks, H., Teaching
to Change Lives. Portland. OR: Multnomah Press, 1987
Henry, C., A
Plea for Evangelical Demonstration. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House,
A., Contours of a World View. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans
Publishing Co., 1985
Henry, C., The
Christian Mindset in a Secular Society. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1978
A., The Idea of a Christian College.
Revised Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.,
Holmes, A., The
Making of a Christian Mind. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985
Jacks, B., Your
Home a Lighthouse. San Bernardino, CA: Churches Alive International, 1986
G., Issues & Alternatives in Educational Philosophy. Berrien
Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1982
O'Neil, W., Educational
Ideologies. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing Co. 1981
White, E., The
Ministry of Healing. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1905
Will; S., Teach.
Nashville. TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1963