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Aranda Fraga, Fernando

"Le postmodernisme et le New Age : Des rapports subtils" (22CC: 17-20). PDF

Birikunzira, Gérome Ngabo

"Prédicateurs et enseignants rwandais : Intégration de la foi face à la culture" (No. 651-08; 36CC: 25-42). PDF

Blackwell, Genevieve

"Creativity and culture" (No. 116-92; 7CC: 369-383). PDF

Cres, Elna N.

"Cosmovisão e cultura cristã: Responsabilidade dos agentes educacionais." (No. 491-02; 29CC: 95-114). PDF

Germanowicz, Elias F.

"Educação adventista no contexto da pós-modernidade." (No.492-02; 29CC: 115-134). PDF

Land, Gary

"El desafío del postmodernismo" (20CC: 603-606). PDF

"Le défi du postmodemisme" (22CC: 205-208). PDF

"Postmodernism: A Christian reflection" (21CC: 435-454). PDF

"The challenge of post-modernism" (18CC: 351-354). PDF

Mathema, Zacchaeus A.

"Traditional African religiosity and Christian discipleship: An educational perspective" (No. 357-98; 23CC: 181-200). PDF

McBride, Duane; and Giem, Jacquelyn

"The Christian church and society: Some functions, disfunctions, conflicts and interactions" (34B/CC: 167-192). PDF

Melgosa, Julián M.

"Teaching the culture of Spain with a Christian mind" (No. 027-88; 2CC: 153-172). PDF

Mutaki, Mishael Chigula

"Preventing and resolving interpersonal conflicts in Adventist educational institutions" (No. 619-06; 34A/CC: 283-302). PDF

Mwesa, John A.

"The choice of African music in Adventist educational institutions" (No. 360-98; 23CC: 239-258). PDF

Nkou, Joseph G.

"Gospel and culture: Some cultural issues faced by Seventh-day Adventist educators and pastors in teaching Bible in Africa" (No. 084-90; 5CC: 293-311). PDF

Oliver, Anita

"Postmodern thought and Adventist education" (No. 378-99; 24CC: 217-236). PDF

Onyango, Nicholas

"Popular current theories of counseling and psychotherapy: An Adventist perspective" (No. 680-09; 37A/CC: 289-307). PDF

Opoku, Francis

"Communicating the Adventist message in context: A Ghanaian perspective" (No. 623-06; 34A/CC: 361-381). PDF

Pirija, Darko

"Faith encountering culture: The Church's teaching role in shaping Adventist identity and mission" (No. 645-07; 35A/CC: 287-308). PDF

Ragui, Paoring L.

"Integration of cultural and Christian values in a changing society: A Filipino perspective" (No. 107-92; 7CC: 189-209). PDF

Rasi, Humberto M.

"Christians versus culture: Should we love or hate the world?"(18CC: 377-380). PDF

"Cosmovisões, cultura contemporânea e educação adventista." (29CC: 543-558). PDF

"El cristiano ante la cultura: ¿Debemos amar u odiar al mundo?" (20CC: 657-660). PDF

"Giving a reason for our hope: Adventists and apologetics" (34B/CC: 243-263). PDF

"La lutte sur deux fronts : Une réponse adventiste au sécularisme et au néo-panthéisme" (22CC: 273-278). PDF

"Les adventistes face à la culture : devons-nous aimer ou haïr le monde ?" (36CC: 311-314). PDF

"Les chrétiens face à la culture : Aimer le monde ou le détester ? " (22CC: 279-282). PDF

"Os adventistas enfrentam a cultura: Deviamos nós amar ou odiar o mundo." (29CC: 577-588). PDF

"Vues du monde, culture contemporaine et éducation adventiste" (25CC: 315-327). PDF

"Worldviews, contemporary culture, and Adventist thought" (No. 401-00; 26B/CC: 1-15). PDF

Razafiarivony, Davidson

"Ancestor worship in Madagascar: An Adventist perspective" (No. 365-98; 23CC: 327-342). PDF

Romeo Fivel-Démoret, Sharon

"Semeuse de graines. La culture populaire, vecteur de valeurs et source de richesses linguistiques et pédagogiques : Expériences d'un professeur d'anglais" (No. 662-08; 36CC: 221-238). PDF

Varghese, K. I.

"The influence of Christianity on Indian education: An Adventist perspective" (No. 087-90; 6CC: 21-42). PDF


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