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Zachhuber, Klaus

"Creationism versus Evolutionism" (No. 345-98; 21CC: 365-376). PDF 1,308KB

Zaitsev, Eugene V.

"A historical outline of Sabbath-keepers in Russia from the 15th century to the present" (No. 140-93; 10CC: 427-441). PDF 977KB

Zhigankov, Oleg

"Teaching national history in the context of the biblical-christian worldview" (No. 384-99; 24CC: 335-354). PDF

Zimunya, Florence

"Christian values in working capital management: An educational perspective" (37A/CC: 429-446). PDF 1219KB

Zinke, E. Edward

"Faith: A comparison of humanistic and biblical definitions in relation to Christian education" (No. 403-00; 26B/CC: 057-087). PDF 1,689KB

"Faith-Science Issues: An Epistemological Perspective" (31B/CC: 410-429). PDF 2126KB

Zo'o Zo'o, Daniel

"Teaching francophone Negro African literature from a Christian perspective" (No. 485-00; 28CC: 499-512). PDF 734KB

Zubaid, Noel

"Two views on Creation: The Bible and the Quran" (No. 458-00, 27CC: 365-381). PDF 829KB

Zubieta, Donald Jaimes

"La integración fe y enseñanza/aprendizaje: Factor esencial para la  calidad de la educación cristiana" (No. 311-98; 20CC: 107-126). PDF 1,711KB

Zuccarelli, Anthony J.

"Life before death: Contemplating life when the earth was new" (34B/CC: 305-334). PDF 2157KB

Zuccarelli, Anthony J. and Gerald R. Winslow

"In our own image? Ethics and human cloning" (33CC: 645-650). PDF 570KB

Zuill, Henry A.

"A Christian approach to teaching ecology … or is it environmental science?" (33CC: 651-656). PDF 487KB

"Christians and the environment: A biblical perspective" (34B/CC: 335-351). PDF 1627KB

"Ecologie, biodiversité et création: au sommet de la hiérarchie" (35B/CC: 321-324). PDF 789KB

"Ecology, biodiversity, and creation: A view from the top" (33CC: 657-661). PDF 941KB

"Expanding the garden: A Christian's view of nature" (No. 211-94; 14CC: 403-428). PDF 1,413KB
"Quand science et religion se rencontrent, comment garder la foi ?" (22CC: 373-378). PDF 2,247KB

"When science and religion meet, how do we keep faith?" (18CC: 411-416). PDF 563KB

Zygmont, Conrad Stanislaw

"A method for developing psychological theories from a biblical perspective" (37A/CC: 447-468). PDF 1815KB


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