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Dada, Samuel O.

"Integrating biblical values in teaching financial management" (40CC: 89-106). PDF 1122KB

Daff, Lyn

"Accountants, interpersonal skills development and the faith nexus" (37A/CC: 121-140). PDF 1782KB

Dalta, M. Pierre Gaimatakone

"La relation enseignant-élève dans une école secondaire adventiste" (No. 388-00, 25CC: 45-60). PDF

Dangana, Daniel M.

"Conveying Christian values through technical and vocational education and training (TVET)" (40CC: 107-126). PDF 1113KB

Das, Millie

"Teacher modeling in Christian elementary schools" (No. 052-89; 4CC: 29-48). PDF

Davidson, Jo Ann

"The Bible and aesthetics" (No. 408-00; 26B/CC: 201-265). PDF

"The inspiration of Scripture: Word made flesh" (34B/CC: 43-66). PDF 1394KB

Davidson, Richard

"In the beginning: How to interpret Genesis 1" (18CC: 319-322). PDF

Davidson, Richard M.

"A biblical theology of creation" (26A/CC: 433-442). PDF

"A biblical theology of the Flood" (26A/CC: 443-466). PDF

"Au commencement: Comment interpréter Genèse 1" (22CC: 85-88). PDF

"En el principio: Cómo interpretar Génesis 1" (20CC: 543-546). PDF

"The Bible and the Hermeneutics: Interpreting Scripture According to the Scripture" (31B/CC: 81-132). PDF

"The Bible: Revelation and authority" (No. 402-00; 26B/CC: 017-055). PDF

"The role of the church in the interpretation of Scripture" (34B/CC: 67-100). PDF 1816KB

Davis, Delmer

"Faith and learning: The approaches of three influential Adventist English teachers" (No. 370-99; 24CC: 059-079). PDF

Davis, Nicceta

"The Bible and research: Reflections for the Christian researcher" (35A/CC: 37-56). PDF 1355KB

Delfino, Carlos Enrique

"Hacia un abordaje cristiano del método científico" (No.176-94; 13CC: 83-102). PDF

Delgado González, Mauricio

"Tensiones en la conservación de la identidad y misión de las instituciones educativas adventistas de nivel superior" (32CC: 61-82). PDF

Delias, Frantz

"Les intelligences multiples et la Bible: Quelles implications pour l'education adventiste?" (36CC: 43-60). PDF 2093KB

Denison, Iris F.

"Implementing the integration of faith and learning on the college campus: A developmental model" (No. 054-89; 4CC: 071-090). PDF

Dennis, Carol

"Integrative influence of work on faith and learning" (No. 044-89; 3CC: 179-198). PDF

Dent, Joseph F. Jr. 

"Student governance: Purpose and practice" (8CC: 97-102). PDF

Devine, Les

"The Adventist heritage: An enabler of the faith" (No. 067-90; 5CC: 1-16). PDF

Dias, Eunice

"A relevância da disciplina no desenvolvimento da fé no adolescente" (No. 218-94; 15CC: 99-117). PDF

Diaz Valladares, Andrés

"La transmisión de valores cristianos en la enseñanza de la tecnología" (32CC: 83-100). PDF

Dickins, Don

"Consumer behaviour, decision-making and the Adventist educator" (37A/CC: 141-156). PDF 861KB

Dio, Selmon H.

"Conveying Christ in the classroom: Teachers’ attitudes and behavior" (No. 272-96; 18CC: 1-18). PDF

Dondapati, Job

"'Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land': The challenge of integrating Christian values in schools in a non-Christian environment" (40CC: 127-148) PDF 968KB

Donesky, Dorothy

"Portfolio: A practical aid to assess the fulfillment of a university mission statement" (No. 329-98; 21CC: 079-094). PDF

Donkor, Noble

"Teaching biology at an Adventist university: Challenges and opportunities" (34A/CC: 111-132). PDF 1981KB

"Vertebrate origins and diversification: An alternative hypothesis" (38CC: 79-94). PDF 985KB

Dorismar, Jose

"Le rôle de la recherche dans l'execution du plan du salut et ses implications pour le professeur adventiste de recherche" (36CC: 61-80). PDF 964KB

Dorn, Matthias

"To think Creation" (38CC: 95-116). PDF 2085KB

Dos Santos, Rivan

"Intégration de la foi en la Prophétie à l'Archéologie: Babylone dans l'Apocalypse" (36CC: 81-100). PDF 2871KB

Dovich, Laurel

"Our Creator -The master engineer" (30CC: 35-54). PDF

Draghici, Iulia

"God in absentia: Teaching John Fowles’ The Collector from a Christian perspective" (31A/CC: 101-116). PDF

Drepaul, Carlton

"Responding to poetry in the Seventh-day Adventist college classroom: A pedagogical response based on the integration of faith and learning process" (No. 253-96; 17CC:  061-078). PDF

Drumi, Yuri

"The teacher’s voice: Conveying Christ’s presence in the classroom" (31A/CC: 117-132). PDF

Drumm, Rene

"'Unto the least of these': Social work education's contribution to social ministry in the Adventist Church" (37A/CC: 157-178). PDF 1149KB

Du Plooy, Daniel R.

"Positive psychology: an Adventist evaluation" (40CC: 149-168). PDF 1044KB

Dube, Emily R. Tebbs

"Managing the financial resources of a family: An Adventist perspective" (No. 158-93; 12CC: 67-86). PDF

Dube, Obed

"Interfacing justice and mercy: A biblical model for the Christian campus" (33CC: 61-76). PDF

Dudley, Roger

"Understanding spiritual development and faith experience of college and university students on Adventist campuses" (33CC: 441-446). PDF

"L'éducation chrétienne et la jeunesse l'Eglise adventiste du septème jour: Résultats de dix ans de recherches" (35B/CC: 99-104). PDF 1167KB

Dudley, Roger L. and Edwin I. Hernández

"Citizens of two worlds: Adventists and social responsibility" (8CC: 103-106). PDF

Dulan, C. Garland

"Teaching sociology: A biblical-Christian approach" (No. 372-99; 24CC: 097-115). PDF

"Le ministère de l'éducation adventiste: Contributions hors de la salle de classe" (35B/CC: 105-110). PDF 1536KB

Dunbebin, Clarence

"Le dirigeant-serviteur: Un modèle de bonne administration" (35B/CC: 111-116). PDF 773KB

"Servant-leadership: A new paradigm for successful administration" (33CC: 447-452). PDF

Durán Royo, Noemí

"Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de los orígenes en las iglesias y en las escuelas adventistas" (39CC: 117-136). PDF 1822KB

Durrant, Laurice

"Teaching a research course from a Christian perspective" (No. 044-88; 1CC: 47-64). PDF

Dybdahl, Jon L.

"Enseigner la grâce" (22CC: 97-102). PDF

"Teaching students about grace" (12CC: 337-342). PDF

Dyman, Victor

"Training Adventist ministers through the seminary extension program: The Euro-Asia Division as a case study" (No. 273-96; 18CC:19-38). PDF

Dysinger, John

"Strategies for integrating Christian theory and practice" (No. 089-90; 6CC: 063-081). PDF

Dzul Trejo, Jorge

"La integración de la mayordomía cristiana en la experiencia académica de universitarios adventistas" (32CC: 101-122). PDF

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